#oh man when will I have time for the French... ToT I may actually NEED need it soon fuck
rigelmejo · 3 years
6/28 I DID A LOT
I talked in chinese today! For around a half hour!! AHHHHHHHH
So first of all I practiced with Google translate today beforehand (lol yes machine translate isn’t perfect). I clicked the app, clicked transcribe, spoke in chinese then saw if the English translation it was producing was close enough to what I was trying to mean to say. (Also I learned chinese transcribe will need to process for a few moments if you play Chinese audio like from a podcast because at first it will give you a sucky transcription lol and then correct itself). Anyway so I did that and quickly learned: Google translate WILL fucking think I am speaking sentences when I’ve only said a couple words of my sentence because I pause “too long” so when I tried thinking of tones or grammar I spoke too fucking slow for the app so BAM I had to speak faster for the app just to comprehend me. So I did not practice Thinking about how the fuck to say things right much, just how to recall words on a fucking speed time limit lol. So uh that was an experience. I’ll definitely say that my 学习普通话 app is way better for me actually practicing pronunciation with any success, because Google just will NOT tolerate me speaking slowly goddamn.
Anyway so then tonight I spoke with my language partner. Well
good news: I was understood, I was told I sound pretty standard and they can tell I maybe imitate some peoples phrases and words from shows I watch (which in this case is a compliment since they said weeks ago when I asked how they improved their standard mandarin accent for a speech competition that’s what They did and the kind of shadowing they suggested I try doing more for accent work).
My grammar and word choice was understandable (I KNOW I wasn’t perfect and there were fucking mistakes Especially just notable spots where I forgot common words and tried to talk Circles around those words to describe them since I know Enough words to kind of “explain around” and come up with a more word description of a simple word I forgot sometimes but fuck is it probably awkward to listen to. Like I forgot “back then/at that time” so I said “the time when I was in high school” or “in high school I..” just because I couldn’t say “that time” on the spot, also fucking I forgot how to say “also” and “or” in certain ways and just had to figure out a different way to make my point like “this is like that” or “not the same” ToT).
Anyway regardless it’s a real big accomplishment to me. Reasons being: 1. I’ve never talked in chinese that long straight or to someone else communicating, or telling stories about my life and asking questions and actually testing my fucking communication abilities past small talk. Even talking alone to myself it’s just phrases or small situations where if I forget a word I just stop, so this was huge for me. 2. I did not have time to think about tones period while talking today with my language partner so like being comprehensible is!!!! GREAT. Considering I tried speaking to a language partner simple common word tone pair examples or very simple small talk at 5 months into learning and remember being incomprehensible like 50% of the time. Versus me now a little under 2 years in so being able to simply not be constantly thinking about tones and still know I might be understood (and in this specific case was understood) is nice to know. 3. I did better at winging vocabulary and talking my way around words I didn’t know than i thought I could. 4. REALLY simply tone and grammar being comprehensible is blowing my mind on its own - I know there were many mistakes (I personally could hear my 3rd tone not always sounding right to my own ear, and know I heard a few grammar mistakes I heard after I’d made my point lol). But just being comprehensible enough for someone understand my points even if I made those mistakes was really cool. 5. I’m hoping this means all the things I’ve been doing lately: the Listening Reading, the watching shows with English subs this month while repeating some of the Chinese lines to myself, listening to audiobooks and repeating many of the lines to myself, and the weekly language exchange I’ve been doing, have all been helping to some degree. Improving production skills is not something I’ve tried studying before and so basically all that I’m doing is flailing around trying stuff and hoping something is useful. It’s nice to see something must be if I’ve managed this.
Anyway it was just very very cool to be understandable. ;-; At this time last year I was absolutely assuming it would take years to get even a little understandable. Also for now idk this proved to me to maybe just stick to shadowing for a while and Not specifically thinking of tones While actively speaking. For a while I thought of them actively which made me clearer and I think was important and helped, at this point currently I think sometimes i overthink and trying to speak from memory/more shadowing practice might help it become a bit more automatic? And then I can go back to some corrective work where I’m messing up specifically or haven’t internalized certain words/phrases tones maybe.
today I ALSO played 4 hours of Kingdom Hearts II in Japanese WHICH WAS AN EXPERIENCE
So 1. EONS easier than last time I studied Japanese. For context at 2-2.5 years into studying Japanese I played the opening of KH2. I remember it was brutal, I used my phone constantly to look up words, but I got through like the opening portion to the first save point after the haunted mansion (so like is that day 2? Basically what’s usually .5-1 hour of play or less that took me a few hours back then). It was doable, kinda brutal, but also I have kh2 near to my heart so I could play it without reading when I felt drained. Now?? I had over a year break from Japanese study (maybe 2-3 years break idk). I reviewed Japanese in I think March-April 2021 this year. April/May to June (now) I’ve been studying some new material. The biggest new material being some more Nukemarine memrise decks, and Clozemaster as of this month. So like... this Eons of improvement is after a long ass gap of no study, a cram review, and some just beyond last-times-progress kind of new study. It is a HUGE difference to me in how it feels.
I did not use a dictionary at all this time. I did not play slow either, I read at a speed much more bearable, I comprehended most sentences totally (understanding words because of a mix of knowing most words, knowing the context for the words since I know KH2 WELL, knowing Hanzi from chinese, and thanks to Clozemaster of all things feeling a lot better/quicker with Japanese grammar comprehension), and a few sentences I knew the overall gist because of recognizing the Hanzi (tho they were being used in words that aren’t similar to Chinese), the grammar overall (the rough intention of the sentence), and knowing KH2 well enough to remember the main idea of th English sentence. So it was overall a much more pleasant, easygoing experience this time around playing! It was something where I COULD play 50 hours of Japanese KH2 now.
This kind of showed me some things: first that knowing a basis in chinese (for me) makes a huge difference. Kanji now make words easier for me to learn and guess. I can now recognize when some pronunciations are somewhat similar to Chinese words. I can recognize when some kanji are used to mean Different things from Chinese (since I know the English context too). I can also now actually Like and Appreciate that KH2 specifically uses kanji in some speech bubbles and scenes then hiragana for the same words at other times - it gives me a chance to use context to see both versions of the word and learn both the pronunciation and kanji a bit more. Now I have katakana English like words and kanji (in the sense of their similarities to Hanzi) and my basic grammar grasp to rely on to parse sentences which makes all of it much easier. For me chinese was just easier, and that’s now paying off also in making Japanese easier in some ways than it was before.
I also appreciate now why “prior context” and “comprehensible input” are encouraged so much. My effort level is comfortable and NOT draining, so I could’ve kept my playing for hours and I did not need a dictionary for new words because I had TONS of context. Part of this is KH2 being a game I know super well (so even back at year 2 it was doable if draining when no other video game probably would’ve been doable at all). So it makes sense now it would be the first comfortable feeling one. It is VERY comprehensible input for me, especially now with some of the Japanese improvements I’ve made.
Whereas I tried to play crisis core a month ago (doable but DRAINING in part because I knew the game so comprehensible but I didn’t HAVE the game remembered by heart like KH2 so I had to slow down to read everything slowly and figure out words much slower with no prior meaning in my head for many parts), and persona 3 (which was doable but DRAINING in part because I have little prior context compared to cc or KH2 and in part because it has so much reading). Also KH2 is easier to read than cc or persona 3 - kh2 is obviously meant for age 10+ and so the amount of text I’m required to read is shorter, a lot of conversational stuff and not layered (cc had a lot of technical paragraphs of directions for missions and persona is aimed at older teens and has much more like “think about it more long term” conversations which I struggle more to parse). Also just persona 3 has so much dialogue I started speed reading just to get to a save point which felt Draining. Whereas KH2 the reading is comfortable so I don’t read too slow, and so it doesn’t feel as draining since it’s not slow nor do I have to rush at lower comprehension to get through it - I can just read and comprehend everything as much as I can at a reasonably non draining pace.
