#oh noooo i love the van goghs but they cannot possibly win sorry van goghs
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"Statue of Vincent and Theo van Gogh" (1963-1964 - Ossip Zadkine) vs "Judith Slaying Holofernes" (c. 1620 - Artemisia Gentileschi)
STATUE OF VINCENT AND THEO VAN GOGH: i'll let geoff dyer (from his book of collected essays and reviews, titled 'otherwise known as the human condition') explain why i love it so much: “It is not immediately obvious which of Zadkine’s figures is Vincent and which is Theo. Like all who relieve the suffering of others, Theo—in a process that is the exact opposite of a blood transfusion—has taken some of Vincent’s pain into himself. Soon, however, it becomes obvious that while the sky weighs heavily on both figures, one, Vincent, feels gravity as a force so terrible it can drag men beneath the earth. From this moment on you are held by the pathos and beauty of what Zadkine depicts: despair that is inconsolable, comfort that is endless. One figure says, “I can never feel better,” the other, “I will hold you until you are better.” (@carryingpitchers)
JUDITH SLAYING HOLOFERNES: no first of all, just look at how 'intimate' it looks. if you've seen Caravaggio's interpretation of the same paining this one will stand out so much, with how up close and personal judith is. look at the blood spurting and dripping down. look at the struggle!!! look at how judith has taken holofernes hair in her hands oh my god. also she was sa ed by her art teacher, amd ofc the shame was put on her (she was literally tortured so she would not lie). so she channeled her rage in the painting. there was her first version to this painting too, but this is so much more personal to her own story. because she has tried to portray herself as judith here. you can feel the rage and the scrunching of eyebrows in her expression and ofc the hair grasp. moreover the bracelet she is donning, has goddess artemis cameo. which artemis= artemisia. also this detail was not present in her original draft. moreover if you zoom in near the bracelet, holofernes blood spurts parallel to it, which adds such a personal touch!!! moreover women were excluded from all social and cultural resources from 1400-1900, so her involvement is even more significant. (anonymous) (also unmentioned last time but submitted without commentary by @titipounamu and another anon)
("Statue of Vincent and Theo Van Gogh" is a 2.5 m (8.2 ft) high bronze statue by Ossip Zadkine. It is located close to the Van Gogh church, and near the house where Vincent and Theo were born.
"Judith Slaying Holofernes" is an oil on canvas painting by Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi. It measures 6′ 6″ x 5′ 4″ (158.8 cm × 125.5 cm) and is located in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.)
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