#once ellie is sure danny isn't going to die on her
wolfjackle-creates · 2 months
Bring Me Home Arc 3 Part 5
So it's been about 3 weeks since my promised update. Oops. Main issue was breaking my first bone as I'm sure most of you saw. On my right wrist, of course. And being right handed, meant I could barely type for that first week.
But also this is a transition section of the story. And I was struggling with how to best write said transition. I am finally happy with it, though. To make up for being so late, this is a long one! Hope you enjoy. The total word count for this arc is now up to 9.6k. Do with that as you will.
Story Summary: Jack and Maddie install a new ghost shield on the house which activates the moment Danny tries to step into his home. His secret is out and his parents are determined to excise the ghost from their son.
Luckily Danny isn't alone. The Young Justice, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz aren't going to leave him to suffer.
Arc 1: AO3
Arc 2: AO3; Tumblr - First, Last
Arc 3: First, Previous
Word Count: 3.6k (Told you it was a long one!)
Pain was a constant through the rest of that never-ending drive. Danny would wake screaming from the nightmares only to continue screaming from the pain.
Tim was there every time. His words were soft and soothing, even when Danny couldn’t make out their meaning between the throbbing of his human chest and aching core. Any time he woke, Tim did his best to force ectoplasm and liquid foods down his throat. If Danny couldn’t manage even that much, he was given more of Frostbite’s ice chips.
When they finally, finally stopped for the last time, Danny cried in relief. Kon carried him out of the van, a blanket under him as a makeshift stretcher. TTK meant that he was held perfectly flat even though Kon was only holding one end.
Tim’s worried face peered down at him. “Kon’s going to fly you up, okay? I’ll let you in through the window. I’ve disabled all cameras, so no one will see you.”
Danny think he nodded. He wanted to. He must’ve done something because Tim brushed his fingers across Danny’s forehead, nodded, and disappeared from view. Then Danny was leaving the van. For the first time in Clockwork only knew how long. It was daytime, but the sky was overcast and gray.
When Kon flew with him, it wasn’t the weightlessness of his own flight. Instead, he felt like they were fighting gravity. He hated it.
But it was only the matter of a few moments before they approached an open window and Kon carried him in. He was in too much pain to take in most of the room, but he did see a TV bigger than any he’d seen outside of Sam’s home theater.
Kon didn’t stop, and he was carried into another room—a bedroom As they approached the bed, the sheets folded back on their own. Kon set him down as gently as possible, but pain shot up from his chest at even the slight change of position.
He stopped breathing, even the movements of his lungs were too much. Instead he just let the pain wash over him. Wave after wave of it. Vaguely, he was aware of someone grabbing his hand, of voices above him.
Gloved hands pressed something cold to his lips and Danny gratefully took the ice and the numbing coolness it promised. Not enough for full relief, nothing could give that right now. But by the time it was gone, he could at least think through the pain.
This time when he opened his eyes, he saw Tim’s worried face, Kon standing behind him.
“Back with us?” asked Tim.
Danny grimaced and nodded. He tried a shallow breath. It hurt, but he could somewhat function through it. “Sorry.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to hear apologies from you for at least a month. This isn’t your fault.”
“Sorry,” Danny repeated.
Tim just huffed. “How’s the bed? Do you need anything? Extra pillows?”
Danny bit his lip and let himself feel. The bed was soft. As far from the feel of the exam table as it was possible to be. It was also leagues better than the camping mattress he’d been using in the van. Honestly, it was probably better than his mattress back home. And the pillow was the perfect height for lying on his back. “It’s good.”
The look Tim gave him made Danny think he wasn’t believed, but after a moment Tim just nodded. “If you’re sure. Now, Kon and I are going to have to change your bandages and reapply the necessary creams and poultices. After, I want you to try and eat a little more.”
Danny groaned, already dreading the procedure. But it had to be done. He ignored the tears he couldn’t stop and met Tim’s eyes. “Just do it.”
