sana6085 · 4 months
Late Chrysanthemum By Naruse
I will first write about  the various techniques used in the film. In the movie, it seemed that during the scenes in which Kin appeared, I felt, the sound of a koto (Japanese harp) was always played as a backmusic. On the other hand, duringthe scenes in which Tomi and her friends appeared, Hawaiian or popular songs of that time was used. I was surprised at the attention to detail in the use of back music to express the mood and personalities of the characters in the film. In addition, each piece of music seemed to represent the different worlds in which the two characters lived. Moreover, I noticed that the way in which a son, Kiyoshi, calls his mother and father is different from the films I have wathed so far. In the films I had seen so far, I felt that the traditional Japanese terminology such as "okachan" which means mother and "otochan" which means father were used to mention mother and father. From this difference of the terminology of calling parents I felt that the historical background gradually became more modern. Next, in the conversation between Kin and Tomi, there was a part where they used a figurative expression, "Pikadon era," to describe the war time, and I felt that the use of such an expression makes the conversation sound natural. Finally, there were several scenes in which sign-like hand movements were used, but none of them were in the standard sign language that we use in Japan today. Instead of that, I learned the pictures, hand gestures, and facial expressions were used to show how people communicated with each other in a time when sign language was not developed.
Next, I will write about feilm.This film made us think about what are the important aspects of life. Every choice is up to each person, such as prioritizing money, children, or love, but I thought the film conveyed the idea that no matter which one we choose, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Kin, who is money-first money is inferior to Tomi when it comes to happiness in terms of having children. On the other hand, Kin has more room in mind because of money. A word that personally resonated with me in this movie is that when Tomi complained about Kin, who was saving her money without spending it, even though she could not take it to hell with her. Living conservatively certainly allows one to afford, but Tomi's positive attitude toward enjoying the present has many lessons for me, a more conservative person.
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arumarimurti · 5 months
Dulu, semasa kuliah, aku punya 70Gb serial shinchan dalam bahasa Jepang. Tanpa subtitle. Dari shinchan masih kecil, sampai punya adek: himawari. Ratusan judul.
Rasanya dulu lucu aja nonton shinchan itu. Padahal waktu aku kecil, malah ga suka nonton shinchan di TV. Alasannya? Karena ceritanya tidak mendidik 😂. Tapi setelah dewasa, aku jadi bisa 'mengonsumsinya' tanpa khawatir akan berbuat buruk karena mencontohnya.
Pagi ini, aku sahur buat membayar hutang puasaku. Entah kenapa rasanya kangen sama shinchan. Kutontonlah shinchan via youtube. Episodenya bercerita tentang shinchan yang mau piknik dengan orangtuanya.
Lucu? Enggak. Nyebelin? Enggak. Aku kok malah jadi terharu. Usia misae waktu itu 29tahun, anggaplah tidak jauh berbeda denganku. Dia seorang ibu rumah tangga, sama sepertiku. Rasanya aku seperti melihat hidupku ada di cerita itu.
Aku juga selalu menyiapkan apa apa setiap kami mau bepergian. Belum kalau anak2 bikin senewen dengan tingkahnya yang adaaaaaaa aja. Meskipun aku ga mukulin anak, nyubit, ngurik, atau bentak2, tapi kata aca aku galak banget 😂. Sama kayak pandangan shinchan ke okachan-nya.
Ngelihat keluarga kecil yang berusaha menata keuangan, belajar berhemat, mengusahakan quality time, bener2 rasanya mengharukan. Dulu aku ga pernah berempati pada orangtua shinchan, karena fokusku bukan di mereka. Tapi sekarang, rasanya empatiku muncul setiap melihat mereka. Pasangan muda yang mengusahakan hal terbaik untuk keluarga kecil mereka.
