#oc: nadi sinclair
simplegenius042 · 17 days
Late OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes, Ships as Tarot Cards, and 15 Lines or Less Tag
Tagged by @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @inafieldofdaisies @voidika @direwombat and @g0dspeeed
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @softtidesworld @strafethesesinners @strangefable @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @corvosattano @cassietrn @derelictheretic @shellibisshe @florbelles @cloudofbutterflies92 @starsandskies @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @afarcryfrommymain @megraen @turbo-virgins @minilev @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @titiagls @thewanderer-000 @snake-in-the-garden @purplehairsecretlair @chazz-anova @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @skoll-sun-eater @yokobai @bitchofedensgate @deputyash @ec-10 @foofygoldfish @gaeadene @henbased @vampireninjabunnies-blog and @trashcatsnark
You can find the OCs as Horror Themes/Tropes quiz here and the Ships as Tarot Cards quiz here. One OC for the first quiz, Two Ships for the second quiz, and three OCs for five lines each for the 15. The results and lines are below the cut:
DISCORD, THE MAD KIN OF CARNAGE (A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore and the Unnamed Original Works Trilogy)
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Discord was a second-generation reality bender (or more commonly known as "Kin"), and one of the most devastatingly powerful as well. His very presence was capable of reverting anything and everything around him back to its basic essential form/s (until it became rusted, rotten, and/or dust and eventually nothing at all). Had technically been killed during the Extermination Purge War, however, Arcane Urias' Chapter of the Occult, a group of warlocks, liches and dark magic users that aimed to preserve ancient magic (regardless if it was forbidden or destructive) and bring back the Old Kin (which mostly consist of the extinct first, second and third generations, as well as some fourth) to rule over the Multiverse once again, had found a way to bring back Discord, in a universe where Earth had been ravaged by nuclear war. NOTE: This result kind of describes how Discord's second death more-or-less is like.
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While Nadi and John have this "loyally serving the other while yearning for each others love but beating around the bush due to bad timings and stuff and still caring and possessive of the other to an obsessively unhealthy degree"... I will have to say that Nadi's affection isn't John's only priority; Joseph and his family plus the project is John's focus and is probably what he would choose over Nadi. Nadi though views John as the person who gave her something to believe in again, to put her skill and faith in (especially after losing faith in the military and governments after the events of Call To Arms), so to her, Eden's Gate' faith is personified by John. But if either lose each one another, it will greatly impact the other's life.
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Ah yes, another main LGBTQ+ couple I made to add to my collection alongside Sonya and Jennifer. Haoyu (Non-Binary, 25) and Icarus (Male, 23) fit each other well. At first both thought the other was a jerk. However, both got to know each other, related about their experiences with distant, long-lost and/or found family (Haoyu with their father, mother and Monika plus the Literature Club, and Icarus with his parents, siblings, alters and the Dupain-Cheng Family), coming to terms with their personal lives (Haoyu with their ability to open portals and travel through reality breaches, and Icarus plus his alters with the ability to switch dimensions with this magic fungus dude named Hatter whom one of the alters had eaten inadvertently on a dare), as well as near-death experiences (Haoyu with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, and Icarus with Evermond Scowlzka trying to dissect him and his alters to get Hatter) plus their encounters with Sir Enigma Malvolio (Haoyu is Malvolio's foil and therefore targeted as a rival, and Icarus, while never meeting Malvolio until much later, had seen the aftereffects of Malvolio putting the essence of the Court King into a close friend of his, Marinette Dupain-Cheng). They also manage to work through each other's flaws; Icarus was reserved and arrogant but self-sacrificing (hence the requirement for his alters, Hatsukami Hinode and Xavier Tulip), and Haoyu was bold and selfish yet unambitious. Icarus teaches Haoyu how to be driven, pointing them towards a goal beneficial to not only them, but everyone, while Haoyu taught Icarus how to listen and take care of himself more, as well as be open-minded. Wherever they end up after the fight with the Ruins of the Midnight Rise, know that they're both at least together.
Calvin Darling (The Perfect Storm saga)
"Ah, back in this shit again?" He grumbles, getting up.
"Haven't you learned by now? "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall"," Calvin quoted, "Try to checkmate that, you pompous dick."
"I need a drink," Calvin pauses, reminding himself of another task, "But first I shall pray."
"Mario! I'm a cartoonist, not a mechanic."
"...I'm simultaneously impressed by how smart you can be but also disappointed in how stupid you are."
Rick Thompson (The Omniscience Rule saga and The Ender saga)
6. "I don't remember hunting down clowns to be part of the initiative...?" 7. "My dream came true Ma... I am IN a Musical." 8. "Ms Darling, if I may compliment outside of regulations, you're stunning beauty is increased tenfold by the stellar addition of grime and demons blood." 9. "I may be an agent, but I'm no where near professional." 10. "Ian Graveheart is the kind of man Pa described as the worst combination you can give a loaded weapon without safety on... legs and batshit insanity."
Urijah Calaghan (The UnTitled Stories (from The Omniscience Rule saga) and The UnTitled Ventures saga)
11. "You don't matter. Nothing matters. Nothing except this mission." 12. "How cruel are our lives where we must live out a path hostile to our treading feet as the unknown entities above and beyond mock and degrade us? And what fate awaits us then? Release? Freedom? Death? A second round for your soul to enter the world again and go right back into the cosmic mechanism that grinds us down again and again and again like a broken carousel? Or a decrepit record stuck spinning on the same tune? But that's only if you're lucky enough to die." 13. "My mission is to release us, painlessly and mercifully, from the one who holds onto us; the Hand at Fate's Table, one abhorrently callous and cruel enough to take pleasure in the suffering he puts us through." 14. "You must find this tiring. For a man to commit himself against an endless stream of challenges for what is ultimately a short speck of time in our universes must come at a great unnecessary cost to your body. Do you not wish to rest, Joaquin? Wouldn't it be best to live the final minutes of your life resting? Taking a moment to hold your family one last time before our Peace?" Urijah softly questioned. 15. "That doesn't matter," Urijah softly breathes out with a smile, hot air colliding against the cold breeze as the countdown reaches its conclusion.
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daylightrpg-blog1 · 6 years
Audición: Delilah Sinclair (Elle Fanning)
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¡Delilah! Nos complace informarte que tu estancia en el campamento ha sido aceptada este nuevo año. Estamos alegres de que los incidentes pasados no sean un impedimento para volver, y esperamos que estés lista para un merecido reencuentro y muchas actividades por disfrutar. No olvides dirigirte hasta la cabaña principal para poder asignarte el sitio que será tu nuevo hogar. ¡No estaremos viendo!
– Encargados de Daylight.
Me sorprende que estés de vuelta luego de lo sucedido, cuida tus secretos y cada paso que des… ¿Estás lista para comenzar el juego? – SB.
¡Buen día, Katja! Tu audición ha sido aceptada, agradecemos inmensamente por el interés hacia el proyecto. Esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
Nombre o seudónimo: Katja
Edad: 20
País y zona horaria: Chile y idk segun google UTC-3
Tiempo de disponibilidad para el roleplay: Tengo mucho tiempo libre y disponibilidad <3
¿Toleras y/o escribes contenido +18?: yup.
¿Tienes algún trigger?: Violaciones, torturas hevy metal hardcores y el smut sin read more.
Contraseña: removido.
Nombre del personaje: Delilah Sinclair
Edad: 18
Faceclaim: Elle Fanning
¿Cómo/cuál era su relación con Sally?: No eran mejores amigas, quizá ni siquiera eran amigas, pero Sally siempre fue muy dulce con ella, no se burlaba de sus comentarios extraños ni le hacía sentirse tonta, razón suficiente para que Lilah le mirara con cariño y admiración.
¿Cuántos años llevaba asistiendo al campamento?: Asiste desde los que tuvo edad suficiente, so 3.
( ✓ ) rasgos positivos de su personalidad: Extrovertida, creativa, alegre, paciente. ( ✕ ) rasgos negativos de su personalidad: Pesimista, cobarde, dispersa, excéntrica.
UNO Todo el que haya cruzado palabra con Delilah sabe que es un tanto peculiar, le costará procesar lo que dices y si alguna vez te ignora no será a propósito pero eso es lo que pasa si cambias las aspirinas por drogas, ese fue su método de escape, lo sigue siendo y es que crecer en la casa de los Sinclair no fue fácil. Al ser la menor y única hija del matrimonio, debe ser perfecta, una niña educada, refinada y delicada, tal y como lo es su madre. La rubia simplemente no lo soporta, sus hermanos pueden hacer lo que quieran pero ella, oh ella debe ser una dama.
DOS Las memorias en su frito cerebro le dicen que vio el campamento por televisión e insistió una semana completa para que sus padres le permitieran asistir, claro que eso sucedió solo cuando uno de sus hermanos* se ofreció a acompañarle, para su suerte era el hermano que menos odiaba así que no le dio demasiada importancia con tal de ir. Ese verano fue el mejor de su vida, no porque conociera gente ni por las cosas que hicieron si no porque por fin tenía un lugar en el que nadie le pedía que fuera perfecta, tenía la libertad que una niña de 12 años puede tener lejos de sus padres, el campamento se volvió su lugar seguro, el acontecimiento que esperaría un año completo marcando los días de ser necesario.
TRES Fue en su adolescencia que conoció chicas tan imperfectas como ella, rápidamente se hicieron amigas y fue el inicio de su caída, aquel año todo el mundo notaria el cambio de la linda y dulce Delilah a la chica que puedes ver hoy en día, una chica que vive perdida en su mente, que se ríe fuerte cuando nadie ha dicho nada y que puede pasar horas sentada mirando una pared. Todo esto por aquellas escapadas con sus amigas a los barrios más bajos de la ciudad. Colarse a un bar era fácil si el vestido era corto, tener alcohol gratis si se le acercaba a un hombre mayor ¿Que le podían poner algo en la bebida? ¡Mejor para ella! Así le quedaba para después. Pero en su casa seguía siendo una señorita, ya no se quejaba, las peleas con sus hermanos eran cosas del pasado, una aspirina para Lilah y todo mejoraba.
CUATRO Después del «suceso» como lo llama, ya que no se atreve a pronunciar las palabras, algo dentro de si colapsó. Ya no tenía un lugar seguro, ya nada se sentía bien, no era feliz en casa, no era feliz en la secundaria, en ningún lugar se sentía a salvo. Había una oscuridad detrás de ella que le era imposible no sentir miedo, lo único que ayudaba que su mente parase de pensar eran sus pastillitas mágicas, pero cada vez necesitaba más, de otros colores, diferentes formas ¿Viene en polvo? No hay problema. Esto resultó en que sus padres se dieran cuenta de su extraño comportamiento tomando cartas en el asunto. A terapia le mandaron, a rehabilitación también, tres años después y Delilah comienza nuevamente a ser una persona, con secuelas claro, pero ya no es el manojo de nervios que no soportaba estar sola.
Secreto: removido.
*Si alguien quiere traer al hermano le amaría hasta el fin del mundo <333 si no hacemos como que solo fue un año.
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
A very late WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @g0dspeeed @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @cassietrn
Tagging @strangefable @carlosoliveiraa @shallow-gravy @minilev @wrathfulrook @josephslittledeputy @nightbloodbix @derelictheretic @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @inafieldofdaisies @ec-10 @ladyoriza @vampireninjabunnies-blog @voidika @onehornedbeast @thewanderer-000 @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @corvosattano @henbased @neverthesameneveranother @chazz-anova and @strafethesesinners
Here are three WIPs, each from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore and Life, Despair & Monsters. Read below the cut.
TW: Harsh and heavy cursing, mentioned/implied character and general death of NPCs (either it be a time loop or a cybernetic homicidal monster around nine or ten feet tall and very pissed off). Implied mentioned sexual content, mentions of abuse and fantastical racism (against ghouls, Jericho leave Gob alone!). Mentioned prostitution and fantasies of murder (illegal but understandable).
