#oh gosh I didn't even talk about Sabrina
I Had Miraculous Ladybug Thoughts, Specifically the Chloe Lila Alliance Situation, and I'm Making It Your Problem! I am So Sorry!
Just. Read the title of this post. I am the most biased person you could have on this topic. You've been warned.
Okay, so. Chloe. If you are in the ML fandom, first off, my condolences, we shall suffer together. Second off, you know that Chloe is incredibly divisive. On the one hand, she's an absolute a**hole to everyone around her at any point in the series that is not season 2 and parts of season 3. On the other hand, it is clear that she has no adults teaching her how to not be an a**hole or regulating her behavior because the only people who have the necessary authority should not have ever been parents.
And then you have that whole thing in season 2 where they started to explain her awfulness and gave her the bee miraculous and she started getting better and developing a support structure, and then she stopped being allowed to have the bee miraculous and dove headfirst off the deep end. This frustrates pretty much the entire fandom. On the Chloe hate side, you wonder why they were wasting time with this. On the Chloe love side, you just got baited, and you're annoyed as heck, and you also are wondering why they wasted your time with this.
But fine, okay, it's dumb, but whatever, the fanfiction can work with this. What the fanfiction has a MUCH harder time working with is Chloe and Lila forming an unholy alliance over their mutual hatred of Marinette and Ladybug. Because the problem here is, it's redundant, it doesn't make sense, and makes Lila even more of a Mary Sue.
Tangent warning: YEAH I SAID IT! I think Lila is a Mary Sue. You don't have to think that. My definition of a Mary Sue is "a character that warps the fabric of the story around them without it making any sense because the author likes/hates/pities/has other strong emotion about this character/ too much to care about a coherent narrative." Not everybody defines a Mary Sue this way, but by this definition, Lila is a Mary Sue. Everyone immediately loses their brain cells around her despite being compassionate and sometimes intelligent individuals who will kill for Marinette in most other scenarios. Nonsensical story warping just because the author said so. Tangent aside:
What this alliance does is it gives you two manipulative lying b*tches who willingly get akumatized to further their petty schemes and are out to destroy Marinette and Ladybug and are weirdly possessive of but don't actually seem to care for Adrien. There's really no point in having two. They occupy the same narrative niche and it is awkward and stupid and I DO NOT LIKE IT. Neither does most of the fandom it seems, because this alliance rarely appears in fanfiction.
There are a couple default solutions in fanfiction:
1. Redeem Chloe. I like this solution. I like Chloe, I think she's entertaining, and I think her interactions with other characters as a good guy are especially entertaining, I think she brings a lot of valuable skills and perspective to the cast as a good guy, I think she has a lot of reasons for being an a**hole that should be properly addressed, and I think the reasons her redemptipn arc got aborted were stupid. Most fanfiction goes the route of having redeemed Chloe viscerally hate Lila too, because Chloe goes after enemies with passion and her whole heart. This is a clean solution, but not great if you don't like Chloe all that much or are trying to make it canon compliant (best of luck to you, canon is all over the place).
2. Only focus on one as a villain and yeet the other out of the story. If Chloe is the villain, set the story during the time that Lila was off being Cerise or wandering around Paris or whatever, or before she showed up. If Lila is the villain, give Chloe an unrelated reason to decide she's not dealing with that today, thank you very much. Usually used in salt fics to dunk on whichever character grinds your gears more without unwanted interruptions. I like salt fics, and this is also a good clean solution. Having both of them is redundant, so just remove one. For Lila, it makes sense because she's a Mary Sue and writing her is annoying, so pretending she never existed is a great fix to that. For Chloe, it makes sense because "lying manipulative ladybug hating b*tch" only really starts being her archetype after the writers screwed up her character with a million inconsistincies. Before that, she was more of a "comically loud, bossy, really obssessive fangirl b*tch," so Lila just works better for certain plots. Downside is that you can't focus on Chloe-Lila interactions, and you sometimes have to do a bit of finagling to figure out how to remove them from a situation they would ordinarily be VERY invested in.
3. Make them hate each other. This is one of my favorite solutions because I have a weakness for villain rivalries that are equal parts comedic and dramatic, but bias aside, this absolutely works. They both want Adrien's sole, undivided attention, and, prior to aforementioned screwing over of Chloe's character, Chloe is the world's biggest Ladybug stan, and Lila is her number 1 hater. They also both have a weird power over the adults in the story that two 14 year old girls really shouldn't have. All these factors make it very easy to guess they would clash. Watch as they try to destroy each other! This plays into the "they both suck, but it's different flavors of suck," and makes those flavors mix BADLY together. The one downside is that it is hard to not make this the central focus of the story, because both of them are so over the top that they're absolutely going to drown out most other going ons, and this is technically supposed to be about Marinette and Adrien. It also erases some of the storylines you can get from an actually thought out alliance.
4. Redeem Lila. I have only seen this in one place, but it is a prominent place and that's more places than my suggestion on this whole ordeal. The prominent place being the Scarlet Lady AU by the very talented and lovely ZoeOneesame. Her take on it was basically:
"Chloe in this AU has the ladybug miraculous, and Chloe sucks at her job, so Lila's ladybug hatred is justified. Marinette is in love with Chat and isn't involved in the ladybug drama, so Lila has no reason to hate her. Adrien is both much smarter and much more active in this AU, so he wouldn't deal with Lila in the same hands-off way. Everybody else is also smarter in this AU and would probably know Lila was lying and also not care because they are forgiving and compassionate. So Lila's lies would most likely get called out, she would have the freedom and desire to figure out who she is beneath the lies, and she would have a justified hatred of Scarlet Lady matched by other characters in the AU, and would probably band together with them."
