#ok im done talking about my night bye LOOL
todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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fym mid june next year i need him NOW
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yibuo · 4 years
Hey, I love your blog ❤️. Can I ask for Uniq full story? I've seen a bits of it online but it's such a mess I can't figure out what's truth. Have a nice day 😁
FUNNY how i received this ask when i was crying about wenhan’s baby angel voice in best friend just earlier
tldr if i ever meet du hua it’s on SIGHT
LOL okay idk if this is the FULL story i probably won’t include details and stuff because i didn’t closely follow uniq during their whole hiatus thing (i had the brainpower to stan one group at a time but now look at me TWO kpop groups AND i’m starting to follow a cpop group AND pd camp 2020 AND am constantly fuming at yibo and xiao zhan’s management agencies for ruining their idol groups )
pls correct me if i’m wrong im small brain ok i’m putting this in keep reading bc it’s too long and a ramble
tldr thanks yuehua for messing w/ 5 guys’ dreams.. even though they’re successful they’re not able to do what they originally wanted to
also there’s this legendary video dragging yuehua
also thank u for ur love sweetie i love u too xoxo i hope ur having a wonderful day/evening/night!
LOOL anyway so uniq is a korean-chinese boy group formed under yuehua ent which has korean and chinese management ... you probably know other kpop artists from yuehua like wjsn (co-managed by starship) or everglow... if you’re into cpop there’s next/next7...anyway they have 3 chinese members(yixuan, wenhan, and yibo) and 2 korean members (sungjoo and seungyoun) and they debuted in 2014 with falling in love, promoted btwn china and korea, released a couple of osts (for like, teenage mutant ninja turtles and madagascar lol lol lol) and then in 2015 they came back w/ eoeo (if you’re into kpop you probably know eoeo at least) it’s their most well-known song, and this comeback was w/ their first (and only lol lol) ep/mini album.
they started garnering a good amount of attention and started to appear on more variety shows in korea and china, started promoting in japan, they even went to brazil in a fanmeet that’s pretty cool lol , (but...why didn’t they solidify uniq’s position in kr/ch with their momentum instead of sending them to different countries??? we love money-minded yeehaw entertainment)
and then china’s hallyu ban happened (which is something that i never really understood and never took the time to fully research because it hurt my brain) but essentially chinese govt restricted k-entertainment from profitting in china because politics, for example a lot of kpop tours and fanmeets got cancelled. and this put uniq in a difficult position because they’re split between being based in china and korea, but eventually the ban got lessened (there’s still tension but like, there’s literally adore u playing in the camp of pd camp 2020 ep 2 so like lol) but yeehaw made NO efforts to maintain the group musically b/c they’re money-minded cows and if they split uniq up into a kr and a chinese unit they can’t make as much money as if they sent the members into acting.... (literally there’s an interview from a couple yrs back where xuan talks about how itd be nice to make music but it doesn’t make as much as acting does in china :-(( ) so while they still had events in japan, they didn’t do much together in their main bases, and acted a lot cool cool
one thing i never understood is why yuehua never just pushed them more in the kr market...there are so many groups in the k-industry w/ chinese members (i literally STAN one, my ULT is a chinese member in a kpop group what the HECK)...but making money right lol anyway so xuan, wenhan, and yibo went into acting in china (and yibo is an mc on day day up), and acting takes up sm time, (gonna quote my chinese friend here who’s a sad wjsn ot13 stan who misses cheng xiao, mmq, and wxy, once ur popular in china it’s goodbye kpop) and sungjoo went into acting in korea (if you’ve ever watched my secret terrius or the disaster that was liar and his lover w/ joy, sungjoo is in those lol) and seungyoun continued to produce and release music as woodz and luizy
but it’s sad because they all trained for so long to perform on the stage as 5 but yuehua’s shitty management in the hallyu ban crisis thing really screwed them over...in terms of being on the stage like come on! THEY HAVE TALENT.. ok in early 2018 they released an ep and in dec 2018 they released their single monster (last single together lol), but again, no group promotion, no being able to perform on the stage, no nothing (oh yeah also yibo was a dance mentor on produce 101 china in 2018 nice)
2019 was a good year for most of the members:
-wenhan went on qcyn (youth with you season 1, the second show in the idol producer franchise) and got 1st, debuting in unine which he’s currently a part of, and got to perform on the stage after years of not being able to, thanks yuehua