Aah benar-benar aku sudah bertambah dewasa ya 😊
[Perum BTA, 14 Januari 2024, 04:04]
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otpofotps · 5 months
gaku >>> because note accuracy feels like 95% and then hes just got such a beautiful voice, smooth but sparkly and yet can handle a variety of genres, strong !!! i really love
okachan, rion for the next most accurate like 85~90%? tarochan may also align here but i felt his koikimi was consistently slightly off . and then rion, rion’s ai no katamari!!! i seriously felt the potential like his voice has got that SOMETHING to be charming and hes still pretty young it could go pretty well if he started getting serious about singing. okachan is just super consistent and stable and i appreciate that a lot. tarochan im not sure but he could also work himself to that stable vocals person, and he has a kind of sweet ring to his voice, which gotta love the gap to his muscles and weird vibes character lol. i would love to know more about rion/okachan/taro vocals (aka more chances to see them sing live 🥺)
the other members i didnt feel particularly much and they are kinda young anyway we’ll see how it works out in the future lol
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throughmilkyway · 5 years
Hyakkimaru: oka-chan
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myjhersey17 · 5 years
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I clearly realized just now... that I am Jukai
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chewiedon · 3 years
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“reader is one of tamayo's children, the reader deeply cherished their mother as their best mother ever same as Tamayo who always cherised them too, but once Tamayo turned into a demon, the reader tried to stop her with all their might, .. of course they failed, Several centuries have passed and suddenly Tamayo meets one of the demon hunters who really looks like the reader (or you could say the reader was reincarnated) oh maybe you can end it with "hello again, mother." (nah don't--)”
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MOTHER’S PRIDE (gn! reader)
(Y/N)’s family wasn’t what you would call poor, but they weren’t exactly rich either. They couldn’t afford expensive medicines or doctors for their ill mother.
“Please! She’s on the verge of death! I’ll do anything for you!” (Y/N) and her brother had their foreheads pressed against a traveling doctor's shoes.
With a swift kick, both children skidded away on the ground.
“You kids are so annoying, you want results? Give me money!” with a huff he had stomped away.
(Y/N) had crawled towards their younger brother, dusting off the dirt from his back still on the ground. Tears peeked through the corners of his eyes as the two stood up.
“(Y/N)-ni… Is Okachan ever going to get better? Is she going to die?”
The elder sibling perked up, a smile shining through their features, “No! We’re going to get her better no matter what, don’t lose hope Takeo! We’ll do whatever it takes!”
Another one of their siblings came forward, their younger sister Tohru came running with a man in a robe behind her.
She shouted to the other two children, “I found someone who might help!”
Both of the children lit up with joy as they rushed towards their sister, the strange man introduced himself as a traveling doctor that’s known for solving the incurable. His words lit the children with joy.
“I’ve seen your mothers disease before, and I’d like to see her first before I give any medicine. If that’s alright.”
All the children looked to their eldest, (Y/N). After a few seconds of thinking they spoke to him.
“How much do you charge? What do you want?”
The doctor merely smiled, “Whatever you can give me.”
After another few seconds of thinking, the eldest nodded and the three children led the man to their home. The eldest son was outside carrying wood to the side of the small home.
The house was small, but not like a shack and easy to move around. It was isolated from the rest of the homes but still easy to access. Your classic country middle class home.
“(Y/N)!” the brother with the wood exclaimed at the robed man, “Is it another doctor? How much does he want?”
(Y/N) tried to take some logs from him, “He doesn’t want anything right now, he just wants to see Okachan! Don’t worry Midori, leave it all to me!” they pointed to their chest with pride while the lot made their way inside the abode.
The eldest led the doctor to the small room in which their sickly mother laid in a purple futon. Her hair and makeup disheveled, but her sweaty face lit up once she saw her eldest child enter the room.
“I found you a doctor, he says he’s known for curing the incurable. He’s seen a disease like yours before,” they explained, sitting on their knees next to their mothers futon.
The doctor spoke, “Tamayo was it?”
She nodded, sitting upward. (Y/N)’s hand on her back. The doctor hadn’t introduced himself, but instead put a hand in her forehead and measured her breathing. Then he asked for symptoms in which (Y/N) listed everything out for him.
Tamayo felt a pang in her chest when her eldest child started listing things off, remembering the joy she felt once when she realized she was pregnant with them. Tamayo would do anything to watch them and their brothers and sisters grow up. To spend more time with her husband… Any length was worth it.
