#okja x reader
soupbabe · 1 year
Can I get an assortment of the Dano characters you write for with a s/o that loves to garden? Or a s/o that enjoys painting/sketching them? (I wanted to send you a request but I'm so bad at requests EEK SORRY!)
Gardening with Paul Dano Characters
Featuring: Louis Ives, Jay, Eli Sunday, Hank Thompson
T33TH HI!! I loved your idea and I think it's a cute prompt for the warmer months!! Tbh I just used this to write some of my favs + get some practice in writing some characters I barely written for! <33
Eli Sunday
- I think he would help you create a garden, whether for extra money or just for you to enjoy
- Don't exactly rely on him to do a lot of hard work though
- Sure Eli will provide the supplies and everything you need throughout the day
- but after you're done planting, he would want you to pray with him for a bountiful garden, for rain to come and bless your crops, and then that's it
- Would go on about how "we're" making great things together and how it's wonderful that you both are giving back to God's Earth
- Even though all he didn't do anything and you had to cater to the garden throughout the entire season
- Don't bring it up he'll deny it
Hank Thompson
- Hank just loves watching you garden
- He doesn't know a thing about gardening, he doesn't understand how you keep everything alive, but he is so enamored by it all
- I think he likes gifting you random seeds and house plants he thought you'd like
- Okay okay hear me out: Hank would totally love crafting those native wildflower seed bombs that are made out of mud and stuff
- He loves getting messy!! He loves spending time with you and playing with mud!!
- While it's not a traditional way of gardening, I think it could be fun night out if you and Hank went around throwing the seed packed balls into people's lawns and random patches of grass
- Then a couple weeks later, you two can go on a walk and admire your work!!
- He's so adamant about gardening, he has the greenest thumb out of the bunch
- Jay is sweet he probably has matching sunhats for the both of you
- All of his food comes from his own vegetable garden and he's so so proud of what you both accomplished together
- Even if there's wonky looking and small veggies, it happens sometimes and it doesn't deter Jay
- And if you love planting various flowers and plants? Oh he's just as in love!
- While it may not be your intention, he loves what you're doing for the local pollinators <33
- If you two had your own home I could guarantee that it just looks like a giant greenhouse. House plants everywhere.
Louis Ives
- Oh she admires your hobby so much!!
- She thinks about starting a garden of her own, planting strawberries or keeping a few succulents around all the time
- But honestly she just doesn't have a whole lot of time, so she just sticks to reading a whole bunch around it
- Yeah she's the kind of girl to think too much about flowers and it's meanings and she gives you them to show her love
- Please let her garden with you, teach her the basics of rooting and how to fence off wild animals and insects please she is begging
- Fun dates at the nursery !! Her being amazed at all the different kinds of plants and it's just an afternoon of ooo-ing and awe-ing
- Once she grows something and it blooms/ripens, she's so excited! She's sending you pictures asking if she did it right and immediately wants to gift them to you!
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theehoneeybee · 4 months
Late Night Sugar Fix
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pairing: Edward Naston/gn!reader word count: 1.3k warnings: swearing, brief mentions of murder, implied stalking, usual Gotham things
synopsis: the night shift at the diner was always quiet, few people willing to venture out into Gotham at night, except for one regular who came in on an almost nightly basis.
a/n: i'm back in my paul dano era. I used to write for him back on an old blog of mine and it's nice to do it again :)
Another slow night. The drops of rain trailing down the window carried the colours of the glowing city lights with them. The small, old TV perched in the corner re-aired news segments from earlier in the week. The sounds barely reached your ears and the subtitles lagged behind the speech.
The diner had become quieter over the past couple of weeks. With two vigilantes using the city as an oversized playground, and crime at an all time high, people weren't too keen to leave the house. Especially at night.
There was a few regulars who still came in, fellow night shift workers coming in for a much needed cup of coffee after a long day. The familiar chiming of the bell pulled your head away from the TV, turning around in your chair to greet the stranger.
His back was turned to you, his green jacket decorated with dark spots from raindrops. He set his umbrella gently down by the door and shuffled over the the bench, taking a seat on the cracked black leather stools.
"Evening," you greeted him. "What can I get started for you?"
The man barely makes eye contact with you. "A cup of coffee please, and, um, do you have any pumpkin pie?"
The clear frames of his glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, little droplets of water clinging onto the lenses. His soft brown hair stuck to his forehead. The umbrella must not have done its job. You gave him a nod and went out the back to prepare his order.
Once you came back, the man had cleaned off his glasses and his attention was now focused on the TV screen. You placed down the food, matching his gaze to look up at the screen.
It was a repeat of a news story from earlier in the day. 'The Riddler terrorises Gotham' the subtitles read, the face of the news reporter was replaced with one of the Riddler's infamous livestreams. The reported called him all sorts of names, 'murderer', 'villain', 'terrorist'. You couldn't help the small scoff that left your lips. This caught the strangers attention, half turning his head to look at you through the corner of his eye.
"Look, I don't agree with the killing," you quickly tried to justify yourself, hoping you hadn't offended him. "But at least he's doing something. I know too many people who have suffered because the cops don't do shit."
An emotion you couldn't quite place flashed on his eyes, leaving just as quickly as it appeared. He nodded, looking back at the TV. "Someone had to do something."
You spend the rest of the evening aimlessly scribbling in your notepad, occasionally turning to the TV for some lacklustre entertainment. The man left, giving you a small nod on his way out. As you cleaned up the plates, wiping down the counter, you glanced at the door.
He left his umbrella.
You leant against the counter, idly flicking between the pages of a newspaper that a customer had left behind.
"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears," you read the riddle printed on the thin pages aloud, "I have no body, but come alive with the wind. What am I?"
"An echo." The answer made you jump, no longer alone in the diner. "The riddle," the man gestures to the newspaper in your hands, "It's an echo."
The same man from yesterday with the clear frames and mousey brown hair was back. You never even heard the door bell ring. Same routine as last night, he sits down and orders a slice of pumpkin pie and coffee. You watched him out of the corner of your eye as he ate, filling in the puzzles from a newspaper of his own.
Strange, you settled on, was the best way to describe him. He kept his head down, occasionally shifting awkwardly in his seat and adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit. Strange, yes, but he also was also endearing. Or maybe you just pitied him, the same way a sad puppy is both adorable and heart breaking.
The man was about to leave, folding the newspaper into a neat little rectangle and tucking it into his jacket. Before he had a chance to go, you dashed into the back of the diner to reunite him with his forgotten umbrella.
"Wait!" you called out to him, "you forgot your umbrella yesterday."
"Oh," he says quietly. "Thank you." He took the umbrella from your hands.
"I never got your name, by the way. I know all my regulars by their names," you explained.
He stares at you, eyes obscured by the reflection of light on his lenses, expression unreadable. "Edward," he finally introduces himself.
It was around the time that Edward began to frequent the diner that you began to notice strange occurrences.
When you would walk back to your apartment, the sun barely peaking over the tall city buildings, it felt like you were being followed. You could feel a pair of eyes searing into the back of your head. A wave of relief would wash over you once you finally stepped into your apartment.
On one of the few nights off you had, you were laying on the couch when a card was slipped under your front door. Getting up from your comfortable spot, you half-opened the door and peered down the hallway. Empty. It was a small greeting card with a cartoon owl of the front with the text 'owl always love you' written in cursive.
'I have keys but no locks. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. I have space but no room. What am I?' was scribbled messily on the inside of the card.
You didn't sleep that night.
You and Edward had developed an unspoken friendship. Each night you found yourself looking for forward to his visit. While you didn't talk very much, there was a mutual enjoyment of each others company. He would help you solve the puzzles in forgotten newspapers. Edward was very intelligent, always quick to answer. While he liked crosswords and dabbled in sudoku, you learnt riddles were his favourite.
"Are you any good with computers?"
Edward looked up from his puzzle, "I'm okay. Why?"
"Well I've been having this issue with my laptop," you explained. Whenever you tried to use it, it would work for about a minute before the screen blanked. Only a small question mark could be seen, flickering in the top right of the screen. You didn't want to waste your money bringing it to a repair shop or buying a new one, so your best bet was asking Edward. "It's probably a virus from one of those shitty free streaming sites."
"I can come take a look at it."
You scribbled your phone number down on a scrap piece of paper. "Thank you so much."
You had texted back and forth with Edward to arrange a time for him to come to your apartment to look at the laptop. Was it the smartest move to invite an almost-stranger into your apartment? No, but Edward seemed trustworthy enough.
'I'll be there soon :)' his message read.
Soon, there was a knock on your door and you were letting Edward into your apartment. He took a seat at your desk as you booted up your laptop.
"It'll be fine for a few minutes and then-" the screen went black. "Bam!"
Edward adjusted his glasses, bringing the laptop closer. "Yeah, I see what you mean." You watched anxiously as he fiddled around with it to little success.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to fix it here," Edward explained. "However, if I hook it up to my computer at home I should be able to get the virus off it."
"So it can be fixed? I don't need to buy a new laptop?" Edward shook his head no. "Oh, thank you! You don't mind doing it do you?"
"It's okay. I'll give it back to you at work tomorrow."
You thanked Edward profusely as he left your apartment, laptop in hand. When you sat down on the couch, fear punched you in the stomach. The blood drained from your face when your realised that,
You never gave Edward your address.
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
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Do you see the vision
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candied-heartss · 10 months
Okay so I've been thinking about this for a while and I just can't seem to write it myself so I was wondering if you could write a fic where Klitz and the Reader have been dating for a while like she went to Yale with him and stuff. And they have like super passionate sex like all the time, so at a party that you guys to he introduces you too a couple of his friends and they all start hitting on you and he gets like super pissed so he pulls you to the side like into a bathroom or something and he makes sure that everyone knows your his by giving you a bunch of hickies and marks and stuff. And then you accidentally call him daddy (yk cuz hes being so protective or something) it startles him but also turns him on more. 💀💀 sorry it's a lot but I really like this idea.
(ʲᵉᵃˡᵒᵘˢ!ᵏˡⁱᵗᶻ ˣ ᵍⁿ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
𝖽𝖾𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇: 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗄𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗓 𝖿𝗎𝖼𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗒.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ (𝗠𝗗𝗡𝗜), 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸, 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽 𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗮𝗽 𝗶𝘁, 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲!), 𝗱𝗮𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸, 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗹, 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆, 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸, 𝗸𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗸𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿???
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You didn't even know how you ended up in a situation such as this. Never in a million years did you think that you'd currently be getting your brains fucked out by your boyfriend in front of a mirror while in the cramped bathroom of someone's house at a party, but yet, here you were.