First WIP is for the time loop/"Groundhog Day" FC5 AU fic called You're Almost Like Family where the Seeds are stuck in a, well, time loop. And whenever Silva (or the Seeds themselves) die, well, the days are reset. Funniest part is, none of the Seeds know that they are all in a loop, just their individual selves. Snippet below:
[John] slammed the entrance to his chalet shut, causing the blonde figure sorting his papers in his lounge to jump. The documents slipped out of her hands as she stood up with a hand to a holster, only to calm down when she realized it was him.
Noticing that the reports laid scattered on the floor, Nadi gave him a stink eye, gesturing to the papers.
John would have been apologetic if he simply didn't have time for this. Ironic given the predicament he was stuck in.
Sooner or later, the Deputy is going to end up dead, and he'll be back at square one... again.
The thought reignited his frustration, but he reigned in enough to examine his number two.
Nadi was a loyal member of the project, more faithful than Jacob's hound, and while they did butt heads sometimes, he was grateful for her presence and for her strategic input. Admittedly, John knew that without her, the Deputy would have gotten to him sooner rather than later.
I would have preferred not to have to had died to appreciate it.
"Once you finish with those, come meet me upstairs in my bedroom. There's something I need to discuss with you," John ordered smoothly, making his way to the stairs.
He didn't notice the confusion etched on the blonde's face, for John was already making his way up the stairs to his room.
It's times like these I wish I could have a shot of tequila, he thought to himself, walking over to the open bedroom window and closing it shut, pulling the lock down.
Next, he grabbed a torch light and shined it at the closet. Hearing nothing, he walked towards it and opened the doors. Empty.
Finally, John turned off his torch, knelt down, and swiftly rolled it harshly under the bed. Hearing no grunts, he looked under.
She's not under there... good.
John exhaled a huff of air, and sat on the edge of his bed as he put his hands over his face.
It was exhausting. Though John knew by the end of today, or the next two if he was lucky, the Deputy would be killed by something or another and he would be back at square one, he really needed to figure out how to reach out to her, without being shot.
Going to her too early leaves her shooting first and questioning the morality of it never, and trying to go to her late only ends up with her being killed by whoever it is she seems to have evoked the wrath of. Not that he thinks she doesn't entirely deserve it.
He needed guidance, and from his last conversation with Joseph, his brother seemed content with sitting by and letting God do his work.
And he tried. To wait it out. To let God do His work. But if the sign that John seemed to be getting was that leaving the Deputy to her own accord only leads to her death, and back to the morning of Joseph's arrest.
And it wasn't like Jacob, or worse, Faith, were going to be helpful.
John had figured out quickly that his intervention was needed for the Deputy to even get through another day. And while the Father may not have understood what he told him, John deduced that this was a test from God.
A test against his sloth. A test towards his patience. A test meant to prove that John was worthy of entering Eden. And what better way than to save the life and soul of another? Especially one as sinful and wrathful as the Deputy?
Which is why he waits for the only other faithful member of the project, his trustworthy second-in-command.
A knock on the door shifted his thoughts to the matter at hand, and he made his way to the door.
Opening it, Nadi stood there, the blond looking at him with expecting brown eyes.
John pulled her inside, earning a yelp from the young woman, and closed the door behind her.
Here's a WIP for a collection of short fics from different character perspectives throughout my Fallout fic series A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore. It is still under heavy editing, but I've got a good grasp on where to take it. Snippet below:
In the five of the twenty four hours she's been awake, Nova had expected more-or-less the same day as before.
Walking around and offering her body to anyone who came into the saloon had not been a life she pictured for herself as a little girl, but it was one that paid well.
Well, it would have been if Moriarty didn't continue to take a cut of her and Gob's pay any time a customer gave them a generous donation.
That and the amount of times Moriarty had utilized her services with no intention of paying her, but she supposed it was a better alternative to being kicked out of Megaton. Given Moriarty still had that power.
She drew in the smoke from her cigarette, and surveyed from her post as Gob gave another orange bottle of whiskey to Jericho, the ex-raider sneering at the ghoul, his disgust evident all over his face.
Thankfully he didn't make a scene, slamming the small bag of caps on the counter as he left through the door.
Gob stared at the bag, string noose tied tightly around the bag, not immediately grabbing it. Nova could take a guess that Gob was lamenting over the debts that he owed Moriarty. Debts both the prostitute and the ghoul bartender wordlessly knew their boss was unlikely to pay.
Gob snapped out of it though, giving a miserable sigh, and dragging the bag away from the counter for Moriarty to pocket later, turning his attention to the damn radio that never seemed to play at the right time.
It pained Nova to see Gob like this. He was a real sweetheart with shitty luck, and she knew that the only upsides in his life were the hope of one day paying off his debts, however unlikely that was, and the Gravity News Radio host screaming out "fighting the good fight", whatever that entailed.
She was also painfully well aware of his crush on her.
Though she never had minded his appearance to the point she'd hang out with him in public, given how much she knows the ghoul is actually a decent guy, she had her limits, which was rare given her current standing under Moriarty.
She hoped he could find some semblance of happiness, whether that be with a person or a life long after Moriarty was rotting in the ground. But it wouldn't be with her.
If things were different though...
Nova looked away from Gob, shaking the thought away. It didn't matter on the what ifs, right now she had a job to perform.
She could ponder a different time.
Just as Gob began to smack the radio, a risky action given Moriarty's repeated threats on treating his property harshly, the saloon door creaked open, and Nova spotted two teens enter. One male, the other female. Both wearing what appeared to be blue jumpsuits with the numbers "101" imprinted in yellow on their backs.
Nova eyed them both. The young man was of average build, short auburn hair cut neatly with a few strands springing out from the harshness of the wasteland most likely, and light brown eyes on the lookout for anyone and anything.
The young woman on the other hand had dark hair tied in a pony tail, was a little chubbier than her counterpart, and her hazel eyes were more focused, trying to narrow down a specific person.
They glanced back to the door, whispering amongst themselves, though not too quiet that she couldn't catch their words.
Amongst the harsh gravel Gob spat out at the poor radio, and the chatter amongst the patrons, Nova could decipher the words "here" "back outside" and "think she'll stay?" in hushed voices.
And finally Jennifer putting murder on her mind to the back burner as she remembers to drop, duck and cover my WIP of Sonya's Push. Snippet below:
Breathing heavily as she pushed her way through the audience as they gazed upon the newest arena fight between beasties, the bruises formed from her fight with Malvolio's bitch protesting against her movements.
The blonde looked back to the closed elevator door on the other side, paranoid that Malvolio's Beastie would burst through at any moment.
The speed of it had been abnormal, disappearing in a blink and being nothing more than a flicker of movement when it had slid down to the hall. The movement of its tail daggers swift and deadly, like her own claws. The red in its one eye, more robotic than flesh.
Why had Dicko approved such a thing? It barely counted as a beastie with the mass of metal it was made of! Jennifer huffed, and around the arena, looking pass the patrons in search of Dicko.
Her blue eyes spotted the Englishman on a lower circle, himself seated down on his VIP sofa that she once shared with him, disheveled but celebrating his escape with a glass of disgusting champagne, like the pig hadn't just left her to die to that one-eyed mech of a beast. As if the reason it was free in the first place wasn't because he allowed his creep of a "buddy" onto his premises, or the fact Sir Enigma might be a fucking alien in addition to a Darwinist with no care for the fact "handing control" did not mean "releasing the Beastie from its brainwashing bullshit".
She felt the razor claws pushing through her fingertips as she glared at the man from across the arena, anger and betrayal clouding her mind.
Those fantasies of killing him while in his bed resurfaced, and she oh so wanted to enact them now, with the sofa as an acceptable exception.
She wanted to get her claws through his throat before the Beastie could make its way down to the arena. She tried to move pass the cheering audience, making her way around to the other side to get to the stairs.
However much she tried though, a block of people just refused to move aside, and she was tempted to slice her way through if it weren't for the guards.
...Or the faint noise of the elevator door that echoed throughout the arena, deaf to everyone but her.
Frozen in place as she looked back, trying to get a glimpse of the beast that would no doubt tear them apart.
She pushed people aside to get a solid look. Enough people disbanded to show the doors opening to reveal the empty box of the elevator.
Jennifer's face scrunched in confusion, mouth gaping open and shut, lips stinging as the cut on her upper lip made contact with her bottom one. She desperately searched for any sign of the beast, the monster made of steel, the relentless creature that stalked and hunted her not moments ago.
Upon still seeing nothing, she let out a mirthless laugh as she turned her back to the elevator, shaking her head as she focused her attention on Dicko once more, the man a ring below talking with one of his guards.
It was with this focus that she noticed a... shift on the stone barriers that kept the audience at bay.
Large spots on the stone cracked, small dusts of powder dropping down as an unseen pressure was placed on the stone. She saw more of this dust from the next ring up, and then the next, and the next.
Up and up and further up until it stopped at the final ring. Then dust slowly dropped down from the roof, unbeknownst to the audience too invested on the violence happening between the two wild beasties below them. Not that the fight between those Beasties were anything special unlike what she saw from her hunter mere hours ago.
Jennifer felt some familiarity with this, words exchanged to her by the madman who released the Apex from its prison, a far too fond explanation on how the creature could "rush so fast it would be merely a flicker to the human eye!"
"...Or match its environment to disappear right before you," Malvolio explained, grinning at her with all his teeth.
Jennifer's eyes widened as she barely registered the outline of the beast that had adjusted its steel to uncloak itself while hanging from dark and dank ceiling. Red optic looking down to the cheers in the rings and the Beasties fighting under it.
She saw the tail split in three, and immediately followed her gut by making distance from the open space of the barriers.
She had just dropped flat onto the floor to curl up and cover her head when the she heard the wind and patron's necks crack in one simultaneous whoosh.
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simplegenius042 · 3 months
Music Monday
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @strangefable @direwombat @derelictheretic @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @nightbloodbix @cassietrn @chazz-anova @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @deputyash @dephellseed @deputy-morgan-malone @trashcatsnark @voidika @vampireninjabunnies-blog @onehornedbeast @minilev @fourlittleseedlings @florbelles @corvosattano @afarcryfrommymain @skoll-sun-eater @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @wrathfulrook @titiagls @inafieldofdaisies @megraen @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @thewanderer-000 @cloudofbutterflies92 and @i-am-the-balancing-point
Three songs for Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore and Life, Despair & Monsters. Also the last song is a song from Season 1 of Hazbin Hotel, which I'm aware isn't fully out yet, so maybe SPOILERS! Avoid the last song if you care enough. Music below:
Nadi Sinclair, a sharpshooter amongst Task Force 141, is forced to go on the run with Soap and Price in the Call To Arms duology after killing Shepard and try their darnedest to put an end to Makarov once and for all (therefore running with the metaphorical wolves after the ultranationalist leader). Though alternatively, this could be after Call To Arms, where she joins up with the Project at Eden's Gate under Alexander Khaos and Jacob Seed's tutelage, where, she literally and figuratively runs with the wolves, away from society's expectations, technology and whatnot. Song below:
"Trick or treat, what would it be? I walk alone, I'm everything My ears can hear and my mouth can speak My spirit talks, I know my soul believes
But we're running out of time (Time, oh) All the echoes in my mind cry There's blood on your lies The sky's open wide There is nowhere for you to hide The hunter's moon is shining
I'm running with the wolves tonight I'm running with the wolves I'm running with the wolves tonight I'm running with the wolves I'm running with the wolves tonight I'm running with the wolves I'm running with the wolves tonight I'm running with the wolves
A gift, a curse, they track and hurt Say can your dream, in nightmares seems A million voices silent screams Where hope is left so incomplete."