For (Y/N), Takeo, Tohru, and Midori. For her loving husband working all day and night for her and their children.
“I have medicine to treat her, I will return tonight when the sun is set. Then I will give her something that can cure her forever.” the man explained.
All the children outside eavesdropping all cheered quietly, while (Y/N) prayed that it would work. When the doctor left, the eldest invited him to stay for dinner.
“It’s the least we could do, you can talk to my father about expenses and billing,” (Y/N) insisted, pulling at the man’s sleeves.
However, he shook his head, “I really appreciate the offer, but I need to retrieve my medicine from the hosts I’m staying with temporarily. I promise I will return.”
With reluctance, they nodded.
“Tell me,” the doctor started, “How old are you? You are the eldest, yes?”
(Y/N) nodded again, “I turn 16 in a few months, I want to move to the city and marry a wealthy man.”
He hummed in response as he made his way outside, “I might take your hand in marriage myself, however I’m much older than you and not exactly rich.”
Chuckling in response, (Y/N) escorted him outside and back into the city.
“If what you want is my hand in marriage for curing my mother, I’d be more than willing to give it to you.”
The doctor nodded, with a bow he left. A promise to their family weighing on his shoulders.
He returned a lot later than (Y/N) and their family had expected. Both (Y/N) and their father stayed up, restless until the doctor would fulfill his promise and cure Tamayo.
Midnight, only then did the doctor come, a large trunk in his hand.
“I have arrived, I will heal her.”
The rest of the children were asleep, and Tamayo’s husband begged (Y/N) to sleep by themselves. They insisted they stayed up, to see the results themself.
Overall, the process wasn’t all that long nor had anything unexpected. The doctor had Tamayo sit up as she drank out of a shallow dipping bowl. Then she was given an herbal soup, which she drank with caution due to the burning heat emitting from the broth.
With a content sigh, she lied back, her eyes heavy with exhaustion as she breathed heavily. Her fever almost diminished.
“Give it a few hours then she will be better as if nothing even happened.”
“What would you like as payment? We’re indebted to you.” (Y/N)’s father held out yen coins to the doctor.
The doctor smiled as he put his shoes on, “No need, in the morning I’ll come back to check in on your wife. If everything works out, I’ll take your money and your eldest child’s hand in marriage.”  
With reluctance, the father looked at his child and then back at the doctor and then nodded.
“Thank you sir.”
(Y/N) sat next to their mother, laying their head on her thighs.
“You don’t have to marry that man for me, he’s at least 40 years older than you.” Tamayo ran her frail hands through her child’s hair.
(Y/N) looked up at her, “I love you, and I want to see you better.”
Tamayo leaned down and kissed their forehead.
“How was I ever blessed with such an amazing child?”
It didn’t take more than a half hour for shit to hit the fan. (Y/N) was awoken by screaming from Takeo and Tohru’s crying. In a panic, they jumped up and slammed the door open. In the dark stood their mother, rabid, with Midori’s neck inside her mouth. Blood stained the hardwood below her, their father rushing into the scene. All color drained from his face.
“(Y/N)! What’s wrong with Okachan?!” Takeo cried, confusion and panic laced in his voice.
(Y/N) had relied of raw instinct and adrenaline as they rushed forward, shoving Takeo’s futon blanket into their mothers mouth once the flesh had dropped from her jaw. Trapping the monster with their body.
Immediately she fought back, thrashing back and forth under the weight. It didn’t take long for her to launch (Y/N) into the wall, knocking the wind out of them. Tamayo sunk her teeth into Tohru’s arm, earning a bloodcurdling scream.
Father finally snapped out of his shock and tried to restrain his wife by wrapping his arm around her neck and trapping her between his legs.
“Let go of my lady! You foul demon!” he yelled.
(Y/N)’s lungs were in unimaginable pain, their chest and ribs exhausted. Wobbling, they hurried over to the remaining children and tried to get them outside of the house and get help.
