#old traditions about kartika purnima
vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
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पर्व: कार्तिक मास की पूर्णिमा 30 को, इसे कहते हैं देव दीपावली और त्रिपुरारी पूर्णिमा, इस दिन कौन-कौन से शुभ काम करें Hindi News Jeevan mantra Dharm The Full Moon Day Of Kartik Month, Kartika Purnima, Dev Diwali And Tripurari Purnima, Old Traditions About Kartika Purnima…
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onlyhindinewstoday · 4 years
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the full moon day of Kartik month, kartika purnima, Dev Diwali and Tripurari Purnima, old traditions about kartika purnima | कार्तिक मास की पूर्णिमा 30 को, इसे कहते हैं देव दीपावली और त्रिपुरारी पूर्णिमा, इस दिन कौन-कौन से शुभ काम करें Hindi News Jeevan mantra Dharm The Full Moon Day Of Kartik Month, Kartika Purnima, Dev Diwali And Tripurari Purnima, Old Traditions About Kartika Purnima…
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पर्व: कार्तिक मास की पूर्णिमा 30 को, इसे कहते हैं देव दीपावली और त्रिपुरारी पूर्णिमा, इस दिन कौन-कौन से शुभ काम करें Hindi News Jeevan mantra Dharm The Full Moon Day Of Kartik Month, Kartika Purnima, Dev Diwali And Tripurari Purnima, Old Traditions About Kartika Purnima…
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kulturarcok · 6 years
India, the multicolored country
ENGLISH ×görgess le a magyar verzióért×
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When we are talking about the different sights of India, Taj Mahal is what comes to everyone’s mind. But this huge country has a very colorful culture, habits, holidays, natural, religious and architectural miracles to dazzle all the visitors.
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Mumbai is the second largest city of India, with a population of 12 million. But this settlement on the coast of the Arabic sea is not only filled with people and noise, but with several sights as well. Just to mention some of them, you can find here the Gateway of India, a Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal railway station, the Elephant Caves, the Elephanta island and the Haji Ali Dargah, and the list goes on with more and more beautiful temples and monuments. The Gateway of India was built to commemorate the landing of King George V and Queen Mary on their visit to India in 1911, nowadays it is the symbole of the city of Mumbai.  The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal is the busiest railway station of India. The station, which was designed according to the concept of Victorian Italianate Gothic Revival architecture, and which was decorated with traditional Indian embellishments, was opened in 1888. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2004, and it is also Mumbai’s symbol.
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Goa is India’s smallest state by area, but despite that, it has just as many things to display as any of the big states. Even though every state has its own curiosities and sights, the people from Goa are totally different from the people living in other parts of India. Mostly its coast and resorts are what attracts the tourists, but if we would want to dive in history, then we must have to go to Old Goa, which is part of the cultural heritage. Here we can see the „remains” of  Portuguese-era monuments, thanks to the Bom Jesus Basilica, the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, and the Se Cathedral – Which is thought to be the biggest church of Asia.
Diwali and holi
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The diwali, which is the festival of lights, is one of the biggest festivals of Hinduism. It is celebrated on the darkest night of the Hindu lunisolar month Kartika – generally falls between mid-October and mid-November, in 2018 it is on the 7th of October). During the celebration, temples, homes, shops and office buoldings are brightly illuminated. Diwali symbolizes the spiritual  victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge overignorance.
India’s other big Hindu – spring – festival, also known as „the festival of colours”. It lats for a night and a day, starting ont he evening of the Purnima (Full Moon day) falling in the month of Phalgun – falls somewhere between the end of Fevruary and the middle of March, in 2019 it is on the 20th and 21st of March. People smear each other with colours and drench each other ont he streets. Water guns and water-filled balloons are also used to play and colour each other. There is also a bonfire where people pray for their internal devil to be destroyed.
MAGYAR India, a sokszínűség országa
Amikor India látványosságai szóba kerülnek, mindenkinek a Tádzs Mahal jut eszébe elsőként. Pedig ez a hatalmas ország rendkívül sokszínű kultúrával, szokásokkal, ünnepekkel, valamint természeti, vallási és építészeti csodákkal kápráztatja el az oda látogatókat.
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Mumbai India második legnépesebb városa, a maga 12 millió fős lakosságával. Ám nem csak emberekben és zsivajban bővelkedik ez az Arab-tenger partján fekvő település, hanem látnivalókban is. Csak, hogy néhányat említsünk, itt található a Gateway of India, a Chatrapati Sívádzsi pályaudvar, az Elephant Caves, az Elephanta island, valamint a Haji Ali Dargah, de a sort még további szemet kápráztató templomok, emlékművek követhetnék. A Gateway of India V. György király és Mary királyné 1911-es Indiába látogatásának emlékére épült meg, s mára már Mumbai jelképévé vált. A Chatrapati Sívádzsi pályaudvar India legnagyobb vasúti forgalmat lebonyolító állomása. Már 1888-ban megnyitotta kapuit ez a viktoriánus kori neogótikus stílusú építészeti remekmű, melyen a hagyományos indiai díszítőelemek is megfigyelhetők. 2004 óta a világörökség része, és szintén Mumbai jelképe.
