#one has figured out their situation. A war lost in one dimension won in the other tipped him off.
blue-eli · 2 years
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Ink October day fourteen: Repulse
To drive back; repel.
To rebuff or reject with rudeness, coldness, or denial.
To cause repugnance or distaste in.
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If Fates' child mechanics could be improved, story wise, what would you do? Because I do genuinely love the kids as characters but they were done DIRTY by the excuse plot and reasons for them to be there.
That reminds me of something else I’ve meant to say about how the Fates child mechanics really really doesn’t work. Actually several things, one big one and a bunch of other little ones.
It’s obvious that the thought process was “well, people liked Awakening and Awakening had XYZ, so let’s add it in again!” without taking into account that Awakening built its story around time travel. Even if you didn’t get any S-supports, Lucina is still there. It’s a major plot point. Grima is still there, also having time-traveled. You can’t separate the time travel from the main plot, so from there it’s natural that Lucina would have some friends who came back with her, and thus you get the kids.
We’ve discussed how Fates’ baby dimension is silly. Yeah hang on let’s all just have kids during a war and throw them into an Outrealm pocket dimension where they’ll grow up real quick and we can have more soldiers for our army. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody’s around to hear it - if a situation so fantastical happens that it couldn’t have been written about in any human rights documentation, is it still a war crime? Several other issues I have with it before I get into the big one I wanted to talk about:
Even if we presume that the ladies are spending the duration of their pregnancy also in a pocket dimension where time passes differently in relation to the outside world, that’s still the equivalent of nine months that they are experiencing. That’s (equivalent to) several months that they’re not going to be able to train when the pregnancy is far along or when they’re recovering. Even if it seems like just a few days passed outside, they’re physically going to be lagging behind where they were when they entered the outrealm. 
Azura and fCorrin would do that twice.
After they yeet the first of their female friends into a pocket dimension off the astral plane so that she can time-lapse her pregnancy, you would think that someone in the army would figure out some sort of birth control spell/concoction/herb/something so that they don’t have to worry about this again. That’s just good common sense, something we know Corrin lacks, but somebody else surely would suggest it. I feel like Camilla would have that under control - not to insinuate like that she’s a slut or something, but I mean that her older sister vibes tell me that she has the knowledge and supplies to dump on her three younger siblings to inform them how to have relationships safely without fear of unwanted children “and if anyone tries to pressure you otherwise, tell me and I’ll cut their head off” ;3c. She’s like that, I think.
And then the other big and uncomfortable problem with this setup is: some of the character ages.
Like, in Awakening, you’ve got Donnel, Ricken, and Lissa who seem the youngest. Depending on Robin’s gender and how the pairings fall, I think you could end up with two unmarried guys, so you could just have Donnel and Ricken not have children, but if you want to get every character you’ve got to have Lissa get married. I put her at 16/18 during the two parts of the game. Not a great age to have a kid at - but the thing about Awakening’s time travel is that she’s not having a kid at that age. Owain’s from the future, and the only child born during the events of the game is Lucina. It still felt a little weird to see those younger ones getting married, Lissa might be getting a ring now from someone just as young as she is (in the middle of a war) but kids are still years off. That...somewhat lessens the discomfort.
And then. sigh. then there’s Fates. Where no pocket dimensions and strange flow-of-time can get around the fact of character ages, because their children might be growing up fast but they are not from the future. Those kids are born during the course of the game. And like! Elise and Sakura! They’re my baby sisters! I don’t want my baby sisters to be teen moms during a war! That’s just weird and gross and uncomfortable! They’re my baby sisters. I want to find my siblings good partners but I’m not going to matchmake for my baby sisters if that’s the result.
So looping all the way back around to your question - I have no idea, honestly. Anything except time travel/coming from an entirely alternate timeline in the future has all of the above problems baked in, and then future-kids is just an Awakening rehash. Like I was about to suggest that it’d be interesting if for Birthright/Conquest, the kids came from an alternate timeline of the other path, where their side lost the war, but firstly that’s just Awakening rehashed again, secondly Corrin spares as many people as possible so we don’t have dead parents, and honestly it’s not even a dark dire future in Awakening. Like for Nohr in Birthright, Leo gets crowned king of Nohr, his kid is going to have no drive to come back and change the past because it’s fine, there’s holes in the family where Aunt Elise and Uncle Xander are missing, but this is not dire enough to need to find a way to change fate. And thirdly, for the few characters who do die - since we’re using Birthright as the example, Elise and Xander - that would mean that their kids were born before the end of the route, which runs into that same Elise problem! If you wanted “the kids as refugees from a dire timeline” it’d have to be one where Garon won and then again, just play Awakening for that plot. 
Conceptually I think it’s interesting to draw the kids in from a different timeline where Corrin made the other choice - “Roddy what about Revelation?” I don’t fucking know man - and see how they react to Corrin being on that side, fighting for their country, with their parents, but... then that runs into the problem of spoiling the other route. Like if you played Conquest first and Xander’s kid says he died before they were born, well, that’s awkward. And again, Elise - in Conquest you could pair her with like, Kaze, who was with Corrin the whole time, always on Corrin’s side no matter what, and then that creates a plot hole of it having been literally impossible for that kid to have come from a Birthright-esque timeline because they couldn’t have existed then because Kaze could’ve even died before Corrin reunites with Elise. No, that concept can’t work. Too much potential for plot holes and stretching too weirdly to try and cover it.
I don’t know. I don’t know if you can fix it without becoming an Awakening rehash or turning Fates into something entirely different...which, it’s Fates. Might not be a bad thing to do that.
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Gravity Falls S02E18 - Weirdmageddon Part I
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I really like that name for the end of the world. I'm not sure what to expect from this one since this is literally new territory for everyone. My one hope is that Mabel gets forgiven easily but there has to be some drama, either for the twins or the Stans (since that relationship really needs some mending, and the end of the world seems to be a good place for that kind of thing.) I think that's all so let's do this!
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If this is the first shot of the episode, things are going to get _weird_.
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Wait. Wait. What.
Okay, had to go back and check Bill's summoning circle.
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I completely forgot about this but I guess he needs all the symbols for something beyond summoning everything weird into this dimension? But why? Uhm.
Anyway, back in Dreamscaperers I wrote:
Glasses = The ones Stan found in the room with the magic carpet? Question Mark = Soos Ice - Fish with food? > Pine = Dipper Star with an eye  Hand = Whoever wrote the journals considering the symbol on their covers? Llama/Alpaca? Shooting star = Mabel Heart with stitches
Fish with food ended up being Stan's fez. I _think_ Heart with Stitches could be Robbie. Hand is obviously Ford. I'm still not sure about Glasses (they really look like Stan's glasses but... how would that work?) and Star (maaaaybe Gideon? The star appears in the ending cypher in S02E14.) The alpaca/llama and the ice are a complete mystery. Considering everyone of importance is in there already, maybe Wendy is one of those two?
Symbols aside, does this mean that Mabel is going to be missing until who knows when? That's a bit disappointing.
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Imagine being able to choose any physical form at all and choosing to keep being a dorito.
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Before I paused I was convinced this guy was some weird Nigel Thornberry cameo.
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So, Bill has 10 friends, which is exactly the number of symbols in the summoning circle. Huh. Interesting.
Maybe it means nothing but their appearance feels so sudden that I feel they have to be important somehow.
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Immersion ruined, the Northwests would never lower themselves and go "downtown"
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What a trianglist, she had no problems with Mabel.