And thus, no filter, vindictive good guy Lila was born! Again, I have only seen this in Scarlet Lady, but it is amazing over there, so I had to talk about it. Redeeming Lila is an unconventional choice for sure, but I think if you arrange for circumstances where Lila would rather ally with the heroes than the villains, then you can get a lot of mileage out of her people-reading/manipulation skills helping out the heroes while possibly scaring the crap out of them at the same time. This has basically all the same downsides as the Chloe redemption though. It's not fun to do if you're here for Lila salt, and it's ABSOLUTELY not canon compliant.
Now. You may have noticed that nobody who writes fanfiction for this show does the canon Chloe-Lila alliance. This is for a myriad of aforementioned reasons: it's redundant, it continues the confusion of Chloe's character arc, and Lila is a Mary Sue, so anything that involves her tends to be frustrating. But, I think there is a way to make it work, so I'm writing about it.
First of all, don't do what canon did where 6 just have Lila teach Chloe how to lie. Take full advantage of the fact that they are two very different types of a**hole. They can ally for the same reasons: they both are super possesive of Adrien and are raging about him getting together with Marinette. And while I don't like the arc of Marinette being a trash and controlling guardian who shows inordinate favoritism to Alya and Zoe and literally nobody else because she's gay for them, you can still do that and have them both hate Ladybug too. I don't like that plot beat, mostly because it's never really addressed that Marinette is in fact a bad guardian outside of some light sulking from Chat, but it can work. She's a 14 year old girl in way over her head with no adults left to help (except the kwamis, but they don't really count because they are very unhelpful). It makes sense that she wouldn't do a good job at first. But whatever their reasons for teaming up, lean into the fact that Lila is a two-faced secretively awful person while Chloe is an in-your-face publicly awful person. From there, it depends on the tone you're going for.
Chloe is a great villain for humor because she's so loud and dramatic. She can get away with saying and doing really insane and rude stuff on the grounds that she's insane and rude (and also rich and powerful). People don't have any expectations for Chloe to be nice or rational, so she can do stuff like try and write a Queen Banana character into the class film and be met with annoyance and frustration rather than outrage and shock. So if you're going a lighthearted route, let Chloe be the one who does all the public legwork for their schemes, and let her be absolutely over the top about it.
On the other hand, Chloe can also be threatening in a far more tangible way than Lila. Lila can make people think you're a bit of a jerk, but it takes a lot of work for her to come close to getting Marinette expelled, even with all her Mary Sueness to help. Chloe can just look at the principal and say "My dad will fire you and remove all school funding if you don't expel her." Chloe won't make people dislike Marinette because nobody likes her, but she can physically hurt Marinette in ways that Lila can't. So if you're going for drama, you can lean into that. Chloe is in a completely different social class than everyone else and has actual power.
Either way, let Chloe be a complete drama queen who is publicly out to get Marinette, because there isn't anything anyone can do about it.
Meanwhile, let Lila work in the background. Lila has never been a comedic villain, only getting introduced after the show had taken a turn for the more dramatic, so don't bother. Leave that to Chloe's antics. Let Lila be the actual threat who is driving their plans. A lot of the reason Chloe was manageable while Lila never was is because Chloe's rage tends to be directionless and impulsive. She has a short temper that can easily be triggered, but also easily soothed, and she doesn't have any thought out plans or long form schemes. She just does whatever she thinks will make her happy in the moment. Have Lila be the one who convinces her to think in the long-term, and who comes up with an overarching plot to get rid of Marinette, adding a sense of real tension to the situation. Sure, before Chloe could have you expelled on a whim, but she also would have stopped bothering the second Adrien paid attention to her. Lila will help Chloe drop that boundary.
Lila also has the advantage of people actually liking her and being willing to do things for her without threatening or bribing them. Lila can do things like make it so Marinette doesn't have any of her friends around to help in an emergency. She can make it so people believe Chloe might actually be justified in her crusade against Marinette this time. She can plant seeds of doubt and distrust and she can socially isolate Marinette in ways Chloe can't. Make people love and believe in her instead, slowly destroy Marinette's support system, and so on. It not only is really dramatic and upsetting, it basically leaves Mari with just Adrien and Chat to rely on, which is FANTASTIC ship fuel if that's your jam. This can also let you have some other prominent characters come to the fore. Have some Kagami focus. Have some Luka focus. Bring in Socqueline and Felix and see how that changes things.
Point is, between these two, you could have a genuine, non-redundant threat that you can get emotional mileage out of. Lila is on one side turning all of Mari's friends against her and scheming to destroy her in the long term. Chloe is on the other side threatening Marinette's lifestyle---her bakery, her school, her fashion career, her public image, her existence in Paris---anything that can be damaged by the Mayor and the Style Queen is under attack. And then you have Hawkmoth on the other end, throwing akumas in her face and forcing her to make impossible choices. I would imagine Lila also gets akumatized on purpose whenever she needs a little extra help, while Chloe just gets egged on and pushed off the deep end by Lila whenever Lila thinks it'd be advantageous. So that trifecta is super genuinely threatening. But you can also have Chloe being a really stupid drama queen whose fits of rage can still be silly and poorly thought out, even with Lila helping her. And you can have some really heartwarming stuff as the people left in Marinette's support system band together and become even closer to get rid of these two once and for all. I just think this plot beat has a lot of untapped potential if the writers didn't make then fulfill the same narrative role, and I haven't really seen it explored yet.
