#one of the issues with musi but it’s ok
Wave by ATEEZ
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badtaktopheadcanons · 3 months
An image has come to my mind, that being Twinkle Star becomes a guest lecturer at a University Grade class on Astrophysics, with the whole class gaping as this tiny girl walks into the classroom, steps up a step stool to stand before the podium and starts her lecture.
And as this tiny child is providing her lecture, everyone has to fight the urge to coo at her, especially given the hulking form of Tannhauser and the smaller but more armored form of Walkure that have accompanied her as her bodyguards.
Once all is said and done, Twinkle Star steps off of the podium, takes a bow or curtsy, and then is lifted up and placed on Tannhauser's shoulders and given a ride off of the campus.
I also like to picture each of the Musicarts trying to teach each other their own national languages...with varying degrees of success, some, such as Canon and Winter, take to them like a fish to water, while others like Jupiter and Tannhauser have...some difficulties with them lol.
Somehow, Twinkle star and Nutcracker wind up absorbing the most languages, becoming fully fledged polyglots with relative ease, though this also has the side effect of them occasionally switching languages while writing or speaking, causing a few issues lol.
As a final image before I go to sleep, Tannhauser and Jupiter's meeting at the Berlin Symphonica went something like Meliodas and Bans meeting after being apart for so long from Seven Deadly Sins, that is they started throwing down while smiling and laughing, totaling a rather sizable portion of the building as they fought, all while laughing and cheering.
The conductors nearly had a shared heart attack when the pair broke through the wall and into the cafeteria while they were sparring, and a poor Mutar was even crushed by some of the debris...how unfortunate lol.
All of that said, stay safe and take care.
RAHHH OMG YOU'VE SEEN MY POST ABOUT MUSIE RIGHT?? THE INTER-MUSICART DIALECT THAT DEVELOPED IN BERLIN SYMPHONICA AS A RESULT OF MUSICARTS SHARING INNATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE "HOME LANGUAGE" OF THEIR SCORE?!! (edit; you have lol i forgor 💀) twinkle star would probably speak that 90% of the time, since she's one of the oldest musicarts by time served (iirc she's technically like. 42. which is so funny to me). So I bet Twinkle Star is the bet at Musie naturally, even if she's not good at teaching it. Many other musicarts likely speak and converse in non-Musie, though, since the existence of a half-French half-German creole with no written records and that nobody but Musicarts can understand might make the higher-ups a little worried... god forbid their war machine tries to secretly communicate with each other to.. *shudder* unionize...
Tann and Jupie are 100% the type to break shit without even thinking, so their 'greeting throwdown' makes total sense. They're probably also the only ones who can arm wrestle each other without sending the other flying (Walkure refuses to participate, and as such does not count).
Anyway, two drawings of Twinkle Star and one of Jupie:
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^ explanation on my thought process for "deha": In Musie, French "J"s are pronounced like German "J"s, which, in the middle of words, softened over time to voiced "H"s. I could see it being used further with "kenn" (short for kennen) to make "Dekkenn" (pronounced Day-ken), which would be used as something similar to "OK" or "You got it." (if anybody here is a linguist pls tell me if that's an unreasonable shift lol)
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renegadepack · 4 years
Hey! I hope today is fabulous! I love and adore you, but I gotta ask..................... What was the Taylor Swift ask?
lmao hi thank you!!!
ok so the infamous Taylor Swift Ask™️
so basically i make it no secret that i love taylor swift more than my own life. it’s just who i am as a person. and one day while i was talking about the racism towards the pack both by the author and the fandom, someone sent me an (anon of course, bc standing behind your criticisms is hard :/) ask basically saying it’s “so hypocritical” of me to critique the racism towards the wolves by stan taylor and never ever point out her racist actions. anon particularly mentioned the kanye thing, comparing it to white women in the 50s wanting to lynch black men.* which like yes there are valid racial issues to this whole situation and both parties fucked up but i will continue to defend the woman defending herself against a man claiming all the credit for her fame, claiming he’ll have sex with her, and making a revenge porn musi video. it was all wild and admittedly hilarious.
*taylor has done racist things in the past and that shouldn’t be erased but chill.