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I imagine Wendy can't wait to go to college a thousand miles away from her family.
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Death, Famine, War, Conquest and Capitalism.
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That's horrifying. But he's a dick. What a moral dilemma. Nah, he really deserves it.
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Why steal Durland? Huh. Maybe he's also one of the symbols? Or Bill is just being Bill.
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Oh, oh, I know what they do!
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What an intro, I'm 100% sold.
What can our protagonists do? I guess Ford has a plan, maybe the symbols are for unsummoning Bill and that's why he's collecting them so they can't do whatever ritual they need to do. Maybe Ford and Stan will be in a similar situation that made them fight 30 years ago, but this time they actually communicate and win? Mabel is out so I hope they rescue her (or she rescues herself) before too much plot happens.
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I _love_ how much of an effect the changed OP had on me.
After watching 37 episodes with the same opening song any changes are immediately noticeable and it feels _wrong_. What a great way to show how everything is changing for the worse thanks to Bill.
It does make me wonder how Gravity Falls is going to recover though. It looks _bad_, bad enough that in any other show I wouldn't be surprised by a time-machine or a literal genie undoing everything bad that happened. I doubt that'll happen here, since the town itself is so used to the "weird" but if someone dies all bets are off.
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YESSSS, Dipper doesn't blame her! I'm sure there'll be some self-blame later on but I'm so glad his first reaction was to be worried.
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Why is Soos unaffected? Is it related to his presence in the summoning circle? Looking for unaltered people may be a good way to find who are the missing symbols.
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Soos deserved more episodes, what a hero
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Has there been any positive romantic relationship in Gravity Falls?
Wendy and Dipper was an unrequited mess, Mabel and all her crushes were all disasters of some kind or another, the less said about Wendy and Robbie the better, and Tambry and Robbie is the result of the twins messing with their minds without their consent. Oh, and Gideon and his murderous crush on Mabel.
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I love that tiny shiny dodrio.
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I didn't need to know that Bill's hat was meat and bones.
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What? No! Warnings later, explanations how to defeat a demon now!
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This is the first time he calls Dipper by his symbol, right? He also called Ford "six fingers." The writers really wanted everyone on the same page here about making the relation between the symbols and the characters.
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...I refuse to believe that the eye piece meant nothing with how much it has been shown!
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Weirdmageddon sounds much better.
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Wow. He has been wandering around for three days, probably having to scavenge for food and water. These kids are really going to need a therapist after summer break is over.
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For some reason I find that guy more disturbing that most of the weirdness in this episode so far. He just sounds very predator-y.
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...oh Dipper, those nachos are three days old at best. So young, so ignorant of the consequences of gastroenteritis.
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...of course. I'm glad she's okay. She's been shown as a very badass so it would have been a shame if she was down without a fight.
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But, but, rabies.
Can't wait for the weirdmaggeddon to be over and then immediately after everyone dying of infectious diseases.
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So, how many post-weirdmageddon dipper/wendy fics did this scene inspire?
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Robbie is conspicuously missing from that list
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nevermind. Would have been an amazing selfie though, can't fault him for that
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Aw. This got me a bit teary-eyed. They really can do anything if they are together.
Shame about Mabel being inside Bill's floating lair completely out of their reach.
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What a raw deal, last game I played with twins on it they l– actually, never mind, spoilers. But it was really cool, believe me.
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It looks like the mission briefing for a stealth game so, in my case, I'd try to avoid the lights, fail miserably a thousand times and then rage quit. Hopefully Dipper is better at stealth.
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Making the world weird?
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Wouldn't they know what's going to happen? Since there seems to be only one timeline? Actually, nevermind, I'm too sober to analyze the time travel mechanics of gravity falls.
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Time Baby was the most powerful entity in the show so far! Stakes have been raised.
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RIP Bodacious T, we never go to know you.
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Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015
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Two months being a villain and he still hasn't learned to avoid monologuing.
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Don't worry, Gideon. It took Steven Universe 6 years to grow a neck, you'll get one someday.
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Huh. So Bill manipulated him by using his obsession for Mabel. That's a nice way to explain why it came back after so many episodes without mentioning it too much.
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She's a genuine action movie heroine trapped in a cartoon
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I have no idea how Wendy manages to get more and more badass this season.
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Right!? Right!? Wow.
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Holy shit, this really is Fury Road.
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that's deep, man
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Ah, that explains it. Nothing more dangerous than a philosophy major.
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Hatoful Boyfriend, 2014
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My mind is exploding right now. I wasn't ready for anime Dipper and Wendy. What are the monkey and kid in the backseat referencing?
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Lady Gag– nah, I refuse to use the same joke three times in the same liveblog.
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* screams in terror too *
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What a shame that we couldn't see the birth of the legend of Soos.
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I can't believe Dipper is using the "Power of Understanding" to talk Gideon down.
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This is really good. I almost want to joke and say "but it wasn't worth the Wendy/Dipper episodes" but it actually does make them work in retrospect. It's probably the largest source of character growth for Dipper during the show and here's the payoff.
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I mean, yes.
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well, that's nice.
I wasn't sure what to expect from this "Part 1", I thought it was going to be mostly setup. And it had a bit of that, just to show how screwed Gravity Falls (the town) is, but after that it was all action and it was all good.
I think getting Ford out of the way early was a good idea, it removes the possibility of a quick solution. Now Dipper has to figure things on his own. He still needed Wendy to remind him of what he and Mabel are capable of but that's a friend offering help, not "the mentor" giving him the answer to the problem. On the other hand, while Stan hasn't appeared after the goat, he hasn't been captured yet (he's important enough to deserve an on-screen capture, unless it's going to be revealed as a demoralizing surprise?) so I think he'll appear soon since he's just a guy, without any special knowledge about Bill.
Soos really deserves his own show. "The Legend of Soos" Or give Wendy her own show with Soos as the mysterious stranger that appears from time to time to help. Because wow, Wendy is lost in this show, she should be the protagonist of something.
But the star of the show was Dipper talking Gideon down. I _really_ didn't expect that. This is not a show where the protagonists defeat their villains by talking to them (with some exceptions) so I thought they'd defeat him in some other, more violent, way. And the way he uses the "Power of Understanding" to do it (go read Scott Pilgrim)! While Dipper never got to that extreme, he "gets" it and that's just * chef kiss *
I can't wait for the next episode, especially because this one ended in a cliffhanger, so until next time!
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rarestereocats · 6 years
recap of thursday’s session of the crusades campaign!
Our desert adventure continues with us learning of a small village a little ways out from the city celebrating a Festival of Whispers.  It's a celebration of the solstice as well as the old gods,  so with the suggestion of a little sight-seeing,  we decide to go check it out.  On the way,  Elathera has a thanks me for helping her start to overcome her fear of heights and asks if I have a fear like that.  I tell her about how scared of fire I am,  so she tells me to close my eyes,  which is incredibly concerning to hear when it comes to conversations about overcoming fears via exposure;  but she is my friend and I trust her not to immediately thrust me into some flames for good measure.  She casts a contingency spell on me to aid with said fear,  but doesn't say anything even when I open my eyes and ask about.  She mentions something about a pretty nasty sandstorm rolling in,  but she took care of it before it hit us and I don't know enough about magic or weather to dispute that.