Kon grimaced. “I’ll make it quick.”
Danny tried to smile back but he knew he failed when neither Kon nor Tim looked any less concerned. “I know. Thanks.”
And it was true. Kon’s TTK made the process so much easier that it would have been otherwise. However, there was no way to make it entirely painless. Especially when removing the final layer. Danny couldn’t keep from crying out as the gauze stuck to his wounds. Finally, his chest was bared to the world. Danny trembled with the pain of it before gathering his courage and looking down.
This was his first time seeing his chest since he’d been pulled out of the lab. The incisions were inflamed and leaking, though they were already scabbing over. Green ectoplasm and red blood mingled in the secretions.
Tim and Kon didn’t wait for him to catalog every mark, however. They quickly passed jars of Frostbite’s concoctions to each other and set to work covering every area of his chest. Cold spread in the wake of their ministrations and Danny nearly wept in relief.
“This is already looking better, Danny,” said Tim.
Danny scoffed, then winced as it pulled at the injuries. He clenched his eyes shut as he reminded his body he didn’t need to breathe.
“He’s right,” said Kon. “I don’t think even I’d be healing this quickly from injuries like yours.”
Danny didn’t say anything as they continued to work. When they were done with the medications, Kon reapplied the bandages. Tim gave him another piece of ice which Danny took with relief.
Danny mumbled a thanks around the ice.
“Anytime,” said Kon. “Mind if I take a picture of you so everyone can see you’re safe in Gotham now? Sam’s been texting me non-stop asking for updates.”
Sam’s concern is what finally allowed Danny to smile for the first time since he’d returned home and his parents had learned his secret. “Pull up the sheet first. And just to her and Tuck and Jazz, please. I don’t want your entire team to see me like this.”
“’Course,” agreed Kon. Without Kon moving at all, the sheet rose up out of the blankets at the base of the bed and covered him up to his neck. Kon then took out his phone and snapped a photo before tapping at the screen.
Immediately it started ringing in his hands.
“Are you up for talking to them?” asked Tim.
Danny shook his head. “Want to, can’t.”
Kon waved him off. “I’ll tell them what’s up. Eat something and get some sleep.” Kon turned away. As he left the room, Danny hear him answer the phone with a, “Hey, babe,” before he shut the door, muffling all noise.
“Yogurt, applesauce, or pudding?” asked Tim once they were alone.
“Do I have to?”
“Yes. And another vial of ectoplasm.”
Danny sighed and asked for the applesauce. He only managed a few bites alternated with sips of ectoplasm before darkness pulled him under once more.
A throbbing pain slowly dragged him out of the blackness. He tried to cling to unconsciousness, but the throbbing was inescapable. With a quiet moan, he blinked awake in a dark room. For once, he was able to think past the pain. It was a constant, throbbing presence, but not as all consuming as it had been.
The mattress he was lying on was soft. So, so different to the hard table that had been his bed for those long hours in the lab. He twisted his head and rotated his jaw, relieved when the action wasn’t hindered by harsh restraints.
He was in Gotham, out of their reach. Tim was here and he was safe.
He was safe from his parents. His parents had— had— Danny’s breath caught and he couldn’t finish the thought. He pulled in a gasping breath. The ball in the back of his throat made it so hard to breathe.
He’d just… never thought they’d actually do it. He’d been so sure that once they realized who he was, they’d hug him and continue to love him. He couldn’t hold back the sob, loud in the silent room. His eyes burned and he didn’t even try to stop the tears.
Next to him, on the floor, blankets rustled and Danny tensed.
“Danny?” asked a sleepy voice from the floor. Tim was here?
“Sorry,” choked out Danny through ragged breaths. He was safe. His parents hated him. Nothing would ever be the same again.
“Don’t be.” The mattress dipped next to him as Tim sat down. “It’d be weird if you didn’t have a few breakdowns.”
“What’s going to happen to them?” Danny tried to wrap his arms around himself, but cried out at even the light pressure on his chest.