Also I DO think Clozemaster (so kudos to u app) is actually helping noticeably. I’m doing Clozemaster Japanese by common word tracks (still in the 100 most common words sentences and almost done). I’ve been doing listening mode and then reading sentences after. I can TELL it’s helped me already with the following. I’m doing better at recognizing some grammar structure particles/words/conjugations in various forms and levels of politeness. I now have much less issue telling how to separate sentences into word/grammar functions - it makes everything just much easier to start being able to segment my sentences as I read so I can just pinpoint WHAT parts I know versus don’t know and what their rough function is (and since in KH2 I know the English lines usually it makes it way easier to guess what words mean roughly what English translation). I also read some manga during this past month that’s also helped with this skill. I noticed Clozemaster also is just helping with it a lot since in Clozemaster the politeness level varies and stuff so I’m forced to practice guessing and figuring it out more with Clozemaster sentences over and over. The listening mode has helped because I can tell that some of the most common words I can hear more instinctively now and read aloud at a more normal pace now. I still CLEARLY read over listening when the subtitles in KH2 are there if I don’t know a word, so my listening has HUNDREDS or likely thousands of hours to go (my Chinese is much much better). But I can already notice the sheer fact Clozemaster listening question mode is forcing me to 1 HEAR Japanese more (and I need like what 2000 hours listening) and 2 start recognizing more easily at least recognizing words I’ve learned when I hear them (whereas before I would struggle to hear certain words even if I’d studied just because I’d read-studied a lot but not actually heard much of those words much). Now this all isn’t a huge help with new words in KH2 since I’m learning to read them from the game but my listening isn’t picking them up or Parsing them well. But as far as IN Clozemaster: yes the constant audio word drilling is helping me recognize words by sound which is great since thanks to Chinese kanji recognition is now not intensely difficult, it’s the sound recognition and match up to spelling that’s now the major confusion for me. I mean grammar is also confusing.. and will take years... I do think Clozemaster forcing me to practice interpreting the grammar somewhat with nothing to help me is helping me at least feel less drained by the grammar. I used Clozemaster before for french and chinese at the stage between graded readers and actual native speaker material, and I think for Japanese it’s also Good for this purpose. Clozemaster is good for a lot of immersion-like sentence reading practice, with tools to make it easier like a translation and mostly words you know in each sentence. Making it a bit easier than just diving into the deep end into a random novel. I do think it helps with preparing you for less learner-tailored materials a bit while still being easier than native speaker materials so you can practice without feeling youre drowning.
anyway ahh. WOOH I PLAYED KH2 in japanese today!!! I HAD FUN
gonna do it some more.
kh2 is maybe THE original reason i started trying to learn japanese. its really fun playing it now.
And finally, while I’m at it: I am ALMOST done with the Sundial arc in Guardian Listening Reading wise. I’m on chapter 17. I have like 2 days left so who knows maybe I can manage to finish the sundial arc we’ll see.
What I mostly did this month was Redo L-R chapter 1-12 with a second audiobook, read the novel print version up to chapter 12, read chapter 1-2 in the traditional print version, also read maybe 4 chapters of other random things, listened to audiobook files of stuff overall idk 20+ times while repeating after a lot of lines, did a small amount of Clozemaster chinese (mostly just Radio mode), did 30 min - 1 hour writing or speaking language exchange sessions once a week, and watch a bunch of Chinese shows with English subs this month while repeating after a lot of lines.
As you can tell my reading Amount lowered significantly since the past couple months. However, I think I’ve pushed up my listening amounts a little.
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Haikyuu!! Boys and who’s sister they’d unknowingly date
**Keep in mind, it may happen that not all of these characters actually HAVE sisters, but let’s just ~pretend~ for entertainment purposes. I also put in names for the sisters, but feel free to put your name/an OC’s name and descriptions!!**
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou and Numai.
This has taken me...days.. I kid you not. THESE ARE REALLY LONG oOps
Akaashi Keiji: 
It was during the Tokyo training camp.
Akaashi was with Bokuto, Kuroo, Tsukishima, Hinata and Lev in the 3rd gym in the middle of another 3 on 3 match.
Despite his initial concerns they weren’t doing too bad. It helps that the other team was comprised of 3 middle blockers where no one adequately knew how to set, and their newbie (Hinata) was just a *little* bit better than Lev.
“TETSURO YOU JERK!!!” They all turned towards the door where a girl wearing a black t-shirt with red athletic shorts came running in, straight towards the middle blocker. Kuroo, who had a smirk across his face began to retreat. 
“Welp, looks like it’s time for me to go. See you guys later!”
“Oh no you don’t. Where did you put my phone?! It’s been missing for over 2 hours. 2 HOURS!”
Akaashi looked at the girl, noticing she was really pretty. She had beautiful brown eyes, and her black hair was styled into two French braids, which were bouncing as she desperately tried to attack the middle blocker.
“Try checking the club room, I saw him and Bokuto go in there earlier and come out snickering like idiots,” He heard an offended gasp from Kuroo and a ‘Hey!’ from Bokuto. “Thank you, at least someone here has some decency.” Akaashi nodded.
He didn’t really know what it was but he felt intrigued by the girl and he wanted to know more about her.
“I’ll come with you, I have an idea of where they might have put it.” The girl smiled and nodded her head. As they were making their way out of the gym he heard Kuroo say ‘simp’ while Bokuto asked ‘who is’, he stopped listening after that. He spends too much time with them as it is, it’s best to preserve the brain cells he can.
“I’m Azumi by the way, thank you for helping me, you didn’t have to do that.” Akaashi smiled, “I’m Akaashi, it’s not a big deal really You’re actually doing me a favor by getting me out of there.”
The girl, Azumi laughed. ‘She has a pretty laugh..’ Akaashi’s eyes slightly widened at his thoughts. He just met the girl! What’s wrong with him.
Pushing the thought aside he continue to chat and talk with the girl, learning she was also a second year and Nekoma’s manager.
They got to the club room and started looking for the device.
“Why did they take your phone?” Azumi sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “My best guess is for their own entertainment, Tetsuro is always doing things like that.” Akaashi nodded and tried his best not to appear as disappointed as he felt.
Of course she’s dating Kuroo, he’s smart, good looking popular. Figures...
“Sometimes I wonder why out of all the people on the planet I had to get him as a brother, y’know?” Akaashi’s head shot up at her words.
‘Brother?!!?’ He almost laughed at himself. Looking at the situation now it was obvious the two were siblings. He smiled, he still had a chance.
“Yeah I know the feeling. Sometimes I think, out of all the spikers why did I have to get Bokuto.” Azumi laughed again, “I don’t think Fukurodani would still be standing if you weren’t there to reign him in. Not to mention you’re a really good setter and vice-captain.” He felt the tips of his ears turn red as he tried not to stumble over his words.
The rest of the training camp went smoothly, the two became pretty solid friends and exchanged numbers making plans to meet soon.
He went home with a smile on his face and a warm feeling in his heart.
And then he realized, he had a crush...
A crush on Kuroo’s little sister...
Washio Tatsuki: 
Washio had just gotten out of practice, a really good practice actually.
Everything went pretty smoothly, Bokuto had no tantrums, he nailed a really good spike and it was just a good day all around.
Because of this wonderful day, he figured he’d go to a café he had been wanting to try.
It was a small little coffee shop that had opened about a year ago but he hadn’t had the chance to go yet.
He walked in and was seated by the hostess at a small table by the window.
“Hi there! My name’s Yui and i’ll be your waitress today! Can I get you something to drink?” Washio looked up to see a girl, somewhere around 5′7, with white/silver hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She had the biggest smile he had ever seen, heck she was probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen.
He ordered his drink (focusing hard so he wouldn’t mess up in front of the pretty girl) and she gave him another bright smile.
“Coming right up!” She walked away going behind the counter to get the drink. Apparently the girls enthusiasm was contagious, because Washio swore he was feeling better than when he and walked in here. And he was feeling pretty good.
She also looked really familiar..but he couldn’t place just where she seemed familiar from.