The man’s cries were heard as he was overpowered and then swiftly killed with an inhuman punch to the head— then silenced. The injured children hustled through the short span of woodland. Only lasting a few seconds before the demon had latched itself on the youngest. Taking chunks of flesh out of his back.
“Takeo!” (Y/N) cried, sobbing hysterically, “Okachan! Please stop!”
Takeo’s cries weren’t silenced, but muffled as his face was shoved into the dirt as his back side was being mauled. Only until his spine was snapped did his pain stop.
(Y/N) shoved Tohru forward, “Go find help! Run as fast as you can and don’t stop for anything!”
Covered in red fluids, the demon lunged towards it’s eldest. They violently kicked their stomach in an attempt to stop them, shoving their arm into her mouth to stall her.
“Please stop, you’re killing everyone. Okachan please come back!” (Y/N) begged, their blood splatting on their face.
Her eyes were feral, like that of a rabid animal. Nothing but sad and pathetic begging before their arm gave out and their sight was met with red. A sharp pain flashed through their entire body before a cold end.
Tohru tripped over a root, allowing her former mother to dig into her flesh.
Everything was over. Everybody was dead.
The memory was hazy but it was peaceful. Whenever he saw the color (E/C) she couldn’t help but think of the child she held so dearly. The same child Tamayo had ripped apart.
That entire night came back to her in one single glance, the (S/C) skin inside the uniform of a demon slayer. The same stunning (E/C) she could stare into for hours. Tamayo’s chest swelled with guilt and pride, tears peeking out of the corner of her eyes.
As soon as their gazes met, they knew.
“Hello again, Okachan.”
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kodzuken-chan · 4 years
You've just signed your death wish
Paring: Sanji X Fem.Reader
Gener: A bit of Agnst/ too much fluff
A/N: -dialogues are colored ( You- Pink) ( Sanji- Blue), (S/N- orange), ( D/N - Red), (Zoro- Green)
( Anyone else- Bold Black)
S/N - Son Name, D/N - Daughter name
Summary: You are Sanji's wife and both of continue your adventure along with Strawhats with your adorable 6 years old Son who looks like you and your 4 years old daughter who looks exactly like a female version of Sanji.
I was going to name them Sanjiro and Yuki but i didn't want to specify so ,Feel Free to use your imagination in naming the two kids🤭
~Credit to GIF owner~
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Its just a normal sunny day in the sea, you were gazing at the ocean view around you recalling the best memories of your life as the Strawhats are playing and goofing around as usual, yes, your were recalling the memories of how you first fell in love with Sanji when you first joined the crew and you both confessed to each other end up dating for quite a while...when out of nowhere you found Sanji proposing to you on your birthday celebration in Sunny Go's kitchen and of course your answer was YES!
Now as you recall your beautiful memories gazing at ocean, you felt some kind of small hands holding into your legs from down, of course you know what are they, they are your adorable Son and daughter's hands bouncing happily calling you out " Okasan!! Okachan!!", You smiled and returned to face them pating on your 6 years old son ( S/N) who looked exactly like you but with Sanji's personality and your 4 years old daughter (D/N) who was a female version of Sanji but with your personality, and also let's not forget the father of these two who was standing infront of you with a tray full of cookies sending you a wide smile, " Okachan look! look! i made these cookie with Otochan hehe don't worry it will be yummy just like Otochan's ", " yess it will be so yummy bcs my princess (D/N) made them just as i told her" , claimed sanji, looking at the messy cookies that were made with love, you smiled at ( D/N) and took a bite acting dramatically that you almost melt from how delicious it was, " woah its so yummy (D/N)~chan!!", The girl was bouncing from happiness as (S/N) took the tray and started eating the cookies, of course (D/N) feeded her dad too as he carries her and you all shared a happy laugh....