"Open wide, baby." you heard the nearly sinful words being whispered into your ear. Klitz's long fingers pressed themselves against your lips, parting them so that he could easily slip inside the warm, wetness of your mouth, pressing down on your tongue and nearly making you gag from the pressure, the rhythm, and the speed of his thrusts never changing.
You whimpered, but to little effect, on account that your mouth was full of his fingers, the tips nearly hitting the back of your throat while his cock hit nearly every right spot inside of you, due to the angle he had bent you at. You looked up at the mirror again and knew for certain that your makeup was ruined.
"Fuck... Your pussy feels like it was made for me..." he groaned, pushing his fingers into your mouth a tiny bit deeper than before, making you choke at the feeling, your eyes nearly rolling back into their sockets and your head hanging slightly lower.
Klitz noticed this and snickered softly to himself before reaching up and threading the hand the other hand that was placed possessively at your hip into your hair, tugging at it and pulling your head back up so you could face the mirror and look at both yours and his reflections at the same time, the sight sending a spark of arousal through your veins.
"Aw, baby," he teased, "look at you, so pretty, so messy... God, I love looking at you." you moaned at his words, finding the way that he was talking to you both patronizing and also incredibly arousing.
You wanted to speak, to say something back in return, but your mind was so muddled from it all, the only coherent thought that came to your brain was of how deep his cock felt inside of you, that you let out mindless babbles and gibberish.
"Oh sweetie, I haven't even been going that hard and your brain's getting all dumb on me," he shook his head and chuckled, "and here I was, thinking my girlfriend was a smart girl, but all it takes is a bit of my cock, and you're already turning into a mindless cumdump. Is that what you want to be known as? Just a stupid little slut who goes around drinking too much and flirting with other guys?"
"I... Uh, I- fuck... Please..." you whimpered, trying to get ahold of your words, but they just wouldn't come out the way that you wanted to. Klitz sighed and chuckled again as he picked up the pace again, nearly making you cry.
"You... You... You what, baby? C'mon, spit it out. I know you can, yeah?" he taunted you again, reaching down and rubbing at your puffy, little clit with his thick fingers, the feeling enough to send shivers down your spine.
"Y-you're right... 'm so dumb, Klitzy... Being so stupid..." you told him, the words already replaying on a loop through your mind like a broken record.
"And, what else are you, huh? C'mon..." Klitz encouraged you, massaging your sensitive bundle of nerves with a bit more pressure applied to it, now.
"I'm a mindless cumdump... All for you..." you still could barely think, on account of being so inebriated by his cock. He smiled, kissing the top of your head, "That's right, baby. You're such a good girl, baby. I'm proud of you for admitting it..."
Something about the mix of his words, the marks he left on your neck, and his fingers on your clit made the knot in your stomach get tighter as your walls clenched harder around his cock, making him groan.
"Fuck... You're so close, I can feel it. You wanna come for me, baby?" he whispered, kissing your cheek as you like at the both of you in the mirror. You nodded, tears now practically streaming down your cheeks, "Please..."
"Hmm... I dunno, how about you beg for it, pretty girl?" he requested, now having stopped both his thrusts and his movements on your clit altogether, making you sob.
"Please, please... I need it, I need you so bad... Please, Daddy, please..." you cried, your hips bucking desperately into his hand. You hadn't even realized what you said, having said all of this in the heat of the moment, but Klitz realized, and he also realized that he really, really liked hearing those words come out of your mouth.
"Say it, again."
"Daddy, please... I wanna come so badly..." you begged again, making him more satisfied and letting his thrusts resume. You nearly screamed until you went hoarse at the feeling, your legs shaking so much, you thought that you'd fall over.
Suddenly, like a tidal wave or like a car collision, your orgasm crashed through you all at once, making your eyes roll back as you trembled in his grasp and moaned loud enough for the whole party downstairs to potentially hear the two of you. Klitz then almost immediately followed after you, groaning loudly as he came, too, his cum now dripping down your thighs as he released inside of you.
After a moment of the two of you just standing there, panting as you both came down from your respective highs, he pulled out of you, putting himself back into his jeans before pulling your panties back up, so that the stickiness of his cum stayed against your cunt.
"My pretty baby..." he whispered in your ear as he kissed you all over your face.
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lulidragon · 1 year
Him is so lovely
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pictureinme · 8 months
kinktober day x. BONDAGE - jay (okja)
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word count: ~1k tags: shibari, slight d/s, cunnilingus masterlist | ao3
“You look so beautiful like this, (Y/N).”
Jay ties the final knot on the rope, tightening it to your shared liking. You gaze into the mirror behind him, seeing how the rope zigzags across your chest and abdomen all the way to your thighs– you would’ve appreciated the artistry of his work more if you weren’t preoccupied with the delicious feeling of it digging into your skin. The idea of the marks being left on your body for days to come was simply too erotic to ignore.
He had floated the idea of bondage to you fairly early on in the relationship, as you had both been very open about your sexual interests, no matter how taboo they could come across. Your thighs would squeeze anytime he would show you examples of various types, especially the art of shibari. The moment you whispered into his ear that you wanted him to do that to you, he practically threw you onto the bed– rope in tow.
You were truly restrained: the gorgeous zigzag pattern Jay had done to your chest looped around to restrain your arms at the back, and your thighs had been tied to your ankles– there was no maneuvering possible.
“How does it feel, love?” He traces his fingers over the various knots he had done.
“Weird… but comforting,” you test the rope, seeing how much you can actually move– it wasn’t a lot.
Jay grins, his excitement evident as his tracing makes its way down to your mound, “So damn pretty.”
You shiver as he spreads you open, the cool air hitting your arousal. His index finger enters you slowly, just to collect your wetness from inside. You moan gently, legs spreading wider, inviting him in further. Jay pulls his finger out to taste, humming all the while. He shuffles down the bed until he is face to face with your warmth. As his tongue flattens against you, a whimper escapes your throat– you so desperately want to rake your fingers through his hair, like you always do.
Instead, he’s able to take his time with you, savoring the tastes and each quiver of your thighs. His hands grip the rope around your legs, tugging to have it dig even further into your flesh– the balance of pain and pleasure from his actions is almost too much.
Jay begins to suck at your clit gently, humming into you– the slight vibrations increased by the inability to properly grind against his mouth. As soon as you fall into the rhythm of it, he moves away from your arousal– leaning back on his ankles to unzip his pants.
You meet his gaze as he leans on top of you, his hardness already leaking from the tip just seeing you like this– like a present for him to unwrap if he so chooses.
“Beg for it.”
Those three simple words have your brain flooding with endorphins almost instantly, “Please, Jay… I need you– badly.”
He rolls his eyes with a smile on his face, “Come on, we both know you can do better than that.”
You try to lean up to kiss him, but his hand pushes you back down to the duvet, “God, please, Jay. I need… I need your cock, please.”
He hums, taking the time to roughly fondle your tied-up breasts as he ‘thinks,’ “Your wish is my command, love.”
Placing a kiss on your forehead, he moves back to kneel at your entrance, length in his hand. Jay guides it inside, slowly– but as impatient as you are, your hips still try to meet him in the middle. His rough hands quickly grip where your thighs are tied up, holding you back from moving.
“Be still and good for me, or I’m not fucking you.”
You nod, and he fully sits himself inside of you. You expect him to thrust in and out of his own accord, but instead, he uses the rope to maneuver your hips and legs in such a way that you have no choice but to fuck yourself on him, in a way– like a toy. Your moans grow as he uses you like this, and so do his.
“God, you’re a good little fucktoy, aren’t you, baby?” He groans, moving on his hands to rub at your clit. “Just letting me use you like this…”
“Yes, fuck– Jay!”
You whine especially loud when he pinches your clit, the pain searing hot.
“Toys don’t fucking talk.”
His movements increase in speed as he now begins to thrust properly into you, gripping your hips for purchase. Jay chases his own pleasure but still rubs your clit as you cannot– he wasn’t entirely selfish. You can tell how much he loves this from the way his hair sticks to his forehead, and how his mouth is slightly agape– causing his moans to be loud and clear.
“Gonna come inside,” you mewl as you feel your own release coming on as well. “God, (Y/N), you’re so damn tight!”
You thrash against the restraints, your tender skin only becoming more so. He thrusts inside of you hard, and deep, and you hear that familiar cracked whine emanate from his throat– he came. Jay doesn’t stop using you, however, and overstimulates himself just to make you orgasm.
“Come for me, please, baby…”
His perfect rhythm circling your clit has that knot inside of you unfurl at rapid speed, especially knowing how desperate he is for you to come. You release with a cry, your body unable to do exactly what it wants in order to come like it usually does– but this simply adds a whole new layer of pleasure to the ordeal.
The two of you catch your breath, heaving and sweating against each other as he exits your body with a sigh.
“You did so damn good, (Y/N).”
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danosrosegarden · 8 months
heavenly - jay okja x gn!reader headcanons (NSFW) ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{kinktober: day fourteen. prompt: spanking. 🎃}
{contains: descriptions of spanking, fingering (described gender neutrally), consent check-ins, and jay being a general sweetheart dom.}
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☽ It was an exquisitely delectable kind of burn searing through the plush thick of your ass. Jay's hand came down upon you and delivered another crackling smack to your skin, and the crashing wave of warmth rushed through you again.
☽ Sugary sweet kindness washed through his blood; he checked in after each whipcrack slap, making sure he wasn't overwhelming you. After all, sex with him was normally soft, warm caresses and gentle, tender words whispered in your ear. Tiptoeing into the rougher side of things was thrilling, sure, but he didn't want to take things too quickly.
☽ He squeezed and kneaded your ass with a gentle but firm grip. "How are we feeling, darling?"
☽ Though tears stained the flesh beneath your eyes and a prickling pain popped on your skin, you can honestly say you're feeling good. It's comforting, knowing you're in compassionate hands that wouldn't hurt you...if you didn't ask for it, that is. ;-)
☽ You gasped as his massaging fingers crawled their way to your entrance, circling around your hole, slowly creeping their way in. "Would you like this, angel?"
☽ He offers a warm smile as you nod rapidly, dazed and drunk from the bliss of his smacks. A wobbling moan snakes out from your chest as two of his thick fingers curl their way inside of you.
☽ Another crisp spank slices through the air, and you feel the hot lightning shoots sizzle on your skin a second later as his fingers pump and coil, in and out, in and out.
☽ Pain never felt so delicious, so enticing, so heavenly, so wanted.
