#oops! cue chaotic identity reveal!!
artsydevotee · 5 months
just rewatched the s5 finale of miraculous and ooo i am itching for some adrien angst. let my boy have his character arc PLEASE
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norangeyyy · 3 years
I literally l can't think of anything because I'm just not that creative— but ummmm
idk your ocs hanging with the bucci gang?? or la squad ra. Idk I wanna learn more about them, orrr jojo villains.... watching jojo for fun :) (im shit at this oop)
A/N: Sis please— I'm actually in love this idea!! 😖💖 I'm glad to give my girls some attention so here :DDD (I made this an Everyone Survives AU btw bcs i just don't want angst for this one🤧)
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With the Bucci Gang
► Alright, we're gonna start with Hiraeth since she's the only one they know.
► Her first meeting with the gang outside Passione is just like any other, pretty uneventful. But that's because they're in the middle of a mission and it just so happens that they needed a place to stay in for a night and ended at the hotel where she works at.
► Hiraeth, as usual, recognized them immediately thanks to Bucciarati being the popular one in the group. In fact, it was him that she got along with first when they checked in.
► The others followed when Mista requested her to be the one to serve them everytime they come back so he could hit on her in which Hiraeth just laughed off knowing exactly that the gunslinger is literally just old enough to be her son(She's 29)
► That's the reason why Mista almost choked to his death that night when she revealed her age^
► They got to keep in touch with her after that night thanks to Bucciarati so she'd sometimes be invited to come over on special occasions but most of the time it's just either Trish, Fugo, and Abbachio going shopping or Narancia wanting to go to the arcade and eat ice cream but everyone's too busy to go out with him.
► First time Bucciarati heard about it^ he almost gave her his whole wallet in exchange for the trouble of having to babysit the 17 y/o boy and Narancia got scolded lmao
► He and the other two torture dance boys may or may not also spam her with messages everytime they're in *real* trouble and telling Bucciarati about it is not in the options anymore (Abbachio in the bg telling them to stop dragging her into it while Giorno and Trish watches concerned in the corner lol)
► Long story short, she officially became that chill auntie that everyone trusts with their secrets.
With La Squadra
► Now we're getting real ;)
► Hiraeth has a whole ass history with these guys so she doesn't really need to hide her identity with them.
► It all started in highschool with her being in the same class as Risotto and years later they bump into each other again but this time, it's inside the mafia, which they both find quite ironic since they're both the well-behaved kids back then.
► Because of this, it wasn't that hard for Hiraeth to get into Passione and it's also why Oneira exists. Risotto knows that Hiraeth still has a life outside the mafia unlike him and strictly ordered her to never let anyone know about it.
► So what's better disguise than looking like your Capo's crazy twin sister, right?
► Fast forward to La Squadra finding out who Oneira is anyway since you can't really hide anything for that long in a group of nine men.
► Now that they know what she looks like under that cake of white face paint and eyeliner, she has to say goodbye and go solo for safety purposes.
► "Fucking great job, Illuso." "Hey, it wasn't just me! "
► Going solo and building a name for herself after leaving the gang didn't start well either since rumors are inevitable so Oneira really has to avoid La Squadra and lay-low until the rumors subside.
► But sometimes she'll slip in and surprise everyone in the hideout which always ends up with them drinking and trashing the place all night then waking up with Risotto sitting across them with a glare.
► Worry not though, Oneira wouldn't be there to suffer Risotto's wrath since she'll be long gone along with Sorbet and Gelato before their capo could even go back home.
► Cue to three of them laughing like maniacs at 6AM as they drive to Oneira's house to hide using Ghiaccio's car that's covered in pink glitter and puke, with Melone passed out naked and tied in the trunk.
► "Hello?! This is Formaggio, where the hell are you guys?! Gelato, i could hear you guys laughing, come back here you cowards! Risotto's gonna kill us!" "I'm sorry but we missed the part where that's our problem*hangs up*"
With the JoFoes
► This would be a whole another AU from the ones above since Hiraeth only knows Diavolo and Doppio but her with the other villains would be more chaotic than when she's with La Squadra.
► Since this is an AU where Hiraeth doesn't really have to be either Oneira or Maestra, she can do whatever she wants(Hell yeah)
► So if they ever watched JJBA with her, they all better prepare to be bullied for the next 5 days.
► "Dio, wHY?! " "Imagine getting your ass kicked before stands even existed. Atleast, you're sexy though. " "DIO please, you look like a banana fuckboy and you kill dogs. " "Kira, i don't even know where to start. " "Maybe if you stopped shouting your stupid villain monologue then you would've gotten the arrow. "
► Everyone's laughing until it's their turn to be bullied for the dumb shit they did in the show. No one's truly safe except for those whose parts still hasn't gotten an anime adaptation.
► "Atleast we know basic math, Hiraeth. Go back to Fugo and join Narancia, maybe you'd learn something from that 16 year old. " "HOW DARE YOU?! "
► When i said no one's safe, i meant it^
► Don't worry, they're all still buddies and would still start fires together at the end of the day.
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