So after being proud of my friend from totally stopping us from sudden death (really,  it'd be a mild inconvenience to us with how powerful we are),  we roll up into this small village and immediately throw ourselves into the festivities.  We get some delicious treats,  play some games,  and me and Elathera manage to get lost in a labyrinth built for children for three hours. Being that we're both the least intelligent members of this group and considering our history of going off on our own,  is anyone surprised?  Even still,  while the others are wandering around the village and gathering information,  we try and convince them later that we were absolutely doing the same and totally didn't almost get trapped in aforementioned labyrinth.  There was a ghostly illusion inside that warned us we wouldn't get out and dear fucking gods,  she was almost right.
The festivities continue with some snowberry juice,  fireworks,  and the village elder telling us an intriguing tale around the campfire.  He pulls out a stony mask and passes it around as he tells us the tale of it and the being it once belonged to,  Lochoria.  Elathera detects that there's powerful magic tied to it and as the elder recounts a tale of the goddess,  Bibiana,  creating a pocket of timelessness and peace within the material plane,  we're all thinking of finding this place ourselves.  But as the legend states,  the mask was either cast out or stolen away,  forever cursing that pocket dimension and now the once beautiful paradise lies in ruins.  Allegedly returning the mask to that land would revive it,  so after the story is over,  Industria convinces the elder to let us borrow the mask in an effort to find out where this hidden city lies.
Everybody else heads back to the carriage to inspect the mask and perform a ritual on it to gather information,  but me and Lucky decide to go wandering.  True to the festival's name,  I'm treated to some seemingly ominous whispering in my ear;  "The time for revelation is nigh.  Only those who dwell in the shadows may see the unseen.  That which holds the most truth is always spoken with a stony face.  If you will not,  it will wear you.".  Cryptic as shit and the minute I tell Lucky,  they look a little alarmed and suggest we head back to the others.  Meanwhile,  Elathera and Industria are trying to figure out how to get even more information on this thing and figure we should go visit an old ally we haven't seen since our early days in the war.  The Xanter.  We decide to rest up for the night and everybody is plagued by whispers or strange,  unsettling dreams that all seem to tie back to the mask.
Come morning,  we teleport back to familiar enough territory and the Xanter kicks everything off by warning us never to step foot into the Feywild again as people there are less than pleased with us cuz of our previous visit long ago.  The minute we pull the mask out,  the Xanter is surprised and asks how we got it,  stating that the mask belongs to Iolond,  a god associated with fey.  If we bring this mask and return it to the Feywild,  it would help us get back in good graces with them,  but we're still adamant on returning it to the lost city.  After he takes a look at it and deems it to be without a curse,  we of course,  start to play around with it.  Industria puts it on first,  helping us realize the mask makes somebody pretty much non-existent to everyone.  With her permission,  I slap the mask on next and I'm treated to the sight of a mostly featureless being with a charming smile standing before me.  It presses a finger to its lips and then fades from existence.
Clearly startled by this,  I quickly take it off and hand it to Elathera and tell her to tell me if she sees anything out of the ordinary.  She picks up on a trace of magic left behind by the being and traces where it teleported to.  The being bounced into the land of the gods,  Atmeos,  before leaving that void again.  She suggests teleporting in there to find it,  but Industria warns that we can't travel freely into there without the risk of dying on the spot.  So I reluctantly put the mask back on and call out to the being,  surprised when it actually shows back up.  It tells me I'm the one in the shadows and tells me to seek out what can't be found by its kind and with that,  disappears again.  We manage to piece together that I spoke to Iolond itself and it's clear it wants us to find this lost city.  The Xanter points us in the right direction and off we go.
With the mask guiding me along and Elathera guiding the others as she's the only one who can see me when it's on,  we find a portal once we teleport back into the desert.  The mask is the key to activating it,  so I peek inside,  realizing the portal immediately goes into a 500 foot drop to the ruins below.  I try to warn everyone,  but Elathera steps through without waiting,  nearly falling to her death.  With everyone else getting down safely,  that leaves me and Jordeira.  I don't like the thought of having to sit so close to him on the flying carpet so with no witnesses,  I head into the portal on the carpet without him,  leaving him no choice but to take the fall...literally.  He hits the ground hard enough to detach his own arm,  making Elathera flip the fuck out and Industria race to fix it,  but before she can;  he's angrily throwing it my way.  After the little spat and my innocence maintained cuz nobody can prove I did anything wrong,  he stitches it back on and we make our way into the city.
With the mask,  I can see it's crawling with ghosts and I hate every minute of this.  Industria can also see all the ghosts and I watch in horror as one latches onto her and shoves her soul from her body,  taking it for themselves.  With new life,  it's panicking,  but also eager to get food before bursting into tears and Elathera's not sure what's going on;  so she tells the others they should leave right away.  They all take off back towards the portal and I stay behind with Industria's spirit,  who calls out to the others to tell them what happened.  As they all tackle that issue,  more and more ghosts are surrounding me and in a fit of panic,  I take off as I don't wanna be the next victim of body snatching and hide out in a relatively ghost free house.  Once the others find me,  we decide to skip on trying to help these damned souls and head straight for the castle...which surprise!  Has more ghosts.
Once inside though,  we decide not to explore the castle to the fullest and with a clairvoyance bead I won from the three hour labyrinth excursion the day before,  a magic thread leads us to the previous owner of the mask.  We find Lochoria,  barely holding on and she invites us inside her room to share the truth of the situation.  She is the daughter of Bibiana and Iolond,  after the trickster god took the form of Altamere to get with her.  Bibiana was angry and embarrassed that she was tricked and hid this from the other gods,  locking Lochoria away in a pocket dimension,  handing her Iolond's mask which would keep her perfectly hidden from anyone.  But with Lochoria technically being a goddess,  she needed followers in order to survive.  With her power waning,  she cast the mask out in the hopes it would drag more people her way,  but in the end;  all it did was destroy the city around her and curse its inhabitants.
She doesn't want to be trapped her any longer,  so after some deliberating,  we decide we'll free her.  But walking an unknown goddess out onto the material plane could cause a war of massive proportions,  so in a startling twist,  we approach this situation cautiously.  Me and Industria head back up to Heaven to ask for Sabella's permission to turn Lochoria loose and it turns out that even she didn't know about her.  She seems shocked,  but asks us to bring the girl to her,  so with Tacitus in tow,  we head back to the city to pick her up.  Before we slip back inside,  I have a brief conversation with Iolond to make sure that this is what it wanted us to find and do.  With its reassurance that we're doing exactly as it wants,  we grab Lochoria and the rest of our group and head back up to Heaven to rest.
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This Week in Gundam Wing: November 19th - 25th
Greetings Fandom!
Tons of great stuff for you to check out this week, make sure you leave the creators some love!
AO3 DID act up some this week when I was working on the update, so please don’t hesitate to speak up if something is missing!  I’m more than happy to revise the list, and I promise it wasn’t intentional!
Don’t forget to submit or tag us in all your neat stuff guys!  It really helps compile the update every week!
Keep up the great work!
-Mod CB
Below the cut!
(please take note of any warnings within the fics themselves, do not rely on this list as exhaustive)
@amberlyinviolet​, @yourbloodlikewine​
In This Light, Chapter 10
Duo x OC, Trowa x OC, Solo x OC. AU, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder
Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life.Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
Magic, Mortals, and Gundam Gods, Chapter 3
Pairings to be decided
Magic, Gods, Poachers, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe- Gundam Wing, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Alternate Universe- Avatars
In the legends of the Five Gods, it is said that the second God, Deathscythe, was very protective of the other four and would do anything to keep them alive. He would fight entire wars, taking hit after hit until he couldn’t anymore, until he used every drop of magic that he had to keep them safe. He would fade away and the others would follow. Their magic would then find its way to those it deemed worthy and the cycle would start again. And now… The Five Gods have been reborn into a world full of magic and war.
