#oc: scout ravello
hythlodaes · 1 year
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“what poisonous flowering plant are you?”
i was tagged by my darling @lavampira to take this quiz and use this meiker for an oc <3 i went with scout, my MC for infamous. i haven’t shared anything about her yet but she’s been rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken for the past couple weeks <:
this is the poison of stagnation. you grow drowsy. your heart rate slows, and when you do move you can't seem to stop shaking. it may seem to others that you're lazy, or reticent. like you avoid hard work on purpose, like you always take the easy way out. but you know deep down that it wouldn't be like this if you weren't so tired, so deeply tired. if you weren't crushed under the weight of sorrow like a mile of water over your head. nothing brings you peace, except rest and-- though you can hardly dare to ask-- having someone tend to you gently and sweetly. a good gardener speaks to their plants, sings to them, waters them, fertilizes their soil, prunes the dead parts, nurtures the new growth. you yearn to be cared for like that, even though you feel you don't deserve it. the secret is that you do. you always have. and someday, you'll learn that, and receive that care, and the exhaustion won't keep you from growing strong and lovely anymore. you were never the problem. these are simply poor growing conditions for you.
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