-yixuan went on all for one (another survival program from youku), also got 1st, and debuted in new storm
-yibo (as we all know) acted in the untamed and became ultra-popular for his well-roundedness
-seungyoun went on the 4th season/spinoff of produce 101 in kr called produce x 101 and got 5th place, debuting in x1, which later disbanded, THANKS MNET THAT’S ANOTHER STORY BUT anyway i don’t think seungyoun was rigged into place, does yuehua even care that much?? lmOA he was so loveable on px101 and i think the move perf rly sealed the deal for everyone
-sungjoo...was done dirty by yeehaw...he’s a MAIN VOCAL he has SOLo potential but yeehaw just put him in the dungeon thanks.. and he recently enlisted in the army not too long ago
oh also sungjoo, xuan, and yibo performed monster + eoeo together at yuehua’s 10 anniversary concert...seungyoun wasn’t there because of x1 and wenhan performed with unine
wow yeehaw really thought they deserved a 10th anniversaryy celebration LMFAO
***the members are still part of uniq though, survival shows are weird
anyway as we can see each member is talented in their own way and uniq is an unfortunate case of yuehua not knowing how to manage people lol but if you watch their shows you know that they’re genuine and tight-knit, and even though they might not be together rn, in their hearts they’re still a part of uniq (cue pics of their weibo usernames having uniq in them, cue wenhan spamming his dad’s video with “UNIQ IS STILL TOGETHER” when his dad talks about how uniq disbanded) and they haven’t forgotten their identity of being part of uniq even as they get older. their contracts expire in 2022 and w/ kim sungjoo in the army, who knows if they actually will make a comeback but this is why everyone hates yuehua and everyone misses uniq bye
again i know they’re successful individually, i know seungyoun’s able to produce his own music, yibo’s able to turn his hobbies into work, wenhan and yixuan are still able to perform on a stage, they came here for uniq and got separated w/o them ever wanting to
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Life these days in general..Part 2
Lalala. Ok im back to finish my post :) 
I had to run to pray so had to stop last night. Also i just woke up and my heads all &^$&$*Q( so I might talk crap :) 
um ok i wasnt planning on writing about it but like thats the thing which came in my head right now cause im kinda sleepy so yeah. My brothers like going to leave for Canada like in 23 days. ok so how do i feel? um kinda okay. like i am sad but like i want all the best for him. its like, i know i will miss him a lot, like a lot lot. we dont really spend a lot of time together though. but like i still will miss his presence in the house and ik i will cry for sure cause even now sometimes although its just for a tiny second but whenever i think of him not being around after some days and it being this way for almost ‘one entire year’ before he comes back inshaAllah my eyes do get teary, but theeeen yeah its just for a second and then i handle it. but like i said, i wouldnt want it any other way! I am really happy he is leaving and i wish all the best of the best for him inshaAllah. 
Ok and btw Alhamdulillah these days im handing life better. like i didnt have a ‘horrible’ mood swing this week although i was about to crumble though ._. btw when i say these days i mean this ‘week’. thats what these 2 posts of mine are about. soooo yeah, now heres the thing!
So like sometimes I get this random feeling. like my lifes so messed up everythings a mess and all, whether its my daily life or like some goals in future, and then like i cant do anything i have to sit tight, take a pen and paper and like jot down stuff i gta do or smthn. like things i have to do withing these days, thngs i have to do today maybe, some for this week. some maybe ‘life goals’, some, in a year ._. Like yeah. Thats what happens when youre a perfectionist and you like things to be super organized. But one thing i can handle Alhamdulillah is being able to be ‘flexible’ with all the plans and ideas. meaning i dont think i get really devastated if it doesnt work accordingly cause i am aware of that and its okay but the problem here is the urge to get everything organised and listed from the ‘beginning’, like to start with in itself. 
And ^ that happened last night, and then guess what? After i was done ‘scribbling my plans and shit’ i was then freaking out trying to figure out if i ‘missed something out’ like Wth.. why does it even matter, i mean i can just write whatever i want whenever i want why do i have to freak out ugh. so yeah i didnt work out, i went straight to sleep. 
Okay so when im handling life pretty fine Alhamdulillah, I start getting this fear. like. ok. everything is ok now, meaning something is going to happen soon, something bad. and that scares me. So whenever I get happy, i get scared too.