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r1ddlessy · 10 months
off to the races
warnings: daddy kink, fingering, meanish jay
a/n: i really need to get back into the swing of things, but hello x
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"I quite like this little number on you." Jay's slim fingers took the dainty lace of your underwear between them, rubbing with a mild interest.
"You bought it, so I should hope so." You giggled at his nonchalant attitude, accustomed to it by now. Jay raised an eyebrow and watched the elastic snap back on to your skin.
"Don't get sassy with me, sweetheart." He murmured and you nodded as your cheeks warmed. His glass of whiskey swirled as the ice hit the sides. He looked ahead, one arm wrapped around your middle as you stood between his legs. His palm patted the exposed skin just under your ass before he looked up at you.
"Take it off." Your brows furrowed in confusion.
"But I thought you wanted me to model it for you?" You ask softly.
"Yeah, and you did a great job darling." He gave you a small smirk. "But now I want to see everything."
You giggled and raised your hands behind you to unhook your bra and throw it to the floor. Jay's own hands slowly crept up your body from your thighs, squeezing at your waist as they passed. His hands cupped your breasts and squeezed gently.
"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my hands on." He murmured lowly as you preened at his touch.
"Promise?" You teased and he rolled his eyes amusedly at your attitude.
"Daddy never lies, magpie." He said, his tone laced with playfulness but always earnest. Your fingers laced around the back of his neck, moaning softly as he trailed his hands down to your clothed pussy.
"Please..." You whined, desperation seeping into your tone as his warm palm laid flat against the soft skin of your belly.
"Please what, hm? You should really articulate your requests better, magpie." He taunted gently, pulling you into the cat-and-mouse dynamic you often enjoyed.
"I-" Your breathing faltered as his hand began to turn downwards, fingers splaying towards where you most ached. "I want your fingers, please." You whispered meekly at last. His eyebrow cocked nevertheless, his need for perfection in obedience evident.
"Please what?" He encouraged, eyes sparkling with a tantalizing hunger as they bore into yours. "Who are you speaking to?" He practically hissed, his words dripping with expectation.
"Please daddy." You gasped out as his first finger dipped between your folds, rewarding your performance. "Please make me feel good, daddy!"
He nodded in approval, a warm smile gracing his face as he pumped his finger into your hole.
"That's daddy's good girl." Your hand curled around his bicep and squeezed as he introduced another finger to spread your glistening lips. You mewled as his thumb pressed to your clit and rubbed it at a steadily increasing pace.
"Daddy, that feels really fucking good." Your voice rose in pitch as your eyes seemed to squeeze shut on their own accord. Jay stole loving glances in between his absolute focus on pleasuring you.
"Do you want to cum, sweet magpie?" He crooned as your knees buckled.
"Please daddy, please let me!" The fire burning in your lower belly at his touch brought desperate tears to your eyes. "Please, I've been so good!" You begged, through sniffles and moans. He shushed you gently and kindly, using his free hand to wipe away the stray tears.
"Show daddy how good he makes you feel." His simple command pulled a moan from between your lips and caused your walls to clench around his dutifully pumping fingers. Within seconds, they were coated in your slick juices. Jay pulled his fingers out swiftly, silencing your whimper that followed by pushing them between your own lips. You sucked them clean obediently, humming softly as you worked. He pulled you on to his lap before your legs could give out, cradling you with his arm wrapped around your lower back.
"You're a good girl." He murmured quietly as he finally pulled out his fingers from your mouth. He kissed away the stubborn pout that surfaced as a result. "Thank you for doing this for me, magpie." He nuzzled his nose against your tear-stained cheek, producing a giggle.
"Any time, daddy."
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abrcmswrld · 1 year
Jay | Okja x Reader
Word Count: 5,358
Warnings: smut (18+ only MDNI), mentions of animal abuse, violence, slight angst just cause pining ya know
Summary: Reader makes a mistake on a mission, prompting a series of events that would only bring them and Jay closer.
Authors Note: I love Jay with everything in my being, so I had to finish this. It has sat half finished in my drafts since April of 2022. I am delighted to have finished it FINALLY. I hope you enjoy!
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"You could've been killed!" He is pacing the room, eyes never meeting yours. You've never seen him in this manner, panicked and uneasy. Jay was always the mellow one, the one who kept it together even when punishing members for their ignorance, and yet he has dragged you into the privacy of his bedroom to lecture you frantically.
"Jay, I am fine! Nobody else was hurt and bruises heal." Nervous giggles are slipping out between words. You're torn between the anxiety that comes with his erratic behavior and the urge to laugh in his face at the attitude he is giving you over a matter that otherwise seems minor in comparison to what could have happened. He stops his pacing and sets a fiery gaze onto you. It causes you to stumble over your words for a moment, but quickly fills you with anger at the fact that he was treating you like a helpless child.
"I am not your child. You're being ridiculous!"
"You failed to follow the mission that was planned for you and you got hurt. Your blatant defiance could've gotten yourself or others killed." You can tell he is trying to keep his usual composure and by the book language, but the nerves and anger are slipping through the cracks in his tone.
You scoff. "Jay, I knew what I was signing up for when I joined the group. Things won't always go according to plan."
"You're supposed to follow the mission exactly how we planned that way things are within our control and nobody gets hurt! What don't you understand about that? I mean you do you think that your teammates signed up to get killed because you didn't think the plan was enough? If something more would've happened that would've been on you!" He's red in the face, but you see the pang of regret that washes over his face as the words leave his mouth. His gaze falls to the floor, dark strands of hair falling into his face. He shuts his eyes and sighs. Your heart falls to your stomach.
"You know what, I don't have to sit here and listen to you lecture me. If you want me gone then just tell me that. Dismiss Me. I don't care, Jay."
You nudge his shoulder as you push past him, only to be caught by his hand grabbing your wrist. The flames of anger begin to rise more and you instinctively jerk out of his grip, meeting his eyes once more. They have softened from their harsh gaze moments before. He's turned around and stepped closer to you, practically towering over you. "I don't want you to leave. I'm sorry." He sighs.
"I just care about your safety."
You swallow hard, taking in his words. Vulnerable. For once an encounter with Jay felt vulnerable, and the feeling is addicting. The tension in the room is so tight it feels like it could snap at any moment. You're not sure if its an awkward tension that naturally arises after a typical fight or if it has something to do with the feeling of electricity in your chest that you're trying so damn hard to ignore. His hand lightly lands on the side of your arm, and- fuck- the electricity is starting to burn. Your eyes travel over his face, but quickly move back to his eyes.
"I appreciate that."
You pull away from his grasp and close the door behind you as you walk out.
It had been a tense few days to say the least. Struck by one of those missions that took time, aching long days, for updates. The group scrambled to find distractions from the stress and worry. Red had suggested nightly games of cards to try to take off some of the edge that came with the jobs.
So it became a routine for the coming days. The group would gather around a small table in a cramped living room of the Airbnb that Jay had arranged for everyone to stay in. Jay would join the game for about ten minutes each night, trying to be the strong and relaxed leader for his crew. Yet, each night he would quickly slip away into his room after the first couple of rounds. Tonight he had left the table early on stating that he was tired. You watched as he made his way to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.
Tired. Everyone is tired. You cleared your throat before standing. "Alright guys, I think I'm gonna run to the restroom. Start the next round without me." You walked to the end of the hallway where Jay's door and the bathroom door faced each other. You could see that his door was not fully shut, only cracked, and light still shined through the cracks.
You stepped towards his door, laying a single hand on the knob before hesitating. Maybe you shouldn't.
Was he still mad at you? Would he be even more mad if you had entered his space uninvited? Why did you even feel the urge to enter anyway?
Fuck it. The most he could do was lecture you as he had a few days prior. Or dismiss you from the group. You'd take your chances. Despite your hesitation you push the door open only enough to peek inside. He's facing away from the doorway sitting at a desk. You choose to knock on the doorframe, alerting him of your presence. He quickly turns his chair to see who was there before waving for you to enter.
"Hey." You're stood awkwardly, waiting for a reply from him. He closes the laptop he had been focused on before you entered. "Hi. Do you need something?" You shift your weight from one foot to the other. "No. I just- Uh, you just said you were tired, but you're not in bed." You internally scold yourself for stumbling on your words so terribly. He cocks his head in confusion.
"I know it's been a rough week. I guess I shouldn't really question why you're not in bed. It's been pretty hard for me to sleep too." You're not lying. You'd laid in bed every night wishing, praying to a god you weren't even sure you believed in, that you could just get a night of good sleep. Your prayers hadn't been answered. He simply nods. Suddenly the air is thick and uncomfortable. It seems like he is just waiting for you to leave. Maybe you should. Why haven't you?
"Are you still pissed at me?"
He sighs and stands from his chair. "No." Then he's closing the distance between the two of you. Your heart is racing. But he simply reaches behind you. "Do you mind if I-" You realize he is trying to shut the door that you had left ajar. "Oh! Yeah. Sorry." Your face is burning. There's no doubt he can see the way the blood has rushed to your face. You shift to the side slightly, allowing him access to the door. "I just don't like for the others to hear these sorts of conversations if I can help it." You shyly nod. He gives a small smile and you feel the way the gesture makes your body feel loosened.
"I'm sorry for the way that I acted a couple of days ago. I shouldn't have let myself get that worked up. It's my responsibility as a leader to keep it together for you guys and I failed that night." It feels good to hear the apology from him. Sure your feelings were hurt. Hurt in the same way it hurts for a parental figure to point out that they are disappointed, not mad. But deep down you knew he meant well, and it felt wrong to leave him to be the only one apologizing. "I'm sorry too. It's also your job as a leader to hold us accountable, so I understand. I didn't mean to act stupid." He smiles. "I suppose there's no way of taking it back for either of us now, so lets call it even." It makes you chuckle. "Thanks."
An awkward silence fills the room before you speak up. "How are you holding up? I mean- It's just been pretty rough for everyone I guess." He places a hand on your shoulder. "I am holding up, and I don't want you up worrying about me. You should get some rest, or at least attempt to have a good time with the others out there." You shook your head. "Cards aren't really my thing. And sleeping hasn't been that great lately either." You meet his slightly concerned gaze. "Talking to you kind of sounds like the best option for me here." You chuckle and shake your head, immediately embarrassed at the words that had just come out of your mouth. Why did you just say that? It must be obvious as he tips your head back up to face him with two fingers under your chin. "It's okay. We can talk." Damn it. That spark in your chest is back.
