#ok look sky doesn’t have a lot of animals and remlits are mammals so they’d make milk
linkbetweenlinksau · 8 months
Minish! Yes, you! Tell me a bit about yourself, I know so little about you (I haven’t played minish cap 😅). Favorite food? You really good friends with your Zelda or something more? I suppose you’re only 17 so that isn’t a huge concern to you. Can you still see the Minish and talk to them and shrink down to their size?
Twilight: oh my, uh, thank you! That’s awfully sweet!
Sky: cookies!!! Hugs!! Milk!! Wait… milk?
Twilight: you know, from a cow?
Wild: or a goat.
Sky: … animals can make milk?
Wild: ??? Yours don’t???
Minish: oh! Uh, hi. My name is Link but the guys here call me Minish. Um, favorite food… the bakery has a pie that I really like. Me and Ezlo used to eat it together. It was always a nice break from… you know… I still go and get the pie, just reminds me of him. And Zelda… oh! Uuuuh… well we ARE friends but uh… um… she’s my best friend of course hehe. She’s very nice and pretty and strong… she’s also very thoughtful and…. Well… I DOUBT she’d want to be something more. I mean look at me! I dunno… its… complicated. Uh… anyways! I cant shrink down anymore Without Ezlo’s magic. I miss the Minish villages so much. You can eat one blueberry and be stuffed, that was always really nice, and everyone was so kind…. It was just magical. Though I may not remember things correctly. I was 8 years old after all. I can still see the Minish though! I don’t see the villages since they’re all well hidden, but the lone Minish I see and talk to all the time! I’m glad that… even though I’m grown up, I can still talk to them. Dunno if that means that I’m still a child or… if I’m pure of heart? Psh, but I’m not that, that’s ridiculous haha… um… thanks for the questions? And the cookies and milk! Very good!
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