And in one of my earlier posts i also talked about the fear i have of idk.. i mean, i always think of him.. And I just want everything to be so perfect between us.. like ok this doesnt even make sense but still. i mean ok we dont talk and all and no really less about each other right now blabla but we love each other and i dont want to mess that up. Now ask me howd that happen? See, i dont know ok? but i just dont want it to happen. and that scares me too. i mean idk. its like that entire post of mine from earlier. i mean misunderstandings, irrational thoughts, silence, guilt, sadness. whatever. Ugh. (*&^%$#$%^&
But also. Ive heard all the saying about how ‘distance’ separates people, how lack of communication affects people, the silence. and a lot of other things. and i totally understand the basis upon all these saying, and i do have to agree to all of it too but. 
But me and him, I think we are more in love right now than we ever were.. Now dont get me wrong, we were really in love before too but like if you have to compare. if something did happen, then the love sure did increase. a lot... Alhamdulillah <3 
Also, since past 4 or 5 days, theres this warm feeling in my heart. Like he’s engraved in it. Like he is here, and not going anywhere. Like he is -home- Yeah ‘home’ that is the word stuck in my mind whenever i feel that warmth <3 now why im saying its recent is because, i mean he is always there in my heart but like not with this feeling, as in, im scared, worried usually. he is my biggest prayer and i want to get married to him but like these days i still do of course lol but like theres this feeling of warmth, like i do want him, and i also ‘know’ that yeah i will get him one day inshaAllah. <--- like i have that confidence that hope is so strong it just brings the warmth. its like he is here, except that he is not actually BUT he will be ‘actually actually here’ soon, i just need to hang in there a little bit longer, inshaAllah. 
^ UGH, I hope i make sense lool 
Hmph. I guess thats it for now :)  Also on a side note: His recent snaps = HEART LOVE HONEY CANDYYY!!!! And one of them makes me literally start laughing out loud every time i see it <3 <3 <3 :D :D :D 
ok buh-bye 
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jasonvtodd · 7 years
Tagged by: @quexnk​
Tagging:  @nichtwing @stripperflint @thomasflint @akrhamknight @kierensczerny @daniellewildes @citiofstars @ktrovosky @luxluci @timaltman @alucardsemery @powerovernothing
The Rulesa
1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the new questions given by the previous person 3. Write 11 new questions 4. Tag 11 people
this got really long im so sorry so read more here we go
Matt’s Questions:
1. Mac or PC? Any particular reason why? pc cuz mac is so goddamn mcfuckin confusing bye
2. Do you watch medical dramas? If so, which one(s)? (I’m trash for everything sooo…) LMAO ask @thomasflint​ (livetexting greys anatomy to her and her angry responses are honestly my friday nights entertainment) also chicago med
3. Do you believe in naps? lool buddy question is do i believe in awake
4. Favorite superhero? Why? tony stark and you dont want me to answer that, we’ll be here all day... but... cliffnotes? because tony stark has every reason to not trust people and allow love in his life cause of his abusive piece of shit alcoholic father, and then being betrayed by the man who was a father figure too him... but he strives to make the world a better place, a safer place. because tony stark would sacrifice himself for others without a second thought and lol thats also cuz he thinks so lowly of himself that whats his life worth anyway right? because tony starks own worst fear is having everyone around him.. everyone who depended on him, everyone who considered him a friend... dying. and him being at fault for not doing something about it. him being alone with nothing but death surrounding him and unable to escape his own head. because tony stark constantly deals with anxiety, alcoholism, ptsd and a whole range of other shit... and mcu did a piss poor attempt at showing it (apart from im3 which was good in that aspect) but he battles with himself everyday and still gets out of bed and tries to create new things. this motherfucker created