#on Monday I'm going round to a friend's to play stardew valley
la-galaxie-langblr · 10 months
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atwas-gaming · 1 year
30-something Christian gamer girl.  HUGE gaming theorist and analyst.  May also blog about theories related to other media, as well (books, movies, TV).  Eclectic tastes, I never know what I will or won’t like until I get into it.
I'm on Twitch! Stream schedule: M-Th, starts at 4:30p, usually runs 2-4 hours. Yeah, I know, lousy schedule, but it's what fits my life.
Current Twitch schedule:
Monday: Shadow the Hedgehog (and occasional breaks for TOTK)
Tuesday: Backpack Hero
Wednesday: Guardian Tales (with occasional breaks for other games)
Thursday: Pitfall: Doki Doki Literature Club- unspoiled attempt at a good ending
Check out my "game journal" tag to see updates on games as I play them. Many of these games are probably old and their fan bases are mostly dead, but I don't care, I'm having fun XD
Favorite genres: plaftormers, RPG’s, adventure, puzzle, “casual,” and Metroidvania.  And anything with a storyline that appeals to me.  Not too big on most shooters.  I don’t have anything against them, I just suck at shooters.  Solo player, mostly- my brain works like the brain of a cat, i.e., I like to repeat things until I memorize the patterns so I can “git gud,” or at least get better.  As a result, I don’t do so well when playing against the unexpected randomness of human nature. Again, nothing against it, I just suck at it.
Favorite games/franchises: Undertale/Deltarune (I include Undertale Yellow in this list and I will die on that mountain), Sonic, Axiom Verge, Zelda, Metroid (in that order). (Currently super-obsessed with UTY.)
Also Celeste, Stardew Valley, Ori, American McGee's Alice, Dark Souls, Witcher, and a bunch of others.  I’m bad at a lot of them, but I love them, anyway.
I believe that gaming is a sport and game design is art- which means both making and playing games takes skill and talent. I also believe that God is with us all the time, even in video games. So the purpose of this blog is to show all the ways that God reveals Himself in even the games we play.
I also want to encourage Christian gamers not to let other people tell them whether or not to play games, or even which games to play. God calls each of us differently. For instance, I have no interest in GTA, but if God called you to spread His love in the GTA community, go for it. It's between you and God to decide where He wants you to go. Just make sure you stay close to Him along the way.
From time to time, I'll post what I call "praise reports." These are where I brag about an accomplishment in a game- but I call them "praise reports" because I like to think that God plays games with me, and that when I get stuck, He helps me get through it. Sounds strange, I suppose, to say that God helps me with a game... But I figure, if I can trust Him with the big things, like food and money and my job, then why can't I ask Him for help in little things like beating a boss monster? (In fact, sometimes I feel like it's the other way 'round- like His help in beating a boss reminds me that He can and will help when the car breaks down or something.)
I also like to look at everything and compare it to what God says and ask, "Do I see any Biblical parallels in this?" Which leads to me saying things like, "Hylia giving up her divinity to become a human is like what Jesus did when He left heaven to be born in a manger," or "Sonic walking towards his death to take on his friends' corruption on Rhea Island reminds me of how Jesus carried His own cross to take our sins upon Himself." *shrug* Some people think it's weird. A lot of Christians says it's sacrilegious. I feel like it's just God showing Himself to the world in ways that everyday people will understand.
I am starting to use a special tag for these things: #Biblical parallels. I also have other tags for Bible references, Bible verses, etc. And I try to mark things as religious posts if they mention God or the Bible and I don't have another tag to fit them. Because I am a Christian and I do like to talk about God. But I also know that's not everyone's cup of tea.
I have four other blogs:
atwas-meme-ing, mentioned above
the-unrelated-theorist, which is nothing but Undertale/Deltarune theories. If you're into that, plz check it out.
sans-joke-book is for puns and bad jokes.
atwas-creations, which is where I will upload my fanart, fanfics, and fan games (when I finally get around to making them probably 50 years from now, but I'm working on it, anyway).
just-bible-musings, which is where I will post some of my deep thoughts about the Bible.
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