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internetdetectives · 4 years
11/30/19 - Chat with Erika (2)
pakospooky 3:47 PM: "uh”
Xenquility 3:47 PM: "Welcome”
pakospooky 3:47 PM: "hey”
Erika_XP💚 3:47 PM: "I have been waiting forever for this”
Erika_XP💚 3:47 PM: "I am at last an actualized player of johnisdead”
Xenquility 3:48 PM: "uh”
Genius 3:48 PM: "how did you get in here”
Xenquility 3:49 PM: "(I invited her)”
pakospooky 3:49 PM: "xen invited”
Genius 3:49 PM: "(oh)”
Genius 3:49 PM: "(nvm)”
Genius 3:49 PM: ":sweat_smile:”
Erika_XP💚 3:49 PM: "I invited myself you just took too long to give me the invitation thank you ^^”
pakospooky 3:49 PM: ":tyler7:”
Erika_XP💚 3:50 PM: "Because you have given me this I can now safely give you something in return without it creating too much of an issue”
Genius 3:50 PM: ":dad:”
pakospooky 3:50 PM: ":dad4:”
Erika_XP💚 3:52 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25BPVB9LYEE”
pakospooky 3:52 PM: "oh shitt”
Xenquility 3:52 PM: "woah”
pakospooky 3:52 PM: "how you did get thattt”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "A friend nabbed it in mid production for me xp”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "heheheh now I am playing around with big buttons saying this kind of stuff”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "this is fun”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "GOD this is so liberating”
Erika_XP💚 3:53 PM: "OK ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT apparently that one sens big waves still”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "Why?”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "well”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "actually”
Xenquility 3:56 PM: "cool”
pakospooky 3:57 PM: "thank you for the video”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "Anyways welcome!”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "oh”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "We have cookies!”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "ok”
Erika_XP💚 3:57 PM: "I was losing my mind there ^^;”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "No worries”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "We all do sometimes”
pakospooky 3:57 PM: ":cookie:”
Xenquility 3:57 PM: "SHHH”
"About to fuck up" boy 3:58 PM: "HOW”
Xenquility 3:58 PM: "anyways”
Xenquility 3:58 PM: "No commenting on the video, I presume?”
pakospooky 4:00 PM: "you can see all the hidden videos of quiet family?”
Erika_XP💚 4:00 PM: "Would probably be the safest route for now, I was not expecting to make it so far today =]”
Erika_XP💚 4:00 PM: "Was losing hope a few hours in really to be fair”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:01 PM: "Ay welcome”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:01 PM: "Didn't see you here”
Erika_XP💚 4:02 PM: "But my word what a pay off, the powers that be told me you were all just playing pretend in there and that was not where the real game was happening”
Erika_XP💚 4:02 PM: "I am also good at playing pretend ^^”
Eevee Reborn 4:03 PM: "Like green do ya?”
Xenquility 4:04 PM: "My brain is honestly fucked at this point”
Erika_XP💚 4:04 PM: "Its my favorite colour ~ :heart:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:04 PM: "Xen I feel you bro”
ADULT_LINK 4:04 PM: "greens a good color”
pakospooky 4:04 PM: "hahah”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:04 PM: "Green is neat”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:04 PM: "But orange is the best one”
Xenquility 4:04 PM: "fuck yes slinky”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:04 PM: ":jack_o_lantern:”
pakospooky 4:04 PM: "because green is what you smoke”
ADULT_LINK 4:04 PM: ":orange_justice2:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:05 PM: "720”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 PM: ":720:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:05 PM: ":)”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 PM: ":BowMan:”
Erika_XP💚 4:05 PM: "I have none of the devils lettuce myself personally but I am certain tyler does”
Xenquility 4:05 PM: "By the way thank eevee for all of this she's the only one who has a brain”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:05 PM: "Oh shit I just remembered a Spanish meme”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:06 PM: "That one”
Eevee Reborn 4:06 PM: "Im gonna puke. It will be green. It will be good.”
ADULT_LINK 4:06 PM: "my freind gave me a new pipe yesteday”
ADULT_LINK 4:06 PM: "its nice”
pakospooky 4:06 PM: "https://tenor.com/view/weed-snoop-dogg-getting-high-gif-5576061”
pakospooky 4:06 PM: "@ADULT_LINK”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: "I love when music does magic stuff like this”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vle44kNHxDg”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 PM: you just called up this song earlier”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:07 PM: "Ay erika”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:07 PM: "Which type of music u like”
pakospooky 4:07 PM: "wtf is that”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 PM: "you called it when you were looking for who's that knowcking silly ^^”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 PM: "and doug is busy knocking right now on a big green door”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "ahç”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "thats true”
Erika_XP💚 4:09 PM: "where at? Hopefully somewhere that does not get opened ^^”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "the fucking notsobot”
pakospooky 4:09 PM: "always trolling me”
Xenquility 4:09 PM: "If he's knocking at a big green door it could be the gate”
Erika_XP💚 4:09 PM: "They do that sometimes when spirits work their way in”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:09 PM: "On the big green Parallelos”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:09 PM: "On jah I need a parallelos concept map”
pakospooky 4:10 PM: "wow”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:10 PM: "https://youtu.be/Vm7AfpveMJ0”
pakospooky 4:11 PM: "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/johnisdead/images/4/46/Symbol.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/204?cb=20180920154218”
Eevee Reborn 4:12 PM: "Three fingers”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:12 PM: “Whaddup with that”
Erika_XP💚 4:12 PM: "Now that I am in here I can say something I have never been able to say before. But I just realized”
Erika_XP💚 4:12 PM: "you would all probably be happy to hear this now”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:13 PM: "Huh? What's that?”
