#or overly medicated
iaminsideyourwalls · 1 year
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good morning medic.
(you know it to be true)
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bloodheartz · 11 months
I'm gonna be real tf2 fans will post their "take of the century" abt Medic and it'll just be another rant showcasing their fundamental misunderstanding of him as a character. No he doesn't actively torment/torture his team. No he's neither your grimdark edgy sexyman or misunderstood bean who doesn't really want to hurt people 🥺. He's just like. A fucked up guy who is filled with whimsy and would like idk, click his heels in joy after seeing an enemy team members guts splattered across the ground and go scoop it up in delight.
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oldbirdwithnobrain · 2 months
*insert german rambleing about how he'll take your whole skeleton out of your body while your still alive*
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Guess whos back and drawing tf2 fanart?, i wouldnt have belived it either. But here i am!
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whaliiwatching · 10 months
Caught up to the fic!! Absolutely fascinated by all the queer/punk/poc history here, since I don't know much myself. Very sweet chapter as well.
Unrelated question - mostly - but why is it common fanon to depict Noir as the more scarred up of various spiderpeople? Naturally everyone has their fair share of fights, though the only we see sustaining any marks is Peter B and his misaligned nose. Personally, I've taken it as Noir Peter not healing as cleanly due to it being Spider God stuff over Weird Radioactive Healing Factor stuff. Thoughts?
thank you so much!! i’m glad you liked it, & hope the ending was satisfying for ya <3
short answer: hot
long answer, plus a map of my idea of noir’s scars: under readmore :)
i’m not a devout spidey comic/movie fan or a doctor. this is based on conjecture and minimal research!
when i came up with my unmasked noir ideas, i wasn’t influenced by fanon—i hadn’t seen any other fan art, not even when itsv came out. but i can think of a good few reasons that scarred noir is a popular headcanon: evidence of what he’s been through makes him feel more tangible/relatable, the visual difference enhances his thematic individuality as distinct from other spider-people (especially other Peter Parkers), self-consciousness can explain why he doesn’t take off his mask in itsv even around other spiders.
all perfectly valid and interesting reasons! but the first two reasons are doylist and the last one is missing a crucial question: why does he have scars? unless a wound is severe, gets infected, or gets lucky, it won’t usually scar. facial injuries especially need to be really bad to leave a mark. and of course most if not all other spider-people have the healing factor. so what gives??
i like the spider god’s curse influences healing factor idea; it opens up some nice angsty possibilities regarding an inability to Be “Fixed;” no matter how much he tries, he can’t erase/forget what’s happened to him. but i also enjoy the bandaging someone up after a fight genre of fic, and am annoyingly pedantic, so my personal working theory is that the healing factor is not a doctor with ten plus years of experience and an accurate understanding of human anatomy. when a bone really badly breaks, it has to be reset or it’ll heal wrong. to me, the healing factor doesn’t know what ‘right’ is, only ‘fast’ and ‘effective.’ it’s an accelerant, not a substitute for medicine.
so let’s establish the baseline. modern spideys either receive modern medical attention or the injury is superficial enough that they don’t require it. even poverty-stricken peter parkers get rushed to the hospital, because fictional doctors Don’t Care About The Money and/or peter is dolled up in spider gear and who’s going to ignore a visibly beat-up celebrity hero?? plus i honestly believed peter b’s nose was just genetics or smthn. my nose is misaligned and it’s never been broken to my knowledge
to compare, noir lives in 1933 and, far as i can tell, doesn’t rlly garner the same fame and respect from the public as modern spideys do. in the 30s, medicine was meh (they had x-rays but didn’t rlly consider radiation much of a threat, penicillin was still in its infancy, polio was a huge threat, etc) but was also, more importantly, far too expensive for most people suffering during the Great Depression. whatever treatment noir receives after a fight, if any, would look way different from ours. that means his healing factor, which can’t differentiate scars from normal skin or a misaligned bone from a whole one, would be inefficiently assisted or left alone. it would leave its history behind.
on the infectious disease side of things, it’s probably much easier for even noir to recover from less physical ailments like the flu and pneumonia—spider healing factor likely remembers and codes for immunity better than regular immune systems—but without modern drug therapies he’d still be worse for wear, ie internal scarring. mans would have a shorter-than-average parker lifespan if not for the pseudo-immortality of the Spider God
anyway. all this to say, here’s my personal map of parker’s scars. crop tank and daisy dukes to keep tumblr off my ass <3
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(tbh this is more for my reference than anyone else’s, i’m sick of looking through my art of Just His Forearms to keep my details consistent, but maybe someone will find it interesting lol)
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yardsards · 4 months
hysterectomies should be easy to just call your doctor and schedule one for next week and only cost one hundred dollars. like spaying a cat.
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infestedguest · 1 year
I wish all neurotypicals who take adderall recreationally a very go fuck yourself.
I don’t have a problem with you getting high, I have a problem with you getting high off the highly restricted medication I need to take every single day of my life just to function, especially now when we are in the middle of a nationwide shortage. You are literally taking resources from the disabled. You are also making it more difficult for disabled people to access those resources in the future. You are the reason I have to keep all my medications in a lock box. Go fuck yourself.
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rowenabean · 1 month
really just nice when you call someone on the phone and they are competent and understand the problem and no-nonsense about it. what relief.
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consolecadet · 2 months
Called the eye doctor again and they agreed that my problem is urgent enough to give me an appointment this week. Relieved, but also nervous.