Removing himself from his thoughts he turned his attention back to the girl, who was back with his drink.
I really hope this doesn’t sound weird or creepy, but do you go to Fukurodani?” Washio seemed a bit surprised by this, but he chalked it up tot he fact he was wearing his school uniform.
He nodded, “I do, do you go there too?” The girl excitedly nodded her yet. “Yup! I’d know that uniform anywhere! Oh! You’re on the volleyball team! Washio, right?” He nodded again. “Sorry if I seem random, my brother’s on the team too so i’ve seen a few games. You’re really good!”
Washio could feel his cheeks burning. No one had ever complimented him like this, well aside from his coach/teammates and family.
“T-thanks...it means a lot...” The girl smiled, a bit more sheepish this time.
“Of course...you’re actually my favorite to see play. My brother’s a spiker so I’m used to his antics but it’s nice to see talented blockers too. Plus, blockers are much cooler in my opinion. OH! I’m still at work, um, here...” The girl reached into her apron and gave him a little note.
“I hope we get to talk again soon, bye Washio!” Before he could even say goodbye the girl had pranced back to the kitchen.
Looking down at the note she gave him he could feel the blush on his cheeks but he didn’t care.
Because written on the note was the girls number, ‘xxx-xxx-xxxx, <3 call me~’ he smiled, he for sure was gonna call her later.
Before he could put the note away however he noticed the writing at the bottom.
...Now he knew why she looked so familiar.
Because signed at the bottom was, in adorably messy handwriting, ‘Yui Bokuto’.
Oh boy.
Konoha Akinori: 
Konoha had been chilling at home when his younger sister, who was a first year at Fukurodani had come home, announcing she had brought a friend home.
Standing up from his place on the couch he stopped in his tracks. In front of him was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
She had medium length dark brown hair and beautiful gray eyes, she was taller than most females, around 5′6 would be his guess, but she was still a few inches shorter than him.
Looking at her, she looked...familiar? He didn’t really know where she seemed familiar from, school maybe?
He shrugged it off, deciding it wasn’t something worth driving him crazy.
She introduced herself (his sister introduced her really, the girl was pretty shy) as Momo, he didn’t catch the last name though.
Anywho as the afternoon went on the girls remained down in the living room doing homework, which they needed help with. Luckily Konoha was a few years ahead and had already gone through that, so he helped them with their homework.
Seeing as it was the middle of the year and mid terms were coming up, the girls would ask him for help a lot.
Now, he may not have the best track record of helping others (...i.e Bokuto with spiking *cOuGh couGh). But this was his little sister! And it definitely wasn’t because he had a *little* crush on Momo...definitely not...Okay maybe.
But it’s not like she didn’t have just as bi of a crush on him so..
Anyways, one day Konoha’s little sister, Azumi had to leave early for a doctor’s appointment but Momo still needed help.
Knowing her brother was a ~gentlemen~ and Momo didn’t have a problem with it she left the two alone.
They were both...nervous. I mean who wouldn’t be! They were both unknowingly left alone with their crush.
Konoha decided he’d just start a conversation, and with that conversation the two found out they actually had a lot in common!
Konoha found out she had an older brother, who also went to Fukurodani! She didn’t mention a name though..Oh well.
The two spent the afternoon chatting and getting to know each other! And he may or may not have gotten her number...For studying purposes of course!
At about 4:47 there was a knock at the door. “Oh, that’s probably my older brother!” Konoha nodded, but walked over to check.
He opened the door...”wASHIO!?!  What are you doing here?” The middle blocker looked just as shocked. “I’m here to pick up my little sister...” Konoha just about felt the color drain out of his face.
. . .He had a crush on Washio Tatsuki’s little sister. . . 
Oh he was dead. 
Kita Shinsuke: 
It was during lunch one day when a 2nd year had approached him, Reina Omimi.
She was very pretty with long silky black hair, slanted gray eyes standing out to him but what caught his eye the most was the cute smile on her face.
She asked him to tutor her, since she was having trouble in English, he agreed asking her to come to class 3-7 after school since he didn’t have volleyball practice.
So, the two started meeting each other after school on the days he didn’t have volleyball practice and she was free from her club activities.
He truly thought it was a coincidence.
I mean, sure there were similarities beyond their names but couldn’t have been that rare right? Besides it’s not like everyone with the same last name was related.
Anyways, soon enough the two had gotten so close, they started dating!
They had yet to meet each others families, not on purpose of course! It just didn’t seem like the biggest priority on top of everything else going on.
One day before practice the boys were in the locker room changing from their school uniforms into their practice clothes.
All was fine until *Atsumu* just had to bring something up..
“Say, Kita, I saw you with a girl the other day, who was it?” 
Kita, being unbothered by the question answered, “My girlfriend” the whole locker room went quiet before erupting in a chorus of ‘wHaT?!’, ‘who is it’ and other unintelligible things.
“Her names Reina, she’s in class 2-6 so I doubt any of you second years know her.” That instantly shut up the rambunctious (minus Suna) second years (Suna and Osamu are 2-1, Ginjima and Atsumu are class 2-3...).
...But it did intrigue a certain 3rd year.
“Shinsuke...what’s her last name?” The captain in question turned to the third year middle blocker.
“It’s Omimi, wh-...oh.” Realization hit him like a truck.
The name, the hair, the eyes, the brains...how didn’t he see it?!?!
After Omimi assured Kita he was fine with him dating her, the team got on with practice. 
But let’s just say it was a fun conversation to be had between Kita and both Omimi’s...
Suna Rintaro: 
To be fair, NO ONE knows how this happened!
SUNA doesn’t even know how this happened!
Anyways, Suna had been going for a walk (his parents had kicked him out of the house for the day for being lazy) when he bumped into her, Megumi Kita.
He recognized the name when she introduced herself, but he didn’t put two and two together.
Kita had brought her to practice about a week or so ago and had introduced her but Suna had been asleep in the club room so..
Anyways, megumi had been on her way home from the store when she and Suna collided.
Seeing as it was his fault and he wasn’t allowed back in the house yet anyways he offered to help her bring the groceries to her house.
When they got there they were immediately greeted by Yumie Kita (Kita’s grandmother), who insisted Suna stay until he could go back home. (*and her granddaughter was single and he is a very handsome young man)
Not being able to turn down the sweet elderly woman he gratefully agreed. The afternoon went on smoothly.
A few hours after his exile his mom texted him telling him he could go back home.
Wanting the two to spend more time together Yumie insisted Megumi go back with Suna, and to meet her older brother on the way back since he was nearby.
The walk was filled with playful banter and getting to know each other.
So when they got to Suna’s house he obviously asked if she’d see him again and she happily agreed.
It wasn’t until he tried to sleep that night he remembered why that name had sounded so familiar.
Fast forward two months, Megumi and Suna were happily dating, er happily dating in secret. Why? Because the two knew Kita would not be happy to know someone (from his team nonetheless) was dating his little sister.
It was during practice one day that the fateful encounter had occurred...Suna had mysteriously disappeared, and Kita’s little sister who had come to watch had disappeared as well...The team went on a scavenger hunt for the sleepy middle blocker, figuring the sister’s absence was just a coincidence.
Until they found them snuggled up and asleep in the stairwell...
Suna did a few extra drills that practice...
And for 5 practices after that.
Ushijima Wakatoshi: 
Okay...to be completely fair...he knew she was Oikawa’s little sister.
He met her at the beginning of his second year when she became the first year manager at Shiratorizawa.
Due to her sweet and kind personality, which he found greatly contrasted Oikawa’s he took a strong liking to the girl one she returned.
At first the two were just friends but as they spent more time together they developed feelings for each other.
Despite not going to the same school, and Natsuki staying in the dorms the Oikawa siblings remained close.
So Oikawa knew she went to Shiratorizawa...and that she was their manager...he just didn’t think she even TALKED to Ushijima.
Let alone that she was DATING him!
N E wAys Ushijima and Natsuki were out on a date, it was a Saturday and the two were out and about in town.