Unnatural November submission
Odin Lowe Junior
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, challenge story
The boy who would've been called Heero Yuy is found by OZ. How will he move forward in such an enviroment? You decide. Challenge story.
Unnatural November submission, ghost story, gift fic for @thelaughingstar​
Everyone knows about Duo's ghosts. He collects them. But when he collects them, they feel lighter somehow.Some ghosts stay longer than others.
No Other Way
There have been a lot of clichéd stories. This is picking some clichés and just dumping them into a new version of the story. Heero needs an out from a difficult situation with Relena, and the out seems to be a fake engagement!
Blood on the Brain, Chapter 2
It's wartime. Duo and Heero have just gotten together and Heero goes off on a mission that doesn't go well. Relena manages to message Duo, asking him to help Heero. Combat and medical intervention ensue.
Not Quite Single, Chapter 4
GW x Captain America crossover
1x2, Steve x Bucky, graphic descriptions of violence
It's nearly a hundred years after the wars. Tech has kept all the boys healthy and young. While on a salvage mission, Duo recovers Steve Rogers. James Barnes has been Heero's colleague for over twenty years. There are a lot of misunderstandings. The fork in chapter two made me laugh. :)
Double or Nothing
4xD, old fic, not quite explicit
Games are played to be won, not lost. (Quatre, Dorothy, and...sexy chess?)
Amour et Boules de Neiges
En vacances dans les Alpes françaises, Heero et sa soeur Kari vont faire une rencontre qu'ils ne seront pas prêts d'oublier. UA publication hebdomadaire
Don’t You Know, Chapter 1
2x5, background 1x3, fluff, cop drama, FBI agents, angsty backstory but the fic is fluff, AU - Modern Setting
Cop!Duo meets SpecialAgent!Wufei in this fluffy rom-com.
Birthday fic for @chronicwhimsy​
East of Eden, Chapter 5
2x4x5, background 1x3, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Fae & Fairies, Vampires, Were-Creatures, Blood and Violence, Sex, Magic, Angst, Death, Canon-Typical Violence
Wufei needs help to save his clan from a mysterious enemy. He leaves, looking for help from a near-mythical figure: The God of Death. He may, however, get more than he bargained for...
Gundam Wing Month 2017, Chapter 25
Multiple pairings and settings - please note chapter headings for specific relationships and tags
A collection of drabbles and short fics posted one a day for the month of November in celebration of Gundam Wing Month.
Warcraft, Chapter 5
AU, fantasy
Alternate Fantasy World - A world where people have ‘Talents’ that allow them to control certain elements. Different Talents can ‘Join’ to become a specific entity - some can heal, some can repair damage to land and buildings, some are weapons. The Talents you ‘Join’ with are called your Others. The perfect Joining is of five separate Talents. One lonely Fire Talent far to the North has given up waiting for his Others - good thing they haven’t stopped looking for him.
What Dreams May Come, Chapter 2
2x5, 1x3x4, flashback, non-con touching, violence, threesome
This is a sequel to ‘Perchance to Dream’, and I suggest reading it first. Otherwise, some things won’t make sense. Wufei and Duo are dealing with the effects of their last mission together, the oddity of a new relationship, and the threat that the war will separate them any minute.
Freeport, Chapter 11
2x5. long ass fic ahoy, socio-politics, with violence and hot guys, Blood and Violence, no EW, Slow Burn, Case Fic
Freeport colony: a notorious den of pirates, smugglers and thieves. Wufei persuades one of its denizens, his one-time ally Duo, to help him catch a killer hiding there. Agent Chang thinks he knows what to expect from this case, from Freeport and from Duo Maxwell. He couldn't be more wrong.
The Source of all Things, Chapter 12
3x4, eventual 2x5, eventual 1x2x5. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
1x2, fluff and humor, post canon, slightly stalkerish Relena, get together
Duo was well placed to know that Heero was a deadly cold hard-ass ex-terrorist with an attitude, so really, how hard could it be to have a girl not fall for the prickly bastard?Answer: Pretty damn difficult, actually.
Of the Sea
1x2, 4xC, Aro!Trowa, otp, Yaoi, Eventual Smut, fairytale my way, mermaid!au, Meroctopus!Dorothy
Heero Yuy will soon be reaching the age of majority, at which time he will ascend the throne of Wingaria. Before such time, he must needs choose a bride. But what if there are no good choices? What if someone else has captured his heart?
Queen’s Pleasure
2x5xR, Smut, to the nth degree, Threesome, PWP, NSFW, This relationship tag doesn't exist, Bossy!Relena, Car Sex, Technically Limo
Charity balls have a way of pushing Relena to her limits. Luckily, she has her soldiers to help her unwind, and whatever the Queen wants, the Queen gets.
A Room in Luxembourg
soft, introspective duo, Post Warcoming home, wound mentions, Acid Burns, Scalping, Disabled Character (not sure that really applies but just in case)
Let it never be said that Duo Maxwell did not understand tragedy.  His entire fucking life had been a tragedy, thank you very much: could have been written by the Willy Shakes himself. Boy is an orphan, boy is taken in by a church, boy is brought back to the church several times, boy tries to save church only to have church blown up by The Man, boy becomes vigilante God of Death, et fin.
Not Just a Vacation, Chapter 6
5xOC, 1x2, 1x2x5, Threesome - M/M/M, Sexual Assault, that's the OMC part, Slow Burn, the embryonic stages of a relationship, this is being unburied and reposted, Autism Spectrum, Autistic Heero Yuy
Duo and Heero have to go undercover at a private high school to get close to the son of Archie Bravewater, a man who might have major ties to an underground slave-ring the Preventors have been trying to destroy for months.They're expecting Trowa to be their third and back-up reserve. But something comes up in Australia that he can't leave. They get Wufei instead.During the course of the mission the three not only navigate their assignment, but their developing friendships and, eventually, even deeper feelings.
The Last Godchild
1x2, 3x4, 5xS
The final part of the GodChild universe. The title, I think says it all. Death fic, but not in a sad way, I don't think. Christmas fic for 2016, originally posted in Livejournal.
They Say it was a Concussion, Chapter 13
2x6. AU. Surgeon Zechs.  Dancer Duo.
Duo takes a spill and Zechs is just what the doctor ordered.
Moving On, Chapter 5
2x5. Angst,  Hurt/Comfort, eventual smut, mention of past sexual abuse, past character death
Duo is trying to find his place in his own world without his crutch - Heero Yuy.
May Demons Rest, Chapter 37 and 38 (Now Complete!)
2x3, post-canon, bad language, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts
A re-write of my 2004 fanfic "Shinigami Sleeps" - To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2.
Afterthoughts of Discourse, Chapter 9
1x2, 2xH, 1xOC, Rated for non-graphic adult situations, and language. Please pay attention to the tags and warnings posted. Yaoi, Het, ooc, Angst, Mpreg
After making a terrible mistake, Duo must now search for the one person he loves most, in hopes of gaining forgiveness. But when they are reunited will Duo be too late?