Tim pushed aside the thin sheet he’d been covered in and grabbed one of his hands. Danny clung to him until the sharp pain faded. And when it did, his breathing was more normal. His core still ached at the thought of his parents, but the physical pain had helped chase away the panic attack. At least for now.
“What’s going to happen to them?” he asked again; this time his voice was more stable.
“They’ve been picked up by the Justice League. Tucker is helping with getting all their files transferred to document their history. Jazz and Sam have been giving reports on their behavior, lab and home safety measures, and their actions. Others have begun questioning the general public on Amity. There’s currently a few magic users there trying to determine if they can shut down the portal.”
Something in Danny screamed out at the idea of the portal being gone and he tensed. “No! They can’t shut it down! Please, you can’t. It’s— I— you can’t.”
“What? What are you talking about? We have to at least look for a way to shut it down!”
He was crying. Why was he crying. “You can’t,” Danny repeated. “If it’s gone…” he trailed off. Why did he feel so strongly about this? The portal had done nothing but cause him problems since it had turned on. “I died there. I died for it,” he whispered. Something in him knew it was important. His ghost half refused to accept that the portal could just disappear. “If it’s gone, if it can just be turned off, what was it all for?”
And even that wasn’t the full story. The portal was his parents’ life work. It was the thing they spent time working on. It was what stole them away from Danny and Jazz. They missed Jazz’s recitals to work on it. They missed Danny’s science fairs. Every forgotten dinner or event could be tied back to that portal. And if it was gone, what was the point of it all?
Tim sighed and squeezed his hand. “We can’t just leave it open, Danny. It’s not safe.”
“I can design a door. A better one. One that actually works. Just… Leave it. Please. I can make it safe.”
Tim bit his lip and stared at Danny for a minute. “I’ll let them know it’s an option. I don’t know if they’ll go for it. Constantine is not happy with it existing. But I’ll see what I can do.”
Danny’s shoulders slumped in relief. “Thank you.”
Tim gave a half smile. “What are friends for? Now, think you’re up for something to eat? What do you want?”
Danny groaned. “Don’t wanna.”
Tim ruffled his hair. “Sorry, Polaris. Non-negotiable.”
“Chocolate pudding?” asked Danny.
“Sure. We can—”
Before Tim finished, a knock sounded on the door. “Someone ask for chocolate pudding?” called out Kon.
Tim laughed. “Come on in!” Without delay, the door opened and Kon walked in. It shut on its own behind him.
Even Danny couldn’t hold back the smile. He really had some great friends. “Spying on me, are you?” he asked.
“Not my fault you were talking so loud. Woke me up and everything!”
Danny, very maturely, stuck out his tongue. The grief he felt over his parents was hiding, ready to rear up again at any minute, but for now he had two friends with him. He would focus on that.
For the first time, Danny ate the entire pudding container and drank an entire vial of ectoplasm and wasn’t ready to pass out when he was done.
“Can we put on a movie or something? I don’t want to sit in the dark and quiet right now,” said Danny.
“’Course, Polaris,” said Tim. “What do you want to watch?”
“Kon, where’d we leave off in your movie list?” asked Danny.
But Kon held up his hands and shook his head. “I’m definitely going to fall asleep halfway through if we’re watching a movie. Pick whatever you want and don’t bring me into it.”
Danny pouted at him, but didn’t push. Kon hadn’t spent the last however many days sleeping. So he squeezed Tim’s hand and asked, “Then how about we put on some Star Trek? Short episodes and if we fall asleep, we’ve already seen them.”
Tim’s teeth were bright in the dark as he grinned. “I can definitely arrange that. You just lie there and keep looking pretty and I’ll pull it up. TOS or TNG?”
“What the hell does that mean?” asked Kon.
Both Danny and Tim ignored him. “I’m far from pretty,” retorted Danny. At Tim’s look, he rolled his eyes and said, “TOS.”
“Coming right up!”