Few minutes later you heard Brook announcing about the new island that he just saw and everyone went excited, the ship anchor was thrown and you finally reached the island, and all of you decided to divide into two teams one who are going to stay in charge of the ship and the other team who is going to buy the needs and explore the island, of course luffy won't stand still so he's the first one to jump out of the ship even before he could hear the plan, Usopp and Chopper following him to make sure he won't make any further problems, you and Sanji had already decided to go for shopping because he needs to buy food and ingredients and you wanted to buy everyone some new clothes especially your two kids, Zoro, Robin Franky decided to stay on the ship where Nami went with Brook to explore the island.
You were about to leave the ship with Sanji when you heared your kids crying, " Otochan!!", " Okasan!!", " Okasan, Otosan please take us with you!! We want to see the new island!!" You glanced at Sanji with a worried expression. Usually you don't take them with you whenever you explore a new island, you can't deny the fact that you are pirates and sometimes you are required to run your shoes out of any island because of Marines, other pirates or any other obstacle that requires to be quick to run away, and keeping them in the ship was the best that you can do to protect them from any danger, even if you weren't there but your crew mates are there to protect them no matter what.
Finally after giving you and Sanji those adorable faces , Your mommy instincts gave you a bad feeling about this but you couldn't refuse and so you took them with you, " (S/N)-kun,(D/N)- chan, you have to stay right beside okasan and otosan okay??" And both nodded with bright smiles, holding in to (S/N) hand and (D/N) on the top of Sanji's shoulders, you all went for your shopping advanture, going from a shop to another with Sanji to buy different ingredients and drinks, and finally your turn had come where you are now visiting different clothes shop with Sanji who was helping you choosing the best, soon there were many bags and of course your gentleman husband didn't even let you carry one because they are basically heavy for his beautiful wife. An hour later, you stopped by a couple's matching pijamas shop and you thought of buying a set for you and Sanji bcs it looked so cute, however your kids wanted to go and play in the play yard near by the shop you were in, and they asked both you and Sanji if its possible to go there, " You can go but you should stay at my eyesight alright?! And (S/N), don't let off your sister's hand okay?" Told Sanji to the young boy and he nodded seriously, " But Sanji-kun...", " Its fine sweetheart i can see them from here", " please don't take your eyes off them", " Don't worry darling".
Soon the play yard became even more crowded with other kids and Families, and Sanji just took his eyes off for less than few seconds to light on another cigarette, you didn't let him smoke infront of the kids so he usually did it when they are not around. Suddenly his dad instincts got awakened by his Kenbunshoku haki hearing (D/N) screaming and crying with his name, "otochan!!! Otochan !! Tasukete!! Oni chan is in danger!! Please save him otochan!!" Said (D/N) between her sobs, you tossed everything in your hands and immediately went out to where Sanji and (D/N) standing.. , " What happened (D/N)~chan?", asked sanji while wiping her tears away as his expressions darkened at his young daughter's answer, "scary men came to us and tried to take me, but oni chan protected me and now they are beating him up..otochan I'm scared..." Said the young girl as she went back to cry again your heart dropped in your feet, you were about to cry also at the thought of your son being in danger, you called Sanji's name with a cracked tone, "S..Sanji-kun.." , Sanji looked at you and assured you that he's handling it, he hugged (D/N) to make her feel safe and passsd her to you, and straight went running to where (S/N) was, you were terrified, your Son is in danger and you couldn't stop yourself from following Sanji with (D/N) in your arms. Your kids are strong, its because they have been raised in an ocean and pirate environment but they were kids after all they easily get scared, that's how kids should be they need to be protected no matter how strong they claimed to be.