Dolldivine renditions of the pilots for her fic Magic, Mortals, and Gundam Gods
Heero and Quatre, for @ahsimwithsake and @laurathia
Duo as a merman for @chronicwhimsy‘s mermaid AU and birthday
The pilots drawn as cats
Heero, injured
2x5 Birthday gift art for @chronicwhimsy
Fanart for @chronicwhimsy‘s fic Spirits.  2x5. Ghost Meilan
13x1, vaguely NSFWish
Heero, injured
Gundam Wing Podcast featuring @lelola http://lelola.tumblr.com/post/167842591475/so-my-friend-jesse-over-at-the-zannen-canada
Gundam Wing social media accounts by @lifeaftermeteor https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/167681255679/what-did-i-do-instead-of-writing-for
Thoughts on Relena and her adopted father by @lelola  http://lelola.tumblr.com/post/167877077840/im-curious-re-how-relenas-adoptive-father-is
Heero headcanon by @lifeaftermeteor https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/167851094207
Gundam Wing pictures with Invader Zim quotes by @vegalume
Meta on the pilots and close range killing, initiated by @the-indomitable-bhg https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/167819314177/the-indomitable-bhg-gundamwing-ellesmith
Meta on the pilots and drinking, initiated by @fadedsepiascribbles https://fadedsepiascribbles.tumblr.com/post/167815528842/okay-but-ive-never-understood-this-idea-that
Meta on Wufei’s motivations for Endless Waltz, initiated by @lelola https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/167776717587/lelola-wu-fei-is-so-done-with-everyone-he
I honestly don’t know what to even say about this.  Gundams and babies and how Wufei entered the world and some disturbing cakes https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/167761431722/lbro009-helmistress-the-indomitable-bhg
Discussion of canon support for a 1x3 ship, by @cinderellaincombatboots https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/167760960457/cinderellaincombatboots-bro-fist-01-and-03
Headcanon for why Wing Zero has wings by @the-indomitable-bhg https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/167682256482/the-notorious-bhg-wing-zero-appears-endless
Meta/headcanon regarding Wufei’s motivations and thoughts on using mobile suits in war, initiated by @noirangetrois https://gw-ficrecfriday.tumblr.com/post/167702938041/claraxbarton-cosmostar-noirangetrois
Meta/headcanon regarding Duo and Hilde’s relationship and colony life outside of war https://kangofu-cb.tumblr.com/post/167685479167/simulacraryn-kangofu-cb-noirangetrois
White Fang as a whole, by @lelola http://lelola.tumblr.com/post/167886567426/in-my-opinion-white-fang-makes-zero-sense-as-a
Thoughts on Ground Zero by @lbro009 https://lbro009.tumblr.com/post/167883479695/ground-zero-manga-ramble
Calendar Events
Unnatural November by @gwblockparty
Ending November 30th
A fanworks celebration of all things weird and supernatural.
Participation information here!
AO3 collection here!
Eve War Event by @gw-evewar​
Posting December 23rd - December 24th.
A fanworks Science Fiction event.
Participation information here!
Cocktail Friday by @thisweekingundamevents
Prompts post every Monday, submissions to be posted the following Friday from 3-5pm EST
Fun, open participation
Fics, ficlets, art, anything at all welcome!
Gundam Wing Secret Santa Exchange by @gwsecretsantaexchange
All assignments are out!
Remember to keep your recipient a secret!
Gifts should be posted and tagged December 20th - 24th
If you need to drop out for any reason (life happens!) please let the Secret Santa blog know as soon as possible!
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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New season, new stars, what can we expect??
So, in this ultra-weird time (a new normal, I guess), we’re looking for ways to distract ourselves from what’s going on. Thankfully, we’ll have actual real live football coming back in just three short weeks (and one week for some non-SEC Power Five conferences), but since we’re exactly ten years removed from Auburn’s sizzling national championship behind the Heisman heroics of Cam Newton, we figure that it’s time for a bit of a throwback. Therefore, we’re going to look each week at each ensuing game as if it’s somewhat live.
Friday was actually the true ten-year anniversary of the season opener, when we first saw what Cam Newton was going to do and how the team would begin to work together. However, we’ll still be running things on Saturdays to mimic a true in-season preview series, and we’ll even be throwing in game picks as we try to recall how we actually felt about each game as they approached.
Enjoy a little throwback as you relive some of the calm before the storm that ended up being 2010!
We made it! It’s been a little more than eight full months since Auburn beat Northwestern in the Outback Bowl in the first game of the 2010 calendar year, and now we’ve reached kickoff for Gene Chizik’s second season at the helm on the Plains.
I think we all had a pretty good feeling at the end of last year — truth be told, it sucked, absolutely sucked, to see Alabama win a national title after Auburn had controlled the rivalry for the better part of a decade — and despite the rise in competition around the SEC, it was hard not to come into 2010 with a bit of optimism.
First of all, Chizik came in and ran through what many would call a pretty successful year one in the SEC West. His immediate competition was coming off of a year when they were ranked #1 for much of the season, and then they won the national championship in Chizik’s first season. The fact remains that Auburn nearly knocked off the eventual champs in the Iron Bowl, failing to get the generosity of a bunch of guys who don’t know that pick plays are illegal. After the Iowa State tenure, Chizik nearly double his win total from Ames in one season at Auburn, and now he’s got some experience, a strong staff that remained intact, and a roster where you can’t swing a dead polecat without hitting a senior.
There are reasons all over the field to perk your ears up when it comes to to the talent that’ll be on the field. Obviously, Gus Malzahn’s offense showed off the run game on many occasions last year, and a senior-laden offensive line will lead the way this fall. Lee Ziemba, Byron Isom, Ryan Pugh, and Mike Berry should pave a ton of roads for some new talent in the offensive backfield.
While we lost Chris Todd and Ben Tate, the work done on Todd from 2008 to 2009 can’t be overstated. With that example, what Malzahn can do with Cameron Newton should be exciting. He’s certainly got all the tools at 6’6, 250 to be mobile and give Auburn a different dimension when things break down, or even on some designed runs...
...and while his passing game could use a little work after a mediocre A-Day showing (although he did win the starting job shortly thereafter), he’s got plenty of help around the rest of the offense.
Ben Tate’s gone after a huge season, but the top-ranked tailback in the country out of high school joins the fun in Michael Dyer. Auburn almost had two or three of the top backs in the land attending school this fall, but Dyer’s the one that stuck, and he should fit into the Tate role pretty smoothly once he gets into the college rhythm. Thankfully, Mario Fannin and Eric Smith are also here to help level out the transition as well.
On the perimeter, Darvin Adams returns after a near-1,000-yard season in 2009. He came up just three yards shy of a grand, and the return of Terrell Zachery, Emory Blake, Quindarrius Carr, and Philip Lutzenkirchen should provide a receiving corps made up of vets and young guys with relevant experience. One of our favorites in Kodi Burns is back as well, but this time at receiver. We’ll see if he still plays Wildcat quarterback in certain situations, which could continue to add a huge element to the offense.
On the other side, the defensive line started to really make strides at the end of last season, bottling up Alabama’s run game before guys like Nick Fairley started to show out in the Outback Bowl. We’ve got Josh Bynes and Craig Stevens returning as seniors at linebacker, with Darren Bates moving in from safety to fill the weak side spot. While the secondary got torn up by Northwestern in the bowl game, Zac Etheridge, Mike McNeil, and Aairon Savage return at safety, with highly-rated JUCO corner Demond Washington showing up to play one of the corner spots.