an element ok. he graduated at mit at age 15 and to this day probably still has thoughts if james rhodes is his friend because he wants to be his friend.. or is his friend because hes ‘tony stark’. because no one has more self doubt and self hatred more then this guy right here... but he still finds it in himself to crack jokes and be a smartass lil fucker. because tony stark tried his best to keep everyone ok in cw and i cant wait for everyone to ask for his help in infinity, and ask who could have seen something like this coming, what o they do now... and tony just.. starring at them and zooming in on his face. and then cut to him looking directly in the camera like on the office and just be like. i did. i saw all of this. if they think im going to save their sorry asses now... HA... (cut to another scene of tony chatting with rhodey: well obviously im going to help them rhodey. im not that terrible. i just want them to think for a minute i wont and see how it feels because i can do that. because tony stark has a heart. annd this got long and i did what i said i wasnt gonna do hi sorry not sorry
5. What’s a quote that moves you everyday? (Like every time you read it, not necessarily that you think of it everyday.)  I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done.”” -- rdj. going to get the first line tattooed on my upper arm hopefully soon ayee. also “the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. Be brave. Live.” from btvs
6. (I’m going to steal from Sam a little) What’s the first line of your favorite book? ... dude can you not do this to me. fuck. ok lets... do like.. top 5 (and if i just do one from a series, i mean the entire series is in the top 5 ok this is laready stressing me out i have too many favoruites) 
A secret is a strange thing” - the dream thieves by maggie stiefvater
Neil Josten let his cigarette burn to the filter without taking a drag” - the foxhole court by nora sakavic
Lights flashed. People screamed in the distance. Nick’s back hit the ground, and it was all blue sky and smoke” - part & parcel by abigail roux
Victor readjusted the shovel on his shoulder and stepped gingerly over an old, half-sunken grave” - vicious by v.e. schwab
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advise that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since” - the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald  
7. Have you ever seen any musicals live? If not, do you have a favorite one? Regardless of whichever, why is it your favorite? i saw the lion king when i was young as but i honestly dont remember much of it and musicals never really appealed to me, i dont mind them, i just dont love them
8. What are the three books you would bring with you on a deserted island? ....i hate you. we’re not doing this. no. i outright refuse. BRINGING MY WHOLE BOOKSHELF. 
9. What’s your favorite line from one of your favorite songs?  And I'll hold you closer if you go supernova
10. How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller? i amm roughly about 5′9ish
11. What’s a song/type of music that you listen to not necessarily because you like it, but because it reminds you of good memories? If you don’t have one, what’s a song or kind of music you don’t like? lolol was just talking about linkin park earlier cause it took me back to high school and all my emo phase that i never got out of cause ill still belt out all the lyrics hi. basically that whole genre fall out boy, the killers, good charlotte, kisschasy and a bunch of others that are just basically #90′s kids heaven 
What was the last photo you took with your phone?
Last text message?
Pineapple goes on pizza. Yes or no? (if you answer yes to this we’re done)
You’ll get $10k if you eat a bowel of dead flies and crickets... do you do it?
If you could wake up tomorrow next to someone... who would it be and why?
What’s the most embarrassing story you have?
Can i count on you to help me bury a body no questions asked?
What do you want your tombstone to say?
What age do you feel right now and why?
Whats a book/film/tvshow/album that you cant live in a world without?
Agree or disagree with this statement .... Hal Jordan is a mess
