#okay I get filtering mental illness but isn’t being a tumblr user a mental illness
slugbrain-thoughts · 2 years
I absolutely love humans are space orcs, so here’s a three prompts.
1: Body swap.
If two species find each other weird, can you imagine the reactions to suddenly BEING in that body?
It’s one thing to inspect something from afar, it’s another thing to be the thing your inspecting.
Bonus points if one of them have a disability either mental or physical.
“Damn this feels like shit how do you put up with this stuff?”
2: hallucinations, illusions, and dreams.
Most aliens don’t have these, and their minds don’t conjure up stuff for shits and giggles, so seeing something that isn’t there is a very foreign concept to them.
The way humans hyperfixate or insert themselves into scenarios feels way to real for aliens already, and they just don’t know how to handle someone getting lost in their own mind.
Aliens DO have mental disabilities, but their brains are much less prone to them because they aren’t designed like some kid put it together with glue and popsicle sticks before having to tape it back together after the 27th time it falls apart.
A: “Your brain is so complex!”
H: “Oh, thank you!”
A: “in a bad way.”
Dreams are the weirdest to them, because it’s not just one or two things popping up in your vision, but instead a whole landscape. AND they’re unconscious.
When humans tell them about their dreams, they want to transfer them to a mental facility, but you can’t exactly do that to a whole species.
Especially with nightmares.
3: Australia, Florida, Oceans, and “Fun facts!”
Earth is space Australia already, but what if they just went to the actual thing?
After hearing all about weird human anatomy, they wonder about the other anatomy their planet has to offer.
Fun fact! Here’s a creature that can kill you in seconds. Fun fact! Look at this freak of nature. Fun fact! This thing hides in the blind spots of god. Fun fact! Run.
A: “Hey human, why are you scared of the arainds?”
H: “I’m sorry, they just look like spiders and I have arachnophobia.”
A: “Whats arachnophobia?”
H: “Fear of spiders. Most humans have it”
A: “Wait, that’s a trait humans share? Why?”
H: “Creatures like spiders, snakes and wasps have terrorized our species for so long, that the fear of them had wormed its way into our very DNA and traumatized a whole species.”
A: “oh….. ok”
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