Feel free to use this idea in fanfic, tell me that it sucks and would be bad, or ignore me, I mostly just needed to write this down!
If the mood strikes me or multiple people express interest (yeah right), I will make a (probably much shorter) post explaining how you can redeem both of them effectively and also why I think that would be bad in most circumstances.
Congratulations if you read this whole rant, now please go to sleep. Please. So much please.
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
(Chloé + Sabrina centric)
"Oh my god, so- Dupain-Cheng, right? You'll never believe what I heard her say to herself earlier today."
Chloé had to giggle and snort to herself for a few seconds before she was even able to say it. "Ok, so she was— She dropped her pencil, or something, right? And like—" Chloé started twirling her gum around her finger, before popping it all back in her mouth. "—She said 'Oopsie'. Fucking 'Oopsie'."
Sabrina broke out into laughter that she couldn't contain behind her hand no matter how close she kept it to her face.
"Like- We're in terminale, Cheng, you can say 'Fuck'. It's literally so not hard."
"I've never heard her swear ever."
"What do you think she does if she burns, like, the little cookies she spends all day making?" Chloé shrugged, leaning further into the locker she was up against. "'Oh golly gosh darnit!'," she mocked. "'What a predicament!'"
"'Oh jinkies, my sweet treats are ruined! Whatever shall I do?'"
Sabrina liked seeing Chloé laugh, no matter what she was laughing about. Out of anything Chloé could've been doing that morning, gossiping was the least likely to get them hurt.
"Mademoiselle Bourgeois, that state of attire is not appropriate for a learning environment."
Chloé pursed her lips upon hearing Madam Bustier call her out. She tugged onto the lace hem of the tanktop below her crop jacket, bringing the hem just to touch the waistband of her jeans despite fully intending to not keep it that way.
"Fine, better?" she frowned.
"...Have a pleasant day, Mademoiselle Bourgeois. Don't make me chat with your father again."
At the 'next chat' they would be having, her Daddy would be the one doing the talking, that's for sure. All these stupid rules just seemed to be put in place to mock the concept of being fashionable. Hell, the other day she'd been chastised for showing up in Juicy Couture—Juicy Couture! Apparently it wasn't 'academic enough'. It was almost like they fucking knew half of Chloé's closet was Juicy Couture.
"God, what a bitch."
"It's whatever, Bibi," she mumbled under her breath. "If they want me to start dressing like a kindergarten teacher, I'll be the hottest kindergarten teacher they could ask for. With like... little yellow jackets or striped shirts or whatever."
Sabrina giggled at the thought of such a thing. "Catholic housewife style?"
"Pfft, no— Dupain-Cheng dresses enough like that for the whole damn school."
Adrien passed by them, not bothering to even wave like he used to. He didn't really even acknowledge anybody in the hallway, actually. It was weird.
"By the way, Chloé—" Sabrina grimaced nervously, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Is it true that he's, like..."
"I don't want to talk about it," Chloé said.
"What?! Come on, you told me you guys were engaged at one point, there's no way you wouldn't know."
Chloé took in a sharp inhale through her nose, her shoulders rising with it. "Beebs, if we're talking any more about this, it'll be in the bathroom."
They made sure to find one that any teachers wouldn't stop by. Coincidentally, it was the same one that all of the druggies would use for the very same reason, but it was so early in the day that most of them weren't even out of bed yet. Except Chloé, that is.. but coke is a party drug, so it doesn't count.
Sabrina braced herself as Chloé readied to break the news.
"...Seriously? That's all you had to—"
"No, Bibi, that's not all of it!" Chloé then shoved Sabrina and herself into the nearest stall, still unsure if they had enough privacy to talk about it. "I know that he's not because I've fucking kissed him before!"
Sabrina seemed to think this was the equivalent to Chloé winning a million dollars when it really wasn't. She was being totally ridiculous about it, like it was worth caring that it happened.
"You kissed Adrien Agresté? There is no way—"
Reflexively, Chloé forced a hand over Sabrina's mouth. "God, Beebs, it's how I figured out I wasn't into guys! Also, we were like 12 when it happened, so it didn't even count."
"Buht shtill!" Sabrina's ridiculous little goofy smile could still be seen through Chloé's hand just as much as her voice could be heard. "I dohn't fhink anywone's evah kisshed 'im befo—"
"Well, he's not gay, because if he was, he would've reacted like I had afterwards," Chloé simply spat. "He had that goofy little smile on his face like yours, too. ...Weirdest part was that he mumbled something along the lines of me looking like his mom."
Sabrina was now free from the grasp of Chloé's hand, even if she was still backed up against the door of the stall. "Weird," she said with a smirk.
"Yeah, and she wasn't even, like, dead yet."
"Totally. Gosh, no wonder you guys couldn't get married, that'd be so gross."
