#oh no... don't perform extremely dangerous surgery on me you're so sexy
intcrpol · 3 years
The light is dim enough that each swirling plume of smoke seems to glow in the beam of a single pendant lamp- A delicate bubble of steel blue stained glass sliced through the middle like the cross section of a low hanging fruit. Shirogane tilts his head back slightly and exhales a snaking trail towards the ceiling, feeling the Steri-Strips pull at the split corner of his mouth. Blood trickles down the strong angle of his chin, thumb casually wiping a lurid streak of red against pale, paper-thin flesh. He looks like a grinning corpse apart from the eyes- Steely and glinting, belying the amused expression brightening his features. 
Some days he wakes up and can still feel his twisted limbs pinwheeled against the ground, the grit of concrete against his teeth as he breathes in dust and exhales hard enough he can feel flecks of spittle hitting his lower lip. The white-hot, burning agony rendering him unable to do more than heave in lungfuls of dirt with his air- Occasionally rasping out a guttural ‘hhhh’ that strains his bullfrogging throat. The doctors all say he should have died and often times he does feel dead, himself. Dead, but not gone. Watching as life continues to surge forward in waves, all around him. Too powerless to intervene.
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“Well, I think that about covers it. Fentanyl is my drug of choice these days, but Morphine never quite goes out of style- Does it?” he chuckles, raising a highball glass to his lips. Here’s hoping his new doc was one of those laissez-faire types, given the background check, but he didn’t rule out a crackdown on his vices to keep his body in prime condition (ha) for research purposes. They’d cross that bridge once they got to it.
“Any questions? I trust the payment is an agreeable amount.”
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