#oc tag: reaching for caged starlight
skybristle · 2 months
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I DID IT. I FUCKING DID IT. im genuinely so proud of this its crazy. please please please give it your time this was a monumental effort!!!!
if anything in here intrigues you.... or you'd like to know the meaning/my thoughts.... my askbox is open :3
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arsonstick · 4 months
fuck it we post
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please dont let this flop 🙏 🙏
characters by @skybristle
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skybristle · 1 month
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LAST BH REF. IM FREEEEE. insert why the long face joke
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skybristle · 6 months
my local group is done!!! short descriptions r below cut!!!! im so so excited guys omg. please ask abt them [also pls rb this took ages and im rlly proud of them!] toyhouse link here that also has full individual images!!! point out ur faves! im so excited to present them to you all [please like them please like them please l- /lh]
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without further ado, here we go! in seniority [and image] order
Plunging Flows of Ash [PFA] - he/him [woman!!] He’s definitely winning his senior of the cycle award! He’s been pretty depressed and poorly functioning from the jump, but would often rely on his partner, Sparks, for help and support. When she’s in her darkest hour, and his privileges as senior are needed, he consistently fails to deliver despite her constant aid in return… and after the mass ascension, he just falls off the face of the earth, sleeping through his own depression even as his dysfunctional group desperately needs him. The catalyst for everything- as he fractured his group in two with his actions and fails to rise to their needs, and he has a chronic inability to accept his own wrongdoings and the fact things have changed. Associated Slugcat: The Colorburst Countless Swirling Sparks [CSS] - she/any Well known among iterators for her many, many methods of iteration and other inventions, Sparks was built with an unusually large [and haphazard] structure that she uses to its full advantage. Always with countless screens pulled up around her, always on some project, eating up her own escapism. She was failed by her creators long ago, but is so desperate to see her fellow iterators happy she keeps pushing on. In lieu of Ash, she has risen to a faux senior status - though lacking any powers to enforce her position. Only about half of the group [Ochre, Chimes, and Aurora] answer to her with any respect of authority- she has not been able to reach the others. Her resentment for her situation with her former lover is festering, and may explode violently once things go awry… Associated Slugcat: The Brainiac
Erupting Maw [EM] - she/her She’s fucking crazy!!! Worshiped as a god by her colony, she has not coped with their loss well. Originally seeking to replace the void left by their departure, she created purposed organisms to inhabit her city and later her can… but watching them rip eachother apart was simply so much more cathartic. She has full control! Her ego and disdain for other iterators as lowly in comparison only grows. Over the cycles, her can has become notorious for having some of the most deadly creatures. She’s an expert of bioengineering… but is the danger in seeking her aid worth it? Associated Slugcat: The Gladiator
Budding Ochre Opportunities [BOO] - she/flor Based on solarpunk aesthetics, flors city and can truly is a delight! With a colony full of roof gardens and brilliant colors, she herself has taken to turning her puppet chamber into a garden. Kind and compassionate, though cutting and assertive, she has made peace with her situation as an iterator and is just trying to live a good life. As flor adds to flors collection, she doesn’t consider any of it may posit a danger to her structure. But she would be at peace with that, too, if it were to occur. The only question is if those who care about her, such as her dearest Chimes, would be. Associated Slugcat: The Recon
Resonant Chimes [RC] - he/him He’s really just chilling, hanging out. No secret problems here, no deep-seated depression over the loss of his colony that he hangs onto, no karma flowers being poured into his puppet coolant just to feel something, none of that! Collecting music, friends with slugcats and scavs alike, having a good time. He’s surprisingly intelligent and has his morals more sorted than just about anyone here, but he’s held back by general apathy and his losses. Maybe, so many cycles detached from their creators, he won’t have to worry about losing anyone again. As long as he drinks the tea, he doesn’t have to think about it, and can pull himself closer to those below who left him. Associated Slugcat: The Gardener