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India legkisebb állama Goa, ám ennek ellenére legalább annyi érdekességet, látnivalót találunk itt, mint bármelyik nagyobb tartományban. Bár minden államnak rengeteg sajátossága, kuriózuma van, mégis a goaiak teljesen különböznek az India más részein élő emberektől. Egyrészt leginkább tengerpartja, és üdülő központjai miatt érdemes ellátogatni ide, de ha a történelemben is megmártóznánk, akkor mindenképp nézzük meg Ó-Goát, ami a kulturális világörökség része. Itt a portugál építészet maradványait szemlélhetjük meg a Bom Jesus-bazilikának, az Assisi Szent Ferenc-templomnak és kolostornak, valamint a Sé Katedrálisnak – melyet Ázsia legnagyobb templomának tartanak – köszönhetően.
Díváli és holi
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A díváli, azaz a fények ünnepe, a hindu vallás egyik legjelentősebb ünnepe. Ez a hindu holdnaptár kárttika hónapjában – október vagy november – az újhold napjára esik (2018-ban november 7-re esik). Ilyenkor lámpásokat gyújtanak, és az ablakba teszik őket, hogy Laksmi istennő – a gazdagság és a jólét istennője – utat találjon a házhoz. De a díváli nem csak az anyagi jólét ünnepe, hanem a spirituális fényé és felemelkedésé is. Ilyenkor az istennő Mahálaksmi formáját is tisztelik, aki elűzi a tudatlanság sötétségét, és segíti az embereket a megvilágosodás, lelki felemelkedés útján.
India másik nagy hindu – tavaszköszöntő – ünnepe a holi, azaz a színek fesztiválja. Ez a több napos ünnep phálgun hónap teliholdas napjára – február vagy március – esik (2019. március 20. és 21.). Ilyenkor az emberek az utcákon festékporral szórják, illetve színezett vízzel locsolják egymást. Gyakori a máglyarakás is, melynek célja a rossz szellemek elűzése.
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Kumara Purnima is the full-moon day in the month of October-November. It is observed as the birthday of goddess Laxmi, the deity of wealth. The day is also known as Kumara Purnima when young girls in Odisha perform traditional rituals with the belief of getting ideal life partners.Maidens wake up much before sunrise, bathe and get dressed to perform the ‘Janhi Osa’ where they offer to the sun god, palmful of ‘khae’ with ‘janhi’ (striped gourd), cucumber, banana, coconut, gua (betel nut), etc. known as ‘Anjuli’. They also lighten a diya and perform a puja to pay reverence to the Almighty for a suitable bridegroom. The same ritual is performed in the evening, but with ‘Chanda chakata’.Lord Kumar Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati, was very good-looking and the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom of gods. Therefore, maidens celebrate this festival and perform rituals, aspiring for a husband, as handsome as him.The full moon is the centre of attraction in this festival. Girls raise the ‘Chanda chakata’ and pray to the moon. The moon is also synonymous to a handsome husband that the girls are seeking for themselves. Old grannies are of the opinion that a girl has to see the ‘Udila Janha’ (the fresh moon that has just risen on the horizon) for a young and attractive husband; if one takes too long to see the just-risen moon, then an old and senile bridegroom is in their destiny.It is the signature Kumara Purnima game. It is played in a squatting position where one’s weight is shifted and balanced from one leg to another rapidly. In villages, ‘Puchi’ competitions are held in the moonlight. Schools also organise ‘Puchi’ competitions for girls. Games (such as ‘Puchi’, ‘Bohu-Bohuka’, ‘Bisa-Amruta’, etc. are played and songs (like ‘Phula Baula Beni’) are sung in the moonlight.The ‘Chanda chakata’ is a delicacy made up of ‘khaee’, jaggery, banana, coconut, ginger, sugarcane, talasajja, cucumber, ghee, honey and milk is laid out on a ‘kula’ (winnowing fan) in the shape of a half moon and offered to the moon. It is then rolled into fistfuls of balls and partaken of. This tasty delight is also distributed among neighbours.Kumar Utsav is celebrated across Odisha to commemorate Kumara Purnima. Dance and music performances are organised across the state. Odissi recitals, dance performances on popular folk songs (“Kuanra Punei Janha Lo”) and Dasavatara (ten incarnations of Vishnu), Sambalpuri ‘Dalkhai’ dance and tales of this Odia festival are depicted on stage.Lord Jagannath and Krishna are prayed throughout the month of ‘Kartika’ that commences from the day after Kumara Purnima till ‘Rasa’ purnima. A special ‘Habisa dalma’ is prepared using ingredients like moong daal, colocasia, green raw banana, ‘oou’ and ghee, without the usage of turmeric. This dalma is eaten once every day, before dusk and remains a diet staple throughout the month of ‘Kartika’.  The Odisha Sun Times Bureau : 24th. Oct,18
LET US KNOW ABOUT THE TRADITIONAL RITUALS PERFORMED ON KUMAR PURNIMA DAY WHICH IS THE FIRST DAY OF KARTIKA MONTH IN ODISHA : Kumara Purnima is the full-moon day in the month of October-November. It is observed as the birthday of goddess Laxmi, the deity of wealth. 
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