Mounted to the wall facing the foot of the bed was a TV, smaller than the one in the living room, but still bigger than the one he had in his living room back home. Within minutes the opening, “Space, the final frontier,” rang through the room.
“Sorry, bit loud,” said Tim before adjusting it down a touch.
Danny didn’t bother replying as the episode started. Then Tim handed over a water bottle and settled back on the floor.
“What are you doing down there?” asked Danny.
“Getting comfortable? Where else would I go?”
Danny rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see. “This bed is huge. Sit next to me.”
“Won’t that jostle you?”
“Kon, move me over closer to the edge. Then you and Tim can join me.”
Kon laughed. “I think I’m going to go back to bed. I’m a morning person, unlike you two. But sure, I’ll move you to make room for Tim.”
Danny grit his teeth as Kon put his hands under his shoulders. Then he was wrapped in the strange sensation of TTK and his entire body was picked up and moved closer to the edge of the bed. Even as gentle as he was, pain radiated at the movement.
Danny clenched his eyes shut and stopped breathing until it passed. When it did, he slowly blinked open his eyes until the black spots faded and patted the bed next to him. “Get in, Secrets.”
“Are you sure?”
Danny glared and Tim grinned sheepishly as did as instructed.
But then he still tried to leave too much space. “Get closer.”
Tim grumbled under his breath, but shifted over a few more inches. He was sitting more upright than Danny was, but it was fine. Danny leaned his head against Tim’s side and finally let himself pay attention to the episode.
Next to him, Tim stiffened, but then relaxed and rested a hand on Danny’s head. “I’m glad you’re here, Polaris.”
Danny just hummed and let the show and Tim’s warmth help chase away the panic and grief he could still feel waiting for him.
Within two days, Danny was mostly able to sit upright. Frostbite’s medicines really were miraculous. Though he wished he could go to the Far Frozen and get stuck in a pod unconscious for a few hours and wake up fully healed.
He was video chatting with Ellie on the PDA Tucker had left him, complaining about being confined to bed.
She grimaced in sympathy. “I hate being stuck in one place.”
Danny laughed, then winced. “Trust me, gremlin, we know. You can’t even stay in the same city for more than a week.”
Ellie frowned and looked off to the side.
“What’s wrong?”
“What if—” she cut herself off and bit on her lip. Danny let her collect her thoughts. “I’ve been thinking of joining you. In Gotham.”
“What?” Danny was pretty sure his mouth was hanging open. Ellie had never expressed an interest in coming to stay with him before, instead prioritizing her travels through both Earth and the Realms. “You want to come here?”
She frowned and glared at him. “You told me Superboy is there! And he’s a clone, too. I want to meet him.” Then she looked away. More quietly, she added, “’Sides, who’s gonna be able to keep your ass safe from ghosts if someone decides to attack while you’re injured? You certainly can’t protect yourself right now.”
For the first time since his parents captured him, Danny felt his core trill in happiness. She cared about him. “Of course you can come. I know Kon’s been hoping to meet you one of these days, too.”
She grinned widely at him. “Great.” She spun her PDA around and showed off the aerial view of a city. When she turned it back, she paused on the gargoyle she was sitting next to. “Because I’m already here. How do I find you?”
Danny’s mouth was hanging open again. “You— Ellie!” But he was grinning and holding back laughter, too. “I have no idea. Let me call in Kon and Tim. Maybe one of them can direct you.”
He didn’t even have to call for them before Kon was pushing open his door. “You need us?” he asked.
“Ellie wants to visit. Can one of you tell her how to get here?”
“Sure,” said Tim. “Where is she?”
Danny shrugged and held out the PDA. “Somewhere in the city. But I don’t know where.”
Tim blinked at him for a moment before shrugging and taking the device. “Well that makes it easier.” He looked down at the screen. “Hey, Ellie.”
“Oh my god, you’re Superboy! Huge fan,” she exclaimed. Kon had shoved himself next to Tim so he could see her.