As for Arkansas State, they’re going to be a bit of a handful, especially when you consider the weirdness of opening games and ironing out wrinkles. Gene Chizik mentioned in his weekly presser this week that the plan may be thrown out the window if things don’t go correctly:
“I think you always have a plan. Obviously, I don’t want to be presumptuous enough to feel like we are going to be able to play second-team guys. Arkansas State has done some really good things in the past when it comes to playing the Iowas of the world like they did last year. They took Texas down to the wire a couple of years ago. This head coach, Coach (Steve) Roberts, has been there nine years. Defensively, they’re always one or two in the league, probably the last three or four years in their conference. They’ve got a new offense that is fast-tempo. It’s very similar to ours in that regard with a new offensive coordinator, so we’re going out and trying to win. If we ever get to the point where something happens where we’re able to play young guys, then obviously we’ll have a plan. But let me backtrack on that because we’ve got a plan right now during the game to play young guys in the middle of the game no matter what the situation is because we have to. We’ve got a good plan on what we want to do. I don’t really have any kind of pregame thought on how it’s going to unfold. I know how I would like for it to unfold, but this is going to be a tough football game for us. It’s going to be new, we are playing a lot of young guys, and it’s going to be fast-paced. Arkansas State is not going to come in here and be wowed by this. It’s not like they haven’t played all over the country, so this is going to be a tough game for us and it’s going to be a good opening game for a lot of our young guys who have never played before, but it’s going to be a tough game.”
Kickoff comes at 6 pm CST tonight at Jordan-Hare Stadium, so be there and be loud for what should be a warm season opener with good weather for early September! War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/9/5/21423750/throwback-game-preview-auburn-vs-arkansas-state
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: My Fair Yugo (4/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
A few days have passed since Yuto's job offer and the mystery of Yoko and Lono's familial relation. At one point, Yuto realized that if he and Lulu were to get married, then that would mean Yuya would end up being her cousin-in-law. The Sakaki/Osaku family tree might be getting crazier with every possible thought. Aside from that, life has been going normally for the Yu-Salad and Bracelet Girls.
Today, Yuya and Zuzu were continuing with their training with Frederick, Allie, Tate, Gong, and Sora at the You Show Duel School. They were practicing different special summoning methods, including XYZ Summoning, something Zuzu suggested on the day she, Yuya, and Gong dueled against Julia, Dipper, and Kit respectively. Right now, she and her tomato-haired friend were demonstrating how to Fusion Summon to everyone else.
"Alright everyone!" Yuya exclaimed. "Time to swing this performance my way with Performapal Trump Witch and my newest addition to the show: Performapal Card Gardna! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!"
Card Gardna looked like a card with green eyes, a smiling face with oval blushes, white gloves, and white shoes. Its card had a magenta and black checkered pattern on the bottom half, two light yellow rings surrounding a pink circle and a yellow star on the upper half, and a light gold border with 12 light gold studs around it. Yuya used his Scale 4 Trump Witch and Scale 8 Card Gardna to set the Pendulum Scale, enabling him to summon any monsters between Levels 5 and 7.
"I'm allowed to summon monsters from Levels 5 and 7 all at the same time!" Yuya continued. "Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready...to SWING INTO AC-"
Everyone was surprised to see that Yuya was no longer on the Duel Field, especially Zuzu. Taking his place was none other than his Synchro counterpart Yugo. Why is he unexpectedly taking over? Regardless, the Yu-Salad boys were experiencing another side effect Declan mentioned back at the dance.
"Yugo!" Rin exclaimed after Zuzu let her take over. "What was that for?!"
"Oh, come on, Rin!" Yugo said. "These people have seen Fusion Summoning so many times! How about mixing things up with a Synchro duel?"
Rin asked why he wants to Synchro duel and he stated that all he knows is that the High Council was immediately disbanding after Yuya won the last Friendship Cup. Besides, the last time the banana-banged Duelist dueled was against Yuri. In other words, he's just finding an excuse. At the same time, the spectators thought Yugo was goofing off.
"But Yuya-" Rin started to say.
"Enough with Yuya!" Yugo suddenly yelled. "Ever since the dimensional war, it's all about him! So what if the Duelist from the Synchro dimension won't be able to fulfill his lifelong dream of winning the Friendship Cup?! Look at how amazing the Pendulum Duelist is! Don't worry about losing your Duel Runner to your brainwashed-crazy childhood friend! We should all focus on all the smiles the tomato-haired Duelist brings! Sure, who cares about all the others as long as YUYA IS ****ING HAPPY!"
Tears started to form in his eyes. Despite Yuya having to deal with his father's disappearance and Zarc's growing darkness during the war, Yugo endured much worse events. He grew up in the Commons as an orphan, almost lost his childhood friend at the hands of Leo, had his only Duel Runner destroyed when a Fusion Parasite monster controlled Rin, and he is now fused with his three other counterparts, one of them in which he had a hatred for all because of a simple misunderstanding.
Skip escorted the students back into their classroom to give Yugo and Rin a few minutes to themselves. While the Synchro Duelist snapped about how it's all about Yuya, the Pendulum Duelist felt terribly guilty. He had no idea his counterpart felt this way until just now. He wants to make it up to him, but he doesn't know how.
"Yugo..." Yuya tried to say.
"SHUT UP!" Yugo yelled, slapping midair as if he was trying to hit Yuya.
"Maybe we should give them some space," Yuto advised.
"Agreed," Yuri said. "Perhaps the girls are doing the same thing."
Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri retreated back to their shared mind, with Zuzu, Lulu, and Celina doing the same thing, leaving their Synchro counterparts the only ones left on the Duel Field.
Yugo fell to his knees, sobbing hard. "Why?!" he shouted. "Why do I always get the short end of the stick?! Why does Yuya get everything?!" He angrily punched the ground.
Rin knelt next to Yugo. "Don't feel bad," she said. "I didn't really have an easy time either."
Yugo looked up at Rin, tears staining his cheeks. "R-Really?" he choked up.
"I wasn't really sure what was going on," Rin explained. "The other girls said they believed in someone I never heard of, but if he was going to save us, I figured I had no other choice but to voice my support. But then..." She sniffled a bit.
Yugo knew what Rin meant. Throughout the entire Interdimensional War, she has never met Yuya until after the ARC-V incident started. If she was going to be completely honest, she felt the most hesitant about Yuya trying to save the Bracelet Girls from Leo's clutches, especially when the darkness from Zarc was gradually consuming him.
"I don't really remember what happened," Rin continued. "The next thing I knew, I was fused to those other three girls. The rest is a huge blank."
Yugo mentioned he doesn't remember much either. The huge blank was when all four girls fainted and each disappeared to fuse back into Ray. At the same time, all Yugo remembered was he lost against Yuri and his soul merged with his Fusion counterpart, with the darkness taking hold of him. Then, when the dimensions split back into four, he, Yuri, and Yuto were fused into Yuya; Zarc's reemergence most likely caused his memory to draw a blank.
Back in the shared mind, Yuya still felt bad about his Synchro counterpart. More so, his sudden lash of anger further upset him, especially when he was "slapped" on the face. The Pendulum Duelist placed his hand on his cheek, feeling the nonexistent pain from that "slap". All he wanted to do was help, but he felt like he ended up making things worse. Yuto and Yuri stood not far from Yuya, talking about what they should do for the rest of the day after that heated incident.
"Don't listen to that moron," Yuri told Yuya. "It was your dueling style that erased the darkness from Zarc's heart."