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[11:55:03 PM] Maximilian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [11:55:08 PM] <Maximilian> YAY [11:55:13 PM] <inthequeensenglish> big mood [11:55:18 PM] <inthequeensenglish> ijeiojekw [11:55:20 PM] <Maximilian> exactly why I chose it [11:55:23 PM] <inthequeensenglish> that was fun [11:55:26 PM] <Maximilian> I was saving it the entire game [11:55:27 PM] <inthequeensenglish> HAHAHAHHA [11:55:30 PM] <Maximilian> just for that moment [11:55:32 PM] <inthequeensenglish> I HATE U MAX [11:55:34 PM] <malaak> LOL [11:55:42 PM] <Maximilian> I NEEDED IT TO WIN [11:55:50 PM] <inthequeensenglish> HJ3SUIJISS HE'S USING EMOTIONS TO WIN ME OVER [11:55:58 PM] <inthequeensenglish> JAHAHAHAHHA THAT WAS GENIUS [11:56:21 PM] <Maximilian> It was a now or never situation and it was basically my fuckin trap card [11:56:28 PM] <inthequeensenglish> GUYVGHVHJ' [11:56:38 PM] <inthequeensenglish> I HATE MYSELF FOR PICKING THAT [11:56:38 PM] <Maximilian> I knew what I had to do [11:56:50 PM] <inthequeensenglish> STOP IM GONNA DIE [11:56:58 PM] <inthequeensenglish> MALAAK HES CREEPY [11:57:11 PM] <malaak> why do i still have 9 points [11:57:15 PM] <malaak> y'all got 0 now [11:57:21 PM] <inthequeensenglish> damn [11:57:23 PM] <malaak> i win [11:57:26 PM] <Maximilian> it takes a while just to move along [11:57:31 PM] <inthequeensenglish> bc ur awesome babe [11:57:35 PM] <inthequeensenglish> but um malaak [11:57:43 PM] <inthequeensenglish> r u not seeing his creepy shit [11:57:48 PM] <malaak> no [11:57:49 PM] <inthequeensenglish> i cantstop laughing [11:57:59 PM] <Maximilian> I knew Geraldine was on her period [11:58:05 PM] <Maximilian> So I chose that card [11:58:13 PM] <Maximilian> Knowing she would be compelled to pick me [11:58:16 PM] <malaak> smart [11:58:24 PM] <inthequeensenglish> IJUIEWNJNS [11:58:27 PM] <inthequeensenglish> IM DEAD [11:58:32 PM] <inthequeensenglish> HELP I CANT BRATHE [11:58:46 PM] <inthequeensenglish> im done [11:58:48 PM] <inthequeensenglish> with y'all [11:58:53 PM] <Maximilian> I had that card from the beginning of the fuckin game [11:58:59 PM] <malaak> AHAHHA [11:59:10 PM] <Maximilian> I knew I was gonna need it [11:59:29 PM] <Maximilian> We all had 9 points. Geraldine was the czar. [11:59:38 PM] <Maximilian> It was my only hope of winning against you. [11:59:45 PM] <malaak> AHAHHAHA IM DYING [11:59:51 PM] <inthequeensenglish> BUE [11:59:54 PM] <inthequeensenglish> BOI [12:00:00 AM] <malaak> i did pretty good for my first time playing [12:00:02 AM] <inthequeensenglish> IM GONNA DIE MAX [12:00:11 AM] <malaak> if u ignore the heart attack i had when i first logged on [12:00:27 AM] <Maximilian> you did very good actually like [12:00:31 AM] <inthequeensenglish> "gonna just,,, keep this here,,," [12:00:38 AM] <malaak> LOOL [12:00:45 AM] <inthequeensenglish> yeah isnt my wife amazing at ut? [12:00:56 AM] <Maximilian> your wife had me at the end of my rope [12:01:00 AM] <Maximilian> I almost lost to her [12:01:07 AM] <Maximilian> Key word ALMOST [12:01:17 AM] <Maximilian> I played my cards wisely [12:01:22 AM] <inthequeensenglish> u little shit [12:01:34 AM] <inthequeensenglish> i cant believe she lost to periods [12:01:48 AM] <malaak> a worthy opponent [12:01:53 AM] <Maximilian> Sorry Malaak but menstruation was more important to Geraldine [12:02:03 AM] <malaak> thanks geraldine [12:02:11 AM] <Maximilian> yeah geraldine [12:02:42 AM] <inthequeensenglish> STOP [12:02:49 AM] <Maximilian> :P [12:03:12 AM] <inthequeensenglish> what can i say i just love that bleeding 👌👌👌👌👌 [12:03:23 AM] <inthequeensenglish> 10/10 would reccommend [12:03:26 AM] <Maximilian> love that pain [12:03:28 AM] <malaak> if i bleed all over u would that make u happy [12:03:44 AM] <Maximilian> um where the blood coming from??? [12:03:49 AM] <malaak> my shoulder [12:03:54 AM] <Maximilian> GERALDINE [12:03:56 AM] <malaak> u know [12:03:59 AM] <inthequeensenglish> ENOUGH Y'ALL [12:04:02 AM] <malaak> the one that got punched [12:04:14 AM] <Maximilian> It's attack Geraldine hour [12:04:39 AM] <Maximilian> You punched your wife and think menstruation is more important than her [12:04:45 AM] <malaak> damn [12:04:54 AM] <Maximilian> you punched her multiple times [12:05:00 AM] <inthequeensenglish> IM GONNA DIE [12:05:02 AM] <malaak> she also flirts w