"cardigan" is a specific song that makes me think of Ortega "Ore" Brantley's final moments in The House Always On Top, as he stands in a dam that has an active nuclear warhead nearby, injured beyond belief, with one of his father's most dangerous spellcasters, Aggravor, keeping him in one place with nothing more than one hand touching his back, a fatal touch that would soon kill him whenever Aggravor chooses. And Ore reflects with what little time he has left on his loved ones, his companions, friends, family, mother, sister, the innocents killed by Urias under his watch, even the recent loss of Ryder, the Courier's presence being the cause of why he came to Hoover Dam in the first place if only because he saw a slim chance she survived and had to jump to it before it was too late. He thinks over his regret of not killing his father sooner, of being too late to save others, but also his accomplishments, over the fact his sister, and both of their students, had survived, and Ress had evolved far from the arrogant and immaturely entitled girl she started off as. And with that, when Ress finally enters the room, he makes sure to look upon her with pride, and knowing she won't be needing him anymore, verbally passes the torch to her. He has full confidence that she will end their father's blight even when Aggravor ends his life. This song can also be towards Ress as she loses her big brother, the one constant support in her life, the one person never willing to give up on her no matter how much of an ass she made of herself, the one person she thought she would walk the Earth with forever and ever due to their ageless immortality, so she would never be alone. Her big brother who took the roles of teacher, friend and father all in one, always there to guide and support her want for freedom (unlike Urias, who would have used her as a pawn), always there to say "I'll take it from here" whenever she messed up, whenever she needed help fighting. Which must be why Ore's last words, though reassuring, had hurt so much as well. Song below:
"To kiss in cars and downtown bars Was all we needed You drew stars around my scars But now I'm bleeding Cause I knew you stepping on the last train Marked me like a bloodstain, I, I knew you Tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy I, I knew you Leaving like a father, running like water When you are young they assume you know nothing But I knew you'd linger, like a tattoo kiss I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs The smell of smoke would hang around this long Cause I knew everything when I was young I knew I'd curse you for the longest time Chasing shadows in the grocery line I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired And you'd be standing in my front porch light And I knew you'd come back to me You'd come back to me. And you'd come back to me. And you'd come back."
In The Thorned Crown of Iron Thrones, much like canon, Aegon II Targaryen isn't a good brother, nor is he a first son to be proud of (as evident by his father's absolute indifference with him and his mother's disappointment), even less a candidate to be a king of all things (sometimes he was thankful it was his half-sister who would sit the Iron Throne, though he knew that meant him and his younger siblings would be put to the sword, which was the only downside). He knew this to be true, everyone knew, even his own grandsire recognized more potential in Aemond even after his younger brother lost his eye. After the funeral of their older cousin Laena, after Aemond lost an eye to their half-sister's children for claiming a dragon which their deceased cousin had ridden on, after the arguments and screaming between everyone on both sides, for justice, for blood, for punishment, for some shred of care from the man who conceived them. And especially after hearing Corvus, the only older sibling that treated Aegon, his brothers, his sister, and his mother with more decency and kindness than their apathetic father and scornful half-sister (despite Corvus conviction to continue helping his adopted sister keep her claim), break down when father revealed the most damning and life-shattering secret about his "adopted" son (thanks Dad), Aegon couldn't handle it. Couldn't handle the shame, disappointment and hopelessness of the situation, so that night, he ran off. He ended up running off into Driftmark's woods, hoping that, maybe if he disappeared, everything would get better, that his half-sister that his father doted on more than Aegon and his siblings, or his younger brother who would do mother and his grandsire proud, or even their recently discovered half-brother, as merciful and decisive as he is (though Aegon highly doubted either father nor grandsire would allow it to happen), would sit the dreadful throne, be the ruler people wanted. Hell, he would even have Cecil to sit the throne, if it meant the self-proclaimed Royce woman would send her father, his terrifying uncle, to the Wall and marry off his siblings to noble houses willing to care for them. Not him. He wished to be forgotten, to curl up and shrink and shrink until he couldn't be seen anymore. He had not intended of coming across an ex-assassin woman who called herself Okkotsu, who had tried to murder his father back in the day and had a special connection with the recently deceased Laena. Nor had he foreseen them connecting with their troubles, through such unorthodox means. Okkotsu may not know what Aegon is exactly going through, but she knows enough to help lift his spirits up... through the power of accepting yourself as a sopping wet sad little meow-meow blorbo? Song below:
[I'm not going to include all the lyrics, just the ones I find matter to these two downtrodden losers. Also LOTS-OH cursing here]
"So things look bad, and you're backs against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feeling filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked Well, let me just say you're correct!"
"Wait what?"
"You're a loser, baby A loser, goddamn baby You're a fucked-up little whiny bitch."
"You're a loser just like me."
"This supposed to make me feel better?"
"There was a time I thought that no one could relate To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all living in the same shit sandwich."
"I'm a loser, honey A schmoozer and a dummy But at least I know I'm not alone."
"You're a loser."
"Just like me."
"I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour."
"You're a loser, baby."
"A loser, but just maybe if we-"
"Eat shit together, things will end up differently."
"It's time to lose your self-loathin' Excuse yourself, let hope in, baby Play your card, be who you are."
"A loser, just like me."
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the-silver-chronicles · 4 months
Music Monday + "What Are You Doing Here?" Quiz
Tagged by @g0dspeeed and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @purplehairsecretlair @deputyash @afarcryfrommymain @depyotee @voidika @onehornedbeast @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @nightbloodbix @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @chazz-anova @cassietrn @jacobmybeloved @henbased @carlosoliveiraa @ladyoriza @minilev @vasiktomis @neverthesameneveranother @thewanderer-000 @corvosattano and @vampireninjabunnies-blog
Here's three songs for my other Far Cry The Silver Chronicles stories, known as the following; Call To Arms duology starring Nadi Sinclair, Ain't It A Joy? staring Alexander Khaos and finally No One's Safe At Home starring Gavin Turquoise. The Quiz will be for an OC who appears in A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore (a Fallout fanfic series). The quiz can be found here.
The Call To Arms fanfic duology of the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare games (at least only one and two, both taking elements from the original and reboot) starring Nadi Sinclair, a sharpshooter and recon for Task Force 141, fighting off terrorists like Makarov alongside her brothers (and sisters) from other misses and misters. This will only be a few years before she eventually leaves and joins the Project at Eden's Gate in Montana, Hope County.
"Come on
Come on, people Stand tall for the beast of America Lay down like a naked dead body Keep it real for the people workin' overtime They can't stay livin' off the government's dime
Stand tall for the people of America Stand tall for the man next door We are free in the land of America We ain't goin' down like this, come on, now
Come on, people Come on, people Come on, people Ha!
Come on, people Come on, people Come on, people Ha!
I will be right to you I will be right to you I will be right to you And together we can stand up to the beast."
Ain't It A Joy? is a modern-ish fanfic adaption of the We Happy Few game, starring Alexander Khaos as the main protagonist, as he finds out the lies behind Wellington Wells, the self-proclaimed happiest city of England which is closed from the rest of the country, is in fact nothing more than a cult stuck in a perpetual state of drugged bliss with the inhabitants believing they're clean of atrocities and stuck in a 1940s/60s mindset while being taken advantage of by a pharmaceutical tycoon, Crawford Klaus, as he replays old videos of a TV personality named "Uncle Jack" and supplies the next batches of "Joy"... and the newest variant called "Glee".
"A brilliant day is dawning A million smiles are forming Our shimmering isles are all enthralled No, there's nothing like conforming
Perish the thought of mourning Did you ignore the warnings? All negative thoughts abhorred "My Lord! Did you take your Joy this morning?"
Ask anybody in Wellington Wells They'll tell you it's terribly swell Delirious denizens swell where there's nary a speck between heaven and hell
They say that the empire fell "Oh, but you never could tell!" You say you remember it well? "You'd better forget it or else!"
Why try to better yourself? Reach for the medical shelf Just take your medicine, death and the pestilence melt into pleasant locales
Another rebellion quelled Dust off your suspenders and belts It's horrendous to dwell, so remember how splendid it felt to surrender yourself The roses we grow have a terrible smell
It's a Joy! It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy) To be among we happy few It's a Joy It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy)!"
No One's Safe At Home is a fanfic set in the Welcome To The Game universe, where the inner circles of "the Ministry" run their illegal activities behind the dark web as it reigns at the top, with constant murder, kidnappings, trafficking of all kinds and the most vile corruption persist in a world where morals are a joke. Until Gavin Turquoise starts going to great lengths in his intent on wiping their repulsive stain out of society and rigging the Game in his favor. In his crusade, he finds a strange child with... the most abnormal abilities. I can't help but laugh at the irony that this feared vigilante eventually becomes a lawyer in Hope County, being a bane to the Project at Eden's Gate and John Seed's existence.
"As Property Manager, my job is sorting the utilities Disposal of the garbage and the laundering facilities Why would I compile a full report on your activities? I'm just a standard landlord, "Glory to the Ministry"
Lock the doors and close the curtains, hold your breath lest you should speak your sins But you can't keep a secret from the building that you keep it in Befriend your fellow tenants, show a smile and keep it pleasant But know everyone's a friend until you need to turn some people in It's the breathing on the phone, hiding just beneath the tone It's the things that shift when no one's home Well, you may be on your own, but you'll never be alone Yes, we all live here, but it's no one's home
("They're here!")
To get through the day It behoves you to play by the rules and behave Do the state preapprove all the tunes that you play? When alone in a room, well, to whom do you pray?
Assume that your neighbours are moving away When the black van comes in the night And you're numb to the sight Of another fumbling for somewhere to hide As their wife just runs for their life 'Fore the ones with the guns can arrives And they're gone 'fore the Sun can arise To a government provided bunker for some realignment It's just fine, you can trust it's a wonderful time
Just go about your business normally No one's following, I'm not recording Your paranoia is awfully boring According to all of your friends that talk to me
Most importantly, please speak clear when you're broadcasting Your honest thoughts on the law or economy My provided mics are tiny And I can't transcribe properly Should you ever behold Me with my peepers pressed to a keyhole You can trust I'm just checking the tumblers for rust I'm a custodian, not a Ministry mole
Settle in for a night on the couch No questioning what that red light is about Now bleeping on your ceiling since the time you were out It's just a little gaslighting, put aside any doubts
You're fine in your house, so you confide to your spouse any crimes carried out Any tiny amount of new ideas found just a mite out of bounds 'Cause I'm writing them down in a timestamped account
What's it matter, every night or two? If I sneak in, have a rifle through? But depending what I find, well, You'll be faced with another kind of rifle, too
Privacy is the cry of the defiant to compliancy But grease my palm and I might not see Those books they banned from the libraries What do you mean, that's not yours? It appeared one night in your cabinet drawers? I have to report it, I regret But, of course, I could forget
Societal ideals are reliably pliable So the rise of a tyrant becomes entirely viable You will find that the spying is really quite justifiable Why are you crying when it's your blind eye that's liable?
Handy landlord here to fix your ventilation whistling Too many questions and it's not the air that needs conditioning That telephone's not tampered with Of course it isn't listening But were it, it prefers the words: "Glory to the Ministry!"
And last the results from the quiz! From my character:
Ortega "Ore" Brantley (A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore, a Fallout fanfic series)
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Ore has this "hope" that he carries with him. Despite the Wasteland he walks in, just as his sister Ress does, unlike her and their father, he can't help but focus on the beauty that has thrived even after the destruction. He's no fool, the world he lives in is dangerous, and as powerful as he is being a half-human, half-magical-creature-from-another-dimension, there are beings like his father, Arcane Urias, and his lackeys, like Aggravor, who can and will kill him if given the opportunity. Ress is hopeful... hopeful that with his efforts, the Wasteland can heal. That the people he's bonded with can live long content lives. That his sister can appreciate the lives of who she views as "weak" and see the strength these folks have despite the disadvantage they have against the likes of the Super Mutants, Synths and the Occult Urias founded. To see the responsibility to protect these people that they as the "strong" must carry. He hoped he could have seen the day where him, his sister and their companions could just lay down underneath the blue sky one day and just share with each other without the burden of death and destruction hovering over them in a moment of peace. Though he himself never lives to achieve this vision, he at least was glad to look at his sister and reassure her one last time before Aggravor's curse cut his long life short.
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simplegenius042 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday and Last Line Paragraph + Music Monday
Tagged by @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @inafieldofdaisies @josephseedismyfather and @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @strafethesesinners @deputy-morgan-malone @derelictheretic @wrathfulrook @voidika @onehornedbeast @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @neverthesameneveranother @vampireninjabunnies-blog @cassietrn @chazz-anova @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @snake-in-the-garden @jillvalentinesday @minilev @g0dspeeed @ec-10 @henbased @inafieldofdaisies @ladyoriza and @nightbloodbix
[Update: If anyone saw an @ for ladyofeden’s-blog on this it’s because this WIP was made before the thieves had been exposed. I only just realised her former blog was on it and now has been taken off]
Here's two WIPs (well one WIP + a last line) for Silva's Hope and The True Sinners from Far Cry The Silver Chronicles PLUS some music.