Reaching for Caged Starlight [RCS] - she/it/ast Frustrated endlessly, as most iterators are, by being locked in a box, she’s determined to put an end to this. Not by ascension, though. She’s determined to free them from their cans- allow an escape from this maze. Ast wants to remove the puppet from the umbilical, in a manner where they don’t lose themself completely. Much easier said than done! Its undoing, however, is its cautious and methodical nature. She is too light on her feet to simply dare and cut the wire, let alone having the experience to snap the mechanical arm entrapping her. But, she has all the time in the world, and she will one day see the stars they made her mocking name after. They’ll all see. Ast will get there, by any cost necessary, even if her fellow iterators are disposable to this goal. Associated Slugcat: The Seamstress
A Glittering Aurora [AGA] - she/he Need some gossip? He’s your guy, all right! She burns her endless time away on global chats, basking in the amusement and the knowledge. A bit of a nuisance to her own local group, as she simply can not keep a secret, but… what happens when technology degrades, the message board is silent, he no longer can block out his circumstances,,, and the drama reaches a bit too close to home? Associated Slugcat: The Copycat Wandering Whispers [WW] - they/them A very quiet, lonely iterator, Whispers strays to themself. Only allowed to speak to their fellow iterators for shipments, or, occasionally, their senior for guidance, there were few connections for them besides to the one who vanished off the face of the earth. With their personality thoroughly destroyed by the iron fist of their colony, they simply… quietly observe. But they may hear something they’re not supposed to, and, desperate for a replacement for their mentor, lead themself astray. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and they will glimpse the void in the end and take the plunge. Associated Slugcat: The Mercy
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skybristle · 3 months
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this is so stupid it took way too long. off string i love you..... figured out what to do w/ whispers and cant get them out of my head
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skybristle · 6 months
TEENY TINY. if tumblr blows up these images im gonna be so fucking mad
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skybristle · 5 months
rbs > likes !!
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skybristle · 6 months
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silly chibified refs for bending horizons. i want simplified designs both since i have a lot of plans and even I have limited patience with my designs but also !!! so i dont feel bad when people set abotu drawing them!!! [you may draw them i will kiss you on the mouth. and i may revenge you :3]. more information abt each of them is in my main post
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skybristle · 4 days
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idea shamelessly stolen from @localceilingdevil because biblically accurate iterators r immensely entertaining to me. i did this once before but it sucked/was just an identical base
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i should have drawn this without antialiasing im still mad i only realiized halfway thruuuuuu
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skybristle · 4 months
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trying out digitizing my doodles since ppl r allergic to reblogging traditional art on this site. shrugs
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skybristle · 2 months
i might just commit to making her snooted. i've like... put Some thought into the ancients and political structure/internal mistrust of bending horizons and part of that is she is Not built by people local to the area/with the same style of iterator. so. shrugs.
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skybristle · 5 months
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updated map and relationship chart[s] for bh
*note: I kinda fucked up the purple lines. the arrow points to the mentor/authority rather than the other way around. oops
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skybristle · 6 months
Someone somewhere is evil, why, how
Was it maw?? Idk I got bad memory
I will be watching
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I hesitate to call anyone evil because they all just kinda have their own crazy interlocking mental illnesses that drive them to do terrible things to and with eachother. that said. YEAH MAW IS. I could argue Starlight is the main perpetrator becayse maw wouldn't have hurt another iterator without her influence butttt you asked about maw so I will respond.
maw, even for an iterator, has a hell of a God complex going on. immense greed and solitude driving her to maintain the cult of her colony. she was actually a very generous god, if ruthless, but Hella xenophobic to both other iterators whom she considered lowly in comparison to her divine splendor and also anyone trying to immigrate into her colony as it upsets her sense of control.