"He's right," Yuto agreed. "My dueling style is more passive-aggressive, so I would have made things worse if I was in your spot."
Yuya looked up at the two counterparts. He thanked them for trying to make him feel better, but he also wondered what they were going to do about this. Yuto said to leave the situation to Rin and let her handle it. He could tell she's got it under control.
At that point, Rin was hugging Yugo as he sobbed. "It's okay," she said, stroking his blueberry-colored hair. "We both underwent a lot of stress during the war. We should embrace each other's comfort."
Yugo nodded as he continued sobbing. Despite everything they went through and their differing personalities, they still have each other and that is what's important for them. As they embraced each other, he was feeling her warmth on his body and it was soothing. This may be the first time he didn't mind her motherly personality; even from the way she was comforting him was like a mother comforting their child. The two spent the next few minutes embracing each other as the Speedroids user calmed down.
Eventually, Rin spoke up. "If you want, we can have a sleepover at Zuzu's place," she suggested, her fingers still caressing Yugo's hair.
"Hmm?" Yugo muttered, still in a slight trance from the comfort.
"We can discuss new dueling strategies and come up with ideas for our new Duel Runner," Rin continued. "It'll be just like old times, just the two of us on the streets of New Domino City."
Yugo looked up, seeing Rin's smiling face. "You mean it?"
"Of course," Rin answered.
Yugo shifted his position to hug Rin in response. "Thanks RinRin," he said, happy to have a friend like her.
Later that night, at the Sakaki house, Yugo was getting ready for the sleepover with Rin; he finished taking off his Turbo Duel suit and began putting on his short-sleeved, teal shirt, white shorts, and a pair of light teal sneakers. No matter what clothes he's wearing, he's always confident about his looks… Maybe a bit too overconfident… Just when he was about to pack a toothbrush, some toothpaste, shampoo, and his deck to bring with him, Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri appeared.
"What's with the bags?" Yuya asked.
"Rin invited me to a sleepover at Zuzu's place," Yugo answered. "Nothing special."
Yuto looked alarm. "A date?" he asked.
"I beg of you, moron. Don't screw this up!" Yuri said.
"And don't get her upset," Yuya said.
"As someone who has proper dating experiences, I would advise you to be yourself," Yuto chimed in. "But that won't work for you. Treat Rin like a beautiful princess."
"So I should act like a stuck-up, one-dimensional prince from one of those old animated fairytales?" Yugo humorously asked. "Got it."
Yuri groaned in frustration as he rubbed his forehead. "At least comb your unruly hair," he said.
Yugo wasted no time as he went in the bathroom and combed his dual-colored hair. Yuri rhetorically questioned why it was even a miracle that he was going out with someone like Rin. Shortly thereafter, he began to teach the Synchro Duelist about etiquette. Since he grew up in a high class environment, it was the perfect time for him teach everything Leo taught him. As the old saying goes, "The student has become the master."
"Is this really important?" Yugo asked as he had to walk across the room while balancing a book on his head. "Me and Rin came from a poor environment."
"Yes, it is important if you want to win her heart," Yuri said. "And the correct phrasing is 'Rin and I'. Get it right!"
Yuto and Yuya watched Yuri's lesson as they waited for their turns to teach Yugo about etiquette. Yuya pointed out that this is one of the easiest lessons in history, but Yuto reminded him that they'll be teaching real lessons once Yuri was done. The Pendulum Duelist looked back at Yugo, who was still balancing the book on his head. He hoped all their advice will pay off for him tonight.
Not long after that, Yuya taught his Synchro counterpart everything he knows about acting and how it should be utilized in dates. He needs to find the right balance of when it's appropriate to act or take things seriously. As for Yuto, he demonstrated his skills on how to properly talk to girls. He used his years of growing up and his first date with Lulu as references to keep Yugo's quick-tempered, loud, and rude behavior in check. Pretty soon, they were finished with giving out their best advice.
"I hope you know what you're doing," Yugo said, combing his hair once more.
"You look great," Yuto said. "Just remember to speak in a calm tone and listen to her."
"But don't forget to keep a good posture!" Yuri emphasized.
"And you have to convince her that this is the real you," Yuya added.
Yugo took a deep breath as he placed his comb on Yuya's nightstand. "Alright," he said. "I got this."
He gathered his bags and headed downstairs to meet up with Rin. He is really looking forward to the sleepover, but at the same time, he will be darned if she finds out that the boys mistakenly prepared him for a date. For now, he gathered his courage to use the tips and tricks he learned for tonight. He was about to say "What's the worst that could happen," but decided not to because let's face it: literally anyone who says it ends up with some kind if worst-case scenario. It's a known fact.
Meanwhile, at Zuzu's house, Rin had already gotten changed into her pink top and yellow shorts, which were usually her pajamas. Zuzu asked what else she and Yugo were going to do aside from discussing deck strategies and ideas for their new Duel Runner. The green-haired girl replied that they can always watch a movie or two, play Duel Monsters, and plan for any more future tournaments besides the Friendship Cup since it was still dubious that it'll continue next year. The Synchro duo were determined about becoming professional Turbo Duelists. Celina and Lulu couldn't help but chime in at Rin and Zuzu's conversation.
"Don't you have other plans for the future?" Lulu asked, suggesting something else.
"Like what?" Rin asked.
"Maybe forming a connection?" Lulu continued, smiling wide.
"Like a dueling connection?" Rin guessed. "I'm not sure Yugo would feel alright with tag teams..."
Celina let out a groan. "I wish she was talking about a dueling connection," she said. "Lulu was talking about you and Yugo getting married."
"Oh, that?" Rin asked. "We already did that."
Celina, Lulu, and Zuzu were shocked by this revelation. When did this happen? Have they reached a decision yet or did they already decide? They asked Rin what their plans were at the moment.
"What plans?" Rin asked. "Me and Yugo got married when we were little kids. The Headmistress even helped with the ceremony. It wasn't really special."
Wait, what?! Marriage at a young age?! How is that even possible?! This further threw the three girls for a loop. …That is until they quickly realized most kids pretend to get married. Looks like they may have to explain to their Synchro companion what marriage actually is.
"Uh... Rin?" Zuzu began. "Do you know what marriage is?"
"Of course," Rin answered. "It's a friendship promise between two close friends, which perfectly describes how I feel about Yugo."
"My mother and father are making wedding plans for Yuto and me," Lulu clarified. "Do you think we're close friends?"
Rin initially was about to say "Yes," but she remembered that Lulu and Yuto were dating. She soon processed this and was staggered by this. Romance was involved in marriage? But she and Yugo aren't even dating; they are each other's best friends and practically have a mother-son relationship. She might need a minute or two to let this sink in.
"Ew!" Rin exclaimed as she heard the doorbell ring, prompting her to leave Zuzu's room and answer the front door. "I don't feel that way about Yugo! He's a great friend, but he's loud, rude, and easily angered! Why would I even fall for someone like-"
When she opened the front door, however, she saw Yugo at the front door, only slightly different. She noticed he looked a lot cleaner with neater hair and a better posture. Pink blush faintly appeared on her cheeks.
"Hello Lady Rin," Yugo said, speaking in a calmer tone. He paused to gently hold Rin's hand and kiss the back of it. "What a delight to see you this evening."
"Y-Yugo?!" Rin asked, unknown why he was making her feel like this.
"Don't worry," Yugo said as he entered the house. "This is the real me, the one I hide from the public."