Here's Silva's introduction to Jacob's right-hand man, Alexander Khaos in Silva's Hope. Also Jess is here. Reminder that this is still under a lot of work, so this scene may or may not change in the near future. Enjoy the snippet below:
Silva stood up, giving the Whitetail corpse one last glance up and down, turning to face Jess.
Bow and arrow still in hand, but her focus shifted from the foliage to the deputy, the young and vengeful huntress regarded her with little more than pursed lips and a raised brow as she jerked her head over to the unfortunate Whitetail.
"Is he the one Eli is searching for?" she questioned, looking the mutilated corpse up and down, not batting an eye at the dried blood that soaked the Whitetail.
Silva herself kept a steady face, though the desire to show her disgust towards the barbaric display was no less prevalent. It reminded her of the methods of executions back on the Archipelagos; needlessly cruel to send a message.
"Yeah, he fits the description Eli gave," she looked over to the corpse once more, frown unseen by Jess, "At least from what I can discern."
"You see what we mean now? Jacob's a sick fuck, much like the rest of his asshole siblings," Jess spat out, sneering at the display, "They preach about how they want to "save" people and "free" us from our so called sins. Then they go an pull shit like this, or worse, let psychopaths like the Cook burn families alive. Fucking liars."
Something they have in common with the Congregation, Silva noted, remembering all the propaganda that spewed out the need of servitude and duty of men and women, all strewn around the Overcity and the Minas, all brushing aside the rampant beatings, false persecution and execution of Tumultites and sympathizers alike.
It seemed the more time she spent here, the more unpleasant Joseph and his cult became. She wondered how long it would take until she discovered something truly unacceptable. Would it make a difference if she called Joseph out on it? Probably not, she reasoned, Prophets are only focused on the glory they get from preaching "God's Will". Anything else is just a means to get to that end.
She exhaled roughly, dashing away further thought as her left arm ached. Though her rescue from John's envoy thanks to Jerome was only a couple days ago, the aches from the crash did not cease, her left arm feeling the worst. Her right arm was more lucky, thankfully.
Kamski's scolding was still fresh on her mind. If it was up to him, he would have locked them both in his clinic while the war raged on. Sedate her if he had to. But both knew that as long as one of her limbs was not too damaged, she would still go on to fight.
What a miracle her right arm was just as good with a gun as her left.
"We should head back. Eli and Wheaty would want the news-"
An arrow cut past Jess' hood and struck Silva in the leg. The Deputy could only stare at the arrow protruding from her leg, and looked to the trees.
She noticed movement from the branches and pointed them out to Jess as she tried to call out. But her voice slurred, no coherent word coming out right, and the familiar sparkles that belonged to Bliss engulfed her vision.
Jess had turned her back to face the trees, bow and arrow at the ready, though Silva stumbled and fell onto her back as the world diluted into a realm of colors and butterflies.
She could barely hear what Jess was shouting, though a massive thud that sounded like an earthquake shook the Earth gave her most coherent thoughts an indication that her companion was out of commission.
Still fighting for consciousness, Silva heard the echoes of crunched leaves and commands.
Above her, a new figure looked down on her, a man with brown hair and dark hazel eyes with flecks of gray. His attire was that of which the Chosen wore, though he lacked the red hood, and his vest shirt was black, with his sleeveless overcoat a dark gray. He smirked, shaking his head as he spoke.
"Salutations to you Deputy, you were quite a struggle to find," he greeted, his imitation of a southern accent quite noticeable even when Blissed, "Thankfully Eli just couldn't let go of a chance to rescue one of his own. Don't worry, that fella was dead before we hacked up his corpse. Unpleasant work but it needed to attract your attention."
He knelt down get a closer look at her, his fingers tracing stroking the healed scratches on her cheek. She shuddered involuntarily from the contact, which felt numb and yet made her stomach recoil from the cold in his hands. He stopped his inspection upon noticing this, eyes softening before becoming stoic once more, thankfully retracting his hand.
"I'm surprised you're still conscious. By now most would have succumbed to the Bliss, which I'm sure you will shortly. Some tolerance you have there," he kept his eyes on her, chewing on his lower lip as he pondered, curiosity clearly piqued, "I'm sure Jacob will be pleased to know."
Silva tried to reply, tell this Chosen to go "fuck off" or some variation, but her tongue felt like weight on her mouth, and her eyes started to shut as the sky got brighter.
The Chosen watched this, his smirk returning as he stood up, then groaned as softly smacked his head, "Forgotten my manners yet again! Now, you better remember this, Deputy, because you're going to see me a lot more than you think. Name's Alexander Khaos."
"And Jacob's been dying for a talk with ya," Alexander's distorted voice revealed as Silva's thoughts were shrouded in the desire to close her eyes. And she found no reason to protest any longer as darkness started to consume her vision.
Here's a Last Paragraph for The True Sinners. View the start of a terrible beautiful friendship between Kamski and Tammy. Paragraph(s) below.
[Kamski] leaned over the small kiddie pool, the water slightly tinted pink from whatever blood managed to get into the water. Untied rope still tethered to the pool's edge, likely to be used to tie prisoner's feet into the water. A wooden chair stood strong in the middle, though Kamski would have preferred it to be something stronger... like metal. Though wood was a step up from plastic. The unused ECT device on the table caught his attention, the face cloth that laid next to it. Tammy stared at him from the doorway, arms crossed as she inspected his movements.
Weary, ruthless and not afraid to get dirty? Where was she on the archipelagos? Kamski thought to himself, thoroughly impressed with her station. Turning to her, he questioned with amusement, "A kiddie pool?"
Tammy blinked at him, unbothered by the question, just shrugged with undeterred confidence. Kamski snorted, and looked back to the what was essentially a large plastic tub. "Quite a humiliating way to go... more than I could ever do back in my homeland anyway," he commented in praise, envisioning an Enforcer tied the very chair Kamski stared at, face covered with a wet cloth as he screamed from the shocks coursing throughout his body. Begging right up until he was completely fried. Oh, what Kamski would have traded to see Lapis in such a state.
And lastly a song for Far Cry The Silver Chronicles. A rather sensual one between John Seed and Nadi Sinclair.
"Use the sleeves on my sweater Let's have an adventure Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered Touch my neck and I'll touch yours You in those little high-waisted shorts, oh
She knows what I think about And what I think about One love, two mouths One love, one house No shirt, no blouse Just us, you find out Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no Cause it's too cold, for you here and now So let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater
And if I may just take your breath away I don't mind if there's not much to say Sometimes the silence guides our minds To move to a place so far away The goosebumps start to raise The minute that my left hand meets your waist And then I watch your face Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love the taste, yeah These hearts adore Everyone the other beats hardest for Inside this place is warm Outside it starts to pour
Coming down One love, two mouths One love, one house No shirt, no blouse Just us, you find out Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about, no, no, no Cause it's too cold, for you here and now So let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.
Cause it's too cold, for you here and now So let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.
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simplegenius042 · 6 months
Late WIP Wednesday & Last Line (Paragraph)
Tagged by: @cassietrn @josephseedismyfather @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed
Tagging: @strangefable @jillvalentinesday @wrathfulrook @chazz-anova @deputy-morgan-malone @derelictheretic @ec-10 @minilev @josephslittledeputy @neverthesameneveranother @onehornedbeast @shallow-gravy @voidika @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strafethesesinners @ladyoriza @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed and @nightbloodbix
Here's 3 WIPs and a Last Line Paragraph (from The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters) to make up for the lack of activity (I've been a little preoccupied but I'm all good now). NOTE: I'm still ironing out these scenes, so some changes might happen in the future of publication. Anyway, enjoy!
Here's a WIP for A Blast In The Past (not Jurassic World related), a fic that's story was heavily inspired by Bendy And The Ink Machine and writing style inspired by Tamsyn Muir's Harrow The Ninth. Come meet the second main protagonist of The Perfect Storm saga... and the narrator who torments him:
You opened the wooden door to Carmine Studios, the hinges creaking from age and the times you've passed through it, revealing the hall that would seal your fate, on a false hope you would see your old friend and boss, Terrance, once again… but all you had entered was an empty caricature of the real thing. A nightmarish mockery that you'd soon find would come to life. But you didn't know that, not yet. You were more focused on the nostalgia behind your work, weren’t you? Or what once was your work.
In the hallway hung old posters of cartoons that no one cared to remember anymore. You admire it without recognizing the deception. Do you want to know the real kicker here?
It’s all a part of the show… all half-lies and half-truths, but close enough to what you already recognize that you couldn’t tell the difference until it was too late.
Was Seeker the clumsy meerkat who would follow through on any dangerous stunt, regardless of how far it puts his safety in jeopardy, all for what he loved most… a banana waffle split with streams of caramel syrup trailing up and down? No, it was more selfless than that. Nauseously so. Wasn’t it his loyalty to his friends?
Heh. Friendship… what good did that do him in the end, Bowler Hat?
You shift to the next poster, the one you’re least familiar with. Who was she again? An intelligent wisp named after her actress, Emily Margarita? Or perhaps you remember her as something more impersonal… perhaps a cunning foe? Doesn’t matter to you now. All you know is that she was a co-worker who you described as a “nice dame with a great voice, like a canary”.
But you never would have understood why most of the blokes back then howled and whistled for her, even if you knew the truth. “She was no scag,” you’d say, but you’re smart enough to know that being hitched with her would be… unpleasant. Shame you never listened to your gut.
Then there was the star of the show! The only prick you knew craved for nothing but the spotlight. Endlessly seeking validation for his actions. Only satisfied once his legacy was recognized. A pitiful shapeshifter that took many forms but loved only one… “Mario Emmett! The demon that never could be!"
A lanky black creature with an ego that was bigger than he deserved. Was he the main protagonist of your little show? Who are you to know? You’re only here to follow a repetitive script, endless by design.
You seem confused pal, scruffy face scrunched up, wrinkles becoming more apparent as your tired eyes examining the poster a bit too close... Perhaps a little reminder of why you’re here will help out with that gap in your memory. Wouldn't you agree, pal?
You search through the pockets of your plain brown overcoat, and feel the thin paper edge of a letter. The one Terrence had sent you, remember?
Carefully, you tug it out. Not that the yellow paper didn't already look worse for wear.
Despite its lack of care, surprisingly not your doing for once, you were reasonable enough to fold it neatly like a professional old-timely gentleman. No, it was… Terrence, yes, Terrence who had scrunched it with little care. “Always had a knack for getting on my nerves,” you would bitterly think. Funnily enough, that’s the part of him that was done right. What an Abercrombie!
…Is that the right slang?
You unfold the letter up, again, for what would be, unbeknownst to you, the first of many times. You read the ink scribbled over the dirty gold paper once more.
More interaction between Jennifer and Sir Enigma Malvolio. Seduction... could be better Jennifer. Granted, Malvolio's not... normal. The extent of how "unnormal" he is though is yet to be recognized:
"You shouldn't be here."
Jennifer swiftly turned around, her back to the Apex's chamber pod, its mesmerizing fluid motion forgotten as she focused on the approaching short figure of Malvolio. She noticed just how quiet his steps were, and how he neglected to bring his cane down to the container's metal floor.
"Don't you know it's rude to snoop around in stranger's properties?" he asked, his voice echoing in the trailer, despite how restrained it is from the usual bombastic and joyous attitude he put up in front of Dicko. From what she could tell, he sounded more amused than angered that she came into his workshop uninvited.
His gaze was still as dead and false as it had been like in their first meeting.
Remembering why she was there, Jennifer shifted her stature, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself after tonight's fight."
Seeing that Malvolio stopped approaching, tilting his head as he waited for her to continue. Thinking she had his attention, she looked around, blue eyes wide in wonder as she gestured the workshop, "This place is amazing."
Looking to Malvolio, who she still had the engaged attention of, she gestured to him and stated coyly, "You were amazing."