He is leaning over you so close. Though the fingers have left their place under your chin, you feel your skin burn where they once were. You can smell his cologne so strongly when you're this close. You never really noticed before, then again you kept your distance on purpose. He's your superior. You probably shouldn't be doing this. You can't help but embrace him.
Your face is pressed into his chest. His arms hesitate for a moment before finding their place on your back. The feeling you get is so bittersweet. You've never properly hugged Jay, and you doubt any of the others had either. He's naturally reserved person. In this moment you want nothing more than to peel back his layers. To know what he thinks when he's alone with his thoughts. To know what he thinks when he's alone with you.
You pull away from his embrace, but keep your body pressed close to his. You meet his gaze. He staring down at you, quiet. Neither of you say a word. Your hands have found their way to the back of his neck, twiddling the hairs that curl onto it. Your lips are so close. You can feel his breath on your face. Every part of your brain is yelling at you to stop the interaction. Jay would for sure call it inappropriate. But you found yourself listening to the burning in your heart and stomach as you close the gap between your lips.
It's chaste. You pull back slowly looking at his expression to gage what should happen next. His eyes are half lidded and his mouth sits slightly agape. You feel a sort of fear settle in the pit of your stomach as he does and says nothing. Had you crossed a line that never should've been crossed? But you're swiftly pulled out of the fog of worry by his lips meeting yours once again. He's pressing you closer with a hand on the middle of your back.
You feel like you’re high. Something about the swipe of his tongue across yours is incredibly intoxicating. He tastes oddly sweet. You can't help but feel the urge to taste other parts of him. Suddenly he's walking you backwards until the backs of your legs hit the desk he was previously sat at. It's effortless as he hoists you to sit atop the surface of the desk. He pulls away long enough to meet your eyes. You've seen his eyes when he is relaxed and soft. You've also seen his eyes when he is angry and provoked, but this look is new. It only lasts a split second, but you can see the lust practically dripping from his eyes. It's almost like looking at a wild, hungry animal, starved for food so long that they are willing to do anything for it. It makes the blood pool into your lower half.
The feeling of his teeth grazing your neck is enough to knock a pitiful moan from your throat. You've thrown your head back, hoping to give him more access. You can't help but tangle your fingers into his dark locks, occasionally pulling to hear a low groan from him. His fingers are slowly traveling up your thighs and you're getting antsy. You're so caught up, the only thing on your mind is Jay and the word 'more.' God you need more more more. His hand slides up your thigh and you're a goner when the heel of his palm digs into your core. Your mouth is pressed just next to his ear. You must sound pathetic as you whine his name.
The sound of footsteps down the hall pulls the two of you from the haze. Jay's hands are off of you in a flash as he jumps back, putting significant space between the two of you. You're both practically panting. The only sound in the room is your breathing. The footsteps must have led to the bathroom across the hall, as Jay's room is left unbothered. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a sigh of exasperation. "Um... I'm sorry. That was..." You trail off.
You hop off the desk and walk past him, laying a hand on the doorknob.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
You walk out of his room and straight to your own. Red eyes you as you walk quickly past the card table. You're sure you'd hear about it later. You immediately shut the door behind you and take a seat on the floor in front of it.
What the hell are you supposed to do now?
Just as you expected, Red is curious the next day.
"Are you okay?"
You're finding it hard to focus on anything. Which is never good in times like the present. You had a job to do and Jay was your leader. It was an inappropriate situation, but what bugged you the most was how seemingly focused and normal Jay had been acting. You turn your attention to Red. "I'm fine. Just watched a video of kitten being used as dog fight bait the other night, how could I not be?" She rolls her eyes. "You never came back last night, and then when you did you looked spooked."
You sigh. Geez...were you that obvious? "I had to talk to Jay about the mission situation, and it's just not particularly easy to talk to him. You know that." She hesitates for a moment as if thinking of what to say. "But you're okay? I'm not gonna have to watch him beat you up too?" You can't help but laugh a little at her comment. K certainly wouldn't approve, but what he didn't know wouldn't kill him. "Everything is fine, Red."
You only lied a little. But it's not like she's never lied to you. Your gaze falls to Jay for a moment. He's dressed more casual than usual, slacks and a white t-shirt. It's nice to see him relaxed.
He's explaining something to Blonde. Something about pinpointing a location. He's pointing out something on paper, maybe a map. As if it's some sick intrusive thought, you think about where his hands had been the previous night. You can still feel the burn of his hand making its way up your thigh. He starts to look up at you. You quickly pull your eyes off of him and turn to busy yourself with something, anything. You're fucked.
You find yourself at Jay's door once again. Blonde had successfully got an update from an insider about the dog fighting ring the group had been watching. The group was set to deploy a rescue mission in the coming days. Who knows what could happen? Ideally everything goes exactly according to the plan. Some animals are rescued, the entire crew makes it out, and nobody is seriously injured. But it's your first mission after the incident that caused Jay's initial lecture, and you've found yourself a little nervous to be back in action.
You weren't getting any sleep at the moment. You'd all gone to bed early in hopes of being well rested, but instead you had laid in bed for a little over an hour with no sign of sleep in the near future. So you made your way to Jay. You'd be lying if you said that he had nothing to do with the reason you were losing sleep. The thought of his lips on yours is sweet but startling. You knock on his door before entering.
For once Jay is sitting in bed. He's awake. You knew he would be, because you know Jay. Even as he keeps his distance from everyone, you catch yourself picking up on his quirks over time. He's changed out of his slacks and now sports some tattered pajama pants. It's different and cute. You slowly shut the door behind you.
"Can't sleep?"
You take a seat on the edge of the bed. "I guess you could say the nerves are getting to me." He hesitates for a second. "But I am supposed to step up as your leader and encourage you. Everything will be fine. We have tackled much bigger things." You sigh. You hated knowing that you're the one causing the nerves tonight. It's never easy getting back into the swing of things after a failed mission, but being the one who caused the failure feels even worse. He's doing what he always does. He's putting his job above how he really feels, he never lets himself feel anything. If he's nervous he will tell the group that he's never been more confident. But you knew better.
"You don't always have to hide the way that you feel. It's okay to be nervous, Jay."
You lay a hand on his arm, much like he had done to you when he apologized for his anger. He's being distant. He almost looks worried to have your hand on his arm. You slowly withdraw. Maybe it was time to pretend about your own feelings. Hypocrite.
"You know- if you're feeling weird about the kiss it's okay. It was my choice and I'm sorry. It was probably way out of line-" He cuts you off. "It was." Although his tone isn't harsh, his words still sting. So he really had regretted it. You stepped over the line. Sure he participated but if you hadn't have started it-
"But I feel good when I think about it."
You can't stop staring at him. Frozen. "What?" He shrugs. "It felt good not to have to be Jay the leader and just be Jay. To do stuff I wanted to do without having to think about the consequences." The words light a small fire inside you for some reason. This is the most honest Jay has ever been with you. It's raw and it's nice. "I'm glad I could help... ease your mind."
He smiles softly and lays a hand on your lower leg that you've pulled up onto the bed. "I'm really nervous about tomorrow, Jay. I know you just said it was nice to not be a leader but I have to let you know I feel uneasy. I don't even know if I'm saying that because I'm looking for advice-" You look up at him. "-I think I just feel oddly comforted by your presence."
He scoots closer to you, legs crossed like a child. You can't help but smile. It's so unlike Jay. Jay was serious, classy, guarded. This side of Jay was open and comforting. He grabs your hand, seemingly in an effort to bring you some sense of feeling grounded. "It will work out. I promise."
There's more to be said. The fear in you rises as you face him. His hair is slightly disheveled. It reminds you of the way it looked after you had jumped apart. Messy from your fingers. Your heart is beating so fast. Why did you want to kiss him so bad? Why did he kiss you back? Did he pity you? Would these feelings ruin the mission? Would these feelings ruin your friendship with Jay? Would these feelings ruin you?
You brush a strand of hair off his forehead and sigh. "I think I am afraid of myself. Of this. I don't regret the kiss and, damn it, I think I want to kiss you again, Jay. And that makes me so scared-" You're stunned by two hands cupping the sides of your face. You can only stare, mouth open a bit in shock. He only stares back, not making a move, as if he tossing thoughts around in his head, weighing his options.
His lips are warm and familiar against yours. The butterflies in your stomach almost make you feel sick, but you compose yourself enough to put one hand on his face and one hand on his shoulder. It doesn't feel like it did that previous night. That night had been pure fire and burning lust. The fire has turned into something blossoming in your stomach and up into your lungs. He pulls away, smiling genuinely. "You can stay in here tonight if it'll calm your nerves. We can talk more when we finish what needs to be done."
The ride in the truck to your destination was tense. You look out the window to see nothing by gravel road and trees. Much to Blonde’s dismay you had questioned whether he had the right location at least 5 times, all of which he had responded with a short “I know what I’m doing, Sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes.
You can’t stop the constant bouncing of your leg. You have to do anything to fill the void where your thoughts could leak in. It made you physically ill to think anymore about the possibilities of what could happen in the next hour. You can see Jay in the front seat next to K, who was driving. The sunlight bounced through the trees and hit his face perfectly. Thinking about the night before was the only thing bringing you any peace at all in your current situation.
His body pressed up against yours. Arm swung over your waist. You had actually gotten some decent sleep. It is still dark in the room, obviously still a few hours out from when you need to be up. You twist your body to face Jay. He’s still asleep, face peacefully relaxed. No furrowed brows or wrinkled skin. He is perfect you think as you brush his hair hair back lightly.
“This is it.” You’re pulled from the memory by Blonde’s voice. As the doors open, there’s…nothing. Just the same trees and dirt road as there was before. “Are you sure this is it? There’s nothing here.” Red questions as soon as her feet hit the dirt ground. “We’ve gotta go through the trees a little ways that way, but we have to stop the truck here or they’ll know we are on ‘em.” Blonde points a finger out into the vast woods.
You lock eyes with Jay. He just nods and steps in front of the group with Blonde as a guide. The woods are damp and humid. It’s not a pleasant trek, but you had definitely experienced worse in your year on the team. It’s quiet, eerily quiet. Just the rustling of your feet against the grass. Until you see it. The barbed wire fence is clear in the distance. You can hear the barking dogs and rustling chain. Jay stops and turns to the group.
“These dogs are trained to fight through drugs and other means. They can be dangerous. Just be careful and follow the plan.”