Chloé looked off into the distance (that, in their situation, was the tiled wall of the bathroom maybe two away at most). It wasn't worth mentioning that the kiss had happened after that point anyways; That's not what Chloé was the most hung up about.
"That's not why," she said. "I was never told why."
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successinsix · 19 days
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moonbin's look
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jiyoon's look
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• moonbin & jiyoon were the only ones invited, which wasn't very surprising considering how well they had done with their brand deals recently
• they came to serve and (mostly) delivered
• everyone said they were really on theme but they just went for floral looks lol
• they didn't match each other at all and most of the night they weren't even together
• fans complained a bit about jiyoon's hair because it wasn't styled, it was just left alone, but mostly they liked it anyways
• the boys had fun though
• moonbin's english really improved bc he did well when he was talking to emma chamberlain but he mostly avoided talking to a lot of people
• jiyoon had the time of his life tho talking to everyone he could
• jiyoon mentioned his adoptive sister dia was a big fan of emma, he said "my sister was excited for me to come. dia said, emma and ariana, matteo." emma laughed really hard at that. (for context: dia is his sister, and she was asking him to meet those two)
• when jiyoon left she joked with the camera that she had a new crush
• the after party looks were mostly just regular suits, styled by prada and gucci respectively
• moonbin's was literally a prada suit, and jiyoon's was a white cropped suit thing
• moonbin stuck closer to jiyoon for the afterparty bc they were gonna have to socialize and jiyoon's english was better than his
• ariana grande approached them first
• she came up to them and was like 'oh my gosh, i just saw you guys at coachella, you did amazing' and she was so sweet
• jiyoon literally died in that moment right there
• moonbin was adopted by stray kids, bc jiyoon was social butterfly-ing with english speakers and he didn't understand
• stays were loving it at first until a fanwar ceased all positive contact between the fandoms
• locals began commenting on stays posts that were praising their friendship saying moonbin had outdone them and then stays retaliated saying skz outdid and moonbin was leeching
• so yeah
• anyways
• jiyoon also said hi to skz and particularly tried to steal jeongin
• jiyoon also talked to sydney sweeney, tyla, and sabrina carpenter
• he wanted to say hi to zendaya but literally couldn't find her anywhere
• the boys accepted lollipops and a bunch of other snacks from chris hemsworth and jennifer lopez who were co chairs and successors literally died at it
• it was like they were being crowned winner or something it was really cute
• jiyoon was nicknamed prince of the gala
• they took pics with literally everyone you have no idea
• moonbin was so shy on the live after he kept saying 'next time' in tiny english it was so cute
☆ i'm really sorry if anything here seems similar to anyone elses post, i was inspired by a lot of other ocs going to the met, and when i was writing my own i might have pulled from someone else's without realizing it, plz let me know if so !
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side|| Luke Patterson
Chapter seven~ 25 years?!
people grow together through darkness. does this band will make it without their most important human being.
After years will everything keep the same?
Luke patterson x oc
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The siblings were next to each other, it became a routine that everytime Luke and Reggie fell asleep the girl would sneak behind the tall blonde.
Tonight was different. Sabrina woke up to a loud scream and when her fingers fished for Alex there was no one.
Did he.. she couldn't finish the heart broken thought.
Alex and his friends found themselves in the middle of the old garage they'd rehearsal a thousand times before they passed.
"How did we get back here" Luke was the first to speak.
The girl who faced them screamed from the top of her lungs and the boys joined it, taken aback that they weren't the only ones in there.
The boy group jumped about, mostly Luke did so. Alex and Reggie hold fast onto Luke who calmed a bit. The raven haired girl ran out of the room leaving them questioning.
"What the actual hell was that? Alex broke the silence.
"Well she seemed nice" Reggie insists.
"What?" Luke and Alex said in sync turning to his friend.
"I mean she.." he got interrupted by her walking through him, she was walking right through him. The boys looked closed by this. They watched her carefully as she moved further into the room with a cross in her hand,
Okay well that's silly Alex points over to her and Luke just shrugged his shoulder.
The girl mutters under her breath and the boys decided to make them visible again.
"Well, we're all a little crazy." Luke raises his arms as he states.
She began to scream, again.
"Oh my God! Please stop screaming!" Alex pressed his palms onto his ears.
She stops and in the far a dog began to howl.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my mom's studio?" She shouted.
"Your mom's studio? This is our studio. Trust me, my.." he approached the girl who almost ram her cross into his body.
"The grand piano is new, and.. and.. and.." by the time he let the sentence out he slid over the named piano.
He starts to giggle when he saw the couch was still there. He sighs when his hand meets the fabric of the pillow.
"But that's definitely not my six-string," he points over to the guitar on the wall. His graze rose to the ceiling where chairs hung down.
Where's her board.
When Sabrina died they hung her board on there so they would feel her near.
"Can you just give us a second?" he asks as he reached his friends again.
"Just.. give me a second. Thank you."
They turned around and he began to whisper, "guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in here so fast?"
"Maybe.. maybe she's a witch. There's chairs floating on the ceiling," Reggie suggests.
"Okay, there is no such thing as witches." Alex argues.
"You're sure? I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts," he retorted.
But Alex knew better but he couldn't bring that up.
"That's fair"
"Okay, so we're going with witch?" Luke questions.