To what would have to be the eighth confusing she's ever received from this man, Malvolio snorted and tsked at her. With a shake of his head, he looked to her, a smile curved on his lips as he made his reply.
"Please, I barely did a thing. She's the one who deserves the credit. It was all her," he pointed his cane behind Jennifer, to the darkened pod, where the Apex resided in the waters, "I was merely the motivation she needed to win the fight."
Looking between Malvolio and the beastie, Jennifer selectively stammered as she said, "But you did create it. And shared its mind. Don't you agree that's more than enough reason for praise?"
For whatever reason, Malvolio scoffed, looking Jennifer up and down, scrutinizing her with his gaze as he impressively twirled his cane to rest on his shoulder, now looking more like a club than a walking stick. He unnerved and frustrated her. Jennifer needed him to lower his guard, to be completely oblivious to any danger she posed.
It just ticked her off that he was clearly unconvinced with her performance, and at ease while she had to keep her nerve together, especially for Dicko's sake.
Here's a FC5 WIP for The True Sinners of Silva on a (forced) picnic with Faith and Nadi, for a "girl's day out" as Faith had insisted to Jacob (though Nadi hadn't initially been invited). Have some lore, ship teasing and the aftereffects of Silva's terrible childhood. Also TW for kidnapping, cults, manipulation and discussion of eating disorders:
Faith let out a sigh as she clung on to Silva's arm, effectively anchoring the woman where she sat. And she wasn't sure what was more concerning; the fact she didn't mind Faith being so close to her, or the familiar content smile on the herald's face.
"I'm glad the two of us can finally hang out," Faith admitted, neglecting to include Nadi's presence, "Jacob had been hogging you for so long that I was afraid I wouldn't ever get to see you again."
Silva wasn't sure how to respond to Faith's small confession so chose to reply with a contemplative hum, ignoring the warmth she felt rushing in her face. She also ignored the gnawing hunger at the sight of the food as well.
Nadi must have noticed that she wasn't eating the food as both herself and Faith had been. She looked at Silva with concerned brown eyes.
Silva was unsure why the blonde would care though; she just wasn't that hungry. Not even for the barely nipped sandwich in her hand.
"...Something wrong with the chicken, enfer?" Nadi asked, her head tilted as she scanned Silva over with her gaze. Silva glowered at the woman, rather irked that John's right-hand would bring attention to her lack of appetite, especially while the present host was a herald.
"It's nothing," she told the Frenchwoman, lowering the chicken sandwich. Nadi was unconvinced, though, and looked to Faith, head jerking to Silva.
And unfortunately, Faith lifted her head from Silva's shoulder, adjusting herself to sit up straight as she shifted her attention from Nadi to her charge. Silva risked a glance next to her and had the misfortune of getting caught into the worried gaze of Faith's green eyes.
"Do you not like the food?" Faith asked, eyes wide in panic like she committed some unspeakable crime, putting a hand on her forehead as she continued, "I should have asked you what you wanted. I'm sorry, I was so excited for this picnic with you that I didn't think you'd have any problem with the food-"
Silva saw the growing distress on the herald and swiftly responded to put a stop to it. She didn't want to find out what the repercussions were from upsetting the brother's little sister.
"No, no, it's not the food," Silva stated, garnering Faith's attention as she listened, focus as intense as the floral scent that followed the herald. Once again unprepared for the sole attention of Faith, she hurriedly tried to clear up any confusion, "The food is good. It's just me. I'm not hungry."
Even though she said she wasn't hungry, Silva could feel the pained craving for the food, but her mind just couldn't handle the idea of consuming anything for the time being.
Faith's demeanor lost the panic instantly, and the calm that came across her face left Silva stunned at the whiplash.
"Huh," Faith said, looking over to Nadi, the blonde unbothered by the herald's rapid shift in emotions, who had a knowing look as she stared at Silva with sincere pity.
"Are you sure, enfer?" Nadi questioned, a brow raised, "Jacob said you don't eat a lot at the center. The last time you ate must have been, what... three, four hours ago? Can you really say you're not hungry?"
Silva refused to answer, looking away from Nadi as the conflict of hunger and lack of appetite raged inside.
Both woman present found Silva's silence to be confirmation, and Nadi asked, "You're not starving yourself to spite us, are you?"
Silva gave Nadi an incredulous look, straightening up, "What would be the point of that? Despite how unpleasant I find your cult, it wouldn't help me to weaken myself. And besides, like you said, I do eat at the center. Which would be counterproductive if my plan was to starve myself, no matter how stupid of a plan it is to begin with."
Nadi nodded along, not incorrectly correcting her on their group status, agreeing with most of Silva's words, "I believe you. So, what's up?"
Silva had half a mind to not outright curse the sharpshooter about the obvious reason being how she was kidnapped from her home and kept captive against her will surrounded by cultists. The terror and stress of not knowing what they're capable of. Nadi would never know the terror of being unable to predict a so-called prophet's next move.
Especially when he was your own father.
Silva snapped out of her musings when Faith's hand rested on her arm. Glancing to her, the herald gave a comforting squeeze, a small encouraging smile on her face. The action made Silva's face feel no less warmer.
So instead, she glanced between Faith's waiting green eyes and Nadi's sincere stare, and exhaled a sigh, as she softly revealed, "I... just can't."
Nadi nodded slowly, "But you want to."
Silva gave a nod at Nadi's correct guess. She looked down to the sandwich in her hands. She wanted to have it, and the basket of fruits with the baked goods. She desired it badly, but she couldn't let go of the dread that came with eating and swallowing.
"But you don't because you're afraid of what could happen if you do. Like choking? Or perhaps vomiting?"
Silva didn't need to say anything to confirm that what Nadi deduced was true.
Nadi hummed, and stated, "It seems you got yourself an eating disorder, enfer. An avoidant one from what you've described."
Silva eyed John's confidant. The name sounded familiar, something Kamski would have offhandedly mentioned. Curiosity did eat away at her, as she replied, "You seem to be familiar with this disorder."
Nadi smiled, though the smile didn't reach her brown eyes. She looked down to the apple she had been biting on, "That's because I suffer from the same thing. Unlike you though, where you don't eat enough, I eat too much. I've gotten better though. John, la chérie, helped set up a diet and routine for me. Got me to memorize timing as well. He and Alexander still check up on me from time-to-time, but it's greatly appreciated."
Silva was surprised; both by Nadi's confession and the fact John of all people went out of his way to help Nadi. Silva thought him incapable of such a thing, given his holier-than-thou attitude towards her.
And finally the last paragraph for the still unnamed arranged marriage FC5 scenario. And Alexander (AKA Jacob's most trusted and loyal right hand man) is pissed. TW for cult views, a war crime and mentioned coerced/arranged/forced marriages. Also mentioned drug (Bliss) use. Snippet below:
Letting out a deep, shaky sigh, Alexander stared straight into Jacob's cold blue eyes, and said, "So you must understand my... my confusion and my shock and my fury when the Sinner herself, stumbling around the halls, high on fucking Bliss, wept in my arms as she told me exactly everything you and Joseph and John and Faith neglected to share with me or Nadi or the rest of the congregation. You told me she agreed to our negotiations. No, not our negotiations, you told me she agreed to your family's negotiations as soon as it was put forward. You told me this marriage between a suitor of her choosing, no matter how nonsensical and impractical and detrimental the wedding itself is to morale and our resources, was to bring unity between Eden's Gate and the Resistance indefinitely. So tell me Jacob. Why the lies? Why the lack of care towards the rules that Joseph says keep us grounded? Rules that I have witnessed so many of our brothers and sisters be punished for breaking, and yet now you and your siblings are exempt from it? Why have you been sending out Hunters, armed to the teeth, to track down Palmer's Militia if we're in a truce? Why do I hear of no contact with the Resistance if we're supposed to be sharing compensations and details surrounding our peace? Why had Silva told me that Joseph already chosen her suitor, and ignored her refusal of it?! And most importantly, why did she say it was YOU?!"
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simplegenius042 · 5 months
OCs as Tragic Love Archetypes
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @strangefable @josephslittledeputy @wrathfulrook @cassietrn @chazz-anova @shallow-gravy @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies @derelictheretic @ec-10 @gaeadene @strafethesesinners @minilev @carlosoliveiraa @afarcryfrommymain @ladyoriza @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @voidika @onehornedbeast @deputy-morgan-malone @vampireninjabunnies-blog @neverthesameneveranother @snake-in-the-garden @henbased @nightbloodbix and @thewanderer-000
You can find the uqiz here.
Samuel Who (The UnTitledverse)
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Lucifer's advisor in the Pride Ring of Hell and often balances the line between designated caretaker and younger brother figure. Samuel's soul was unfairly sent to Hell by a wicked man by the name of Edward Carmine, ending Samuel's existence on the mortal realm before it could progress further. Samuel has had time to adjust to Hell's rules and his position, and is on his way to opening up more to the lifestyle, the denizens and his companions.
Nadi Sinclair (Far Cry The Silver Chronicles)
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After her childhood had been ripped away from her and later losing loved ones in Task Force 141 due to Shepard and Shadow Company's betrayal, Nadi had left the task force and proceeded to find a life off the grid, her distrust and disgust towards the greed and warmongering in the American Government eventually drawing her to the Project at Eden's Gate, where she meets the charming (if sometimes frustrating) John Seed. He brings forth feelings that she never got to feel as a child nor as a soldier, and yet, has a massive fear of losing him (whether to forces outside of her control or because of her own self-perceived vices and flaws), leading her to only adore from afar. This becomes ten-times worse when she meets a newly single Holly Pepper, a pragmatic and devoted, if sometimes snarky, member of Eden's Gate. This bisexual disaster has two free hands but can't grab for shit. I think this fits her perfectly.
Sonya, The Apex (Life, Despair & Monsters)
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So I've decided to give Sonya mommy issues, which may or may not contribute in her attraction and her (initially unhealthy) relationship with Jennifer (granted, Jennifer is helping matters). Though both learn that, below their hard-shelled and rotten surfaces, are two people capable of loving each other beyond manipulation and usefulness. But that makes them an unholy matrimony obsessed with each other instead so there's no telling whether it has made them better or worse.
And lastly...
Azriel (Wings And Horns, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles)
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Azriel has never really had a great experience with love. She is the reincarnation of Joseph Seed's daughter after all. A reincarnation she earned by serving the concept of Death itself for either one hundred or one thousand years. She came back into the world a decade after her original death, and was born into a home that didn't understand her, and the forced transition into Eden's Gate didn't make it any better. Even worse when her parents attempted to sacrifice her during the Reaping to show their devotion. Thankfully, she meets Silva, who shapes and mellows out the young girl into a brilliant young woman who would make Jannah proud. There's also her massive and obvious crush on Gavin's mite (re: a Tumultite word for "child"), Schrödinger Turquoise.
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simplegenius042 · 7 months
Late WIP Wednesday + Last Sentence
Sharing a snippet of The True Sinners. As well as a last sentence of What Are The Chances, in which John and Jacob get lost while going to have a meeting with Joseph and Faith in the woods.
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @g0dspeeed and @wrathfulrook
Tagging @shallow-gravy @strangefable @voidika @poisonedtruth @derelictheretic @jillvalentinesday @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @chazz-anova @ec-10 @vampireninjabunnies-blog @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @neverthesameneveranother @snake-in-the-garden @henbased @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed @deputy-morgan-malone @deputyash and @strafethesesinners + anyone else who wishes to join in.
WIP snippets under the cut.
Finally got a WIP snippet of The True Sinners to share. Presented below... some of Silva's thoughts before Jacob shows off introduces her to John (a meeting which will go about as well as expected when published):
[Trigger Warning: Mentioned kidnapping and being held captive against will. Nothing explicitly detailed though. Also some subtle obsessiveness coming from our beloved eldest Seed]
Jacob opened the door that led out to the courtyard of the hospital, holding it back for her to walk through, gesturing outside with a short jerk of his head. A chivalrous act that often never failed to lift Silva's mood coming from anybody else.
It was the kind of consideration that Silva had admired in Paul, before he changed. A courtesy that Kamski never bothered to adopt, either believing that he shouldn't waste his strength on opening a door for someone when they also have arms or because everyone was on his shitlist for one reason and another.