He grinned. “I’m a huge fan of you, too. Sam’s told me some stories.”
“Glad you’re not dead anymore.”
Danny smacked his face when he heard her say that. Tim froze, wearing a fixed smile that Danny could see right through.
“Just tell them where you are,” said Danny as loud as he could.
“I’m getting there!” protested Ellie.
Kon burst out laughing. “I like you, Ellie.”
Danny couldn’t quite make out her reply, but it was enough to get Tim back into the conversation. “Turn invisible and fly down to the street. Show me the nearest street sign, okay? And then I’ll help you get here.”
“Or I could just fly out and meet her and bring her myself,” offered Kon.
“Yes!” cried Ellie. “That!”
Tim shrugged. “Just show us the nearest street sign, okay? I’ll figure out a good landmark for Kon to meet you at.”
Danny let his mind drift as they discussed potential meeting spots. Not even ten minutes later, Kon left.
Tim ran his hands through his hair and returned the PDA to Danny. “They should be back within twenty minutes. Anything we should get ready for Ellie?”
Danny shrugged. “No idea when the last time she ate would’ve been. Couldn’t hurt to have something ready.”
“Fine. I’ll blend you a smoothie and put a pizza in the oven. And set up the couch for her to sleep on.”
“Thanks, Secrets.”
“’Course, Polaris. Need anything before I go?”
Danny waved him off. “I’m good.”
Once he was alone, he pulled up the group chat with Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
Danny: Ellie’s come to gotham Jazz: Oh good! She arrived. How’s she doing? Danny: You knew she was on her way? And didn’t tell me Danny: Betrayal! Danny: She and Kon haven’t made it to the apartment yet. He just left to find her Sam: Oh good. Have Ellie talk to him about the benefits of stealing child support from an unethical creator Tucker: I’m sure both Tim and I will be *thrilled* to help him out Danny: He’s not stealing his child support? Sam: Nope. He’s an idiot about it. Danny: We gotta fix that Jazz: Tell us when she’s there! Jazz: Have Tim or Kon send a picture of the two of you Danny: Really? I’m still bed bound! Jazz: Picture. Jazz: It’s an order.
Danny groaned, but he was grinning through it. His friends were the best. He closed out of the chat and pulled up a game to kill time until Ellie got there.
He only made it through a level and a half before he heard a squealed, “Danny!” and running footsteps.
Ellie came to an abrupt stop at the side of his bed. Her hoodie had a few new patches since the last time he saw her, and she was frowning as she looked him over. “Are you really going to be okay?”
Danny held out an arm. “Come here, gremlin.”
She hesitated, but when he didn’t say anything else, she climbed into bed with him and Danny wrapped his arm around her in a gentle hug. He wished he could hug her tighter, but this would have to do.
“I’ll recover. Promise. I’m already doing better.”
“This is you doing better?” sniffed Ellie.
Danny winced. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. “I know. It’s a lot. Feels like a lot to me, too. But I’m okay. Or I will be.”
She sniffed and turned her face into his shoulder. Her voice was so soft he could barely hear it. “I can’t lose any more brothers.”
Danny’s eyes burned at that and he patted her shoulder. “I’m safe now. I promise. You’re not gonna lose me.” He wiped away his own tears as she shook under his arm. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and wished things had been different in so many ways.
A wild Danielle appeared! I've been waiting to introduce her. Next big introduction will be some of Tim's siblings.
Honestly, there's a few things I was excited about introducing this segment! Can you guess the other big reveal I've been sitting on?
I'm going to wait to write any more of Arc 3 until I get all of Arc 2 on AO3. I've ended up rewriting more than I planned on, so editing is taking longer than I expected. Also the wrist. That hindered things a bit, too.
If you want notifications when I update, please check out my Subscription Post.
