#olivia x gil
vvingcolleen · 11 months
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This picture slays, slays hard. They're disruptors and I love it.
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things i’d have wanted to see in a season 2 of rotpl (fingers crossed it gets picked up by another streaming platform 🤞) (fuck paramount+)
Nancy having to come up with most outrageous excuses to cover for why Cynthia isn’t with the rest of the pinks/tbirds when she’s on dates with Lydia.
one of the songs from grease 2! my choice would be Back To School
Cynthia and Lydia discovering a queer bar
Edward deserves a cute boyfriend in season 2. We deserved more of his and Cynthia’s mlm/wlw solidarity
Jealous Olivia and Gil with them dating other people to piss each other off - I want all the angst and pining + more scenes of him climbing up to her room because that scene was too cute
more of the pinks/tbirds home lives? Potato and his fathers struggle with PTSD? Gil with his sisters? Cynthia’s mother? Stuff like that
The tbirds terrorising Mr Daniels
More petty Ms McGee - she too would make life difficult for Mr Daniels if he was to continue teaching at Rydell
Jane as class president!!!!
Villain buddy? I love the theory that he starts the rival gang to the tbirds as a big “fuck you” to his dad
More wally x hazel!!!! (also what about wally as a tbird???)
THE WHOLE ZUKO PLOT!!! i hope it wasn’t another love triangle for jane
More of the pinks/tbirds racing cars
the pink ladies getting their own car!!!!
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pink-ladies-rule · 1 year
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“Janey I know this is going to sound crazy because we are still so young but will you marry me.”
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hsmtmts-obesssed · 1 year
ok y’all if any of you aren’t watching Grease: The Rise of the Pink Ladies on Paramount+ you are missing out my friend. it’s got bops, babes (on all points on the gender spectrum), and is currently my new hyperfixation/obsession. GO WATCH IT ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIKE HSMTMTS THE VIBES OF THE SHOW ARE JUST IMMACULATE FRENCH KISSES ALL AROUND 
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Pointing Fingers.
Olivia. QUEEEN!
Cynthia warding the cheerleaders off of Olivia in the back.
The T-Birds getting into it. THE BAND! Even the Soc's!
The Pink Ladies and T-Birds dancing on the bleachers together.
Gil grabbing the jackets from the principles.
Shy Guy getting and holding out Cynthia's jacket. Gil putting Olivia's jacket on her. Richie and Jane grabbing her jackets and just THE LOOK they share.
EVeryone and I mean EVERYONE has a different way to flip off the principles. I had to pause to look at them all and I cackled at Potato's.
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queenmoxiety · 1 year
I remember reading a post about how a Jane and Gil friendship would be cool, Which made me think about their similar situations.
Imagine a scene where Gil and Jane find comfort in each other after thinking that they have lost their closest friend and the ones that they were in love with. I would probably cry if I saw that.
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https-hunter · 1 year
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fabiolajyx · 1 year
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tforjatp · 1 year
hey pink ladies lovers! i just wanted to make a quick post to remind everyone that you should 100% cancel your paramount + subscription if you want to help save Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. All paramount cares about is gaining money and the more that we retaliate against them for what they did, the better chance we have at saving the show!
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kitsmuses · 11 months
This is probably gonna be a long shot, but I'm looking to start a Grease: Rise of the pink ladies rpg over on discord . . . or or even someone to write Janey against my Livvy, Lydia against my Cynthia, and/or Livvy against my Gil 🥺🩷
Though I have lately mainly been in my faccivinos element – I have so much hyperfixation and muse on them that i just need to get it all out in writing skskks
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doctor-caparty · 1 year
Okie dokie artichokies now that I’ve had time to think more about the episode and refine my thoughts and not on my half hour lunch break at work let’s do some thinking. Updates are in pink.
There was a lot to process in this episode and I would love conversations and thoughts about it too.
Anyway that was a backslide episode all around and I’m sad for them.
Olivia, Olivia, Olivia… I’m disappointed but not surprised. It seems jealousy and jumping to conclusions is a Valdovinos trait. I don’t want to seem like I’m demonizing her but if I was an adult witnessing all of this first hand I would of told her not to take it out on her girls or make any rash decisions, I understand she’s a teenager and that she herself had an overwhelming two days, what with deciding to let Mr. Predator go, being forced to trust Susan’s word about presenting to the PTA and then the whiplash of Jane hugging Susan like she missed something crucial during drivers Ed, the dance being accepted by the PTA, having a boy she has a “flirtationship”with ask her to said dance, setting up for the dance, then being told that her not meeting mr. Predator made him realize he wants her (typical narcissistic behaviour I might add), being told he’s left his fiancé for her, him kissing her, her rejecting him, then Susan walking in but not saying anything (which is sus to Olivia but we as viewers know she’s trying to be genuine), being excited for her date and the dance, suddenly being barred from said dance and thinking Susan is to blame and all this before there’s the spontaneous sharing circle which admittedly would ruin anyone’s fun. Susan does have some apologizing to do before she makes the progress to do better in good faith but Olivia, she didn’t say anything about Mr predator until you spilled her beans. She got Johnny Vavoom to the Frosty Palace. It’s also not Jane’s fault that Richie and Buddy got into a fight. She decided to go with her girls, which didn’t work for her but she did decide instead of back tracking with either of the boys to just go stag which good on her. Jane even let the boys down gently without lying to either of them. Olivia you could have gone after Gil and cleared things up saying he kissed you and you rejected him. Instead you backslide and go see the predator anyway (I understand Olivia is a child and a victim but I can still be disappointed that the progress she made last episode seems at the moment for nought it just means I’m invested in her story and characterization) I truly think if Olivia would’ve taken a calming breath none of the problems in this episode would have happened.