"No! We are not going with witch"
"She's not a witch. Okay, look. She's just scared. Okay let someone with a softer touch handle this" Alex has his hand now resting on his chest as he remarks.
He walks back to her. "Why are you in our studio?" He began. After a moment of silence the girl pushes her cross through his body.
"Oh my gosh! How did you do that?" Her voice loud.
"Clearly, you're not understanding. She doesn't get it.." he says into the direction of his friends.
"Okay, look. We're ghosts, all right? We're just three ghosts, and we're really happy to be home. So thank you for the flowers. They really brighten up the room," he explains.
"We're in a band called Sunset Curve," Luke adds.
"Tell your friends," Reggie didn't say those words in a while and he was relieved could.
"Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us."
Sabrina never spoke to Alex about the time that had passed since their death.
"It was gonna change our lives."
"I'm, uh.. I'm pretty sure it did," Alex whispers to his friend.
"This is freaking me out," the girl demands, she inhales sharply as she grabs her phone.
"What is that? What are you doing?" Luke points towards the electronic device.
"It's my phone"
"No stop talking to them. The aren't real," she snapped.
"There's no such thing as cute ghosts." her voice becoming squeaky.
"Oh you think we're cute?" Reggie requests.
"Who you calling?" Alex bend forward
"I'm googling sunset swerve"
"Sunset curve"  they all corrected her.
"Whoa. There's a sunset curve. You did die. But not last night. Twenty-five years ago?"
"What? No. No, no, no. Th-Th-That's impossible," Reggie stutters.
"After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried" he continues.
"Well.. I don't think.. I think we were all pretty upset okay." He said in a high pinched voice.
"But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here" Luke acknowledges.
"Look. I'm just telling you what my phone says," she held her screen toward the group so they could read for themselves.
"See? you died in 1995. When you were 17. It's now 2020"
"So, this is the future?" Reggie connects.
"Wait. So.. so, it has been 25 years. I have been crying for 25 years? How is that possible?" He shouts the last part.
"We'll, you're a very emotional person." Reggie states.
"I am not!" The blonde retorted.
Suddenly there was another voice coming from behind them.
"Thought you were afraid to come out here," a young biy walked through the door.
"You talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?"
"He can see you," Alex shoot in Reggies direction.
"No he can't," told the girl. His graze wanders around looking for the guys.
"Uh.. what do you want," she tried to change the subject.
"A normal sister, for starters," he exclaims.
"Me too" Alex exhales.
"Stop being weird and come eat," he tells and left.
"He couldn't see you" she began.
"Yeah, I mean, that's.. usually how ghosts work." Alex explains. Reggie hummed in agreement.
The girl walked over to the doorframe and came to hold.
"Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave," the girl with the glasses bosses.
"But wait. We.. we didn't get your name," Luke asks carefully.
"It's Julie."
"Cool" he chuckles slightly
"I'm Luke, by.. by the way" as he was near her she rose the cross again.
"And this is.." he stutters
"I'm Reggie," he waved to her
"And.." he pushed the blonde boy further.
"Alex. How's it going?"
"Ba-da," he insecurity exhales.
"Okay?" With that she left.
"Julie seems nice," Reggie smiles.
Alex just groans. "Did you miss the part where she kicked us out, or.. yes okay," he gave in.
The blonde had to find his sister, she has to explain a lot if thing to him, now.
"I need to go.." he points out
"But you can't leave us here" Luke insists.
"But this is really important. I need to think,"
"Okay, let us do one thing and you can go"
Luke decided to go inside her house even if that means to break boundaries. When Julie saw the three she let out a yell and the boys froze in tracks.
"That's me. Ripping off the band-aid."
The shaggy haired boy makes his way over to her. "Hey Julie, I really like what you guys did with the place."
"You shouldn't be here"she earned a gasp from the older woman standing next to her, she explained her appearance.
"I think that's our cue to leave" the two women having a conversation on their own.
"We should've called first" Reggie steps next to the other two boys. They left the house and where now outside.
"I'm going, now."
"Where to?" Luke questions as Alex walks down the driveway
"I'm back in a matter of time," he poofs out and was nowhere to found.
Alex was on the beach, where else could she be.
He saw the shillouette from his sister on a board in the ocean. He never really went surfing with her and when he did Alex just sat on the board floating on the water.
Her eyes laid on him and in the next moment she was besides him.
"You didn't told me" his face turned to her, his graze blurry.
"If I'd told you, you would've freaked and cried in your sleep."
"Oh well, doesn't matter if I'd cried there too, I mean twenty-five years and you didn't told me," his feet began to set off, he was too heated to poof himself out of here.
"A, please I'm sorry.. I.. I just didn't know how to tell you, without you telling the others. I couldn't face Luke again," her hand's grabbing his upper arm to stop him but he got rid of her grip.
"That's none of my problems" Alex raised his voice. He never did at her before. Tears start to stream down her cheeks as she stood opposite of him, his eyes were cold, emotionless. She had never seen him like this before.
"Alex" she exhales but he wasn't there anymore.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
"There's A Wiener on the Left!"
In Finland, when I hear someone talk about Easter (in Finnish, Pääsiäinen), the first thing that comes to mind, for me at least, are witches. It's a tradition here for kids to go around town dressed up as witches on Palm Sunday, and trade decorated branches of willow for candy. It's quite similar to trick or treating on Halloween, something not as big a deal around here. But because witches equal Easter in my mind, I find it very fitting that in today's GMM, Rhett and Link were joined by Gavin Leatherwood from the Chilling adventures of Sabrina.