The two had just exited the café they were in when they heard a loud gasp.
Turning around the two were met with....basically all of Aoba Johsai.
And a broad range of reactions.
Oikawa looked DiSgUsTeD, iwaizumi looked conflicted, Yahaba showed a *hint* of surprise, Kindaichi looked scared and Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Kunimi were all laughing at their captain.
“wha-why-how-hUH!?!?! HOW DID THIS HAP-” He was promptly cut off by a firm slap to the back of his head. “Get over yourself loserkawa! You should’ve known you couldn’t control her forever!” 
Whining from the blow to the back of his head Oikawa turned to face the love birds, staring down Ushijima and proceeding to look his little sister in the eye.
After much mental deliberation (and another hit from Iwaizumi) he sighed and turned around, waving a dramatic hand in the air.
As he walked away he shouted, “Oh~ But don’t think you’re getting off easy now Ushiwaka,” He momentarily stopped to turn his head and give the two a *look. “We will be discussing this later.”
Yahaba Shigeru: 
 After a game ended he was headed towards the locker room when someone stopped him.
She introduced herself as Emi and said she wanted to say he played really well.
Yahaba, thinking she was really sweet and cute asked for her number which she gladly gave to him.
As he walked to the locker room, he couldn’t stop thinking about her beautiful long black hair that was perfectly curly. 
She really was quite pretty, one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen.
Fast forward a week, he had asked the girl on a date and she’d said yes!
So now, he was headed to an address she had given him to pick her up.
She was running a bit late so she told him to knock on the door and her older brother would let him in.
Making sure he looked his best he got out of his car and knocked on the front door.
He almost choked when none other than his teammate, Matsukawa opened the front door confused as to why Yahaba was there.
To stunned to answer coherently, Mattsun’s little sister skipped past her brother and gave Yahaba a hug, explaining to her brother this was the guy she had been talking about.
...Yahaba knew he was in for it later when he saw the look Matsukawa was giving him...it was the same look he had perfected as a middle blocker.
Y’know, the one he used to intimidate his opponents.
Nervously gulping Yahaba promised to have her home at a reasonable time and nervously left with his date.
The next practice was a dreaded date for the poor man.
Iwaizumi Hajime: 
Iwaizumi had been racing the halls of Aoba Johsai (he was late to practice...) when he had accidentally bumped into someone, sub sequentially knocking them to the ground.
Looking down he saw that he had bumped into a girl he had seen around, Kanna something or the other.
Apologizing he was quick to offer her a hand up, which she gratefully accepted.
He helped her gather her things and discovered she was on her way to deliver some papers to the guidance office.
Seeing as he was responsible for them being knocked to the floor he offered to help her take them there.
On their way to the office Iwaizumi made some small talk and got to know somethings about the girl.
He knew the name ‘Kyotani’ but he didn’t think anything of it especially since she was so nice and sweet!
So he figured it was a coincidence the two had the same name.
After that day the two would meet for study sessions, lunch, etc. Until they eventually started to go on dates.
So when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she had agreed.
On this specific day the two had plans to hang out after school, but because of a quick team meeting after practice Iwaizumi would be late to pick Kanna up after her club.
She assured him it was fine and that she’d just meet Iwaizumi at the gym.
“The HECK are you doin’ here?” Iwaizumi turned from where he was chatting with Hanamaki to see his girlfriend had just walked into the gym.
“Shut up Kentaro! Oh, Hajime! Sorry if I’m a bit early, club ended sooner than I had expected.”
Iwaizumi walked over and gave his girlfriend a short kiss on the lips, which wasn’t that weird since they’ve been dating for a few months now and had kissed several times.
“Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?” The whole gym (minus one player) cracked up at Makki’s joke, Iwaizumi rolling his eyes.
“Chill out everyone, this is my girlfriend, Kanna-” “GiRLfRiEnD!?!”
The team now directed their eyes towards Kyotani, who was a mix between fuming and shocked.
“Oh shut it Kentaro! You knew I had a boyfriend.” Kanna rolled her eyes at her overprotective younger brother. He sputtered a bit before he could formulate a response, “yEah, but I didn’t know it was him!”.
Before young Mad-dog exploded Yahaba came over and dragged him by the collar back to the court to ‘practice his spikes’ or whatever.
Futakuchi Kenji: 
He swears it was an accident! 
How was he supposed to know she was Aone’s little sister?!
Futakuchi had gone over one afternoon to work on some homework with Aone.
When Futakuchi knocked on the door, a beautiful kind looking girl opened it, asking him why he was here.
Introducing himself as a friend of Aone’s, the girl let him in, figuring he was  friend of her brothers.
You see, before Futakuchi had come over that afternoon, Aone had warned him his younger sister had some friends over.
So naturally he assumed the girl who answered the door was one of those friends since the girl (whose name he learned was Niko) and Aone looked absolutely nothing alike!
She was also quite bubbly and extroverted, easily keeping conversation with the girl.
Being the absolute charmer he is he begun lightly flirting with the girl.
And IN HIS DEFENSE!! She flirted back.
A look of concern came over his face as he saw Futakuchi flirting with his little sister. 
Quickly walking over to the two, he pushed Futakuchi away (by his face of course) before turning to his younger sister who was frantically asking why he’d do such a thing.
“You know that guy on the team I always talk about.” Niko looked at him confused, “You mean the scummy one with a terrible personality?” Aone nodded and pointed at Futakuchi, “He’s that guy.” 
Futakuchi just yelled out a “HEY!”, knowing his friend wasn’t exactly wrong.
Niko just laughed, “He’s not that bad! He seems nice to me! Plus you never mentioned he was so handsome.”
Making a face of disgust Aone just shook his head muttering ‘It’s your funeral’ before heading back to his room.
The two hit it off, and despite his initial protests Aone is very happy for both of them.
Daishou Suguru: 
It was after Mika dumped him, he had been incredibly distraught and had gone to a local park to let his feelings out.
Unfortunately, it had started raining and Daishou hadn’t exactly been in the right state of mind so he had forgotten to bring an umbrella.
Just as it had started to sprinkle he had gotten shielded from the rain,
Looking up he saw a really pretty girl with black hair and warm gray eyes looking at him with concern.
Convincing him it was dangerous to be out in this weather, the two made their way to the safety of a nearby café.
The two talked for hours and as it turns out the girl, Yuna as he had learned her name was, had been going through a similar situation.
Exchanging numbers the two continued to see each other and eventually started dating.
They had yet to meet each other’s families due to both of them being busy, so they decided to wait until after the Spring High Preliminary’s since Daishou would be free after them. (Due to scheduling conflicts Yuna was not able to go to the Match, but consoled her boyfriend after they lost)
Knocking on the door Yuna let him in and the two hung out in the living room until everyone had gotten there.
Once dinner had been cooked the family sat down at the table, all except one who Yuna had said was still at practice.
About 1/4 of the way through dinner they heard the front door open, in walking Yuna’s little brother.
“Oh! I should have asked earlier but you two know each other don’t you Yuuki?” 
Daishou mentally screamed realizing his girlfriend’s younger brother just so happened to be the rookie libero he had targeted during the preliminary’s.
Stilling in his tracks Shibayama nervously shook his head, saying he had only gone up against him at the preliminary’s and that they hadn’t really met.
Seeing as Shibayama is a stand up guy, he didn’t say anything to his family. So all was actually going well until Mr. Shibayama said Daishou had looked familiar....
Yuna had not gone to the Match...but Mr. Shibayama and Mrs. Shibayama had...and they had now recognized Daishou.
Oh boy.
Numai Kazuma:
It was when Numai had dislocated his thumb.
After the match he had gone to the nurses office, where a very pretty girl helped him.
She introduced herself as Kaia, she was helping out with first aid since she was enrolled in a medical program at Nohebi.
When Numai heard ‘Nohebi’ he talked about how he was the Ace for the Boys Volleyball team.
Kaia then asked him questions and before the two knew it they were engaged in a conversation while she helped him with his injury.