The amount of doors she's had to stop from slamming against her face when following behind him was more than the number of people she's killed. Though that might change soon, she noted, glaring at the ginger as she passed him and his small smirk.
She fought the impulse to thank the man, and deterred herself from outright stabbing the man with what ever she could find, as a thoughtful act she would find generous being reduced to an unspoken and mocking jab at her captivity by Jacob pissed her off to no end.
The courtyard was exactly how it had been left during her attempted escape; the dirt paths that spiraled around the center, tire tracks indented into the ground, evidence of years of vehicles coming in and out of the hospital's grounds. The fountain was void of water just as the grass was dry with little colour left, and the flowers that did grow were strangled by weeds. The brick walls, erect high and surrounding Jacob's fortress, was enough to dissuade any thought of escape, an intentional psychological tactic reinforced by the looming iron gates, which unlike yesterday, were closed. To add to insult, there were more Chosen on the grounds, some in guard posts while others supervised their captives trapped in the cages she had once been in, as well as the recruits training.
More evidence that yesterday was a fluke I fell way too hard in.
The only major difference from yesterday was the grey car with two dark stripes going from the hood to the back that was parked at the side of the fountain. An opportunity for escape? It was tempting, but she knew better. After yesterday, she couldn't afford underestimating Jacob.
"Better luck with cracks and loose screws than with open doors, piccolo boa," the advice Paul had once told her rang through her head, and she hated the heartache that came with it. Shaking away the bitter emotions, she focused on what was ahead.
She could see Alexander talking to the car's owner, or at least, the owner talking to Alexander, as he seemed to be barely listening. In fact, Jacob's second-in-command seemed to be doing his best in droning out the words of the man.
Silva could see a short-haired blonde woman in similar attire to Alexander, if only less vibrant, speaking to some other Chosen she seemed familiar with.
Silva could deduce that she came with Alexander's terrible conversationalist, having never seen the woman in her captivity.
"Thinking you can dispatch my brother and his femme fatale?" Jacob asked behind her. Silva could imagine that he was hulking over her in height, if only by a few lucky inches. Some would see it as a disadvantage, but she knew there were benefits she could use against a taller enemy.
Despite this, Silva had bemoaned over not inheriting Father's tall genes after encountering foes whose height were unfairly above average, though she would never be caught dead in admitting this wish.
Silva scoffed at Jacob's words, shaking her head. He hummed, and said with an irritably pleased tone, "Yeah, I knew you were smarter than that pup."
She sneered at the words, but didn't turn to give him the satisfaction of seeing her reaction.
A large hand planted itself on her shoulder and urged her forwards, towards their guests, "Now c'mon. John's gonna need to have words with ya."
"About?" Silva asked, grey eyes glancing to look at his blue, legs forcibly moving forwards. Though from his stoic expression, she knew better than to expect a straight answer.
"You'll see," he replied, and she swore she could see his lips almost curl upwards into a smirk.
Looking towards this "John" as they approached him and Alexander, Silva privately stewed in frustration over Jacob's words. Cease your deceptive games you vague shit.
Last sentence for What Are The Chances? an alternate universe WIP set in a timeline where Silva became the Judge from FCND pre- and during the events of FC5. In this scenario, John and Jacob are lost. And yes... it's all John's fault:
Jacob had never once thought that any harm to come to his brothers would be deserved. However, after his insistent complaining, Jacob could not help but be amused by John swatting a branch away, only for it to recoil and smack him in the face. With gritted teeth, his younger brother asked, "How did we "miss a turn"? And better yet, how come we haven't found our way out of here? One would think you knew the county's layout like the back of your hand, Jacob?"
Face and voice neutral as he continued forward, Jacob answered his younger brother, "I know the mountains terrain John, and some of the valley's. I never once touched the woodlands in the Henbane. That was the Chosen's job to report to Faith about. And you were the one holding the map and giving directions in the car. You tell me."
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the-silver-chronicles · 8 months
WIP Wednesday + Last Line Paragraph
Tagged by @direwombat @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies and @josephseedismyfather
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @chazz-anova @adelaidedrubman @wrathfulrook @shallow-gravy @strangefable @voidika @poisonedtruth @derelictheretic @detectivelokis @josephslittledeputy @vampireninjabunnies-blog @snake-in-the-garden @strafethesesinners @a-rose-in-a-garden-of-weeds @henbased @ladyofedens-blog @little-wolf-seed and @deputy-morgan-malone + anyone else who wishes to join and share.
Here's a WIP of Silva's Hope. And we got some Mary May! This isn't my most polished work so the final result will be a bit different once it's published. WIP below:
Mary May raised a brow at Nadi, regarding the smaller blonde with puzzlement. She finished polishing the glassware, placing it onto the counter with a soft clink.
Setting both arms firmly on the bar, Nadi's brown eyes had to endure the intensity of the barkeep's light blue. She noticed the skepticism, how the Fairgrave woman was running her words through her head, tearing them apart.
However, Nadi didn't waver from her poker face, and maintained the clueless Fall's End overseas nouvelle venue act. Masking emotions was a quality she learnt from Jacob, and later John had given her a few tips on how to hide intentions to get information better.
A pause was heavy between the two, until Mary May finally responded, but with her own question, "Now why do you want to know about a dead girl?"
Nadi smoothed a hand over to her small braid, playing with it as she answered, "Well, like I said, I've been learning so much about Fall's End for a few weeks now... to get a clearer picture on everything that goes about here, you know? But I can't seem to get a straight answer on this Omar girl. She seemed to have a... mixed reputation, non?"
Much to Nadi's delight, Mary May snorted as she shook her head, reaching under her counter to grab a beer bottle.
"Understatement of the century," the barkeeper mumbled, eyes easing the intensity in her eyes. Cagnotte, Nadi proudly thought to herself as Mary May's lips parted to answer.
“Now, so you know, my word isn’t exactly a picture perfect replication of who Elsa Omar was," Mary May stated, opening the bottle and pouring it into a glass for a patron, "Neither does anyone else in Fall's End. We only ever saw one or two sides of her, and that was what she wanted us to see. The closest you’re going to get to an accurate description of her would be from her older sister, but even then, I'd assume her account on her little sister wouldn't be anything but with rose-tinted glasses. What sister wouldn't think their sibling was anything more than the person they grew up with?"
Mary May held a distant look that Nadi pretended to not notice as she thought on her words. The short-haired blond couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. As an older sibling herself, she knew exactly what it was like to view those younger and older than herself in a different light than everybody else. Even when she probably shouldn't have. I'll need Sister Nancy to tell me more about this older sister of Elsa's. Hopefully she's managed to achieve her assignment by now.
"Now with that said,” Mary May paused, tapping her fingers against the wooden counter, “Elsa Omar was a performer, a tricky one at that. I believed her about her fragile bones. Defended her even. Because who would lie about something like that? Probably helped her case that there were times we heard of her getting what should have been very minor scrapes for anyone else but serious injuries for her. Multiple trips to the clinic wasn't unusual for that girl. Felt bad for her, as did everyone else. We were also in awe by her spirit, in spite of the disadvantage she had. I know I was."
Seeing that she still had Nadi's attention, Mary May continued, "I never like to speak ill of the dead. It just... never feels rights when the person isn't around to hear it themselves. But I gotta say, Elsa was, and will always be, one of the most confusing people I have ever met."
Nadi tilted her head, shuffling her stool seat closer to the counter, "How so?"
Mary May huffed, shaking her head with pursed lips and furrowed brows as she spoke, "I just never got her deal. She had a successful business. A family member close by. And got lucky with men and women alike. I honestly thought she was plenty decent until she continued to run her mouth around me. She could be really nice to you. She could be really good to you. She could have even made you believe she was your best friend. Or she could be a self-absorbed, rude shit with an ego that puts John Seed and Guy Marvel to shame. Never hated her, but didn't exactly like her either. Most people though either had one opinion or the other about her, both good and bad. As I said, she was tricky. And quite the actor. I could never tell which facade was her true self. If either was the "real her" anyways. She didn't cause unnecessary problems, or try to get my business shut down, which made me a little lenient to tolerate her. Her sister always got a free pass from me because she didn't bother anyone. Or she was too shy to. Though I chalked it up as someone who didn't have a good handle on their English yet. Never liked making conversation, always keeping things short. Not Elsa though, she talked like it was her way of breathing."
Nadi clasped her hands together and rested her chin on top, supported by her elbows on the bar counter, as she continued to listen to the sinner speak her mind. While the business she owned enabled others to indulge in their vices, Nadi couldn't help but be enraptured by Mary May's words. She could see why John had a small infatuation with the barkeeper. She had an aura of a person who was capable of taking care of herself, a reliable ally who could pull her own weight and someone who was tough. Someone who wouldn't go down that easily. All were admirable traits, and useful too. Not to mention, she was pleasing on the eyes.
Nadi felt disappointed that the other blonde let her Pride vehemently dictate her decisions, rejecting the Father's truth. John's chances to give salvation. Would've loved to see her walking around in Chosen attire, came the intrusive thought.
The image of a beauté like Mary May dressed as a Chosen, just like Nadi's fellow brothers and sisters back at the Veteran's Centre, darkened Nadi's cheeks, and her want for someone's touch return.
Shaking her head, Nadi shooed those tempting thoughts away. Restrain your LUST, Sinclair, a voice, either her own or John's, chided, You already need to resist charming your boss, don't push yourself further into sin by leading others or yourself down that path... again.
"Hey, you alright?" Mary May's voice cut through Nadi's thoughts.
Nadi blinked, and put on a smile before gesturing towards Mary May, "Oui. Got lost in thoughts. Please, continue."
And here is the last lines for La Última En Pie. Nightmare sequences are difficult to write (also trigger warning for child abuse, nightmares of implied child murder and, uh, creepiness):
“No matter where you hide. No matter how far you run. No matter which sinners you choose to sully what little virtue you have with,” Father told her, his grip getting tighter, constricting her breath, “You. Will always. Be. Mine."
Sylvester clawed at his arm, his wrist, his hand. Choking on screams he kept silent. "This isn't supposed to be happening," she wanted to say, so desperately, "This wasn't how this went." Her wide grey eyes stared into the unbothered gaze of whom she shared the colour with. Father drew her face closer to his, as he whispered his promise, "And we will be together in my Garden. My paradise. No matter which form I mold you in."
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
Hey! Can you say more about You're Almost Like Family? 👀
Sure can @g0dspeeed!
You're Almost Like Family is a Far Cry 5 time-loop/"Groundhog" day AU fic, with only the Seeds being stuck in this perpetual cycle that takes them right back to when my deputy, Silva Omar, arrests Joseph Seed.
For a bit-oh context, the Seeds has Silva surrounded, and just refusing no for an answer when telling her to outright join them there and then. The time loop begins as soon as Silva is shot dead, unprompted, and the Seeds pretty much "awaken" at the moment Silva put the cuffs on Joseph that fateful night. None of the Seeds know that they all are in the loop together until much later, they believe they're in this individually. Joseph can't really communicate with the Voice (and vice versa), unless the Voice uses the lines it told Joseph before the loop reset (essentially the Voice only has a certain amount of dialogue available to say to Joseph and none of it is very helpful), so the Voice just kind of sits back from the outside and observes, to its frustration. Anyway, what the Seeds do know so far is that every time either one of them or Silva herself dies, time resets back to the moment Silva put the cuffs on Joseph. One of them dying from either Silva or an enemy has always been a plausibility but one they can all prevent now while stuck in this loop. However, what should be impossible is Silva dying, considering Joseph's orders of capturing her alive. But someone else has entered the county and is actively going out of their way to kill Silva, which makes this whole thing a lot more difficult for the Seeds, since they can't go to her too early cause she'll kill them and they can't be too late to meet her because she'll get killed. Throughout these loops, they learn things about Silva, things that both bring context to why she fights them so hard and allows both them and her to empathize with each other in ways they never could beforehand. Not only that, but this also gives the Seeds an opportunity to notice things about the Project and its members (such as John and Jacob's SIC's, Nadi Sinclair and Alexander Khaos respectively) that they would have never have noticed originally.