Cynthia, I am sad for you and your desires in the time you’re in. It looked like Lydia really wanted to go with you and I think you could’ve asked her even under the cover of as friends but I understand you don’t know your feelings fully but yelling at shy guy and insulting him isn’t chill and I hope you can come back from it and be friends.
Nancy and Jane seemed to be the only level headed ones this episode but Jane already had her backslide episode.
I feel I was partially right about Richie and Dot in that he was trying to make her feel better about potato and wasn’t trying to make Jane jealous. Also her poor nose.
I’m kind of glad Richie was the one to tell Jane about the stolen election and not drunk off his ass Buddy. Buddy had multiple chances to come clean but chickened out and even though he said he went to the FP to tell Jane, there was nothing to show that was his intention in the preceding scenes.
I know I’m skipping over a bunch of things that happened but I have no space in my brain for organizing my thoughts and I invite conversations and opinions on the episode so please!
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vvingcolleen · 11 months
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I love this scene because it's as if Potato and Nancy were like since Jane x Richie & Gil x Olivia arent working out right now, we're the current T-Birds/Pink Ladies It couple, so we need to serve hard. And LOOK AT THEM, THEY ARE SERVING.
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Gil and Olivia in episode 10 were just slow-burn excellence - the angst, the miscommunication, the jealousy/pining. The show is totally setting them up for some great potential romantic moments in the future and I love the way the scene between them in her room really sets them up for conflict in a potential second season because it kind of shows a pivotal shift in their relationship as their roles reverse. The tension between them is so palpable in that scene and you kind of see them unconsciously move closer to each other before Olivia pulls away. But her line “I’m getting married” is kind of open for a few interpretations, which is where the roles seems to shift. Olivia seems to say this line almost like she’s reminding herself she’s getting married and so whatever is happening in this moment between them can’t happen, as well as showing how just unsure she is of the marriage because why would she be getting married if she still likes the guy stood in front of her? For Gil it’s like the final nail in the coffin. winning the race means Richie comes back and if Richie is back olivia won’t marry Mr Daniels and then it’s problem solved. But when she reminds him she’s getting married still, he seems to resign himself to the fact that no matter how much he likes her and how messed up the situation is, she’s still choosing someone else over him. Getting Richie back for her was his last throw of the dice and she just shot him down again, and if she’s just not on the same page, why bother getting hurt over and over again? Like Gil, though, Olivia also seems to view the race as their last shot. The fact along that she just shows up to the race to see who wins, to see if Richie is coming back, shows the hope she still holds out and her internal conflict over the marriage. She places all her trust in Gil to win, to bring Richie back so she won’t be alone anymore, and then she won’t have to go through with getting married because she feels it’s her only option. When Susan wins though, her hope is diminished and she basically recoils back into herself, and accepts that this was her fate. I’m looking forward to the development of their relationship in a second season because the fact that their roles have swapped now, where he’s now trying to move on and she’s chasing him sets them up for some great angst and pining. I’m really hoping we get to her fight (not literally fight, but you know what I mean) for him in season two. They both deserve a relationship where they’re equal partners and I’m a sucker for a slow burn ship.
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pink-ladies-rule · 1 year
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cyansadness · 1 year
do you know what i need?
i need rotpl fics about
-jane’s life when she first came to rydell/how she got the nickname brainy janey
-richie and frenchy and their bond
-gil and jane being besties and bonding over their eldest sibling syndrome with potato
-pink ladies sleepovers with hazel
-susan becoming close with the pink ladies
-how and when the t-birds were formed
-the t-birds being protective over the pink ladies
-the t-birds and the pink ladies making mr. daniels life a living hell
-(edited) faccivinos and lynthia double dates after frosty closes
i miss my girls and my boys
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I love these boys. It goes to show that even guys need to have heart to heart, even when they cover it up with bravado.
And God...
Richie and the his declaration just throws them off and how he doesn't try to cover it up... He can't.
And the way they comfort him...
Best. Fucking. Boys!
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