#ok thats all SNDNDKD
hauntingskiss · 2 years
head hurty time to infodump abt new horizons and kepler (things r not set in stone as im reworking the fic)
new horizons n kepler are best buds. absolute besties!!!! kepler “woke up” horizons maybe before the events of 17776 and r just vibing
new horizons is still p much the same, she loves vidya games and is very peppy and energetic :] kepler told her a joke that animal crossing planned to name one of the games after her and she was very disappointed that it wasnt true (its still true in her heart)
kepler is very deadpan and doesnt show much emotion but that doesnt mean theyre boring!! kepler is still staring at stars in the same patch of sky for fun. theyre also a big alien enthusiast!!!
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