I don't have any more snippets available to share at the moment, so I hope this was good.
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
I'd love to know about "Call to Arms" for the WIP round up. FC5 and CoD my beloveds...
Ah yes! I'd love to talk about the Call To Arms duology!
Since there were two versions of CODMW, I had been stuck on doing either the original version or the reboot. Then I remembered, "I'm a fanfic writer, I can have BOTH!" And that's how I ultimately decided to combine both, so that's going to be fun to work out.
Call To Arms is a Call Of Duty Modern Warfare fic which acts as an origin story for Nadi Sinclair, John Seed's second-in-command in my FC5 fics, explaining why Nadi is so willing to sell her soul to John and Eden's Gate and devote herself to their ideals despite the red flags.
Call To Arms is split in two (due to being a duology); the first fic focuses on the first Modern Warfare and setting up the second, acting as a prologue of sorts, while the second fic focuses on both Modern Warfare 2 & 3, where things start taking a turn for the worst. I'll be sticking with the original's timeline (mostly anyway), as the reboot's timeline just doesn't work for Silva's Hope.
Nadi Sinclair is an Iranian-Frenchwoman who joined the French army and eventually got recruited into SAS operations, specifically the 22nd SAS Regiment, due to her exceptional sharpshooting skills, and acts as designated marksman on good days and sniper on bad days. Despite the work she does, she still retains an optimistic and cheerful demeanor, earning her the nickname "Quokka". She's joined alongside one other recruit; Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish, and are both mentored by SAS Captain John Price and Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. The dynamics I'm going for in this group is that Nadi and Soap have this vitriolic sibling energy between them, and are considered the "younger" siblings (being in their early and mid 20s), Gaz the well-behaved one, and Price acting as the big brother everyone looks up to even when he commits the occasional war crime.
There's also Kate Laswell who's the mother hen that covers their asses when they do stupid shit, and checks in on them from time to time to make sure they're all okay. Farah and Alex are the favorite long-distant cousins they wish they got to see more of (with Hadir as the least favorite) and Nikolai is the uncle whose been to prison more than once but does get them out of trouble so he gets a pass, and Griggs is just a stand-up guy who showed up sopping wet like a kitten lost in the rain so they kind of adopted him.
Shepherd also appears a little earlier than he does in both canons (though I'm going for the original MW2 Shepherd as I despise the reboot version) who's either the most impressed dad in the world or the most disappointed. Graves and Valeria are the bad kids who the team want to keep Nadi far away from.
Ghost, Roach, Alejandro, Yuri, and all the others will be introduced in the second fic but while I don't have much to share about their relationship with Nadi now (except that Ghost kind of scares her even though he would absolutely kill anyone who bothered her and help hide the body), I must make this adamantly clear. I do not have any romance at all for this duology, the focus is more on brotherhood/sisterhood. The most you'll get is playful flirting, whatever Alejandro and Valeria got going on, and discussions of Nadi's obvious poor tastes in men and women at her expense (which may explain her crush on a certain Seed brother...).
Makarov is still his horrible self and no one wants him around.
I'm still trying to get things together for this one, I'll need to go on the hunt for the original games (it's... been a while) and replay the reboots (I don't have the third one and while I'm hesitant to get it from what I've heard, I'll do it just for the fic).
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Late WIP Poll Winner(s) Wednesday
With Round 2 results in, here are the FC5 WIPs of Silva's Hope and the still unnamed "Proposed Arranged Marriage" scenario. For a cleaner context, I added a few more sentences.
I will be combining the rest of the other non-winner poll WIPs into one post soon. And catching up on some tags.
Tagging everyone who tagged me or were in the notes of this poll: @voidika @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and @strangefable + anyone else who wants to read.
First! More Silva's Hope. Reminder that this WIP of mine is still under construction and some things may or may not change in the future. Introducing John's personal Chosen bodyguard (translation: unpaid babysitter), Nadi Sinclair doing some digging for Nancy:
Adjusting her shoulder, bringing the phone closer to her ear, Nadi asked into it, "Sister Nancy, I can't find any headlines nor editorials on "Elsa Omar" or any "Floristry"... are you certain there's something here? Perhaps you had read wrong, no?"
The older woman on the other end replied, her aged and gentle voice filled with patience, "I guarantee its in one of them papers, Sister Nadi. My eyes remember the exact words when I read the cover. You'll find it eventually dearie." Nadi made an affirmative hum as she unwrapped the next piece of paper.
And lo and behold, the words "MISSING OWNER OF ELSA'S FLORISTRY FOUND! BODY RECOVERED IN LOCAL HENBANE CAVE" were centered right in the middle of the page. Nadi blinked, momentarily perplexed, and checked the date of publishing. December 7th, 2013. Bringing her eyes back to the story, she read the first few lines the page had to offer.
And Kamski's POV in the arranged marriage scenario WIP!
[TW: Mention of coerced marriages and implications of canon infanticide. Also emotional manipulation?]
Joseph appeared unbothered by his lack of trust in the prophet's words, and seemed to decide to placate the doctor's paranoia, "I assure you Doctor Neon, we care for Deputy Omar's health as much as you do. God is looking out for your charge, and will protect her from the Collapse. You can trust me to keep her safe."
Kamski hummed, unconvinced. He really wanted to scoff and snarl at the man in front of him. Yeah, shooting, stabbing, almost drowning, torturing, drugging, sicking wolves on her, almost killing her in general, letting her starve and dehydrate while conditioning her to kill innocent people has been a wonderful method of tending to her health. He hated the serenity in Joseph's voice, how easy it was for him to lie to the Good Doctor's face. Does he really think me, a 58-year-old self-taught medic and doctor, that naive? Is he so focused on what he thinks God demands of him that he can't see this isn't what Silva needs or wants? How trapping her in another set of walls will do her more harm instead of less? "Care for her" my ass. Kamski doesn't exactly know what Joseph's game is, but the evidence points to possibilities that do nothing to decrease the disgust and contempt he felt toward the so-called prophet. He knew the last place Silva should be was near Joseph and the cursed prophecy that just continues to take so much from them. He hated the familiarity of the situation, hated how little control he had again, and despised himself for wishing Paul was there. At least Paul could protect her.
Kamski shooed away those thoughts. No! Remember what he took away from Silva. Be glad he's gone. Kamski exhaled a breathe and looked to Joseph. His siblings were still around, including Silva's unwanted suitor, but the doctor felt unconcerned by their presence. If they wanted Silva to join the family, despite how low of a chance that actually is, they would need him alive. Though Kamski wasn't unprepared to fight back should he need to. After all, he couldn't trust these Saints to keep their words. He stared through the yellow lens of Joseph's aviators. It nagged him, the certainty Joseph had that he could keep anyone, especially Silva, safe, when it was him who was the danger. Kamski knew from experience that at a moments notice, whether it was "God's Will" or his own, he could have Silva life end without hesitation. Even his own family wasn't safe. A reminder he chose now to address in his response.
"Just like you protected your daughter?"
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
oooh i know i'm late, but if you haven't already talked about it (or have more to share on it), can I please hear more about No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden (FC5)? (--direwombat)
You know funny thing! I had completely forgotten I had this WIP up until last week.
So, from what I could guess from my earliest notes and what I wrote so far then, No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden was a FC5 fic that focused on Silva, Joseph, Faith, the Sheriffs Department, Eden's Gate, Adam Omar and his Congregation in Silva's past, an in-depth look at/possible deconstruction and reconstruction of the religious Adam and Eve themes (your original sin, shame, curiosity, ignorance and knowledge, (unfair) punishment, the acknowledgement of pain and death, mistrust and disobedience towards God and other deities or figures of worship, etc) and possibly set in a time pre-Reaping or where the Collapse just doesn't (or rather can't) occur at all. It would flashback more between Silva's past and present, focused on her relationship with her father Adam, her first love Irene and her adoptive father Paul and the Tumultite community. The focus of the past would be less Persephone and the Apostles and more her time spent on the Archipelagoes from what I could gather.
I had no idea where to even continue on from this, so I decided since past me wasn't going to travel forward in time and tell me what she was thinking, I decided to add on this story with another divergence from the canon of Silva's Hope and Far Cry The Silver Chronicles... and made Silva a coroner instead of a deputy (with a unique interest and perspective on corpses), because I like to make the Voice cry in a cosmic corner.
The Voice attempts to retaliate by telling Joseph that Silva is perfect to be "the Mother of Eden's Gate" but fortunately Faith's already got her hands on this strange cryptic coroner version of Silva and she isn't willing to share. John & Jacob, Alexander & Nadi, the Sheriff's Department, the GFH/FFH, Hope County residents, the rest of Eden's Gate, Kamski and Azriel just try and live regular-ish lives while this all goes on. This is the closest thing to a "no Collapse" AU that I have so... enjoy?
That's what I've got so far and what I've recently added (because I forgot to write notes last time, silly me).
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simplegenius042 · 4 months
Would you be willing to share a bit from A Truce, As Null And Void As Yourself?
A Truce, As Null And Void As Yourself is the official name of the FC5 Arranged/Forced marriage AU I've been kicking myself to find a name for. Essentially, the plot is, Silva and the Resistance leaders meet with the Seeds to negotiate a truce/peaceful resolution, but Joseph will only give it if Silva is handed over to them and marries a suitor he's chosen... that being Jacob (much to the guy's dismay) because "the Voice said so". This doesn't work for Silva for many reasons (incompatible orientation, she hates Jacob plus the cult's guts and also the fact Joseph didn't even say anything about compensating the Hope County residents for the deaths and destruction they've brought being amongst those reasons), nor does it for Kamski and the Resistance so they decline... until Silva is given time think back on all the things that had lead her to this life, and a visit to Carmina and her parents reminding her of what she lost due to her past hotheadedness and thirst for vengeful justice, and her own guilt over multiple things push her to take the deal with Joseph with a few altercations; she will join Eden's Gate and marry Jacob if he can acknowledge that the marriage is purely tactical and does not at all require her and Jacob to do things that both would find uncomfortable or would be downright impossible for either to commit to, and she wants him to agree to whatever reparations the county wants back for all the trouble and terror Eden's Gate caused them.
By this point, in most fics like this, Eden's Gate and the Resistance would co-exist, and the deputy would slowly live assimilate in the lifestyle of the cult, and find it "not that bad".
Here though? I argue differently. I agree that if an alliance was required, Eden's Gate and the Resistance would team up to deal with the third party. But this isn't an alliance; it's a call for a truce/peaceful resolution to the violence.
I absolutely agree that Joseph views the Seals opening as a bad thing, and would hope to avoid it. He does not want any of his siblings to die, and hopes that his guidance can keep them to the visions where they do survive to see Eden (as his voicemail to John also implies) which the Voice showed him. However, while Joseph believes he can prevent the deaths, he is unaware that the Voice is capable of deceiving him, showing him visions it itself does not intend on following through with.
Joseph doesn't want the Seals to break... but what he doesn't know is that the Voice absolutely does, because that's how the Collapse happens; through sacrifices. It had designed things so that either Joseph loses his family again, or the deputy fails everyone and loses themself + everyone they've come to care for in the process. And in FC5, the Voice got a two-in-one package deal.
In this fic, the truce is exactly as it says on the title... null and void. It's a ploy. The Voice does not care for honor, or human concepts such as trust... it will ensure the Collapse happens, by either pushing its Muse (Silva) to the edge of distress til she fights back and breaks the rest of the Seals and taking all Joseph had, OR the Prophet (Joseph) pushes Silva til she breaks down after losing everything; the life she wanted to live, her independence, her community (again) and herself. The 'As Yourself' part of the title is up to interpretation... either it refers to the Voice, who is hollow inside except for its (preset) sadism and without any humanity whatsoever, or Joseph for literally sacrificing human values just to appease the Voice's demands despite how much damage it does and how much he may not personally like it, making him essentially a puppet, null and void.
As soon as the Voice gives the word, Joseph will break the truce and Eden's Gate will catch the Resistance unaware. At least... that's what the Voice expects to happen anyway.