The two bonded over volleyball, since Numai learned her little brother played, and he played as a wing spiker!
During the duration of his stay, he built up the courage to ask her for her number, which she of course agreed to.
Seeing as she had done as much as she could do for a dislocated thumb, she released him, opting to walk him back to his team (definitely nOt just to spend more time with him h a h a).
When they got to the club room, where the team had just finished discussing the game.
Numai opened the door a smidge before he paused, not noticing the team eagerly waiting behind the closed door.
Turning back to Kaia he took  deep breath before nervously asking the girl out sometime, which she also happily agreed to.
Little did he realize the girls reply had interested someone behind the semi-closed door, he hadn’t really cared what was going on until he recognized that voice.
When the team decided their ace had had enough fun, the quickly opened the door and pulled him inside, the whole team piling on top of him.
All except one...
“Kaia...what are you doing here..?” everyone turned to look at a now awake Kuguri, who had been napping after taking over for the poor ace.
Kaia then entered the room and gave her little brother a hug, congratulating him for stepping up.
Noticing the team’s weird stares, the eldest of the two siblings turned around before properly introducing herself.
“I’m Kaia Kuguri, Naoyasu’s older sister.”
The underclassmen went silent, since they didn’t want to seem disrespectful towards their ace, while the third years all started howling with laughter, Sakishima and Daishou being the worst offenders.
Kaia just shook her head before leaving her dumbstruck brother and a red and stuttering Numai behind to deal with his cackling teammates.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
We All Still Die (part one)
[The Walking Dead/Zombie Apocalypse AU]
Word count: 2181
TW: Blood
Aragon isn’t really awake yet. She never is until at least her second cup of coffee, and she hasn’t even had one. She doesn’t have that luxury anymore, really. 
She’s having a hard time getting her eyes to focus in the prickling grey-orange sunlight bleeding down from the setting sun, but it certainly looks like there’s a man near that tree up ahead, crouched down on all fours, gnawing at a leg.
A human leg. Definitely. It’s still wearing a sneaker. And a sock.
The man gnawing on the human leg suddenly stopped chewing, as though some sound had disturbed him. He slowly looked up from his meal. His eyes didn’t blink, and they seemed to be too large for his face. His mouth hung open. Drool and blood trailed down his chin.
She heard about the outbreak in London. Of course, at the time, she hadn't thought it was as serious as the eleven o’clock news made it out to be. They get hysterical about everything. A couple of inches of snow, and it’s THE SNOWPOCALYPSE. She can’t really be blamed for putting their ZOMBIEPOCALYPSE warnings in the same category. Boy who cried wolf, right?
But it seemed the newscasters were at least a little right, because it’s been half  a year since the disease went viral and there’s a zombie chowing down on a human leg just a few yards away from her.
Damn, she really missed her coffee machine.
She caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye, and a herd of at least ten more zombies came staggering around the bend in the woods. They were covering ground pretty steadily. Faster than most would have expected.
The zombie with the leg saw them coming. He rose from his crouch, teeth bared, leg in hand. Some of the zombie herd moved towards him (herd? is that the right word? maybe a flock? a decomposition of zombies? an infestation, perhaps? anyway.…) and they start a messy tug of war with the leg, mostly using teeth.
Others look around for different prey. One goes for a squirrel. Some seem to be eyeing the tree Aragon was sheltered in, though she’s covered by enough leaves that she doesn't think they can actually see her.
Still, this is really not good. The herd may not be that big, but they’re closer to her camp than she would be comfortable with. She would have to take them out quietly and carefully without attracting anymore that may be lurking around.
And then, there was a gunshot.
One of the Walkers crumpled to the ground from a bullet in its knees. The others whipped their head around to the tree where the green-clad gun wielder was perched precariously with a pistol in hand.
  “Anne!!” Aragon barked in frustration.
The woman, Anne Boleyn, leapt down from her tree and sliced off the nearest Walker’s head with a sword she had apparently stolen from a museum when the world went to shit. She flashed a smile at Aragon before going for another.
Good grief. Well, at least she could count on Cleves to listen to orders.
  “Take that, you stank ass BITCH!!”
Cleves stabbed her machete deep into the skull of a Walker that was missing its right arm. She yanked it out with a glorious spray of dark red blood, then whipped around to embed the blade into the temple of a second, piercing its brain and killing it once and for all.
Aragon sighed heavily, watching the two idiots slash away at the Walkers. While their method of attack was effective, it was dangerous and very loud. The whole point of the rule “no call outs” was to keep from attracting any other zombies. Same for using guns unless they were absolutely needed. Not that she expected Anne and Cleves to ever understand that when they were paired together. That was exactly why she was basically having to babysit them on this scouting and hunting trip.
With another sigh, Aragon raised her crossbow, aimed, and put a bolt between a nearby Walker’s eyes.
  “Bullseye!” Anne cried, throwing her arms up in the air. “Good job! Ten points to Catalina!”
Aragon exasperatedly rolled her eyes. “Will you--” Her breath caught in her throat. “ANNE, BEHIND YOU!!”
Anne whipped around and screamed as a Walker lunged for her, hands grabbing, eyes rolling, teeth snapping, ready to take a bite out of its prey--
--but then something smashed into the back of its knees and it tumbled to the ground. Much stronger jaws clamped around its head and ripped off a large, dripping chunk. Parts of the brain came with it.
  “Eyy!” Cleves cheered. “Good boy, Pixie!” She rubbed the top of the brown and white pit bull’s head. “Good boy! Such a good boy!” She shot a smirk at Anne. “Once again, Pixie saves your ass.”
  “Oh, pssh,” Anne said dismissively. “I knew it was there. I was letting him take it down for me! To motivate him!”
  “Uh huh,” Cleves nodded and then laughed.
Aragon climbed down from her tree and approached the two. They both were already prepared for the lecture she had sitting on her tongue.
  “We go for the head, Anne,” Aragon said. “You know that.”
  “I do.” Anne nodded. “I’m just a shit shot.” She gave her gun to Aragon, who confiscated it with a sigh. “But hey! Look! We got them all, and with no bites!”
  “I know,” Aragon said. “There was a lot this time. The most I’ve seen in awhile.”
  “I’m sure it’s okay,” Cleves said. “We can handle them.”
Aragon looked at her, then nodded. She scanned the area quickly.
  “We should be heading back,” She said. “Anne, you still have the rabbits, right?”
Anne held up the five hares she had tied to her belt. “Yup.”
  “Good. Let’s get away before anymore muertos show up.”
  “Muertos,” Anne echoed as Aragon led them back to the camp. “Is that really what we’re calling them?”
  “Or Walkers,” Aragon said. “That’s what most people call them.”
  “Is that ‘dead’ in Spanish?” Anne said. “Muertos?”
  “It is.”
  “What’s it in French?” Cleves asked.
  “Morte.” Anne answered. “What about German?”
Anne laughed loudly. “We are definitely not calling man-eating zombies ‘tots’!”
  “You asked!”
It wasn’t long before their camp rose up from the thicket. The ski lodge was a safe haven up on the hill, an island cloud of heaven above a world turned to hell. It’s been their base for three months now, when the group first reconciled, and Aragon was hoping to keep it that way.
Firelight could be seen glowing from the cracks between the boards put up against the windows. The planks were a necessity, as they had all seen Walkers easily smash through glass. Whether wood would hold against the strength of the undead was unknown as of right now, not that anyone was eager to find out.
A young woman was up on the abandoned ski lift when they arrived, but instead of keeping watch with her sniper rifle, she had her head buried in her journal, writing away.
  “Cathy, what have I told you about writing while on watch?” Aragon said.
  “It’s...an efficient use of my time?” Cathy guessed with a mischievous grin.
  “It distracts you,” Aragon corrected. “And writing in the dark no less.”
Cathy squinted up at the sky. “But the sun is just starting to set!”
  “Ah, ah,” Aragon tutted. “Come on, now. Dinner is going to be made soon. You can take a break for now--although you’ve technically already had one.”