pakospooky 4:13 PM: "yeah three fingers because the img dont catch full the img”
Erika_XP💚 4:14 PM: "I have a gift that lets me get as close to Tyler as I do that I have had to work very hard to foster and enjoy”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:14 PM: "Like uh”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:14 PM: "A necklace or something that reminds you of him?”
pakospooky 4:14 PM: ":Tyler5:”
Xenquility 4:14 PM: "subtle”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:14 PM: "Or uh a letter?”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "No silly I am psychic =p”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "woah”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "alright what is he thinking right now”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:15 PM: ":someoneisknockingatmydoor:”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "thats parlor trickery and magic refuses to play under such conditions”
pakospooky 4:15 PM: ":Tyler4:”
Xenquility 4:15 PM: "D:”
Erika_XP💚 4:15 PM: "magic will not run as a rat through a maze”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:16 PM: "Awoo”
Xenquility 4:16 PM: "what about a hippo through a jungle?”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 PM: "ok you made me giggle XD”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:16 PM: "Ay Erika do you like punk? Or are you more onto green day and MCR”
Erika_XP💚 4:17 PM: "ok just kidding I love mcr”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:17 PM: "Oh lol”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:17 PM: "I like a few Green Day songs but MCR is not my thing”
Erika_XP💚 4:17 PM: "mcr is amazing and gerard way is cute”
Xenquility 4:17 PM: "woah”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:17 PM: "Sicko mode”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:17 PM: "Damn”
Xenquility 4:18 PM: "it's okay”
pakospooky 4:18 PM: ":sexymansleeping:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:18 PM: ":GWeulixWar:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:18 PM: ":GWgoaMonikaSmug:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:18 PM: ":GWgoaThinken:”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:18 PM: "TOO MANY ANIME GURLS”
Eevee Reborn 4:19 PM: "Ok, now we have to summon a Belmont”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "I love gerard way so much he helped me figure out I am psychic actually ^^”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN4bvQ1-UYA”
Erika_XP💚 4:19 PM: "seee ~
"About to fuck up" boy 4:20 PM: "Gerard way?”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:20 PM: "Sorry but uh who is Gerard way?”
Xenquility 4:20 PM: "co founder of mcr iirc”
Xenquility 4:20 PM: "Vocals too I think”
Erika_XP💚 4:20 PM: "let me go get you one of my favorite pictures of Tyler ^^”
Xenquility 4:21 PM: ":Tyler2:”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: "hee hee ooops ^^”
Xenquility 4:21 PM: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/639176086961389614/650446279041875968/a567b4a58c0fea8e38a572bd5b74fab4.jpg”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:21 PM: "W h o w a a t h a t”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:21 PM: "Oh”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: "oh now I might have done it”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 PM: "Ill be back later”
"About to fuck up" boy 4:22 PM: "K bai”
Xenquility 4:22 PM: "Seeya”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "holy”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "what”
otherLiam 4:38 PM: "she’s psychic.”
0 notes
itsworn · 5 years
West Coast Takes On Street Outlaws at Boddie’s No-Time Race
Northern California Grudge Racers Take on Street Outlaws
There’s no doubt about it, doorslammer racing has never been bigger. There’s just nothing quite like seeing the body styles we know and love, powered by ludicrously large and powerful engines. Jermaine Boddie (known to most simply as “Boddie”) was a California street racer who has been in the Bay Area racing scene for decades. More recently, Boddie could be seen in his insanely powerful twin-turbo Nova on Discovery series like Street Outlaws and No Prep Kings. Still, Boddie felt like there was something missing, and that void was on the West Coast.
Grudge racers don’t reveal all of their secrets, even with the hood off. Small-tire winner Steve Kuhls had a hoodscoop that covered both his carburetors and intake manifold, covering the number of nitrous systems he was running.