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I've watched the first season of Sabrina, but something else has always come up, and I haven't watched the rest yet. Of course, I have watched the og Sabrina the Teenage witch, but let's not bring that up. No, actually, let's: I'm not ashamed to admit that I quite enjoyed the show, even the stiff robotic cat. But even though some quite unusual animals and other oddities are kinda the theme of today's game, they actually have very little to do with witchcraft, and more with the magic of photoshop. It's time to spot the differences in some pretty wicked pictures!
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Rhett starts the episode by instantly asking Gavin if he prefers leather or wood, (Rhett likes both) just because, Leatherwood. Imagine being a guest on the show, meeting these two dorks for the first time, and this being the first thing they ask you? And then, you end up playing a game where each round ends with someone putting a curse on themself? 😂
Okay, Disney should consider making a Mickey Mouse movie where all the characters' faces would be replaced with dog faces. That Mickey Dog looks amazing!
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Buzzer wood would make a fun name for a Toy story fan fic, and I know my mind is pretty deep in the gutter to say that. It doesn't help when Rhett says things like "I like buzzer wood, it's soft."
After Rhett and Gavin find the differences in the koala mask pics, Link has to walk under a ladder and flip a fish to bring bad luck on himself. I had to find out more about the fish thing, and apparently it is a thing, only not while cooking the fish but when serving it.
I'm not very good at this game. I only thought about how my mom has the same green Ikea dish brush that is in the second picture, and then I started to think I should load my dishwasher. If I was playing along, I'd end up doing all the cursed punishments.
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Opening an umbrella indoors is considered to bring bad luck in Finland, too, but this is the first time I've heard about Leonardo DaVinci inventing masturbation. Way to go, Rhett!
I spotted the nose in the stairs photo immediately, yay! Honestly, giving Link scissors and a hammer to smash a mirror with was possibly the worst idea ever. He didn't even know which hand to use with which tool! The horror on Rhett's face is very real, but somehow, the chaotic energy in this shot is also very much what GMM is all about.
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I don't think the picture of the chickens taking a bath is that weird, but just pretty funny, but now I really need to see that freckle. I'm glad Link lost this round, so we get to see his yo-yo skills. This round was bad luck to whoever has to swipe the salt off the floor.
I made an eight-legged cat from clay last week, but the dog is way cooler. I don't know why, but I think Gavin just put a curse on that pretty little rainbow with his wicked eye. But, I have to ask with Gavin, why would Link imagine a little girl in a gown pointing at the rainbow instead of Gavin? Oh, because he's Link. Obviously.
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In the last photos, I spotted the creeper, but not the other mistakes. I love how Rhett's first guess, after Stevie said women are more prone to spot the last mistake, was boobies - I don't believe that would apply to all women. When Link guessed there's a wiener on the left, I tried to take a better look at the creeper to see if it was a wiener and not a person. I mean, it's possible, I guess. The Try guys just posted a video with Zack's wiener, so it's not unheard of. But, gosh, Rhett really can't whistle. That was equally painful and hilarious to watch.
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Rhett also loses the final round, and somehow, his punishment is to get serenaded by two guys while getting a foot massage? I love how Link harmonizes the Happy Birthday song, he's really good at that!
In More, the guys play Light as a feather, stiff as a board with different objects. I've never tried this, but I did once play with a Ouija board with my friends, and I may have tricked them to think we talked to the spirit of someone who used to live where my family home is. I feel a bit guilty for doing that, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. I just didn't think they'd buy it.
Link admitting to Gavin that he and Rhett are the most sheltered middle-aged men he'll ever meet is somehow quite adorable, and I think the part where Link is doing awesome yo-yo tricks while whistling Deck the Halls in the background as Rhett struggles with the cardhouse while Gavin observes the situation, is one of those moments where you could send someone who isn't familiar with GMM, without context, and see how they react. But Link with that yo-yo...😯😍
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Link may have shaky hands, but his reaction speed is phenomenal! I'm glad Gavin took his leather jacket off, it would have sucked if they spilled that orange juice on it.
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Okay, I'm gonna stop now. They definately saved the best part of today's show to the end, because seeing Wushu sit on a pizza box up against the sky while the guys sing that song from Lion King is possibly the best thing I've seen in a while. And it's the perfect scene to end this post:
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conorpmaynard · 7 years
All Started With a Song Part 10 // Conor Maynard
Word Count- 2221
Summary- Conor sees your cover and contacts you
A/n- (feel free to change the friends name I was just too lazy to write y/f/n that may times) here it is! this is way longer than i thought it would be and i didn't get to half the stuff i thought i would. so i re-planned everything. there will most likely be 13 parts now! i hope you enjoy. 
p.s. nothing crazy happens, this is mainly a filler chap. sorry if you were expecting drama!
You guys headed to bed rather early that night. With all that happened and your plans for tomorrow, you guys needed the beauty sleep.
At 6 o’clock on Sunday morning, you three left the hotel and started your adventure. Alice had looked up a really nice café for you guys to have breakfast at. She got some pancakes, Olivia got an omelet and you settled for a bagel.