this is. uhm. kind of a problem since around when she's built is when the great equalizer really hits full force and ancient kind is scrambling for any space avaliable. ash is a clusterfuck ATM, sparks is full, and maw has used her puppet admin to close immigration. and their group is fairly isolated. so. like. yikes ! they start scrambling for space on sparks and keep building on top of her, and at some point have to expand horizontally and extend her structure. sounds cool! except when you consider theyre doing the construction while she's fully awake, the extra processing power is overclocking and overstimulating the shit out of her, all while she's trying to tend to a mega colony. it's fucking hell and she begs ash to do something to get maw to share the burden, anything to make it stop. and. hold on I wrote a broadcast abt this
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so maw basically says "L get fucked" because she refuses to submit to lower gods who can't even control their people. this kind of is the root of all of sparks trauma and hrr eventual actions against her and ash but this is abt maw.
after mass ascension... she kinda has a crisis because. no worshippers! so naturally she creates purposed organisms to inhabit her can. however it eventually goes arwy and they start ripping eachother apart. and maw just finds this cathartic and is like 'oh really? let me show you real carnage' and just keeps bioengineering more insane shit. in her own little bubble ignoring everyone 'below her' for a very long time. hypocritically she also fucking hates sparks soo much for her false seniority and her superior power [from the expansion maw directly caused....] and other things but. that doesn't really matter until later and sparks is terrified of her so they don't interact.
this is a side point but the gladiator campaign happens somewhere around here. Hella busted slugcat in her brutal can who must impress her to escape. they end up 'fightinf' her [trying to survive her boss fight long enough] and they're the one to bite and break her antenna LOL
until.... overseers of pale pink manage to squeeze through her can, and, eventually, Starlight reaches her and speaks of her [and whispers] work to get them off the string. u see maw wouldn't care but both of them are soo vulnerable and just ripe for the taking! and God is she desperate to fufill her complex. they mainly want her help for the ability to bioengineering to break iterator internals, most primarily the arm to free the puppet. so maw makes them kneel and beg for divine aid [or starlight anyways. yes it is as homoerotic as you imagine]. they kind of drive whispers away and just loop into eachothers worst desires. driving starlight deeper into her irrational and desperate impulses and maw deeper into violence and wrath rather than godlike benevolence. maw basically loaded starlights gun and gave her threats to remove herself from her structure credence.
so eventually they turn on whispers, who's fallen out of use to them and is already growing more fearful and growing wise. the final catalyst is them spotting colorburst being sent to ash as an attempt to wake him and invoke his seniority to stop them by whispers.
maw sends the purposed organisms she designed to whispers can and they rip their puppet free. against their will. but they get the chance for one final scream, an emergency broadcast that becomes complete pandemonium for their group...
anddd I'll cut it there. more questions r welcome but this post is getting Hella long
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skybristle · 6 months
mutual @/copepods drew their silly guy canon accurate and i was Tranfixed. God they're so stupid looking
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skybristle · 6 months
oughfhhdhd..... messing with Actually Simplifying my designs since i really wanna try more animation stuff but realized WOAH even a shitposty thing like from the other day took SO LONG and that wasn't even properly done. also inspired by @druidshollow because i was looking at his animation stuff [incredibly swag] [also sorry for the mention again if they annoy you lmk] and was like Oh maybe Not Drawing All That Detail is the key <- stupid
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skybristle · 6 months
Few questions about your iterators
1. Are they close to each other or far apart, if both, who is the furthest and who is the closest
2. What does each iterator’s regions look like
3. Favorite creature 
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finally motivated me to throw together a map LOL!! kind of answers 1 and two. i havent put much thought into regions its just not something that personally interests me that much. i imagine theyre a bit south of the canon local group - probably a warmer climate.
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specifically i know that theres a lot of scavs and a scug colony by chimes! i snuck a TON of little lore tidbits on this map hehe. the arrows are all scug campaigns mostly.
3: jesus this took so long to draw HDSLKJFLKDS it was fun but maybe narrow it down to specific characters more next time
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