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klaussicarus · 4 years
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Day Seventeen: Childhood
"God, cursed Matroshka dolls, never thought that'd be a thing." Maddy sighed as she looked at the Motroshka doll in her hand. It was well made, and even had reall hair on it, problem was that it was her hair, and it was a perfect replica of her. Jack and Vlad had replicas too. Vlad had thrown a fit when he had noticed the tiny acne on it, but they were generally wary of it. Vlad's weird maybe-uncle-mentor-evil-archnemisis Daniel had given it to them. Apparently Clockwork needed a messenger. And after the whole CAT's timeline, with seeing Vladimir wreck the human world, they could bet that it related to some sort of failed timeline.
"Well staring at it isn't going to do anything. We'll have to open them sooner or later, and who knows if it's a treat?" Jack sighs as Maddy shoots him a look. "I'm just saying, no use in waiting for something to happen."
Vlad sighs, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Well, Maddy, do you want to go first?" Maddy sighs and twists open the body. Inside there was a teal colored something, with little orange goggles. A painted on red smile glints up at her. "Well that's not very informativ-"
A crackling image projects from the center of the smaller doll. It's an older Maddy, dressed up in a teal hazmat suit and grinning, a gun set on her hip. "Oh ew, that's just bad fashion. Why would I wear that?"
Vlad nudges Jack. "I don't know, but maybe opening all three will let us know?" Jack gets the memo and pops his open. The doll looks larger than Maddy's, orange instead of teal though. The projection shows a wall of a man in an orange jumpsuit and graying temples, he was grinning, but his seemed less malicious than Maddy's. Both of them started flickering, closer to unlocking the scene. Vlad opens his. It's pale and has completely white hairs, frowning and suited. The first thing that pops out of Vlad's mouth is "Why am I white?" Jack chuckles. But his doll wasn't projecting.
Jack leans over his shoulder. "There's another little seam in your doll. Maybe for your ghost form V-man?" Vlad looks down. "Oh" Popping that open is a white clothed ghost with green skin and black hair spiked into horns. Almost immediately it pops up another image. This one of Vlad in ghost form, decidedly with more Daniel energy than they liked. But the scene still seemed glitchy. They were missing something.
"You are missing something" Giving the trio a collective heart attack, Daniel steps in front of them in Ghost form. His solid green eyes staring at them judgingly.
He opened his hands, there was two versions just like Vlad. But instead they seemed like younger versions of himself? The ghost one looked much more monochromatic and very little green. The young one had solid black hair instead of his normal salt and pepper gray hair and scruffy goatee. Immediately it linked, showing a Daniel around their age as a ghost. The scene starts up.
"Would you look at the state of the town! It's in ruins! And all because of pesky little Phantom." Not Vlad hisses at Not Daniel. He rakes his red eyes over the landscape. Not Maddy scowls at him, but nods, N.Jack doing the same thing. "I dont like you Plasmius, but, you've offered me and Mads the opportunity to finally catch this pest once and for all." N.Maddy jerkily agrees, "Yes, we've been meaning to finally strap the malfunctive ghost down and dissect his every cell for a while now, I guess teaming up with disgusting trash is necessary after all."
N.Daniel, or rather Phantom, takes a step back. "Hey, we're probably going to not do that. I prefer all my organs inside me, thank you very much." He trips and and there's a call off scene. Phantom's eyes widen. "Guys no! Stay back!"
Another trio makes it onscreen. Weirdly enough it looks like younger versions of the school counselor, Miss Jazz, and Vlad's parents, Mr. Tucker And Mrs. Sam. They run over to Phantom. N.Maddy looks surprised. Miss Jazz shouts at the adults. "Stop! Can't you see that Phantom has been trying to prevent the damages? You're only making it worse Mom!"
Real Maddy gasps, "I'm mom to our school counselor?" Everyone looks back at the scene.
"No! Can't you see? Can't you realize that you're too young to understand? I love you Jazz, I have to, you're my daughter after all. But you have forgotten that me and your mother know what's best!" N.Jack yells back
More looks are exchanged between the the real trio. Maddy and Jack were together and the school counselor was their kid? The situation onscreen was worsening.