Both you and Sanji reached where your Son is getting beatened up, you screamed (S/N)'s name when your eyes felll on him laying on the ground full of bruises and some blood and getting beated, Sanji slowly got closer to the Jerks as he looked at his young son who was laying on the ground unable to move, "O-..O-tosan..." escaped his mouth, " Hey!! If you don't want to end like him, then you better continue walking" Sanji is now glaring at the jerks when finally Sanji spoke up , " YOU'VE JUST SIGNED YOUR DEATH WISH"....not a few seconds and you see all of these jerks layed on the ground in pain due to Sanji's diable Jump and other kicks, Sanji carried his son and turned once again to the jerks , " If anyone dared to touch my family and nakama's, then they are a dead body", and came to you with (S/N), you let go of (D/N) who straightly jumped in her Father's arms, and you started scaning and rubbing your Son's injuries and bruises, tears filling both of your and your son's eyes who was holding his sobs inside, " I-I'm fine Okasan, I'm not in pain, I'm happy because i saved my sister", said (S/N) with a tearful wide smile, you couldn't handle your tears anymore as you pulled your son in a tight hug and started to cry, Sanji leaned to both of you with (D/N) in his arms and patted on (S/N) 's head proudly, " As expected from my son, you did a great job!", The boy is overflowing with happiness, but soon you frowned you heart ached at your son's appearance , " Let's go back to Sunny go, to get your injuries treated by chopper", "Yes, I think that's enough for today too".
Finally back at Sunny go, everyone else were already back even luffy! They were shocked to see (S/N) in this situation, "Oi (S/N) what happened to your face are you alright?" Asked Zoro, the boy smiled at Zoro and staightly was pulled by you to Chopper's med room, Sanji explained everything to them while you were with your son as he gets treatment, later on after a delicious dinner made by your reliable husband, you along with Sanji took the kids to sleep in their room and stayed by their sides until they sailed to dreamland, Finally, a quite huge sigh escaped your lips as you cover your eyes with your palms.." I'm a bad mother....if i just-", " shhhh..its not your fault.. you're a wonderful mother and wife", said Sanji as he places his finger on your lips with a soft smile, he knows clearly that you're still terrified from what happened and you will start blaming yourself like that..." What if sth bad happened...i can't imagine that...what if (D/N) didn't run to us asking for help..What if they took her too, Look my heart can't stop from bounding" you took Sanji's hands and placed them on your chest where your heart was.. Sanji slowly pulled you into a warm hug carsing your hair, " I'm here by your side and theirs...i will never let anything happen to them..its actually my fault..I've should went with them..you know that you three are my priority...i will never let anyone touch you.." he said smiling softly at you, then titled his head leaning slowly to give you a passionate kiss, when you suddenly pushed him, cheeks flushed in red, " H-hey...the kids are here....w-what if they saw us...?", " Then i guess we have to go to our room aren't we?" he whispered with a playful smile on his face...you hit him jokingly," I'm the luckiest women because you are my husband"you stated and he blushed, then you interlocked hands together walking out of your kids bedroom going to your bedroom, you both layed on thr bed after a long tiring day, he was playing with your hairlines watching you slowly drifting to dreamland..the las thing you heard him saying was " I love you"...💙
The End
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yuzusorbet · 4 years
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Continuing Kikuchi-san's book 'Strongly, beautifully,....'
If you have not read the earlier parts, please read them first.  See my previous posts in tumblr, OR the master post on FB.  
Chapter 2, part 6. The gold medal that the goddess smiled upon.
I was at the rink side, holding Yuzuru's luggage, watching his free skate performance.  He fell on his opening jump, the quad salchow.  Another jump also had a mistake.  In the 2nd half of the programme, he was running out of stamina and he finished a performance that was far from the original.
He returned looking very dejected and mumbled, "Gold medal is finished."   I myself could not say a word.  Waiting for the score at the Kiss&Cry, Yuzuru did not show much emotions. 
The confirmation of Yuzuru's gold medal happened later, during the interview with the media.  Both Yuzuru and I thought it would be a silver medal, but Patrick Chan who skated after Yuzuru, did not get a score that could take him ahead, and thus, the gold medal went into Yuzuru's hands.  Surely, it was a moment where a goddess smiled at Yuzuru.
"I am first...... I'm really surprised.  I'm not satisfied with my performance today....."
Yuzuru who was being interviewed by the media from various countries, looked a bit confused.  As for me, I was putting ice on his feet, doing icing, and my tears were falling.  Of course, this was because I was so happy that he had won the gold medal.  However, from the time the free skate ended, he had never looked satisfied with the title of Olympic champion.