Your heart hurts at his words as they are a reminder of your fuck up but you don’t have time to dwell on it much as you hear the rustling of grass not far from you and see the flash of a human figure to your left. Fuck. It’s only two men, but they are very clearly armed with deadly weapons. Jay turns to face them, bold and brave as always. “Listen, we are-“
“We don’t care who you are, you’re trespassing.”
Jay stays silent only for a moment, holding his hands out in front of him in a sign of peace, before speaking softly, “Red, go.” And with that Red is zipping past the men and jumping the fence. Blonde and Silver are easily able to take down one of the men, leaving the other to go for Jay who is standing directly in front of him. You can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as Jay is knocked to the ground. You hesitate before deciding to engage.
Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up.
You’re able to the man off guard for only a split second before the man throws his elbow back. And suddenly everything is black.
There’s a slight ringing in your ears the next time you open your eyes, but you can tell that someone is carrying you. You let yourself slip out of consciousness once more.
“Can you hear me? Open your eyes!”
You can hear the voice before you open your eyes, and suddenly you’re taken back to New York.
Your heart is beating out of your chest. You’re watching from the van as Jay is ambushed by the Black Chalk. You’re trying not to hyperventilate and pass out. Of all the missions that have ended with law enforcement intervention, you have never seen one end this poorly.
Jay is knocked to the ground and you can see the little bits of blood seeping through his white shirt and dripping from his head. They are unrelenting, like a hoard of crows circling and gathering around a dead animal. You try to shake that thought from your head.
“K… K! We have to do something! We have to do something right now, they are gonna kill him!”
And for a moment it feels like you’ve blacked out, but you can remember what you are doing. You’ve just placed your self on autopilot. You’ve tuned out everyone as soon as Jay’s back hit the floor of the truck’s trailer. You’re climbing over him and immediately work at the buttons on his soiled shirt. You don’t even realize that there are tears flowing from your eyes until you start to see the small damp spots begin to leave marks next to the blood that has already stained.
You cradle his head, not caring about the blood that is seeping under your fingernails. “Jay, can you look at me?” His eyes are still closed but you swear you can see a small flutter of his lashes. “Can you hear me? Please open your eyes.” His eyes slowly peel open. He’s looking directly at you and you’ve never felt more relief in your entire life. You gently lay your forehead on his chest.
“Thank God.”
You open your eyes. You can tell you’re in the back of the van. You practically shoot up and that’s when the pain sets in. You hold the side of your head. “Ah shit.”
“You can lay back down.” You turn your head to see Jay at your side. He’s got a scrape on his cheek, but otherwise looks to be intact. You sigh. “Are you okay?” He smiles and nods. You don’t lay down, but turn to face him fully. “Did I fuck it up again?” He places a hand on your shoulder and shakes his head.
“Red got the evidence we needed, and everyone made it out. You got hit pretty hard. You probably have a concussion, so I’ll be be staying with you these next couple of nights.”
You immediately glance forwards at Red who is raising an eyebrow from the front seat. Your cheeks burn as you lay your head back in Jay’s lap for the remainder of the ride home.
Jay does as he said he would and stays with you in the nights. You’ve slept in his bed for the past four nights. Though you realize that it has probably been long enough that you could move back into your room, you don’t want to stop. Jay’s warmth at night has you sleeping better than you have in years. So here you are on your fifth night in Jay’s bed, watching as he strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed with you. It’s starting to feel very domestic the way he bares his skin to you even though you’ve never actually had sex. It still brings a flutter to your abdomen. But in a way you start to feel like you’re taking advantage of him.
“You don’t have to take care of me anymore. I think I’ll be fine on my own.”
He looks at you for a moment, slightly concerned. “Have I made you uncomfortable?” You shake your head. “No, it’s not that, I just feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” He smiles and places a hand on your jaw. “I enjoy your company. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t got used to you being here every night.” He kisses you for the first time since the night before you’d gotten hurt, and you immediately melt into it. You missed the feeling it gives you. He breaks apart from you just to say, “Why don’t you just stay with me all of the time?” It lights a fire in your stomach.
Before you can stop to think, you are moving to straddle his hips. He gasps slightly, you’ve always been the inferior, he’s always been the one in charge, but you’re the one towering over him now. “I want you.” You can feel the way that his hip buck slightly at your words. “And I’m not just talking about sex. I’m talking about everyday, all of the time.” He just stares up at you, letting you speak.
“You can be the boss during the day, but I want you to come home and just be you at the end of the day.” You roll your hips. “Not Jay the leader or boss or organizer or anything like that. Just Jay.” He looks in absolute awe, a look you’ve never seen from him. For once, he has nothing to say, just slips a hand past your waistband and applies delicious pressure to your core. You swallow the moan that forms in your throat. The last thing you need is to have Red or Silver prying into your sex life in the morning, especially when Jay is involved.
“And if I wanna be the boss at night?” He says it teasingly, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Okay fine, but only sometimes.” You wrap a hand around him under his boxers and he groans. It feels good to be this intimate with someone, especially Jay. So you let yourself go, match his pace, and don’t stop until you’re both soaring over the edge, foreheads pressed together.
You take time to clean each other up and get comfortable back in bed before anyone can ask any questions about what you may have been doing. You lay your head on his chest. You’re so relaxed and everything feels so right for once in your life.
“I thought I was gonna lose you in New York.” It’s random, but the entire experience in the past week sent you soaring back into that headspace. “K probably thought I was crazy or hysterical. I’d never seen you so hurt, and I thought that was it. I think that’s when I knew.” He hugs you closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“I remember you holding the back of my head, I thought that I was dead. I don’t even really know what I believe happens after death, I guess I was just relieved that wherever I was at the time, you were there.”
You smile, content, and throw an arm over his waist.
“Glad we both made it.”
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wolfman-moony · 1 year
 Fanfic requests open!
My requests for stories are open!!
I’ll write any character on this list x male reader, non-binary reader, gender neutral reader, gender fluid reader, any specific pronouns you request I’ll do.
My rules on what type of stories I will, and will not right↓
Fandom and characters I’ll write for!
~Harry potter~
Draco Malfoy
Blaze Zebini
Viktor Krum
George Weasley
Bill/William Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
~Stranger Things~
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Gareth Emerson
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
~Julie and the phantoms~
Alex Mercer (i’ll only write male reader for him)
Reggie Peters
Luke Patterson
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Carlos De Vil
~The 100~
(Note: I’ve only watched the first two seasons of the 100 so far)
Jasper Jordan
Monty Green
John Murphy
~D & D Honor among thieves~
Simon Aumar
~The school for good and evil movie~
Hort Hook
~Z nation~
Sarge/Lilly Madison Mueller
~Words on the bathroom wall~
~Diary of a wimpy kid~
Rodrick Heffley
~The Entitled~
Dean Taylor
~The Santa clause movies~
Bernard the head elf
~Evil Dead Rise~
~Matthew Lillard Characters~ 
Tim LaFlour
Stu Macher
Shaggy Rogers
Emmanuel "Cereal Killer" Goldstein
William Afton
Brock Hudson
Roger Sperling
And most any other character Me has played as long as I know the character 
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smellydano · 2 years
punishment || jay (okja)
jay (okja) x afab!reader
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warnings: softdom!jay, slapping, sex toys, unusual position (?), teasing, brat!reader (but tame), crying, overstim, lowkey breeding, if there's anything else i missed PLS lmk
synopsis: you teased jay while out for supper, so he takes you home to punish you
word count: 1611
a/n: idk why everything i write about jay has to be dom kjhsdfkj whoops, I'm just horny for jay always
jay sat on the bed, legs spread, leaning against the headboard. he tapped his thigh, signalling you to take a seat. you slowly made your way to sit on his lap. in a swift motion, he placed his legs between yours and spread both of your legs so his were holding yours back. he pulled your naked body close and pulled out your vibrator.
“sweetheart, i think you still need to learn that you can’t act this way.”
you sniffled, the pain still stinging from the spankings he laid previously. you were both out for supper when you started to push his buttons. he kept his cool, as he usually does, which only told you that you’re in for a world of hurt when you get home.
you tensed as he turned on the purple vibrator on the lowest setting, placing it towards your slick cunt. he rubbed your swollen clit slowly, your head pushing back onto his chest. “ahh, jay! please…”
“shhh, remember that’s not my name sweetheart.”
“s-sir-” you couldn’t finish your sentence from the pathetic moans that trailed from your mouth.
“hold this there for me sweetheart, can you do that for me?” he placed your hand on the vibrator, wanting you to take control of it. you nodded, your hooded eyes looking down and pressing the vibrator to your clit as he moved his hands to your tits, grabbing them in his hands. he hummed as you squirmed at the surprising touch.
your hips rutted against the vibrator, pushing yourself into his lap. he ran a hand through your hair, shushing you against your ear. you were a mess in his lap, whines and cries spewing from your lips, small tears streaming down your face. your breathing got heavier as you felt your stomach start to tighten, trying to tell him you were close, but it just came out as mindless blabber.
“come on dear, use your words. tell me how you’re feeling.”
you nodded, trying once again to speak but failing miserably. the pleasure from the vibration was too much for you to communicate properly, just how he wanted. he chuckled at your attempt, placing kisses on your shoulder as he grabbed the vibrator from your hand, turning it up to a higher setting. he continued to slowly move it around your cunt, letting out a high-pitched moan.
“ahh, i-i’m close sir, can i please cum?” you sobbed, glassy eyes spilling over. you felt his cock twitch against you. a low muffled groan came from him. he loved when you ask for permission, to cum, to touch yourself, he wanted to have that control over you. he twisted your nipples as you panted in his arms. he trailed his kisses to your neck, “yes dear.”
he held your body as your orgasm shook through you, gripping his thigh once more, definitely leaving bruises behind. you started to slowly push the vibrator away when he grabbed your wrist, “what are you doing, baby? we’re just getting started.” he whispered to you, placing kisses next to your ear.
“i don’t think-think i can k-keep going!” you shrieked as he placed the vibrator back onto where it once was, rubbing your puffy clit with it once again.
“oh sweetheart, yes you can. you’re going to, for me.” he demanded, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head while you threw your head back on his chest. he adjusted your body on his so his arm was crossed over your torso, fingers sneakily making their way to your pussy. he toyed with your pussy, teasing your hole. the pain from overstimulation moved into bliss. your mouth dropped open as his fingers pushed into you with ease.
“you’re so wet on my fingers, i can’t wait to shove my cock in your tight little cunt. you think you can handle that?” he questioned as he wiggled the vibrator against you, moving the setting up to the highest setting. you were panting like a pup, gasping for air as he played with your pussy. he slipped another finger inside, causing you to shriek. he licked his lips as he watched your body wriggle against his. you could feel him slowly rub himself against your ass.