other girls all the time [12:05:06 AM] <Maximilian> UGH [12:05:11 AM] <inthequeensenglish> VYIVUHJBJ [12:05:13 AM] <inthequeensenglish> WHEN??? [12:05:18 AM] <malaak> in english [12:05:21 AM] <malaak> u winked at her [12:05:24 AM] <malaak> right in front of me [12:05:31 AM] <Maximilian> *gasp* GERALDINE [12:05:37 AM] <malaak> also u seduced miss jones [12:05:43 AM] <Maximilian> holy shit [12:05:44 AM] <malaak> miss jones is our english teacher [12:05:48 AM] <Maximilian> HOLY SHIT [12:05:55 AM] <malaak> she always tells geraldine "I'm never gonna forget ur name" [12:06:03 AM] <malaak> hmmm i wonder why [12:06:10 AM] <Maximilian> *GASPS IN GERMAN* [12:06:18 AM] <inthequeensenglish> SHE DOES ITS SO WEIRD [12:06:29 AM] <inthequeensenglish> i love how y'all r so chummy [12:06:40 AM] <inthequeensenglish> when like yesterday u were like [12:06:43 AM] <Maximilian> Well to be fair I only know two people with the name Geraldine and you're one of them [12:06:52 AM] <inthequeensenglish> vaguely reblogging shi [12:06:55 AM] <inthequeensenglish> nubdwubhews [12:07:07 AM] <Maximilian> the second one I know is literally dead [12:07:09 AM] <inthequeensenglish> geraldines a weird name tho [12:07:13 AM] <inthequeensenglish> UGYUGUGJHB [12:07:16 AM] <malaak> jar all dine [12:07:17 AM] <inthequeensenglish> W H A T [12:07:29 AM] <malaak> aha ur next [12:07:40 AM] <Maximilian> WATCH UR BACK [12:07:51 AM] <inthequeensenglish> ENOUGHHH [12:08:03 AM] <Maximilian> I'm not even joking though they're literally dead [12:08:11 AM] <Maximilian> My mother's friend from high school [12:08:30 AM] <inthequeensenglish> stooop thats depressing [12:08:53 AM] <Maximilian> not as depressing as my mother telling me she punched her PE teacher in the face and I didn't get to [12:09:06 AM] <Maximilian> Why didn't I get to do that [12:09:10 AM] <malaak> AHAHAHHA [12:09:15 AM] <malaak> MY ICON [12:09:21 AM] <malaak> WHY SHE PUNCH THE TEACHER [12:09:23 AM] <Maximilian> My mother was a literal rebel when she was my age [12:09:24 AM] <inthequeensenglish> cufyfthgvghv' [12:09:40 AM] <Maximilian> The teacher insulted my mother's haircut because she shaved half her head [12:09:49 AM] <Maximilian> Also apparently called my mother "too skinny" [12:10:02 AM] <malaak> the teacher deserved it [12:10:04 AM] <Maximilian> So my mum was like "well I don't like YOUR FACE" [12:10:22 AM] <Maximilian> No wait that was her literature teacher [12:10:30 AM] <Maximilian> The PE teacher did something worse [12:10:36 AM] <malaak> how many teachers did she punch omg [12:10:49 AM] <inthequeensenglish> jbhbmb [12:10:57 AM] <Maximilian> She didn't punch her literature teacher she put sugar in their gas tank [12:11:12 AM] <malaak> geraldine id let ur science teacher punch me in the face [12:11:16 AM] <malaak> oMG [12:11:21 AM] <inthequeensenglish> ENOYGH [12:11:24 AM] <malaak> AHAHA [12:11:33 AM] <Maximilian> The PE teacher didn't like my mother's leopard pants so she forced my mother to take them off and she literally hung the pants high up on a flagpole for the whole school to see [12:11:47 AM] <malaak> WHAT THE HELL [12:11:49 AM] <malaak> SERIOUSLY [12:11:57 AM] <malaak> WHAT KINDA MESSED UP PERSON [12:12:05 AM] <inthequeensenglish> my guys.... as much as i love stories abt flying pants on flagpoles [12:12:05 AM] <Maximilian> PE teacher totally deserved it [12:12:10 AM] <inthequeensenglish> its like 3 am [12:12:21 AM] <Maximilian> okay then leave while I romance your wife [12:12:25 AM] <Maximilian> I got way more stories [12:12:25 AM] <malaak> AHAHA [12:12:28 AM] <inthequeensenglish> im gonna blast [12:12:36 AM] <inthequeensenglish> ok y'all have fun [12:12:39 AM] <inthequeensenglish> malaak text me [12:12:40 AM] <malaak> no but i gotta sleep too [12:12:45 AM] <malaak> romance me tomorrow lmaoo [12:12:59 AM] <Maximilian> Aw man but I didn't tell you about the time my mother shaved off another girls hair entirely [12:13:07 AM] <Maximilian> oh well tomorrow [12:13:29 AM] <Maximilian> See y'all then, nighty night, don't let the dinosaurs bite [12:13:45 AM] <malaak> bye it was nice talking to u ! [12:13:51 AM] <Maximilian> you too! [12:13:54 AM] malaak has left the game. [12:14:12 AM] inthequeensenglish has left the game.
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