To him, the gold medal that he won at 19, is only one of the checkpoints.  What he desires is to succeed in a technique that no one has done before, such as the quad axel jump.  And even more, to do a perfect performance with no mistakes. 
In that sense, it was a failure, the Sochi Olympics that he had envisioned in his mind.  He was not intoxicated by the euphoria of the gold medal;  the period when he was in Sochi, whenever he found some time, even if it was just a bit, he went to the rink to practise.
For Parts 7 and 8 of Chapter 2,  I did a partial translation, some sentences are summarised or left out.
Chapter 2, Part 7: Start of new battles
During the Sochi Olympic period of about one month, my clinic was temporarily closed for business.  As such, it was tough financially.  Although before the Olympics, 'okachan' (wife) had said, "Going around the world is one of otosan's dreams, just go if you want to," and sent me off,  I think it was hard on the household budget.  After the Olympics is over, this role as Yuzuru's trainer will end and I will treasure the time I have with okachan, that was how I thought. (translator's note: Couples with kids often call their spouse 'mama' or 'papa' because of how their kids address them.  'Okachan' (okaasan) = mama/mum.  'Otosan' = dad.)
After Yuzuru became the Olympic champion, there was a great change in his environment.  Sponsors were flocking to him.  The attention he got was on a completely different level from what it was before.  Naturally, top-notch trainers active in the world would also be quickly going to him, I was thinking like that.
The difficulty level of Yuzuru's programmes continued to rise.  He continued to evolve.  To me, he was like a presence that was out of my reach.  So as not to cause any shame to him, I thought about what I could do, on this path of mine.
One of those things was to use my experiences to help the patients at my clinic.
Chapter 2, Part 8: Responding to the athlete's "izui"
If a patient said "the pain is gone", I would say "oh good, good!" and feel satisfied.  However, those who are aiming to be sports competitors and athletes have different demands.  They require something of a higher level.
For example, in the Sendai dialect, there is a word "izui" 「イズイ��.   It means "doesn't fit / doesn't feel right" or "a discomfort somewhere"  or "not smooth".  Sports competitors will not be satisfied with just having no pain;  they will say, "But it's still 'izui'."  And they leave my clinic with an 'izui face'.
But, through Yuzuru, I felt the earnest heart of the athlete.  "If it was him, what would I do?"  I had to become more serious and sincere.
In itself, doing treatment for others, one can learn many things.  2 years after I started my clinic, there was a patient who said, "I have not come here in a long time, but sensei, your treatment methods have not changed at all," and he left with a downcast expression on his face.
At that time, my methods were low frequency therapy, massage, stretch tape, compress (t/n. or poultice) and taping.  Is there anything wrong with these.......
From then on, if I hear that ancient Thai massage is good, I go to Thailand  to check it out.  If I hear that Ayurveda is good, I go to learn about it from an expert.  In the area of pain treatment, I saw information that spiral tape is good and I went to learn more.  Gradually, I was very much into the profound depths of Oriental medicine.
I want to be good at "taking away pain".  After being led by Yuzuru to experience the world's stage, the inquiring spirit welled up within me once again.
Because of my big failure as a trainer in Sochi, I also started to study and search for the most suitable ways of adjustment for athletes preparing for competition.  Is warming-up simply for relaxing the muscles and joints to warm up the  body?  Warm-up exercises should also be different for different sports. For figure skating, what would be good?  Many questions like these came into my mind.
I spent time researching warm-up suitable for top athletes and also improving my own skills.  However, the more I studied, the more I realised how extremely narrow my previous world was, and I felt like I would be crushed, and then I would crawl up from there;  and this kept repeating itself.
In all this, there was the apologetic feeling for having embarrassed the gold medalist.  Plus, there was a bit of the thought that, if one day Yuzuru calls for me again, this time I want to give proper support and be of good use.
After Sochi Olympics, I received many requests for interviews by various media groups.  Some even came to my clinic to ask me personally.  But when I thought of my failures at Sochi, I felt very ashamed and could not accept any interview.