Her blush grew a bit more visible as she let Yugo into the house. At the same time, there was something about him that seemed a bit off. All her life, she knew he was never a proper person until just now; she decided to keep an eye on him…without having this weird feeling interfering. What even is this? I hope this isn't love I'm experiencing, she thought.
The Synchro duo headed upstairs to Zuzu's bedroom, where Rin said they will be hanging out for most of the night. She told Yugo that he can put his bags not far from the bed and she'll set a mattress up with a blanket and a pillow for him in a few hours; if not, he can always sleep on the couch.
Yugo lightly chuckled. "I don't think a couch is necessary," he said, carefully placing his hand on Rin's hip. "If anything, we can go back to our usual sleeping methods."
Rin quickly stepped back and cleared her throat. "So...how about discussing design ideas for our new Duel Runner? I have a couple of plans to make it battle-proof."
Yugo said he would love to discuss their new Duel Runner's design, giving Rin a quick kiss on her cheek in the process. At this point, she is slowly becoming more convinced that this isn't the Yugo she knows. Lulu, however, had more of an opposite reaction, commenting on how much he improved on his behavior and is acting more gentlemanly. That's just it; Rin is completely unsure of whether or not she likes the new Yugo, despite the blush giving out a clear indication.
The two then began on what designs they should use. Although each one provides different statistics in terms of speed, traction, durability, and so on, they all have one thing in common: battle-proofing the Duel Runner.
"I was thinking about adding special shockproof shields near the handles," Rin said, her blueprints laid out on the floor. "I know they're expensive, but I was hoping Lulu could help provide them for us. And... Are you even listening to me?!"
Yugo, who had wrapped his arms around Rin's body from behind and pulled her in close, was clearly not paying attention. "I hear you, Lady Rin," he said. "Your idea is amazing."
Usually, someone would tell the other that they need personal space, but that's not the case for Rin and Yugo. Since they grew up together, they don't have personal space. Heck, they're even fine with a girl and a boy sleeping together in the same bed…platonically, of course. Yugo is not the affectionate kind of person. Correction: Yugo wasn't the affectionate kind of person. Rin doesn't mind hugs from him, but this is taking it on a whole new level. …And the blush isn't making the the situation better or worse, despite how pinker it keeps getting.
Ultimately Rin got fed up. "Enough already!" she exclaimed, pushing Yugo back. "What's with you?!"
"What do you mean?" Yugo asked, remaining calm. "This is the real me."
"No it's not!" Rin insisted. "I appreciate that you finally cleaned up, but your behavior isn't right! Where's the big-mouthed moron I made the friendship promise to?!"
Within Yuya's shared mind, Yuri heard that. "Is that why he doesn't react when I call him by that name?" he wondered aloud.
Yugo pondered at what Rin was talking about and—gradually returning to his old self while still keeping a bit of a calm demeanor—let out a sigh. Looks like it was time for him to come clean about his behavior.
Yugo let out a small laugh. "Sorry about that," he said, relaxing his body. "The guys thought this was a date, so they gave me this weird advice on how to act."
"That's more like it," Rin said. "But I like your cleaner look more."
"Really?" Yugo asked.
"You smelled worse than Yuto," Rin explained. "And you look a lot nicer with neater hair."
Yugo blushed heavily. "RinRin..." he breathed out.
"Don't get carried away," Rin said. "We still need to improve our initial Duel Runner designs."
The two continued working on improving their new Duel Runner and eventually settled on a design that is battle-proof and has some useful stats. They agreed to work on building once the separation is successful. Until then, they practiced their dueling skills, trying out different strategies to what works and what doesn't. As usual, Yugo is still persistent and claims he will never give up whenever he's backed into a corner.
Rin let out a heartfelt sigh. "You still don't give up," she remarked.
"'Course I won't," Yugo replied. "That's one move I'll never make."
"Then I guess I'll have to keep up," Rin said as she played a rather interesting-looking card.
It was Polymerization. She hadn't used a Fusion card since her previous duel with Yugo when she was brainwashed by the Doktor. How is it in her deck? Rin didn't mind it because she has no ill will towards Fusion, even when Yuri kidnapped her. The only question is how Yugo will react to this. There's only one way to find out.
"I'll combine Winter Bell with the Ice Bell in my hand to Fusion Summon Crystal Bell," Rin explained as she did so with her cards.
Yugo was shocked that Rin still had Crystal Bell. He started flashbacking back when she first used that monster and how it decimated him in that duel and destroyed their first Duel Runner. Rin noticed there was something wrong with him and asked him to see if he was okay.
"Why do you still have that card?!" Yugo asked, still hyperventilating. "You should have ripped it up by now!"
"Calm down, you moron," Rin said. "The card actually has nice stats, so I decided to incorporate it into my dueling as a secret weapon. Zuzu and Celina have even gave me some advice on how to properly Fusion Summon, with Zuzu giving me this vintage Polymerization card as a starting point."
Yugo had slightly calmed down at this point, but he was still concerned. "But what about-"
"Lulu ripped up Independent Nightingale as soon she could," Rin explained. "Even though the rest of us are using Fusion, she's still traumatized."
Yugo let out a sigh of relief. He is glad to know not all the Bracelet Girls are using Fusion in their decks. Can you blame Lulu? Ever since the Invasion, she developed resentment for this special summoning technique, and her getting abducted and brainwashed didn't help at all. Now having calmed down, Yugo and Rin continued with their practice duel.
Later that night, the two were watching a movie in the living room. They were left speechless at the amount of movies Zuzu and Skip owned, but they both settled on watching Beauty and the Beast; right now, they're at the scene where Belle and the Beast were dancing. Rin always loved reading that fairytale as a kid, so seeing its movie adaptation was enjoyable for her.
Without warning, Yugo held Rin's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "Yugo...?" Rin asked softly.
The green-haired girl stared experiencing the same weird feeling from earlier, only this time, it felt more comfortable. The blush returned and became a visible light pink on her cheeks as she looked at Yugo. His typical personality seemed to have coincide with his cleaner appearance, as if she was seeing him in a different light. For the first time, she thought that he looked cute.
Without thinking, Rin leaned in and gave Yugo a quick kiss on the cheek, causing Yugo to blush heavily. "RinRin..."
He realized that Rin had been cute all along and never batted an eye on it until now. Her short, apple green hair and orange eyes helped display her cuteness; he even liked the way her nose scrunches up whenever she gets angry. He softly smiled and laid his head on her shoulders, slightly surprising her. She looked at Yugo resting on her and couldn't help but smile back. She turned her head back at the TV screen as the movie played.
Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri were astounded at how everything turned out. Even though it may not have been a date, their advice have paid off in the end.
"We should have just let Yugo be himself," Yuto pointed out. "He seems to have things working out."
"Only because I told that moron to clean his appearance," Yuri informed. "There's no way he could have won over RinRin looking like a slob."
Yuya was taken back by what Yuri said. "Come again?"
"Yuri's right," Yuto said. "Now we're finally dating Rin."
Yuya and Yuri were nonplussed at what Yuto just said. He quickly corrected himself and said he meant to say "he's" instead of "we're". They both knew what he meant to say, but they were more concerned about what he said. Based on the worried looks on their faces, they soon caught on as to what may be happening to them. It looks like the mind merge may be occurring quicker than they initially thought.
"Guys..." Yuya said. "We need to speak to Leo as soon as possible."
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meapistrash · 7 years
Day 2: Kalopsia (participation in Sakura Week 2016)
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