Mr. Tucker and Ms. Sam seemed to be pulling Phantom away discreetly. Phantom was bleeding green ectoplasm too fast to be healthy. Dubbed Plasmius teleported to in front of them. Ms. Samantha screamed at him "Why are you doing this! He's a kid! You know what will happen if they get ahold of him as he is now! They can't know yet! They'll go after you next!"
Everyone gulped, it was terrifying to see the raw terror at the thought of Not Maddy and Jack getting Phantom, why were they so violent towards the ghosts? Why were they trying to murder and dissect Phantom? Why was Vlad evil?
Plasmius seems to barely pause, a glint of fear in his eyes too. "Well, I've seen the error of my ways Samantha. I can't be so close to a ghost hunter, even if I were to marry Maddy, she would find out sooner or later, and nothing would stop her from ripping me to shreds. You, Tucker, and Danny know how much his mother is passionate about this sort of thing. And every plot I've tried to kill Jack with for making me this way has failed spectacularly. After all he is just a bumbling fool of a moron, not worth my time."
Jack winces. He knows that it isn't his Vlad saying it, but it hurt all the same. He was always afraid of being the annoying third wheel, and it hurt to have anything come close to confirming that.
Plasmius continues. "And well, I'm dearly sorry for your budding romance, but what better way to tear the family that's been a thorn in my side for years apart than have those two rip apart their own son in front of an adoring public?"
Well that was another wrench. "Your weird uncle is our son!?" Maddy looked overwhelmed, and looking around so did everyone else. Daniel seemed strangely unsurprised but still shocked, like he had come to make connections beforehand but that were still not enough to cover close to even half of what they had seen on screen. Maybe he had. Maybe he hadn't.
Jack was out of his depth and looked ready to cry and scream at the same time, and Vlad watched with a look of hatred for the cowardly version of himself before confusedly remapping this reality to his in a dogged attempt to figure out why Clockwork was showing them this.
Oddly enough, yesterday had a similar but vastly different event that had happened too. But Vlad's parents had just wanted to kill his alter ego off, no research based off of it, and Daniel had tagged along to generally cause problems for both sides, tripping Ellie in the same breath as flicking one of Ms. Samantha's attacks off course in a weird balance of making sure Vlad didn't die but also wasn't getting along too 'easy'.
The scene projecting in front of them died out after Phantom escaped and Plasmius turns sides, damaging a lot of hunting equipment and smashing a soup thermos before turning invisible and flying off.
And they all look up as another scene replaces it. The same room they were in, the boiler under the school. With their role replacements in the same positions, looking at them in surprise and wariness. Phantom, now as a human, nudges younger Mr. Foley at the same time Vlad nudges Jack beside them. The projection was no longer a screen, but a direct mirror. Maddy gasps, and her and teenager Ms. Manson says at the same time. "It's literally them, there's a bridge, Clockwork just opened a bridge."
They split from the same actions when Plasmius, also in human form, steps forward and holds his hand out to Daniel, "Well, I suppose you're the closest to another adult here." Daniel shifts into his normal self, dusting off his travel worn clothes, and spits onto his palm, slapping his hand to his. "And you'd be the closest to a man your world has to offer huh?"
Young Danny snorts, and the other trio starts laughing, before Jack catches the giggles and suddenly all of the teenagers are on the floor, laughing at the absolute absurdity of it all.
The two men sneer at each other, Plasmius pulls his hand away in disgust,
"What're you? An uncivilized mutt?"
"Oh, don't worry I'm house trained. More than I can see from you Cuckoo."
"I see the 'crazy' nickname theme has stayed the same" Plasmius sighs.
"I was referring to you being a cuc-"
"I prefer being called a dog than a little badger if you want my honest opinion!" Young Danny pipes up, ready to stop his older self from finishing his sentence.
Daniel smirks at Plasmius. Already there was animosity breeding.
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