After how much fun he’d had going no-prep and grudge racing, Boddie decided to start his own racing organization, the 1/8-Mile Outlaw Racing Association. Quite the unique body, this association runs with the clocks completely off, but as opposed to the no-prep scene, Boddie does have his tracks sprayed with VHT for maximum traction. Another interesting twist to the series is the inclusion of Pro Modified cars. With some racers going to great lengths to “streetify” their Pro Mods (including installing steel roofs and quarter panels), Boddie decided that it would just be easier to include the fiberglass cars, with the caveat that they are limited to 10.5W slicks instead of the 35×17-inch max for the Big Tire class. There are also index classes like 5.0, and a very cool Limited Street class where cars are only allowed a fiberglass hood, decklid, and bumpers, and still must retain factory doors with roll-up windows.
Radial vs. The World cars were in attendance, but were having trouble with the slippery track. Calvin Franco’s F3 Procharger-motivated Camaro ran well Friday night, but had trouble spinning when the track became hot and greasy.
Once we heard the backstory about Boddie’s racing series, we knew we had to make an event, so we headed out to Sacramento, California to check one out. Although the clocks were off, we talked to a number of racers to get an idea of exactly how fast these cars really were. While nobody gave specifics, they all agreed that low 5s would be needed to win in Limited, Mid 4s in Small Tire, and low 4s in Big Tire. We’re not talking about slouches here, we’re talking about 3,500-hp screw-blown Hemis, twin 98mm turbos, and 872ci nitrous engines.
Aleisha Beckum isn’t just a pretty smile, she races too! She and David Allman entered two cars in the Big Tire category, one was this single-carb nitrous big-block Camaro, and the other was a twin-turbo Camaro driven by friend, Cole Dow.
Before the action got started, we took a run through the pits to see who came to play. The big names of course were the racing duo of Kye Kelley and Lizzy Musi, who were both running Camaros with 959ci Musi engines and an insane 5 kits of nitrous. “Driver Paul” and the Oaktown Hustler Outlaw 10.5 Camaro were there, as was Boddie himself in his early Nova. Roger Holder brought one of the quickest 275-radial cars in the nation and decided to run the shootout, as did Calvin Franco in his 315-series Radial-versus-the-World car. Rod Burbage was another serious contender in his screw-blown Hemi Chevelle.
There were a bunch of other rides at Boddie’s race, including index cars, grudge cars, and limited small-tire cars. All had to be steel, except for a fiberglass hood!
When the action got started, the favorites were on a roll but there were some underdogs that made some passes too. Cole Dow was overpowering the track nearly every pass driving Aleisha Beckum’s Camaro, and the Oaktown Hustler was hooking and booking. Lizzy and Kye were both flying, and making arrow-straight passes. Roger Holder was disappearing in a hurry past the 330-foot mark, despite giving up a slight starting line advantage on small tires. In fact, the track prep was so good to about 100 feet that many of the tire-limited racers were electing to run the Big Tire class, making it one big shootout.
Hands down one of the fastest cars on the premises was the “Oaktown Hustler” ’70 Camaro driven by Paul Langlie. This Outlaw 10.5 car was running Big Tire, and rumor had it that it set down the quickest qualifying lap. Sadly, the car got loose after the finish line and ending up rolling just past the 1/8th mile. Paul was unhurt, but the car was unable to return.
Sadly, eliminations began without the Oaktown Hustler, as it crashed right past the finish line on Friday night. Paul was ok, and will race another day, but the car couldn’t make it. For the rest of the field it was anyone’s race, and that was proved the first couple of rounds by red light starts, tires going up in smoke, and crowd-favorite Lizzy Musi crossing the centerline, giving the other racer the win. Boddie, who hadn’t made a pass all weekend, was unexpectedly moving through the field thanks to Lady Luck. Kye Kelley took out some heavy hitters early, and looked to be on a crash course with Holder. In what was probably the race of the night, both Kye and Roger cut excellent lights (0.008 and 0.013) as Kye edged in front of Holder, but didn’t pull away from him. “I could hear him, so I knew he was right there,” says Kye. Across the stripe it was Kye for the win, by less than half a car.
Two of the heaviest of the heavy hitters were Kye Kelley and Lizzy Musi, who are competitors on No Prep Kings on TV’s Discovery channel. Both cars sported 959ci Pat Musi engines with five kits of nitrous.