“yes! yes sir, i-ahhh.” your sentence cut off by your own moans as his fingers move faster inside you. you cleared your throat, pushing your hips against his restraint on you. “yes sir, i can take your cock!” you whined as your head tilted to the side, whispering profanities from the way he manipulated your cunt.
“that’s my good girl.” he grunted, your wiggling making his cock insufferably hard. You felt your face flush at the name he gave you. He smirked, knowing the effect his words had on you. Your body thrashes against his, legs shaking intensely as you felt yourself get closer to the edge of your orgasm.
“can i please, please cum again sir?” you breathed, biting your lip as he nodded, “go ahead, sweetheart, you’re being such a good girl for me.” he whispered into your ear. 
your vision went blurry as you came for the second time that night, this one hitting harder than the last. you yelped in overstimulation from your spent cunt still being played with.
jay smirked as he pulled his fingers out, bringing them up to your lips, “open your mouth, sweetheart.”
you obeyed and opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue as he slid his wet fingers in your mouth, shoving them as deep as he could. earning a gag from you, he smiled and pushed further, making you cough. his fingers moved in and out of your mouth, a mix of slick and your spit drooling from your lips. your lips glided along his fingers, tongue swirling around and between them. he slowly pulled them out, making a pop noise from your lips.
“fuck, lay down on the bed.” he groaned, carefully pushing your body to his side, he rolled over you, hovering above you. you caught your breath as he pulled his pants off as fast as he could. he slowly pumped himself before immediately shoving himself inside you. you let out a scream, feeling your body split in half from his cock. you gripped his shoulders, half crescents from your nails surely leaving their mark. he slowly picked up the pace, making sure you adjusted to his size. you felt him go deep inside your cunt, arching your back. you felt overstimulated, but didn’t want it to end. you screw your eyes shut as the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix. 
“ahh-ah, just keep looking at me sweetheart, with those pretty eyes.” he whispered as he gripped your cheeks, pushing them together. you shook your head, trying your best. you head turned to the side, but his grip kept strong as he pulled you back to face him. 
“don’t take your eyes off me.” he demanded as his kept going deeper, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. the feeling of being filled full bringing you close, already. your body was moving at a fast pace with his, tits bouncing up and down as his hips clashed against yours. you wrapped your legs around his torso, linking your feet together to pull yourself closer to him. he dove down to your neck, leaving purple marks all down your neck to your collarbones. you held his head in its spot, gripping his hair lightly. you hummed as he worked his tongue up to your neck, then to your jawline, then to your mouth. he licked his lips before slamming them against yours, kissing you full of passion. you whined against his lips, pushing him away. 
“sir, i need to cum again, please!”
you looked at him with doe eyes, panting as you grabbed onto him. you rolled your eyes, letting out a huff. jay didn’t like this, he quickly laid a slap on your cheek, you shrieked in pain as your cheek felt hot and with a sting. 
“don’t roll your eyes at me, do you want to cum? apologize, now.” he demanded, pushing his forehead against yours. you teared up and looked into his eyes. 
“i’m s-sorry sir! for teasing you!” you breathed out, but he didn’t seem too pleased with that apology. 
“and for being a brat.” he added, gripping your arms, feeling his own high getting closer. 
“and for b-being a b-brat! please sir!” he smirked as you finally said what he needed, his trusts slowly getting sloppier. 
“look at you, begging me to cum. go ahead sweetheart, cum.”
your stomach turned, body convulsing from your high. “come on baby, you can do it, you’ve been so good.” his words really pushed your over the edge, as if you weren’t there already. you squeezed his waist with your thighs, triggering his orgasm as he spilled himself inside you. the feeling of your walls being splattered with his seed made you smile as your orgasm started to die down. he pushed himself deep inside you, making sure his cum stayed deep in your cunt. he doesn’t want it to go to waste!
you both were breathless, he pulled himself out and slipped down next to you. he pulled a nearby blanket over your naked frame, rubbing your side comfortingly. you rolled over to rest your body closer to his. 
“i’m gonna go get a wet cloth, you were such a good girl for me tonight.” he said as he kissed your forehead, slowly getting up and walking to the bathroom. you laid back, slowly drifting off to sleep, mind gone from being fucked dumb.
ty for reading !! i'm still off work so i'm currently working on the requests in my inbox i promise!! i was in a slump but writing truly helps me not want to off myself so I'm doing what i can :3
requests are always open!! likes/reblogs/comments are always appreciated <3 ilysm
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arisrealities · 8 months
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tw: hurt/comfort, mentions of stabbing, fighting, animal abuse, cuddling, soft!jay, kissing, reader being taken care of, wounds, swearing.
They swung, again and again but it was no use. The man had power over them. Much more power than they could ever imagine. He was stronger, bigger, and worst of all- he had a weapon. A knife in his hand, the man swiped at their arm. “God- fuck!” They screamed out in pain. Behind them, they felt a pair of arms yank them back.
You scream in a desperate attempt to get anybody at all to hear you. You were pulled into a van- a big, black van. You continue to kick, screaming and fighting your way away from the person holding you captive. “Shhh. It’s ok, angel. It’s ok. It’s just me.” A familiar voice whispered as his soft hands ran through your hair. Jay. The man you loved, come to save you. You shake him off, frustrated and angry. You weren’t a damsel in distress. You could’ve saved yourself. “I didn’t need you to save me,” You spit out, “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Jay.” He smirked, pulling your arm into his hand. You winced. “This stab wound- this says otherwise, my dear.” Blood was pouring down your arm, seeping through your long black shirt. You looked down and got dizzy just seeing the soaked through sleeve of your shirt. “Hey- it’s ok. We’re gonna get back to headquarters and we’re gonna get you all cleaned up, alright?” Jay whispered, leaning down to your ear to speak to you.
You arrived at the ALF headquarters as Jay patched you up, you wincing and shouting every time you felt the sting of the rubbing alcohol against your wound. “The good thing is- it’s not deep. You won’t need stitches. You’re gonna be fine.” You let out another yelp. “Shh, I know it hurts, but it’s all gonna be over soon baby.” He kissed your forehead, before pulling you up and into his lap. Even sitting in his lap, he towered above you. You shudder slightly at the feeling of his hands around your waist before you give in, resting your head on his chest. “That’s right. I’m right here, baby. ‘M right here.” He said softly, leaning down to kiss your cheek, then your neck. You smiled gently, whispering out a quiet “I love you.” Jay chuckled. “I love you too, my dear. You can’t ever scare me like that again, ok? I’m always gonna come to your rescue, even if I know you don’t need it. The thought of you being injured worse- it terrifies me, my love. I’m gonna keep you safe.” “Promise?” You whisper. He leans down so his mouth is inches away from your ear. “Promise.” He whispers back, before leaning in to kiss you softly.
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theehoneeybee · 4 months
can you do Edward with a curvy reader? thank you!
ofc!! I hope you like it :)
Edward is obsessed with your curves, and I mean, OBSESSED
He just adores you. He thinks you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen
His favourite thing to do is laying his head on your thighs
Like you'll be watching TV and he just lays down, using your thighs as a pillow
They're just so comfy
Lord help him if you ever wear something that shows off your curves
Edward won't be able to take his eyes off you
He's torn between wanting to show everyone how gorgeous you are, and keeping you all to himself
There's not a single inch of your body he doesn't love
Your chest, your waist, thighs, butt. All of it
"Eddie, I got a new dress today. You wanna see?" You ask, already knowing the answer. Edward's attention turns from his laptop to you, the tapping of the keys coming to a hault.
"Of course, my dear."
You smiled, rushing to the bathroom to change. You wanted to surprise him, giving him your very own fashion show. You slipped on the dress and shuffled back out into the bedroom. His attention was immediately on you. The dress hugged your curves perfectly, accentuating your stunning features. Edward stays silent as his eyes roam your body.
His silence worried you. "Do you not like it?"
Edward stands up, resting his hands on your waist. "I love it. You're so beautiful."
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candied-heartss · 1 year
(ᵗʰᵉ ʳⁱᵈᵈˡᵉʳ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
𝖽𝖾𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇: 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗅𝖾𝗋 𝗄𝗂𝖽𝗇𝖺𝗉𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗆 𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗂𝗅, 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖺𝗋𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋..
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ (𝗠𝗗𝗡𝗜), 𝗸𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗱 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗱𝘂𝗯𝗰𝗼𝗻, 𝗸𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆, 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝘀𝗹𝘂𝘁𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗴𝗲, 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅 (𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴), 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴
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You slowly regained consciousness, eyes blinking once, twice, three times before finally opening up fully to look around your area. You were in an unknown person's room, laying on a grimy mattress on the even dirtier floor with your hands bound behind your back with duct tape, with your mouth being restrained with more of the silver adhesive.
"Oh good," a deep voice crooned, "you're awake. I thought I would have to slap you awake myself, but you made my job so much easier for me."
Your eyes widen in terror and shock as you scramble to sit up, using your legs as guidance. Beneath the makeshift gag, you whimper anxiously as the man clad in a green army jacket with a question mark crudely painted onto its surface, heavy trousers with even heavier boots, and a mask that covered his whole face, save for his eyes, which were protected by clear-framed glasses.
You whine again in fear, looking up at the man, trying to back away, but he comes closer, bending down to look at you. Only then, did it dawn on you how tall he was and how it made you feel small yourself, even though you were of average height.
"Oh, look at you. You're scared, aren't you?" He observed, reaching out a gloved hand and brushing your hair away from your face. You attempted to move away from his touch only for him to harshly grip your jaw.
"Eyes up here, baby." He ordered, making you look up at him with the fear still lingering in your eyes.
He smiled at your almost instant submission, "There we go. That's a good girl. We can't have you misbehaving now, can we?"
You slowly nodded, deciding the best way not to make this man snap is to just play along.
"You're probably wondering why you're here, don't you?" he asked, stroking your cheek and looking into your eyes deeply, almost penetrating your soul with his gaze alone. You nod again and he chuckles as if this whole ordeal was highly amusing to him.
"Well, it all starts with your dear father, the one who works for the city council. It was he and his other lackeys that have been a part of the reason why this city remains the cesspool of corruption that it always has been. They've been accepting bribes from Carmine Falcone's men, all so they could fill their appetite for greed."
Your eyes widen at the man's words. No, no. This couldn't be true. Your father, your honest, caring father, collecting money from Falcone's operation? It just didn't seem right. You let out a shocked cry at his words, only to quickly shush you, cooing in your ear.