Silva absolutely does not have a good time. After all, she's stuck in another cult that restricts her freedom and choices, plans on betraying her conditions, seeks to use very manipulation in the book to keep her with them while being unable to make contact with her friends and allies, is surrounded by people who either detest her or she feels absolute guilt for even being in the presence of (due to killing a lot of the followers) and being afraid to fight back in the off-chance that the truce is on.
Nadi and Alexander are the most sympathetic towards her. Faith isn't very sympathetic at first until she spends enough time with Silva that she jealously finds it unfair that Jacob gets to be married to someone who can rail her is such an ideal partner for her (which might lead to do something, le gasp... daring). John gets sympathetic when Nadi leaves him and he stumbles upon Silva in a very vulnerable state of mind. Jacob and Joseph though are the least sympathetic, with the Voice absolutely thriving in her misery.
Does this fic end happily, bittersweet or depressingly? I haven't decided, but it's one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions, that's for sure. This fic (not excluding The True Sinners) is the closest to a "Silva joins Eden's Gate" as you're going to get without completely changing her core values and beliefs.
Hope this is satisfactory!
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Far Cry El Industrial's Reign AU Post #6
[NOTE: I wish I could have made a more refined version of this, but this is the best I'm gonna post]
You know, the relationship between the Seeds and the Tumultite Distraction Team (Silva (kind of?), Azriel, Alexander Khaos and Nadi Sinclair) is something that gets me chuckling.
Mostly because by how much an outside-context foe the Tumultite inner circle is to the Seeds. Like, really, who could have guessed that this reserved group of business owners who run a diner are kind of unhinged and scary tactical?
At first the Seeds have to deal with Silva, the leader of the Tumultites (arguably, the most important and powerful member, like Joseph), strategically disrupting each regions' operations, with a "controlled chaos" if you will. Converting her to the cause would mean an assured victory against the Resistance after all (since the Tumultites would follow her to Hell and back). Besides, they've had their first meetings by this point (John's been personally tasked by Joseph to ensure she reaches Atonement, Jacob has just begun conditioning her, and Faith just got her to do the Leap). After their first kidnappings meetings with each other, the next time an attack occurs on their regions their automatic thought is "ah she's back for more".
But nope! It's not her at all. In fact, John, Jacob and Faith's regions are getting attacked by Nadi, Alexander and Azriel respectively and simultaneously, throwing the Seeds off with the level of destruction and skill these guys are capable of/have acquired.
And where's Silva at? Well, if Alexander, Azriel or Nadi are captured by the aforementioned Seed siblings, they'll answer along the lines of "she's at an important meeting with the Barons down in the Underworld, don't worry, she'll be back in a few days."
Now, if you think about it, Jacob would probably be the most miffed about it, as he just began conditioning Silva. Now he has to deal with an entirely different person. And unlike Silva, Alexander is almost impossible for Jacob and his Chosen to catch (perks of being a Ranger in the Whitetails and witnessing how the Chosen work). In fact, the only reason Jacob managed to even meet Alexander in the first place wasn't because he finally captured him, but only because Alexander got caught in his own trap that was meant for Jacob while practicing his monologue for the older Seed. Jacob having to deal with this grinning idiot who has the audacity to call him "Jake" and/or "Jakey", somehow breaking into the Veteran's Centre whenever he pleases, eating their rations, leaving notes to let Jacob and his Chosen know it is him eating the rations (I can imagine at one point one of the Chosen, John or even Pratt try leaving a note for Alexander to stop eating the rations, only to get a reply note the next day with that crudely drawn picture of the cartoon character Goofy saying "I'll f***ing do it again"), changing the sound of the Wolf Beacons into the playlist from Shrek (it's Alexander's favourite franchise), hiding so well that Eli "I've got eyes everywhere in the Whitetails" Palmer doesn't even know where the hell he is, leading Chosen onto wild goose chases and just overall testing Jacob's reserved calm and patience. All the while Alexander happily engages in conversation whenever Jacob makes the mistake to call Alexander on the radio. And Alexander is completely genuine, not even bothered by Jacob's curt attitude, just happy he gets to talk to someone from a more decent cult.
[Context: Alexander came from an isolated cult that were severely traumatised by some events during WW2 and enslaved themselves to a pill called "Joy", with the trauma passing down to the next few generations as it got taken advantaged of by Klaus Crawford into becoming a free testing ground for many pharmaceutical companies. Once Alexander left that cult (after being subjected to trauma and a new drug called "Glee" that never makes him stop smiling/looking happy because of the mass dopamine/serotonin production/overload), he was shortly found by Silva who happily gave him a place amongst the Tumultites. By comparison, Alexander believes Eden's Gate is far tamer than Wellington ever was (at the very least Eden's Gate doesn't kill their children or pregnant women)]
I'd guess John would be mildly pissed. Considering Joseph told him "ensure Silva atones, or the gates are shut to you", John would take it personally that Silva just up and left while leaving one of her lackeys to deal with him. So now he's got to focus on this new sinner causing him problems. However, how Nadi deals with his region isn't really... destructive. In fact, she's rather merciful to John and his region than Azriel and Silva had been. Instead of destroying the "YES" sign, she secretly painted on it, depicting some coral, incomplete jellyfish, and what is clearly underwater in the ocean. Then she starts filling the gaps between the words with blank canvases, until it's no longer a "YES" sign and is actually a painting of the ocean, jellyfish, coral and a whale's tail. And while breathtakingly beautiful to anyone else who sees it, it's doubtful that would be John's immediate reaction. Instead of destroying silos, Nadi and some other Tumultites decide to steal the fertiliser in the silos and transfer it to their own silo trucks, and any bliss canisters found are then driven out of the Valley and somehow disappear at the bridge to the Henbane, never actually confirmed to have entered that region (until Silva takes the Jessop Conservatory, which is a private affair that none of the Cougars nor Resistance know of, instead becoming a lab of sorts for Kamski Neon to do his experiments, especially with Bliss). When captured for Confession, Nadi doesn't tell John anything about her life nor her fears and secrets and sins and is rather unimpressed when he demands of it while pointing a sharp utensil at her, but vocally disapproves so casually whenever John tries to reach for one of the tools/knives/torture equipment in his tool kit and makes suggestions for which type is most effective or suitable for this type of torture and how to use those instruments in a way that doesn't kill the receiver but still leaves them uncomfortable and/or in enough pain to get the receiver to probably talk, both an indication to John that Nadi is intimately knowledgeable in the arts of torture, whether she's received it or inflicted it (likely both), and a subtle (heavily implied to be the case since Nadi has seen the dead bodies casted in funeral shrouds cast in the dark) nudge from Nadi in guiding John on how to shape out of his sloppy treatment of his confessors so he doesn't go too far and accidently kill them. Even if he does follow her advice, she still doesn't break a word but does encourage him to try this less risky (though still painful) technique on others to see how quickly they'll confess to him than before, while also giving him kudos for trying to use her own technique against her. Nadi mostly leaves John's ranch alone. Unless he's over there and its dinner time, then she sneaks in and strikes a sort of deal with him. On nights he's home, he allows her to join him for dinner without drugging, kidnapping or shooting her beforehand or afterwards and she'll let him ask his questions about her life, sins and secrets (with her being free to do the same, and their conversation must stay between them otherwise deal's off) until she's finished her plate, then questions are over, and John will have to wait another night till she freely confesses again. Whenever he calls her on the radio, she's as cheerful as she is in person, and still calm all the same, often engaging in some light-hearted banter with him. Always ending with a tender, "Talk to you later, John." Because she genuinely likes talking to him, and any threat he throws doesn't faze her, and never falls for his barbs that would cause her to stoop down to his level, while being patient when he wants to have a proper discussion without the unnecessary threats and wrath.
Faith, though? God bless her soul, because she'll need it. She's not dealing with an uncatchable chatterbox troll. Nor is she dealing with a reasonably mellow cheerful artist with a sniper rifle and a scary amount of knowledge on torture. No, Faith has to deal with Azriel. The daughter of the woman that Faith would rather be dealing with, since the worst Faith got from Silva was a suspicious glance/glare, and sarcasm, but often times the woman at least gave Faith the time of day. But Azriel really puts Faith's maternal role to the test. Azriel is the unruly chaotic demon-child to Faith's disciplinary, stern yet playful adult. Azriel is exactly like a game of Russian Roulette; you never know where the bullet is, and whether or not it's real or just a blank. Or in this case, Faith doesn't know what mood to expect from Azriel, whether her emotions are genuine or not, and the mood swings between "thinking Faith is the most badass woman ever (on par with her Mamá, Silva) and someone she kind of respects" to "a decent if annoying religious bother figure that she mostly ignores" and to most commonly "the worst person she's ever met in the county". To summarise: Azriel is kind of like Faith in a way; Faith is either a sweet, free-spirited loving figure who wants the best for you or she's a vindicative and terrifying goddess of spite with powers that will give those most tethered to reality a literal mind-screw, while Azriel can either be a cheeky, playfully rebellious teenager or the literal foulmouthed goddess of chaos incarnate. Difference is that Faith is keeping by Eden's Gate rules and her violence is a) carefully constructed in an orderly fashion, and b) benefits only the Project, while Azriel's is painfully (for the Peggies and Resistance) keeping by her own questionable morals, values and beliefs that directly tie to a romanticised and simplified version of the Tumultite ideals, and her violence is a) unpredictable and frequent, and b) does not benefit her enemies (Peggies) nor allies (Resistance) in the slightest, with Silva and the Tumultites generally being spared from harm (while gaining little benefit from it depending on what Azriel's task was in the first place). Azriel's focus on the present also hinders any effort Faith can try to attempt at converting Azriel with, since Azriel's so focused on the now that she honestly could not care less worrying about the future, and therefore, the Collapse as well. And the level of chaos and destruction she causes is also the bare minimum of what she is actually capable of doing. And if this small level of destructive power is as detrimental to the Resistance as it is to Eden's Gate, then it's really best not to think about if Azriel was given free reign to do as she pleases (and the only authority Azriel respects is Silva, Grandpa Paul and Gavin Turquoise, two currently aren't in the county and the other is in the county but is only focused on being lookout for any Adam's Guard activity). Another fun comparison between the two is that Faith and Azriel are both embodiments of certain concepts (faith and chaos/tumult in this case), loved by majority of Eden's Gate and the Tumultites respectively, adored by their groups leaders (Joseph and Silva) and are hated and feared by everyone outside of their respective communities (Faith by the Resistance, Azriel also by the Resistance and majority of the Peggies, as well as Omar's Guard. Strangely the Tumultites don't feel any contempt towards Faith, and by their standards, her methods and achievements are impressive to them, with Silva often lamenting that she would have made a great Chem Baroness in the Underworld if things were different).
Plot relevant: Faith notices that Azriel's eyes are a familiar blue and that her voice has a mix of two accents; mostly Spanish (like her Mamá's) but with a subtle and familiar southern drawl. Not to mention, Azriel's gazes are as intense as Joseph's is.
Things get worse when the trio decide to switch regions regularly, with the siblings having to deal with what the other complained about.
(Nadi deals Jacob with more caution than she does with John, since John strangely enough (as she's freely admitted to him) feels far safer than Jacob and opts to take a far more militaristic approach with the eldest Seed, while with Faith, Nadi loses a bit of grip on reality often but bounces back rather quickly. Honestly tries to build a kind of 'gossip girl' dynamic with Faith. Alexander is still a chatterbox of useless information to John (Khaos tells John all about the Shrek franchise and how much John needs to just chill out, while at the same time eating the Baptist's snacks at Seed Ranch that Alexander snuck in because lets be honest, that place has the worst security) and Faith (Khaos talks to Faith about medicine and pharmaceutical properties... and Shrek), but he doesn't find them as endearing as Jacob is to him. John despises Azriel, who is a brat to him, and an absolute nightmare whose actions encourage John's worst impulses. Jacob on the other hand is increasingly weary around her, especially when, later on, she storms into the Veteran's Centre herself, leaving one-third of it on fire, numerous bodies left behind, just to only get Silva out, completely forgetting about Pratt).
And then when Silva makes a return, there's a collective sigh of relief from both the Resistance and Eden's Gate, and if captured, Silva would ask if they enjoyed the company of her companions.
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