In the end, all the Northern California cars would fall either to Lizzy or Kye, except for one. Perhaps fittingly, it was Boddie versus Kye Kelley in the finals, going head to head in an after-dark final. In a heart breaker, Boddie had trouble staging, lighting the red bulb. Ever the racer, Kye didn’t leave, and the two lined up for another shot. Boddie bumped through the beams on the second try, and Kye was wheels-up, securing the win. We raise a toast to Boddie for putting on such a good show, Kye for travelling so far, and all the rest of the winners. And, if you’re anywhere near Northern California make sure to check out the 1/8 Mile Outlaw Racing association. It’s quite a show!
With the seriousness of the cars, we were surprised to see a number of racers in the small-tire, big-tire, and grudge classes sporting license plates with current tags. Remember, these are 5-, 6-, and 7-second cars in the quarter mile!
We got a quick peek into Kye’s trailer; you know you’re serious about nitrous when you have an entire group of fill bottles along with you.
There were quite a few blower engines at Boddies, with blown big block Chevys leading the charge. This powerplant in Rich Worthington’s “Bat Crazy” Pro Modified driven by Troy Baugh was running nearly 40 psi of boost on their Blower Shop 14-71 supercharger to keep competitive.
Team Boddie had a heck of a time this weekend, running into issues with a fried computer, a tweaked flywheel, and a number of other things. Here they can be seen going through the Lenco after it was removed from the car. Against all odds, at elimination time, Boddie was ready to rock and roll.
Kye Kelley was on a tear from his first qualifying pass on. The ultralight Camaro launched hard and went down the track straight nearly every single run.
The Chevelle owned by Rod Burbage and Dave Parmer was probably the most serious threat to Kye’s dominance, as his ’65 Chevelle featured a screw-blown Hemi that held no shortage of power. It was probably also the loudest car in attendance.
Arruda Racing (known for their black, chop-top ’55) brought out a new lightweight nitrous Nova to the shootout. They made some solid hits, but in the end got motored around by the more powerful power-adder cars.
Monti Fitzgerald is always a crowd favorite in his flat-black Nova, and is known for wild burnouts and huge wheelies.
The action for the shootout got started with a driver’s meeting in Boddie’s pits and a chip draw, where racers found out who they were running, and what lane they’d be racing in.
Lizzy Musi’s 959ci Camaro was flying all weekend, and was a serious contender for the shootout win, until she took herself out by crossing the centerline.
This wild Camaro with the Top Fuel-style wing was a serious competitor in the 5.0 Index class, where racers ran as close to 5.00 in the eighth-mile as possible, without running under.
One of the most powerful cars on the premises was Rod Burbage’s Chevelle, which has the blown Hemi from his old Pro Mod car. Rod got loose in the semis, ending any hope he had for the overall title.
Roger Holder figured his beautiful House of Kolor orange 275-tire Camaro had what it took to compete in the Big Tire class. Running a nitrous engine of an undisclosed size, Roger can be seen here taking the victory over Cole Dow, who upped the boost to an insane 50 psi to try and defeat Roger.
In addition to the Big Tire and Small Tire classes, a number of participants showed up simply to grudge race. There was plenty of smack talk and coin flips to pick lanes.
Mike Orban was another small-tire racer who was flying in his 582ci F3 Procharger Camaro. Mike made the unique choice to run on more forgiving 28×11-inch Mickey Thompson Bracket Pro radials, but even with a 1.16 60-foot he was no match for the racers in the 1.0-second range.
Kye Kelley made the trip all the way from Mississippi in his ’92 Camaro, and took out all of the California favorites like Doug Reed and Roger Holder, before beating Boddie in the finals to take the Big Tire win.
Find Out More HERE! 1/8 Mile Racing Association http://teamboddie.com/outlaw-1-8-racing-association-classes-rules/
The post West Coast Takes On Street Outlaws at Boddie’s No-Time Race appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/west-coast-takes-street-outlaws-boddies-no-time-race/ via IFTTT
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Ok so I completely agree with the people saying Melanie should be held accountable for her actions! Let me start by saying that... she raped someone and something should be one about. But I don’t agree with the people saying her YouTube channel should be taken down and her music pulled off Spotify. Hear me out. I love Melanie’s music because I can relate to it. I do NOT condone what she did and in fact I’m so upset that this icon that brings light to so many issues could do something so awful and unforgivable to a friend of hers. But her music brings people together. Yes she should be held accountable for her actions. No her music should not swept under a rug and forgotten. She has done something horrific to one of her friends and that is unacceptable but her music has nothing to do wit that. Don’t make her fans suffer by shoving her musi off the face of the earth. I understand that people are furious and you have every right to be.
But music is an escape , don’t take that away from people.
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