Later, one section of the media started to call me names like "dubious therapist" and "chakra hermit/wizard".  There was also a rumour that "Hanyu-senshu has been brainwashed".  But I did not mind at all.  I really am a strange old uncle.  It's fine.
More importantly, I want to do something for patients who are bearing pain. Underlying it, are strong feelings of wanting to support Yuzuru. 
To solve their 'izui', not just for athletes but also for patients and for all people who are building up their bodies.  This became my new goal.
[end of Chapter 2]
Translated by me from this Japanese book by Akira Kikuchi: https://www.amazon.co.jp  (just doing partial translations for fellow Yuzu-fans)
Photo credit: getty images
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haechannieee · 4 years
iwachanwa, oreno okachan deska?
oikawa tooru
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34mana · 5 years
This's far from perfect. The complicated feelings Jukai has felt was understandable. I loved seeing him making a conversation with Hyakkimaru. More, Hyakkimaru thinking about Dororo and reaching for her length. It absolutely broke me 😭
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I was expecting an Otochan but that hit me harder.
The tears didn't stop and i kept shouting inside. Jukai was so lucky yo save him, and even if he didn't repair his leg which was understandable the meeting didn't go in vain. Hyakkimaru now knows that he got a great mom who will always care for him 😭❤❤❤
Oh people he didn't even doubt that okachan is a word meant for him. I will keep screaming for this forever.
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otpofotps · 5 months
feel that okachans diction has definitely improved lol
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Them: You can't spend all day with your
headphones on !!!
Me: *plays Hyakkimaru saying OKACHAN *
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whopluslove · 4 years
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この度は、ニューアルバムの発売、おめでとうございます! フーを好きになって、かつての自分では想像出来ないことができてしまいました。フーが背中を押してくれたことが何度もありました。 今まで心の奥底にいた音楽から離別したがっていた自分と、暫定的にですが決別することが出来ました。 きっかけはほんとうにふとしたことでした。それでも、こんな風に2019年に出されたニューアルバムを聴き、それに感動できる自分でいられることが本当に幸せだと感じます。 天国か地獄か分かりませんが彼らもニューアルバムを聴いて悪態をついてたら、といつも考えます。
Congraturation on releaseing new album.  When The Who started to join my life,It cheers me to achieve one of my goals  and I suppose,I can say goodbye to the past ,sitting deep bneath my mind,that once I wanted to quit playing music. The encounter of The Who is remarkable revolution for me,no matther how small event for others Anyway,I'm really happy to celebrate the new album in 2019 and to moved to hear it. Whether John and Kieth are in Heaven or not ,I always thinking about If they get the album and complains about. 
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nodrft · 7 years
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💓First mod/upgrade done!'💗 • #yashiofactory #okachan #jdm #g35sedan #vq35de #followyournola #illest #noturningback #nodrft (at Lebastards Lair)
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mpxjimin · 5 years
“Before you do amazing things, sometimes you have to mess up a little.”
Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, but Jimin started having to wipe away tears on his sleeve. It had really only been a little mistake. But a little mistake turned into a big one. One tiny screw-up in the recipe made for an entire bad batch of wagashi. Too much starch and the gelatin sweets would be too hard and dry. Too much mizuame and the namagashi would simply melt instead of keeping their shape. This had been the most recent mistake, but they were becoming more frequent. Eiji was sure to yell again.
“I...I don’t know why this happened. I’ve been making this recipe for years...”
The frustration forced more hot tears from his tired eyes, and in the end his half-sister’s face was so obscured by salt water that he couldn’t even recognize her if he wanted to. And right now, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. What he wanted was Eiji, or Okachan, or - better yet - Obaachan to come and rub his back and tell him everything was alright. But Obaachan was dead and Okachan was in a different country and Eiji was somewhere doing something and he wasn’t here. The only person he had left to rely on right now was Haruki.
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host24space · 5 years
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Drifting Yashio S15s at Nikko + Rare Up Garage Finds! I love Japan. What an insane opportunity to get to drive all these awesome Yashio Factory cars as well as a 2000LB 3.4JZ demo car. Can't thank Okachan and Sammit enough for making this happen! Sammit -
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