“So where are we headed to first?” you asked before taking a sip of your tea.
“I really really really want to go to the walk of fame.” Olivia pleaded. “Can we please go there?”
“Of course Liv!” you smiled. “We’ll head there right after we’re finished eating.”
She squealed and clapped her hands, causing Alice to snort.
“You are too awake,” she mumbles, taking a forkful of pancake.
“Hey, don’t judge me. I’m just excited,” Olivia frowned.
“Oh, you know I love you,” Alice laid her head on Olivia’s shoulder. You quickly opened the camera app and snapped a pic.
You posted it on your Instagram with that caption:
i have the cutest friends ever… btw expect lots of pic today and tomorrow #sorrynotsorry
“Awwww, Al look at what Y/n posted. She’s so cute!” Olivia gave Alice her phone.
“She’s so sweet, let’s post one of her.”
You laughed, “No, please don’t.”
“Aw c’mon. You’re adorable babe.”
“Fine, but I get to approve the picture and caption,” you emphasized the and.
“Deal! Make a pose!”
You rested your elbows on the table and your chin on your hands, flashing the camera a small smile.
After a few moments of intense typing Alice handed you her phone, “Is that okay?”
Cannot thank @y/i/n enough for this trip. Love you lots babe xx
“You’re so sweet Al,” you handed her phone back to her.
“Alright, here’s the bill. Are you ladies all finished up here?” the waiter asked as he handed you the receipt.
“Yep!” Olivia smiled.
“Do you think I could get a to-go cup for my tea?” you asked.
“Of course,” he turned to walk away when he stopped. “I’m sorry to bother you. But are you guys from the UK?”
You three started laughing, “Yes, we are,” Alice answered.
“Oh my gosh, really? Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?” he instantly took a seat next to you.
“Of course not, whatcha wanna know?” you smiled.
“Is it always rainy?”
This caused you three to erupt in laughter yet again, but stopped when he frowned.
“Oh love, we’re not making fun of you. It’s just cute,” Liv placed a hand on his and smiled.
“But to answer your question, no. Sometimes it’s really nice out. But most of the time yes, it’s rainy.”
“It’s not even always rainy, just really cold.” You added.
“I’ve always wanted to go to London,” he sighed. “Is it worth taking a trip to?”
“I can’t answer that without bias, but I think coming here was definitely worth the trip. If that helps.”
He stood up, “Well my name’s Clayton.” He pulled out a piece of paper and began scribbling. “If you girls need anything, here’s my number. I’m free whenever after noon.”
“Well thank you Clayton. That means a lot,” you smiled.
After that cute little meet up you girls grabbed an Uber and went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was so much fun. You girls had races to see who could find this person first or who could find a ‘James’ or ‘Amy’ first. You may have looked crazy to others but you three knew it was all in good fun.
You were only here once, why wouldn’t you make the most of it?
After the Walk of Fame you three headed to any and every shop that the London didn’t have; which was a lot. You hit lots of clothes shops, make up shops, and so so many candy shops.
You picked up something for Alex and a few gifts for your mom. Alice got something for Brandon, but insisted it was for her friend that ‘you don’t know that well’. And Olivia, of course, got something for Sean.
After what felt like a lifetime you guys finally found an In-N-Out. You all had been craving it ever since Sabrina took you guys to it your first day in LA.
While you three munched on your burgers, you just chatted about anything and everything.
“What time is it?” Alice asked.
“Just past 11,” you clicked your phone shut. “So what’s next?”
“Honestly? I want to go back to the hotel and take a power nap,” Alice sighed, Olivia vigorously shaking her head in agreement.
“Okay, I’m down for a nap. Then the beach?”
They both smiled signally they were okay with that.
“Wake me up at two,” Olivia sighed, falling onto her bed. You laughed and watched as Alice copied her movements.
You walked out to the balcony and sat up against the wall. You were tired, but you didn’t want to sleep. You didn’t want to miss anything LA had to offer.
You knew you shouldn’t have, but you texted Anth. It was a low blow honestly. But you were bored and didn’t have any clue as to what to do. You opened SnapChat and clicked his name.
You sent a simple selfie with a caption:
any fun activates you know of in LA?
You scrolled through Instagram while waiting for a response. You noticed Conor posted a new picture.
You knew it would hurt, but you couldn’t not look.
It was of him sitting of the edge of a bench, it was nighttime. He was facing away from the camera.
He captioned it:
C’mon LA, you have yet to let me down. Please don’t change that.
There were hundreds of comments that ranged from ‘ARMS’ to ‘why are you sad :(’ to ‘i hate when he doesn’t tell us what’s going on’.
You were hesitant, but ended up liking the picture anyways.
SnapChat from anth.melo
He sent a picture of him in front of a mirror of what seemed like a gym. You could see Conor on the side, but it was only an arm. You cringed at the fact that you knew it was Conor simply by an arm.
His snap read:
sorry y/n, kinda busy rn.
You sent another selfie with a frown:
okay, but we NEED to hang out soon. i leave in two days :(
You closed your phone and went back inside. After sliding off your shoes and plugging in your phone, you slid into your shared bed with Alice.
A few minutes of shot eye wouldn’t hurt.
“Y/n!!!!” you heard someone shout.
You shot up from the pillow, “What?!” you shouted back, not having opened your eyes yet.