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heart-forge · 1 year
@a-vampire replied to your post “Is this text hard to read? I wouldn't want a whole...”:
I don't mind the way the actual text looks, but the striped background makes it harder to look at
​Ah, I've been waiting for this comment. One of those "maybe if I hold very still and don't look directly at it, it will magically be easier on the eyes". I'll add that to the "make it easier to look at" list !!
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absensia · 2 months
just now remembering how much Lessons in Chemistry resonated with Char while I was watching it, and for none of the actual narrative reasons that the show's drama followed along. it was, of course, the premise taking advantage of the clear but seldom romanticized intersection between cooking and chemistry; it was the details, such as: Elizabeth destroying her kitchen and renovating it to function as a chemistry lab and kitchen, her making coffee using lab - ware, her treating cooking like an experiment and her chemistry experiments like life-sustaining cuisine, it was her sometimes getting poor results despite doing everything "right" by the science protocol or recipe because sometimes chaos bubbles just out of our control.
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
You know as a horror fan "cultural Christianity" is such a useful term because as an atheist as well as a horror fan and a fan of haunted house stuff if it's done well I very, very quickly noticed how many horror movies are Christian propaganda. So few horror movies involving religion (which is a shocking amount of them btw) pick any religion that's not Christianity to center itself around and when they do that religion is bad and evil, not the cause of evil and the savior from it (because the demons may be Christian, but God and the bible are also the solutions in a way other religions aren't granted. Bonus points if it's an indigenous religion being portrayed as Evil and Bad).
Pretty much any exceptions I can think of to that rule use Judaism and the Holocaust as a backdrop and never in like a normal, the Holocaust is horrible way it's always playing on myths of Nazi Germany's experimentation on the Jewish population. Which I find highly troubling and disturbing, but regardless nothing like being a horror fan to convince you of cultural Christianity because no other genre leans on religion as a plot device so much unless it's straight up a Christian movie for a Christian audience using Christianity as it's main theme and through line.
#winters ramblings#side note i ALWAYS hear about how we learned SO MUCH about medicine and the body from nazi Germany and i KNOW that has to be#at least SOMEWHAT untrue because the methodologies nazis would have used in CONCENTRATION CAMPS do not seem#like theyd yeild USEFUL information about anything. people criticize studies now for being overly populated with undergrads#because THAT skews your results theres NO WAY the camps had conditions good enough to yeild useful information#and theres NO FUCKING WAY IN ALL HELL that nazis had good enough methodologies and treatments of their PRISONERS#to be getting any result worth using. maybe we learned a lot on how to TORTURE people but medical sciences??#i think body snatchers orobably taught us a lot LOT more than the fucked up things the nazis did to the jewish population#and i find it DEEPLY DEEPLY troubling that we seem to remember the nazis like the NAZIS want us to remember them#and not as the scum of the earth they were- they werent useful DOCTORS even if there were olenty of useful engineers but they werent good#engineers BECAUSE they were nazis they were just good at their jobs WHY do we attribute their intelligence to BEING A NAZI#if anything thats proof all their smart at is building shit but anyway something tells me nazi germany didnt teach us NEAR#as much about medical anything as the myths lead us all to believe and WHY are we myth making about FUCKING NAZIS#time to start myth making the jewish people who survived or did uprisings or literally ANYTHING but the fucking nazis#now on the flipside as a horror fan Christianity is SO BAKED IN to how certian genres of horror run#if you had a haunted house movie WITHOUT Christianity id be genuinely surprised. if it wasnt at least Judaism with Weird Holocaust shit#id be even MORE surprised. ive never seen a weesterm horror flick that centered around like. Sikh people or even Muslims#and youd think being an abrahamic religion Muslims would make the cut but no even THEY get shunted because brown#like you CANNOT convince me culture Christianity doesnt exist because as an athiest horror fan BOY do i know thats not true#its actually one of my LEAST favorite things about the horror genre and WHY i have a hard time with haunted house movies#sure i LOVE james wans work but its STILL uses Christianity as a plot device and i HATE Christianity in my horror cheerios#plus you got shows like supernatural who LITERALLY wrote a show of bible fanfiction and uts very clear they never read the bible#i know this because i have a good friend who is religious and even CHRISTIANS find the Christianity in that show baffling and overbearing#and hilariously inaccurate but still lmao. anyway cultural Christianity is 100% a thing as an athiest its IMPOSSIBLE not to notice#so i find it REALLY WEIRD that athiests deny its existence as if weve not been victims of it out whole lives#and religious people who arent Christian too!! we should team up to beat the christians back to where they should be!!#just as invisible as the rest of us OR the rest of us just as visible as christians!!
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starblaster · 11 months
i would really prefer it if people didn’t tag antipsychiatry posts (especially mine, i can’t speak for anyone else) as “psychiatry discourse” because i feel the label of “discourse” frames this as a debate. like every other human rights issue, i don’t think we need to “debate” the fact that people are being harmed by psychiatry. if you wouldn’t call discussions about the objective harm inflicted by prisons and cops “discourse” then i would strongly suggest you rethink calling antipsychiatry discussions “discourse”
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going to a wedding in Yosemite in a few weeks and I’m really excited to see it tbh.
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simptasia · 5 months
i imagine kate isn't much of a reader, making her the odd one out in the jack/kate/sawyer/juliet situation, the other three being massive book nerds
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! Weird question time! Do you know of any mayonnaise available for purchase that doesn’t contain vinegar? My grandma wants to share a turkey salad sandwich recipe with me but it takes mayo and I haven’t been able to find any without vinegar, and I’m allergic to vinegar Alternatively, do you have any recipes? The ones I’m finding all have raw egg in them, and I am. Uh. Hesitant? about using raw egg in something that will not be cooked before it’s consumed 
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cjsees · 1 year
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