"Oh, I know, sweetheart. This must be so hard for your dumb, little brain to comprehend, but your father is not the man that you believe him to be. Your father is just like every other politician in this hellhole of a city. They all promise that change will come, a ploy to get the masses to flock to them like a herd of sheep, only to break them down, and strip them of their faith in them, all so that they can feed into the corrupt system that they created."
You shake your head, tears beginning to form in your eyes. "Please, please don't let that be true. My father is a good man... he would never do this." you thought to yourself as you looked back at him.
The man then chuckled, "But that's alright, because now that I have you..." His gloved hand went to caress your cheek, "they'll be sure to listen to the people and change their ways of exerting their power over the people."
You flinch when he comes closer to you, practically grazing your lips with his mask as he seemingly gets an idea.
"In fact, I think that I'll just keep you for now. Maybe, I'll even use you for something very special..."
You shivered at his words, wondering what he meant when he finally ripped the tape off from your lips, making you hiss in pain from the adhesive sticking to the sensitive skin. He then flips you over, so that you're in a kneeling position on your arms and legs before swiftly pulling out a thin pocket knife and dragging along the bare skin that was not covered up by the soft, cottin fabric of your underwear.
Before you can react, he swiftly swipes the knife across the fabric and seamlessly cutting it from your body, leaving you completely bare. You gasp at the cold air meeting the your hot skin and instinctively clenching your thighs together, only for him to push them back open and letting your bare cunt be exposed to him.
You cannot see him, but you can hear as he sighs in contentment, slowly reaching out and swiping a finger through your soaked folds, making you choke on your breath, before he pulls away and examines it as it glistens and drips down the padding of his gloves.
"God... Just look at that... I haven't even fucked you yet and you're already dripping. What a needy little whore you are." He chided, letting his fingers go back to your slit, but this time instead of collecting your juices, he sinks his thick fingers inside of you, making you whine at the burning stretch, having never taken anything larger than your own two fingers.
"Aww, what's the matter, sweetie? Does it hurt?" He asked her, his tone dripping with callous condescension as he speaks. When you nod, telling him how uncomfortable it feels, he simply laughs and continues to thrust his fingers in and out of you, enjoying the obscenely wet, sticky sound your juices make as it echoes through the room as your whines and moans grow louder.
He laughed again, pressing his fingers deeper inside of you and hitting that nerve within you that has you nearly screaming, keening into the mattress and bucking your hips wildly into his hand.
He sighs as his fingers to thrust harder inside of you, "C'mon baby, you've got this. You're doing so well, taking it like such a good girl for me. I think you deserve to come, don't you?" You nod frantically and whine, pushing your hips back into his hand.
You were so close, teetering on the edge of your orgasm when he pulled his fingers out of your sopping cunt, making you cry out in frustration. He merely smiles and begins to unzip his pants far enough to bring his cock out, running the head along your folds, soaking it in your juices.
"I'm going to have my way with you now, and if you struggle, I'll take my knife and cut you, piece by piece." He threatened before finally sliding inside of you in one, swift motion.
You hang your head low and sharply cried out at the feeling of his cock entering you, your walls immediately clenching around him and making him groan in pleasure. He doesn't give enough time to adjust before he begins thrusting into you, his pace wild and erratic.
"Fuck," he groans, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you up, so that your back touches his chest before he wraps a gloved hand around your throat and begins to squeeze, making you gasp for air and your walls to clench around his cock, his impending release starting to build up.
"Please," you whined, panting heavily as he continued to fuck you, "I think 'm gonna come... please let me come, sir."
He smiles underneath the masks and speaks, stroking your cheek again, "Why should I? Have you earned it?" You nod in desperation, practically begging him to let you come.
"Please, please, please, sir... 've been such a good girl for you, please lemme come for you." you practically sob as your walls continue to clench around him, your orgasm impending fast.
He then laughs and reaches down to rub your sensitive clit with his thumb, the latex of his gloves brushing up deliciously against your bundle of nerves, making you sob harder, "It's okay, baby... You've been so good for me, go on, let it go.."
At his words, you finally fall over the edge and your body tenses up as you let out a strained cry, your walls gripping his cock tightly, like a vice. He hisses at the feeling and quickly pulls out and flipping you over and situating you on your knees, gripping at his cock before forcing your mouth open and sliding it down your throat.
"Now, be a good little whore and suck my cock." He instructs, throwing his head back in ecstasy and groaning when he feels you begin to suck on him, taking him as far as your mouth would let him.
As he continues to thrust harshly into your mouth, he groans and grips your hair tightly, hitting the back of your throat and making you gag.
"Fuck, I'm going to come down your slutty little throat, sweetheart." He speaks to you mindlessly, before his abdomen tenses, his eyes roll back and he lets out a loud groan as he comes down your throat. He then looks down and slowly pulls out, letting some of his cum drip down your lips and onto your bare chest.
He then pulls away and grabs his Polaroid camera from a nearby table, looking down and pointing the lense at you, "Stick out your tongue, whore."
You obliged and slowly stick extend your tongue out for the camera before it goes off with a flash, capturing your face, dripping with his cum.
"God, you're the prettiest little slut in all of Gotham, baby."
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babybluebex · 2 years
ask and u shall receive ~
jay (okja) + nsfw alphabet (orrr HCs for his partner having a condescending/patronising kink?? I want him to embarrass me oml) 🫠
ok i just reread the prompt, and i wrote a whole blurb about the patronizing kink and not hc's, sorry :( i hope this is good (warnings for smut under the cut— degredation, teasing, dom!jay, thigh riding, fingering)
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"Oh, you poor thing," Jay cooed, holding your waist tightly. Your hips stuttered against his thigh, your clit brushing against the rough fabric of his pants, and you whimpered as Jay grabbed at your ass. "I haven't even gotten my cock out yet and you've already gone dumb."
"Jay," you mewled, and your hands urged forward to try to grasp at him, but the pull of his tie around your wrists behind your back kept you from doing so. Jay often did this, teased you relentlessly before allowing you the pleasure of finishing, and, as awful as the teasing was, the result was always so worth it.
“Good girl,” Jay said, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your hip. “You’re doing so good for me, baby. You can go a little faster, if that’s what you need.”
“I-I can’t,” you sobbed, your thighs shaking and belly quivering. You were so close to your release, but you knew that your boyfriend wouldn’t allow you to cum before he told you to. You were certain that you couldn’t move faster without cumming, but Jay had other plans for you.
“I bet so,” he uttered, his eyes floating down to where your body touched his. His hand lifted from your hip and repositioned to press his palm right against your leaking pussy, and his fingers threatened your weeping channel as the heel of his hand brushed cruelly against your clit. “Oh, my dumb little bunny, can’t do it yourself? Need me to help you?”
Tears burned at your eyes at the sensation of Jay’s long fingers stroking your wet skin, and your thighs shook again as he crashed the mound of his hand against your sensitive clit. “Yes!” you whined. “Jay, please, baby—“
“Stop that pathetic whining,” he told you firmly, and you lost the words in your mouth. “Someone might hear you. You don’t want K or Red or anyone coming in here and seeing you be a little slut, do you? Maybe you would, maybe you’d like that.”
“Fuck me,” you gasped with a dry mouth. “Jay, fuck me, please.”
Jay took a deep breath and clicked his tongue against his teeth, and he gave a soft moan as his fingers slipped inside you with little resistance. “Goddamn, baby,” he whispered, and his fingers started to move inside you, quick and hard, not even giving you a second to adjust to the feel of him. “So fucking tight… You’re so close, aren’t you? Can you even tell me? Or can you only ask me to fuck you?”
You nodded quickly. “M’close,” you slurred. Your head felt fuzzy, just full of Jay, and the sound of his fingers fucking you reverberated around your empty skull. “Close, Jay…”
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Jay told you, and he leaned forward and buried his face in your neck, kissing and licking and biting at your skin. “Cum on my fingers, baby, make a big mess. Dumb little thing only knows how to make a mess, so you might as well do it.”
“Want your cock,” you whimpered, and Jay laughed.
“Of course you do,” he said. “That’s all you want, greedy little slut. I’m gonna untie you, and if you can get my cock out, then you can have it. Does that sounds good to you?”
You nodded quickly, and you waited impatiently for him to undo the tie around your wrists. He pulled his fingers from inside you, earning him a little whine, and he muttered, “Oh, hush, you act like you’re not about to get my dick.” Finally, he untied you, and your hands frantically came to his pants to free him. You could feel that he was hard, and the thought of it made your mouth water.
You wasted no time in unzipping his pants and pulling out his hard cock, and Jay let out a quiet little sound as your hand wrapped around his thick cock. "C'mon, baby, sit on it," he told you. "If your dumb little brain can believe it, I need you too."
You grabbed at Jay's shoulders as you slowly sank yourself down onto his cock. The angle pushed him deep inside you, prodding at that spongy nerve instantly, and you hung your hand as you cried at the feeling. "Oh, my sweet thing," Jay pouted, clasping his hand over your cheek. "No tears, sweetheart. No baby tears, you can do it."
"Feels good," you whined, and Jay pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I know it does," Jay told you. "Now, do you think you can do something as simple as fuck yourself, or do you need me to do it for you?"
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cercandodiscrivere · 2 years
Selfish needs | jay (okja) x reader
words | 2.5k
warnings | 18+, NSFW (thigh riding, explicit language), porn with lots of plot. severely un-beta'd.
snippet | “You selfish little thing” one of his arms came around your hips to keep you still, fingers squeezing so tight you let out a surprised yelp. “I come home from a mission, exhausted, and all you can think about is sex”.   
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There was something addictive about being a member of ALF’s group.
Nothing in life could compare to the post-heist elation pumping through your veins, when you were out of breath running away from the black chalk – all that time spent coming up with detailed plans often culminating in a dopamine-filled chase thought the streets. 
For the past ten months you had learnt how to push yourself to your limit, starting to appreciate the trembling in your limbs when you finally reached the comfort of the safe houses after every mission (riveting in the deep feeling you just did something good yet illegal and still got away with it).
You had never done anything similar before, manifesting your unhappiness towards the government with quiet protests and cardboard signs – but now you knew how a simple protest could never compare.
Excitement wasn’t all there was, though. 
Ten months had also been more than enough to learn both the good and the bad of fighting for a rightful cause. 
Sure, you were satisfied with the outcome of all of your plans, but even in the midst of your elation, ‘caution’ had remained your favorite world. After all, you were still part of what your current government (thanks to Mirando’s influence) had called a ‘terrorist organization’. 