Cathy and Anne giggled.
Aragon walked into the ski lodge, the bell on the front door signaling their arrival. The smell of roasting meat wafted throughout the building, meaning Maria had already started cooking. A soft tune from a record player set a sort of ease upon the base.
  “They’re back!” Kitty squealed, leaping up from the couch. She ran over and hugged each of them, then gave Pixie a vigorous petting. “No bites?”
  “No bites.” Anne said.
Kitty nodded in approval, then went back to petting Pixie.
  “How was it out there?” A sweet voice like an angel’s asked.
Aragon looked forward and couldn’t help but smile when she saw the woman walking over to them. Jane always managed to make her heart flutter and her knees feel weak, no matter if it was the first or hundredth time she saw her that day.
  “Fine,” Aragon said. “We ran into some muertos, but nothing we couldn’t handle.” She decided to keep out Anne’s shitty shooting and the loudness of their process of killing the Walker. She kissed Jane, then leaned down to kiss her stomach as well, eliciting a giggle from her girlfriend. “And how are you both?”
  “We’re splendid,” Jane said, gently rubbing her belly. She was currently four months into her pregnancy and if Aragon wasn’t worrying about the Walkers, then she was worrying about that. Jane found it incredibly endearing.
  “That’s good,” Aragon smiled. “I’m glad Jane Jr. isn’t causing her Mama any trouble.”
Jane laughed loudly. “Jane Jr.? Really?”
  “Yes! Named after the greatest woman on earth!” Aragon proclaimed.
  “I didn’t realize I was a mirror,” Jane mused, making Aragon’s ears flame red.
  “GOD, you two are SO GAY.” Anne yelled loudly before kissing Cathy passionately.
Aragon rolled her eyes in amusement. Jane laughed again, then sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace. Aragon sat next to her, carefully rubbing her stomach.
  “It’s not going to jump out and bite you.” Jane teased. She took Aragon by the wrist and moved her hand to rub the bump more firmly. “They won’t feel you if you do it so softly.”
  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Aragon said.
  “You won’t, silly.” Jane nudged her. “Oh, and by the way, we are not naming them Jane Jr.”
  “What?” Aragon gasped in horror, making Jane laugh again. “Jane Jr. is a perfect name!”
  “But I’m Jane.” Jane said. “Besides, what if it’s a boy?”
  “Then we name him Ezekiel or something.” Aragon replied breezily.
  “Absolutely not.”
They both laughed. Such an action was sometimes hard to do in the middle of an extinction of the human race, so Aragon always cherished these little moments they were able to have.
  “Dinner!” Maria called.
  “Coming!” Aragon called back. “Here, let me help you up--”
But Jane was already on her feet. She smiled at Aragon fondly. “You gentlewoman.” She said. “But I’m not helpless.”
  “Just taking precautions!”
They walked over to the dinner tables, where everyone was already seated. Anne was retelling her amazing victories in the forest to Cathy, Maggie, and Kitty, while Maria was passing out bowls of stew and Cleves was refilling Pixie’s food and water dishes. Aragon and Jane sat down.
  “It smells amazing, Maria,” Jane said.
Maria smiled. “Thank you! I try my best with limited supplies. Those hares will make an amazing breakfast tomorrow, by the way.”
They all began to eat, savoring the meal, as they did with all of the ones Maria cooked. Food was getting harder and harder to come by nowadays, so they all made sure to be grateful with whatever they got to eat.
Cathy was the first to finish and went out to the balcony to scout the forest below for a moment. When she came back, her features were firm and forced, but her stride was fast, like she was anxious to get away from something.
  “There’s a Walker out front,” She said, and that was enough to send everyone into a panic.
  “What?” Kitty squeaked, cowering in fear.
  “How many?” Aragon asked.
  “One, that I could see,” Cathy answered. “But it’s pretty dark out there.”
  “I’ll go check it out,” Anne said, removing her sword from its sheath on her back.
  “I’ll go, too,” Cleves said, then whistled for Pixie to follow her.
  “Be careful!” Aragon called after them.
Jane went around to Kitty and hugged her. Aragon noticed that the poor girl was shaking- she always had a more intense fear of Walkers and Aragon wasn’t sure why. She just assumed it was from Kitty’s young age. Being eleven in the zombie apocalypse couldn’t possibly be easy.
  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Jane murmured sweetly. She pulled Kitty into her lap and began to rock her soothingly. “Cleves and your big cousin are going to take care of it, okay?”
  “B-but what if they--”
  “Shh,” Jane kissed Kitty’s forehead. “They’ll be just fine. Anne is as tough as nails, you know that? She would never leave you alone, I promise.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Aragon noticed Maggie shifting anxiously. She looked as worried for her best friend as Kitty was. Aragon walked over and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.
  “O-okay,” Kitty whispered, then nodded. “Y-you’re right. Nothing is wrong. Everything is okay.”
And then Cleves and Anne burst through the front doors, eyes wide, faces pale, and a limp child clutched in Cleves’s arms.
  “Jane!” Anne cried, “Get your medical supplies!!”
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knchins · 3 years
ALLY CONGRATS ON 1K!!🤍🤍 may i have a match-up from either hq or bsd? my pronouns are they / them and i’m okay with being shipped with any gender. i wouldn’t want to clog up your inbox with a long ask so i’ll try to keep it succinct
my mbti type is intp (analytical, systematic, not good with emotions) and my enneagram is 5w4 (curious, reserved). i’m extremely introverted and i have a superpower where i can take a nap as soon as i wake up😼 i don’t deal well with emotions and i absolutely refuse to speak about mine for any longer than two minutes. i also love coffee! i think my body is 50% coffee. i really love cats and i have a companion of my own at home, but i can’t be around her for too long or kiss her too much or my allergies will act up. yeah, i’m allergic to cat fur BAHAHA
i hope this was sufficient! once again, happy 1k and i hope you have a nice evening ahead of you🤍
Sol!! Of course you can have a matchup, bby! I’m so sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoy ToT Also we definitely have the same super power because I was awake for about 10 minutes this afternoon before giving up and taking a nap lol. I’m also very certain I’ve developed a cat allergy but that doesn’t stop me from cuddling with mine. RIP my eyes.
I pair you with...
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Shohei Fukunaga
I know he’s probably not who you expected but I have my reasons!
For once he’s a total cat boy. He totally has this way of just like vibing with cats (really all animals but mostly cats) and just loves being around them. He somehow understands them on a deeper level which can be kind of strange but also endearing? That being said he absolutely adores cats and loves to spend time with them. Though he is quite concerned about your allergies and makes sure you don’t suffer too much during play time with pets.
Oh hey, a man with an actually decent sleeping schedule. Though he’s not quite as good at napping as you are, he doesn’t mind simply laying with you even if he can’t fall asleep. It’s just nice to be able to take a few moments hours to sit back and relax. He also makes sure nothing or no one disturbs you because he definitely believes that you deserve every second of sleep that you can get.
Shohei is also pretty introverted. He honestly doesn’t speak much and it takes a while for him to open up. Although when  you two are alone together, he does say a lot more than when you’re out in public. He feels very comfortable around you and knows that he can be himself. It’s also very accepting of you so you’re able to do the same around him.
Another thing you two have in common is that he’s also not too great with emotions. However, over time he does learn how to sense what you’re feeling at any given time. He is also the best person at making you laugh. Shohei is absolutely hilarious which is why he is successful as a comedian. If you show any signs of being sad then he definitely has you laughing in no time.
Perfect date, I would say cat cafe but that would probably get your allergies all up in an uproar so perhaps a nice zoo date where you can be far enough away from the big cats that you won’t get the sniffles. Though if zoos aren’t your thing they nature preserves or big cat rescues are also an option. It would be a very lazy kind of day. He’d buy you a nice big ice coffee to walk around with too. Can’t have his partner getting sleepy on him!
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Osamu Dazai!!
Don’t mind the bandages.