“Its 4:30!” a voice, you recognized as Alice sighed. “You had one job. One bloody job!”
“Oh, sorry. I fell asleep and forgot to set an alarm.”
“It’s okay, we can still go to the beach!” Olivia piped up from her spot in front of the mirror.
“I guess,” Alice sighed.
“Haven’t you always wanted to see a sunset on the beach?” you asked, getting out of the bed.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Let me check when sunset is.”
You bent down and grabbed your shoes.
“It’s at 6:04, should we invite anyone?” Alice asked.
“Like who?”
“Clayton!” Olivia jumped up. “Please invite him!”
You smiled, “Okay, I’ll invite him. But i can’t promise anything.”
You sent him a text that read:
Heading down to the beach to watch the sunset. Care to join us?
You sat your phone down and began braiding your hair.
“Did he text back?” Alice asked.
“Check my phone, I’m kind of busy.”
She stood up and walked over to where your phone was sat on the bed.
“What’d he say?”
“Nothing, but Anth texted snapped you.”
“You can open it up if you want,” you said, closing your eyes to focus on the pattern.
After a few seconds you heard a gasp, “What’s wrong?”
“Look! “Alice shoved your phone into your face. On the screen was a selfie of him and Conor and it read:
Okay, we’re free tomorrow
He was smiling and Conor was sporting his signature ‘kissy face/pout face’ look.
You stared until it disappeared, then you let out a sigh.
“What’d he mean by that?”
“I asked him if he wanted to hang out,” you said, sticking out your tongue as Alice snapped a picture.
“Oh, well.” She smiled, helping you up. “Looks like we got plans for tomorrow!”
You three changed into your swimsuits and packed a bag. You were going to go to the beach no matter what, Clayton being there was just a plus.
Your phone dinged and the girls sat, eyes wide; waiting for a response.
Of course! Meet me here in 10 minutes.
The link sent you to your Map app. There was a blue line from the hotel to a beach about 5 minutes away. Due to it being so close, you three decided to walk. As you left the hotel you sent him a quick text back.
see ya soon xx
As usual Anth and Conor stayed up late doing whatever they do. Most of it was just joking around. But part of it, a very small part, was very deep.
“Mate, I gotta ask,” Anth sighed.
“I can’t answer it. I know what you’re going to ask. And I honestly don’t know. I was jealous and upset. I just-” he sighed, looking at Anth. “I messed up.”
“Well do you like her?” Anth asked hesitantly.
“Of course I do! I liked her before I met her. But I overthought everything. I assumed she didn’t like me, so I wanted to make her feel how I felt.”
“Do you want to be with her?” Anth questioned again.
“That’s the thing. Like, I don’t know her. But I want to. And I want to see what it could become, but I don’t want to give us a chance and it be awful and I have to break her heart again.”
Anth remained silent as Conor poured his feelings.
“I’m just so angry. At myself. But also her. And I know I have no right to be mad at her. But she’s just so perfect. And I want to hate her and just forget about her. But I can’t, because whenever I see a girl, I notice that she isn’t Y/n. But I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me. And I just want to punch myself, every time I remember what I did.”
Conor knew there was more to how he felt, he just wasn’t ready to admit it.
Anth stood up and put his hand on Conors shoulder, “Well, how about you sleep on it. And tomorrow we go to the gym; work out all the anger. Then afterwards, you can talk to Y/n.”
Conor and Anth didn’t make it to the gym until a little before noon. Conor woke up to Jack spamming him. Jack lost the keys to his apartment so he begged Conor to tell him where his extra set was.
Conor really didn’t want Jack to be at his flat alone. Who knew what the kid would get up to? But after a few minutes of Jack begging (and almost crying, almost. it doesn’t count if the tear didn’t fall) Conor told him to message Alex.
After that, they were about to leave but then Anth realized he forgot that he planned to Skype his grandparents. Knowing he couldn’t let his friend not call them, Conor sat in the guest room while Anth chatted with his grandma and grandpa about various things.
After Anth’s grandma finally said goodbye, they headed to the gym. On their way they stopped to get juices.
“Mate, the Strawberry Mango is way better than the Green Machine,” Conor dragged on as he walked aside Anth.
“Stop playing dude, the Green Machine is the best!”
“You’re mad, y’know that right?”
“Nah man, you’re just stubborn.”
When they arrived at the gym, they both popped in their headphones and got to work on their preferred workout equipment.
Within the first thirty minutes, Anth could tell Conor was more upset than last night. He was lifting way more than his body could handle, but every time Anth would bring it up Conor would brush him off.
“Mate, your calves don’t need that much weight,” Anth chuckled, pulling out a headphone.
“Why come to the gym if you’re not going to push yourself?” Conor asked, standing up.
“If you say so,” Anth said, grabbing his phone to change the song. He scrolled through his notifications. He went to close it, but then he noticed your name. Why were you snapping him?
He walked over to Conor, opening the snap.
“Hey, look at this.”
Conor looked at the screen then turned around.
“So do you want to?” Anth followed him
“Not really,” he muttered.
“Okay,” was all Anth said. He sent a picture of him in front of the mirror.
A few seconds later Conor said, “I don’t know what to say yet. But tell her we’re free tomorrow.”
Anth just smiled. Conor was head over heels for you and him trying to hide it was so cute.
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