#or hey just imagine this writing with Gregson! where no one cared he died instead of Gina and every body understandably being broken and sho
spiritofjustice · 4 months
i think part of my issue with the new Ace Attorney trilogy (having not yet played Spirit of Justice) is that it feels like none of the characters give a fuck about each other. i could not get into the dynamic of Apollo and Klavier in AJ because it feels incredibly obvious that they don't care about each other at all. they seem to have 0 interest in knowing each other, even if they hang out in 4-3. there is no growing friendship or respect, they both just exist together and then the game ends. and when they reunite in 5-3, there's still nothing to their interaction. they see each other once, are whatever about it, and then leave it at that.
Apollo doesn't even like Phoenix. Trucy and him have a good dynamic, though, but Trucy is very likable and caring in general
this was fixed more in Dual Destinies, but it still feels like there's missing dynamics that should have been there. Phoenix feels so emotionally distant from everyone, including his own daughter, and even when the game's most caring character, Athena, exists and loves the people around her, she still doesn't care about what happened to Bobby Fulbright even though she logically would have. nobody cares about him, not even Blackquill, really, when it seemed to me early on that Blackquill genuinely did like Bobby deep down in his own way.
the Athena-Blackquill dynamic is endearing, i actually think it works, but that's the strongest bond in the game and we only know it exists in the last fuckin case. her friendship with Apollo feels relatively genuine, but Apollo is such... like... a wall of a character, if you know what i mean. it feels like he doesn't really connect to any of the characters. shit, i genuinely think 5-4 and 5-5 would have been the exact same whether he was friends with that one guy or not, that's how static his relationship to Clay is.
i dunno, it really disappoints me. it really really feels like the new trilogy is missing the heart that the original trilogy had. the way the narrative treats Bobby is the biggest example of that for me right now.
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