Both of you are analytical and despite Dazai’s flippant behavior sometimes he is also quite logical in how he thinks. You are both types to think things through, though sometimes your curiosity can get the best of you. This can lead you into some interesting situations, so life with Dazai at your side is never dull.
Also Dazai is the KING of irregular sleeping patterns. Spontaneous nap even though you just slept ten hours straight? He’s totally down! He can be a bit of an insomniac though so sometimes naps may be all you get with him. He does have quite a busy work schedule after all.
I headcannon that Dazai is actually pretty good at making french press coffee. He’s not really a coffee snob per say, but he does make some really good bean juice. He would make you some anytime you asked or anytime he thinks you look tired and need a pick-me-up. Plus he knows all the best cafes in town to take you to. He also knows all your favorites by heart so he can always bring you a cup when you’re at school and need some extra energy.
Dazai is not an overtly emotional character, although sometimes he can get a bit sentimental. He’s not put off by your inability to talk about yours. He can actually read you really well due to his incredible perception, so you don’t even need to tell him. He can just read it in your body language, mood, and tone. He has a way of drawing out what’s wrong and doing his best to solve any problems you may have without you asking.
The perfect date...Dazai would take a lot of factors into consideration. It would most likely be when you may be feeling a bit down. He’d cooking you your favorite dinner and the best comfort foods. Absolutely spoil you with small gifts, anything that you may have been pining for recently. He’d just shower you with love and affection. It would end with a movie marathon with all your favorites with his arms wrapped around you the entire time.
Matchups closed
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dailystarplatinum · 7 years
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We did it.. we made it to the big four digits. I never thought I’d get here, honestly. When I made this blog in May, I never thought I’d get to here. Maybe 2 or 300 followers, at the most?? Never this. 
 Here’s some sappy words to some people, I’ll cut this off because it’s going to be very long. 
 @daily-jojoanimals (I’m putting you at the top in case everything gets too sappy for you) I love your art a lot! The bright colors, the lines... I can’t draw animals for my life, but you? You’re amazing at it! Your blog is great and I hope that it gets more attention because you work really hard on all those drawings!
@dailydiadop nOON WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN… I love you and you’re probably my best friend. I have absolutely no idea where I’d be without you. Probably very very lost and very very confused. I’d also still be trying to figure out who is the best person at making hamburgers (it’s you). Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never gotten into jojo, or at least I would’ve taken longer to find out about it. 
 @dailynonbinaryukako eli I remember when we first started talking and it was kinda awkward but then I was like ‘oh hey I made a blog’ and you were like 'oh hey I should make one too’ and now look at us. You’re a huge nerd and I love talking to you about ocs and memes and my 1000+ year old hawk son and I think our muses need to interact more but you’re probably another big reason for why I’ve stayed in this community so long... I mean heck you’re the reason I joined Daily Discord Hell!
 @dailyhierophantgreen S C R E A M S ILY RAY I can’t believe you looked up to me once… I mean first of all I’m like 5 foot 4 there isn’t much to look up to and second I can’t believe my art is of the quality and skill for someone as amazing as you to look up to it…. anyways you’re an amazing person and I love all of your hierophant doodles and I hope that we can draw more stargreen ship stuff and memes this year! 
 @daily-caesar Adam, you’re hilarious and really nice, and I love all of your Caesar and Torq and Capt doodles (how do you even doodle them so fast??? Ho w)! You always enjoy my Fresh Memes ™, and you always manage to put a smile on my face. 
 @dailysmolnareff  I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but you were one of my favorite daily blogs that I was scared and/or unsure of how to interact with. If only my oblivious past self could see us now. You are number one, Cami. Never forget that.
 @dailystoneplatinum you’re definitely another huge reason why I’ve been inspired to try so hard with art on this blog and art in general. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, a huge inspiration, and I also always enjoy talking with you (ah yes one in the morning talks about Jolyne’s stand and how it’s unfair that Pucci got Made in Heaven and Jolyne got silly string with sunglasses). I’m really happy we get to talk, and I hope to see more of your beautiful art!
 @daily-giogio L E A D E R O F M U T E C R E W ok that’s obviously not enough, let me write more I love your Gio art so much it’s just so pretty?? side note Reset Gio’s design is also gorgeous and you just manage to kill me every time I see your art??? You’re also just a really funny person and I love talking with you! Or just listening to the void with you too that’s great as well
 @dailyrobertspeedwagon peri, you’re super sweet and you’ve got great ideas and OCs, and I love all of them! To be honest, you’re much much better at art than I was when I was your age *visibly shudders thinking about old art*… keep up the great work! 
 @weeklyheavendio laVA WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN you deserve a medal for the amount you’ve helped my art style change like I draw something for the reset au and you manage to one up me with amazing art so I draw something else then you make a beautiful giF SO I HAVE TO MAKE AN EVEN BETTER GIF AND IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS BUT IT WAS WORTH IT AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND YOURE JUST A GREAT PERSON AAAAAA 11/10 would rewrite existence out of possibly canon game history again 
 @dailyshadowdio Cake I can’t believe I was once scared of you with your beautiful art.. I was scared to talk to you and the big wry man himself… Now I know. I know that I must believe in gravy. Always believe in gravy. Gremlin Dio and pretty much all your art gives me life. I don’t know what it is about how you draw Dio, but he just looks??? So good?????? Long story short you’re great cake 
@dailyhamonpires we didn’t talk too much before the space au, but now that we’ve talked more, i’ve really enjoyed seeing you and your art! SOLU is a very sweet goop boy and deserves only the best. Keep up the amazing work!
 @dailyavdol you’re one of the sweetest people I know! Your art style is also super unique and beautiful, and I love seeing different characters in it! Also seeing you and Cami talk is really sweet too :> 
 @marinebiologistjotaro whERE DO I EVEN START You are an absolute blessing. Do you even know how much I love marine life. Like I really love cephalopods the most but all marine life is just really cool and if I wasn’t sure I wanted to do something with animation in the future I’d want to do something with marine biology and so when I found your blog some couple of months ago I died of happiness I’ve also enjoyed all the little inside jokes we’ve made over the past few months. I still miss Barbara… 
@badlydrawnmekandmoney !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD OCS! GREAT PERSON! It’s always a lot of fun to talk to ya! You put up with all my shitty memes and actually genuinely seem to like them, too!
 @dailyyoungmrskujo *insert good shit meme but in french* I love Jolyne’s mom/Jotaro’s wife, so when I found that someone had taken her character and turned her into a fully capable headstrong young woman, I was so excited! You’re really sweet, and I wish you luck with your new job and I hope we sometime get time to talk (despite timezones >_<). 
 @badlydrawnjotarocean we don’t talk much but I kind of admire you from a distance because you’re pretty cool and I’m also madly in love with Joji from the reset au I mean sweet ocs you got there friend I mean um how much water do you need to quench your thirst
@badlydrawn-p4nareff a quality baguette… a handsome baguette… a good baguette… have I ever said how much I love pol and how good your pol art is I mean sometimes he’s just a piece of string cheese but you still manage to make him look beautiful???? What are your secrets I'm also sorry I'm a huge nerd you probably are wondering why I tagged you right I mean uh I should stop aaaa
@dailypisscop You’re an amazing artist and I’m so happy you like my art! It was a lot of fun seeing your progress on the johnny and gyro print and seeing other things you’ve drawn :>
@notsodailystarplatinum aaaaaAAAAA you’re so cool! I love all of your star doodles and it’s always fun to interact with you and the other star blogs! Also I still can’t believe you drew me
Tumblr media
it me bubbles 
@dailyghiaccio we've talked a couple of times, but I absolutely love your art! Keep it up!
@weeklyesidisi (i’m not tagging all 1837472 of your blogs) vince you’re very funny and great and, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you about the space au and other things!