How blind can one be. 
Your friends had strong principles, but if all terrorist looked like the group you were living with right now, wars would be far easier to win. Thanks to the black chalk, ALF members were no strangers to dark times: you win some, you lose some. Lately, however, your group had been living an all-time-low. 
If you had less respect for Silver’s ideals – and more guts to go against the group’s unspoken rule of minding your own business when it came to his life choices – you would tie him up to a chair and force him to eat something (anything, just enough that he would start to feel more like a human being and less like a catatonic, slurring lunatic). 
Some nights you could find him walking up and down the corridors of your base, talking to himself, muttering about injustice and unsustainable practices in food production. He was so pale you could easily mistake him for a ghost, plaguing the whole compound with his presence: what you once thought was an admirable sense of discipline now scared you to the point of not leaving your room in fear of seeing that miserable apparition.
These last days Blonde had worked more as a babysitter for his partner than a functioning member of ALF. Not that you blamed him, you wouldn’t dare to, but that meant having one less focused member on the field during dangerous heists. 
K was… weird. Loyal in the way only someone who has something to prove can be, you knew from the get go that he would have followed Jay through burning flames. Passionate, yes, but blind to any possible danger. 
If it wasn’t for Red you would have gone mad weeks ago. She was the reason you were there in the first place: the one who found your work online and decided to ask you to join ALF, giving you a new life purpose (together with a plethora of politically-unapproved teammates and a few bruises). With her it had been almost too easy to go from colleagues, to friends, to sisters. Sometimes it felt as if she could read your mind, understand your worries before you yourself could coherently form them: and yet, she would often brush them off. Years in the midst of the fieldwork had given Red more than enough assurance that nothing bad could happen – after all, she had already lived the worst days and survived. She had so much experience with ALF she now believed she knew better than to concern herself with troubling thoughts (and maybe that was the right way to go at it, but her soothing words had lost their charm after your first beating). 
“You are worrying over nothing” she would say after you confessed your doubts. “Once we were working in a zoo in Indonesia and something just like that happened, but…”. The stories would always end with the ALF saving the day. Bruised, beaten to a pulp, starved – but alive.
And yet, you worried. 
Sometimes Jay would decide to pull you out of the field (it wasn’t that uncommon in your team, for once in a while someone had to check the situation from a remote location to keep the others informed) and that would feel much worse. As a matter of fact, ever since your relationship with your leader had deepened, you found yourself far from the center of the chaos more often than not. It didn’t matter that you were in constant communication with your friends - you couldn’t see them or their surroundings if not on a small computer screen, too far to be able to help if everything went south. 
That week had been particularly excruciating: the group had managed to sneak into a congress on industrial production methods a couple of states over, leaving you behind to keep an eye on Mirando’s movements in New York. 
You were expecting them to be back in the early hours of the morning – so it had been pleasantly surprising to see them step foot inside the safe-house a little before midnight, exhausted but satisfied. The mission had been a success, even better than what they had hoped: K had managed to hack into the conference’s computers, so that hundreds of people were shown a video of the cruelty of animal abuse instead of a demonstration on how to increase meat production. By the time the black chalk had swarmed the place, your friends were gone and safe. 
Being able to hug them again was a huge relief. 
After a brief talk, Silver and Blonde had disappeared inside their shared room: the former looked better than usual, the excitement for their newest success managing to give him enough strength to skip up the stairs. Watching them retreat on the second floor, you hoped Blonde could use the occasion to force him to eat something filling without a fuss. 
Too tired to remain awake for more than a quick chat, Red and K had soon followed the couple and opted to go to their respective quarters: that had left you alone with Jay – finally alone. 
In the beginning, when to his eyes you were nothing but the newest addition to his little group, your relationship with Jay had been limited to official ALF meetings and brief encounters in the hallways. For a while you had thought him almost unfeeling, harshly judging the detached way in which he orbited around the group without actually interacting with anyone besides K. 
Then one night (after you had shared a celebratory bottle of wine) Red had told you what had happened between the two men. The mistranslation, the beating, the overall big mess that the Okja mission had been: nonetheless, it didn’t look like K held his expulsion against his leader. If anything, that mishap seemed to have brought them closer – and even if at the time the thought of having such a short-tempered leader had made you somewhat uncomfortable, at least that proved how Jay was as imperfect as any other human being. A real man, not the cold and collected creature you had thought him to be. 
From that moment on you had kept studying him. 
When you got your first in-mission-beating, you caught a glimpse of fear flash underneath those clear eyes. When a journalist wrote a small article about Mija (‘the girl that lives in peace with her superpig’ announced the title, accompanied by a picture of a smiling child and her ginormous friend), you heard his relieved sigh. 
Putting aside the praising words of your friends, you had observed how he moved around the safe house, discovering just how blind you had been judging him as cold. He was meticulous to a fault, almost as worried as you – and yet reckless, for he would put himself in front of a firing gun if that meant saving one of his teammates’ life.
What you had’t noticed was how the more time you spent trying to understand him, getting closer and closer to the man himself, the more he felt the same pull towards you: the interest was mutual. You tended to his wounds and he tended to yours. In the end, going from collaborators to something more had been incredibly easy.
Crouched on top of his legs you were now listening to his recount of the mission, the quiet sound of his low voice managing to calm you for the first time in the whole week. It was an evening ritual you two had shared time and time again – sitting together (with you ending up over him more often than not) while he spoke about plans and missions.  
You had missed that – from the tender way he absentmindedly patted your hair to the soft smell of cleanliness emanating from his suit. All the tension you had felt during the week was gone, dissipated by his mere presence. Having Jay’s hands on your body once again was spurring something inside of you: a deep need that made his words blur together, your mind too clouded to be able to concentrate on what he was telling you.  
In the fog that had taken over your thoughts, you still heard Jay call your name. “Is everything okay?”.
Heat pooling in your lower abdomen, you tried to nod and focus on him. You were wearing nothing but your old oversized t-shirt and a pair of underwear – too thin to ignore the friction between your clothed cunt and his pants. 
“Are you sure? We can go to sleep if you want”.
This time you shook your head, shifting on his lap in a way that (you hoped) was nonchalant enough to hide the real cause of your distraction. Usually you wouldn’t restrain yourself – Jay’s needs often matched yours, and even in the rare cases they didn’t nobody would get offended by the other’s refusal – but that time was different. He had just come back from a long and stressful trip: you didn’t want to keep him awake even more than needed. 
You could wait. 
“I’m fine, but we can still go to bed if you’re too tir-” the words died in your throat: quick as a wink, Jay’s hand glided under the hem of your shirt, stopping on the damp fabric over your (already wet) cunt. 
He chuckled, shaking his head as if amused by the revelation. 
“You selfish little thing” one of his arms came around your hips to keep you still, fingers squeezing so tight you let out a surprised yelp. “I come home from a mission, exhausted, and all you can think about is sex”.  You wanted to apologize, reassuring him that you didn’t want to pressure, but he shushed you once again. 
Tongue clicking, he shook his head. “You go around, telling everybody how worried you are, and yet you seem to have only one thing on your mind” he taunted. You were used to him like this: Jay liked to be in control, always - and you gladly let him do as he wanted. The idea of him having that power over you made you feel free, finally able for once to stop being drowned by anxiety.
“Unfortunately, tonight I’m too tired to help” he said. His grasp tightened for a moment, pushing your flush against him, then loosened again. You nodded: it was understandable. Prepared to put the whole situation behind you and go to sleep, his next order took you by surprise. “Stand up and take off your panties”. 
Confused, you still did as he commanded, looking at him with wide eyes. As soon as the thin piece of cloth touched the ground, Jay pulled you back over him – except this time you found yourself balanced on one of his thighs, the roughness of his pants against your bare slit making you groan. His hands went to catch your hips again, nudging you back and forth ever so slightly. “You’ll have to do all the work yourself” he explained. With that, he stopped his slow movements.
It took you a second to understand what he meant – a second too much, as one of his hands landed a punishing smack on your ass. The hit didn’t hurt, but you gasped regardless, not expecting it. “I said I’m too tired to help” he repeated, impatient. “Show me how badly you want to come”. 
Jay bounced his leg just once, teasing: you pressed your palms flat against his chest to steady yourself, starting to rock your hips down onto his pants, the harsh material brushing against your clit. A slick trail followed your erratic movements, dampening the black fabric: if he the wet stain bothered him, he said nothing about it.
Letting you get off as you pleased, Jay was now leaning against the back of the chair, arms hanging limply at his sides: head tilted upwards, he could make the perfect picture of disinterest – and yet, under those heavy eyelids his clear eyes turned black with arousal, smug gaze fixed on your trembling figure. Realizing you had complete freedom over the pace you could set, you groaned, moving faster. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to have him inside you, the way he would stretch you open. You were so wet he could slip inside you in one go – but you knew that wasn’t going to happen. Tonight all he wanted was to be able to see your face in bliss just like that, moaning on top of his thigh, desperate to get off.
However, even if following his wishes was all you wanted, you needed more.
Pressing your forehead against his shoulder you started mumbling a confused mix of his name and please, not even sure yourself of what you were asking him precisely. 
It was incredible how a single week without him could leave you so desperate. 
With a sigh, Jay’s arms came once again around your hips. “You want to come?” he asked, the low tone of his voice sending shivers down your spine. As you nodded, tears started pooling around your eyes, your quivering body incapable of keeping itself upright anymore – let alone moving at the speed you craved. 
“Look at you” he cooed. “So helpless. You can’t even do something this simple by yourself”. Always so prim and proper (the perfect representation of what the collected leader of ALF should be), hearing Jay speak like that brought you even closer to the edge. A little gasp jumped in your mouth as he started to rock you harder up and down his thigh, bouncing his leg ever-so-slightly to follow the erratic movement of your hips.
Suddenly it was too much: the feeling of his gaze on you, the lewd noises you couldn’t contain, your empty cunt clenching around nothing still frantically rubbing against the rough material of his elegant trousers.
You shut his eyes tight, trembling and calling out his name. With a sob, it all spilled over at once. 
Body completely numb, you collapsed on top of Jay. He had started petting your hair again, just like he did when he recounted his mission, peppering you head with little kisses. Exhausted, you were muttering thank yous, face still bruised on the crook of his neck, trying to calm your breathing and come down of your high. 
“I know, I know” he mumbled. You felt his arms holding you closer – a sweet embrace, different from the bruising one he had used just moments ago to keep you balanced on his lap. “I missed you too”. 
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