@dailyjosukeandokuyasu !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude you are great I really love your art and designs a lot, also you definitely put up with all my terrible memes. The only complaint I have is no shiny
@daily-goldexperiencerequiem KICK ME INTO SPACE PLEASE I mean you're super fun tot talk to, and I love your GER art ^_^
@otamer kinda different than a lot of the other blogs here since you aren't a daily/bd blog that does much (yet) but you're super nice and fun to talk to and I know you can make that blog and join us in the deep dark realms of daily discord hell ;D
@dailyyoung-jonathan YOU ARE GREAT OK?? Anyways thank you for taking celeste to the ball and also just for being really nice on kirb’s server. 
@regularlyscheduledjolynemom We talk occasionally, but it’s always fun to talk to you! Thank you for the history jokes :>
@kindofdailyoingo GOOD BLOG BOOD GLOG 10/10 I love your oingos also thank you for always listening to me talk about my hawk son you’re just really fun to talk to and be around and I hope you remember that! 
@poorlydrawnjosephjoestar I always secretly admired your art and your bad spaghetti jokes from afar, but since the space au, it’s been a ton of fun talking to you and the others onboard the Hayloft! (blease don’t kill off jovani)
@dailykakyoin I know you get this a lot but you're one of the reasons (I think you and dailypol maybe?) I started this (haha if you want go find the first ask I sent it was from my main blog it's terrible) and you're such an amazing member of this community! I mean, you answer tons of asks, draw really cute kaks, and you’re just really nice :>
 Here's a big ol pile of people that I'd love to talk to/interact more with and/or am too scared to interact with:
@dailyjonajba | @askdailymiraschon | @dailygwess | @miumiusdailybizarrehell (the unholy trinity is here) (i love you guys) | @daily-jojovillians | @dailyabba | @dailyteenshizuka | @daily-holhorse-and-maybe-boingo | @dailymoodyblues | @badlydrawn-lisalisa | @badlydrawnheartpompadour | @badlydrawn-vinegardoppio | @dailyjoshu | @daily-jouta | @badlydrawnventopolnareff | @poorlydrawnjosukeh | @dailychibimikitaka | @poorly-drawn-fem-koichi | @badlydrawnyuyafungami | @dailybrandio
Once again, thank you!
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porkipie · 4 years
Been a while since I have written- a blog at least or a diary. I was early on blogging having written on a now defunct site in the early 2000s. But with all going on in 2020 and mostly for my own sanity have decided to try my keyboard at it again. As in the history above I don’t expect anyone to actually be reading what I put down here. If you do good luck and be safe and sane (ok just safe).
I strongly believe that Neil Howe has captured the current global narrative (fuck I hate that word) in his 4th Turning and suspect that we are at the very start of a decade of change and turmoil. Change that none of us (or very few) are actually ready for; less know what the changes will be. I do believe that the world as we knew it has changed. SIgnificantly. Here now in 2020 we are all still in the somewhat honeymoon period. The period where things are changing we still can blame Covid and the changes and look through rose coloured glasses and hope and believe that the future will not be bleak or that it will return to what was normal before. 
As I sit here in Victoria and on the verge of going into Stage 4, I find myself considering a strategy consultant advising myself and other small businesses last year and earlier this year. When I and some saw things happening in Wuhan and CHina I cautioned that we should be careful as had never ever seen something like this before and we should prepare. I was poo poo’d. OK. Move forward to May and was told I need to step up as with others and look to expand aggessively that it is over and the time is now not to fall behind. I was insensed. I was and constinue to be stongly of the view that it was incumbent upon businesses to be conservative and prudent. Retaining cash and looking to support existing business and clients and staff as best we might. That one could not determine the future week by week let alone month by month or half year or year ahead.  I feel for all that followed her advice squandering resources that will be needed now during lockdown and following it. It stressed to me personally that even so professed experts do not have a crystal ball and “gurus” are great when there is a bull market. Now is the time for taking it slow being careful. 
That said, I do believe that fortunes will be made and lost this decade. THis is not the same as going out and pumping your micro business and using ones limited cash resources. It is carefully considering potential avenues. Saving resources and if need pivoting or changing altogether. Now is the time to consider to watch to keep eyes and ears open. To think, to ponder. 
There is soo much data too much information. Most of it is misinformation - fake? who knows what is or isn’t. I do know that the overload is turning most way from trying to inform themselves. Reading is limited. Viral videos the norm. Makes me think of the anarchists and the coffee houses in London (which incientally gave rise tot he propaganda what tea is British). Resulting more people being uninformed or misinformed than arguably at any other time in history. Ignorance is at pandemic proportions. Conspiracy theories rule. Sadly Ponzi schemes will follow, and subsequently unwind. 
I do believe that the world map will look markedly different for my children (2 1/2 and 5) when they grow up. I believe that the next several years (and likely decade)will strongly inform their generation. Some good. Some bad. But it is what it is. We all make the best. 
What the map will look like I have no idea.  I hope it has democracy, I fear it will have more totalitarianism.  I fear they will live in a world which looks more like 1984 BigBrother than we feared. I fear for my children.
Yes I have grave concerns about the individual and issues such as increasing deprivation of liberty, covid apps, lockdowns etc. However; I believe that so long as people are aware these are of lesser concern than the social media titans - the Google, Tiktok FaceBook and others that we have enmasse handed over our lives and data to. The Amazon and Alibaba’s of this world. These are the real threat. We fight facemasks when there is a real need and hand over our lives in return, both figuratively (to the FANGS)and literally to the virus. Few think!
I suspect that the current financial system will need to implode or close - where how what happens I do not know. I do believe the levels of debt and negative interest rates are absurd. Will it be gold or some other exit? I do not know - if I did I would be a rich man. I do suspect that Erik Townshend is correct in thinking it will be an Orwellian digitial currency of some sort. Not BTC. I increasingly believe that BTC might have been an experiment by a [US] govt organisation or quasi-governmental. or at the very least they have been a major holder since at least the takedown of Silk Road. Am I right - who knows. 
There will be increasing unrest and revolutionary activity around the globe. For eg, the BLM protests have little to do with Floyd and more to do with the increasing sense people are feeling that the system is broken and cannot be fixed. In the US the black pop is amongst the most economically disadvantaged - I am not going into reasons or why. 
For a long time I have seen analogies between prior to WW1 (incidentally I often refer to WW1 and WW2 as being part and parcel of the same conflict - much as one refers to the 30 year war. Many might argue against this) and increasingly I see analogies to the pre-French revolution and similar. People feeling disenfranchised, the haves in their own disconnect getting wealthier at expense of the working class. This will get worse until it breaks.
As I am fond of saying of late - wait until the protestors realize what they are, in fact, protesting - then the fun will really begin. 
Thus it is not only the economics that is due to change it is politics as well. Wil Democracy survive? I don’t know. Those that know me, know that for a decade or more I have been of the view that sometime in the future people will look back and say: Democracy was a nice experiment. Pity it didn’t work. I dont think human nature and democracy work well together. Sadly the ructions seem to be proving me - sadly! Very sadly!  
I just didn’t think it would happen in my lifetime!!
Now I realise (and yes I am switching between UK and US english and often misusing caps). how presumptious of me that was. THings change and not have major change in my life was probably the abnormal rather than the normal. Oh what a wonderful life I have lived. 
I am a dreamer, unfortunately of late (and prior to Covid) my dreams have often been nightmares. People think of me as a dr doom. Unfortunately, that is, I believe, incorrect. Rather, I do not believe we can benefit or deal with the future - which is happening now - without trying to understand it and prepare and deal with it, with understanding. Not jumping in and drowning. Unfortunately, few wish to think. Now more so than ever. Those that do will do well. Many will sink. 
As history tells, it is in the interests of the few to keep the masses uninformed or misinformed. This remains. Our schools have failed abysmally and society is reaping what it has (not) sowed. As Whitney sang - the children are our future. Well if we had focused on history, reading, science, biology, geography and maths above shit like “psychological preparedness” and “pc” bull shit we might have had a better informed youth that might be better placed to understand the issues. They might even have bought into the political process and helped change the system. We will have revolutions and beware of the outcomes. Trump will look sane. 
Enough for today me thinks 
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