#ordinary by rinalouu
rinalouu · 11 months
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“You are anything but ordinary, Love.”
Sum: The first wizarding war has ended, giving the wizarding world a brighter future, and Y/n Black intends to be anything but ordinary. Will she accomplish this with the help of two red-headed twins?
| Ordinary Masterlist | Wattpad | Ao3 | Quotev | Fanfic.net |
| Warnings: | Character Death, Angst, Slow-Burn, Violence. - Warnings will be posted in each chapter -
|PLEASE! Do not copy, or post elsewhere! Re-blogging is fine, but please give me credit!|
| I do not own harry potter, I only own my bits! |
Current taglist: @xolaylaxo and @imaginesofdreams
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rinalouu · 4 months
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-> |Ch.1 Sum: Voldemort has been defeated, but to what cost?| -> |Word Count: 1.4k| -> |Warnings: Kinda Angsty- Made me cry| -> |Series Masterlist|
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-> October 31, 1981 News spread quickly throughout the wizarding world of the defeat of Lord Voldemort. A truly wondrous outcome to the war, but to what cost? Among the celebrating wizards, stood those who truly lost everything to break free from the nightmare that was the war. 
Rosalie Black couldn’t decide whether she should be happy or distraught. On one hand, she felt relief that her three-year-old daughter would have a better future, but on the other, she felt absolute devastation over the death of her friends. Even worse, she didn’t know if she would see her charming husband again. 
“Mommy?” The toddler mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she walked into the living room, a small teddy bear hanging from her hand. Rubbing her eyes, she looked to her mum who quickly wiped her eyes, sending a small smile her way.
“Did I wake you sweetheart?” She smiled, picking up the yawning tyke and setting her onto her lap. “Mmm fine, is mommy sad?” She put her hand on her mother's cheek. “Where's daddy?” She turned her gaze to look around the dark room, her Dad nowhere in sight. Being the impatient child she is, she lightly tugged on Rose's shirt when she didn’t respond fast enough. 
Rose wanted to reply, but a sound outside made her clutch the toddler to her chest. Her mind went into high alert as she tried to think of a way out if this turned ugly, but the door flew open, making her flinch, clutching Melanie even closer. 
“Love, i-it’s just me..” A shaky voice spoke, making Rose and Melanie turn their gaze to the man in the doorway. There stood Sirius Black, the man in question just a few moments ago. Rose could feel the tension leaving her as her husband shut the door, coming toward them. 
“Daddy- You scared me and Mommy!” Melanie cried, giving him a pout, her eyes shone with tears. Sirius gave a weak smile, looking down at her, and kissing her forehead lightly. She truly was a splitting image of him. Her thick, wavy black hair, and eyes shone like silver. Her pale face was littered with freckles, especially around her nose and cheekbones. This was an attribute she got from her mother, rather the only attribute she received besides her brilliant mind. Although she was pale, she still shone with so much life. 
“Sirius-” Rose spoke as their daughter climbed into his lap, playing with his identical black hair, not an ounce of fear in her. “Sirius, what happened? Is it true? Are they-” She choked. She couldn’t even say it. Sirius Grimaced, as he gave a small nod, running his hands through Melanie’s hair. 
“I-I’m afraid so.. Pettigrew, that git... He..” Sirius grew teary-eyed, releasing a shaky breath before continuing, “Pettigrew sold them out. I should’ve known the traitor was him, I should’ve been there-” He heaved a sigh. No one knew Peter Pettigrew was the secret keeper for the Potters, and assumed it would have to be Sirius given his relationship with James. A last ditch effort to protect them ended up being their downfall. This untold information put the blame of their fall on the shoulders of Sirius. His only hope now was to give his family a second chance at life, whether he was in it or not.
“And Harry?” She murmured, if afraid to ask, as she looked down at Melanie, wondering what it would have been if the roles were reversed.
“He survived. He’s the reason Voldemort is dead. Lily sacrificed herself for him. I think he’s going to live with Petunia, Lily’s sister.” He rambled on, nervously chewing his lip. “Petunia? But- We’re Harry’s godparents!” Rose exclaimed, but Sirius shook his head. It seemed his wife hadn’t clicked everything together yet. “I know- I.. I don’t know what Dumbledore is planning.. But we can’t focus on that love, I.. I have to get out of here.” He frantically whispered, meeting the woman's eyes. She shook her head, not understanding the gravity of the situation.
“Sirius- If you’re leaving, I’m going with you! Remus can watch Mel.'' She looked at him desperately, but he only shook his head. “What? Why not?” She whispered, she couldn’t comprehend the situation. 
“They’re coming after me, Love.. Everyone thinks I’m the betrayer, and It’s only a matter of time until they try to involve you..” He gave a sad smile. She shook her head, but he continued before she could speak, “I’m going after Pettigrew, and I can’t let you and Melanie get in the crossfire. She deserves to have one of us, and deserves to grow up and have a childhood, not running from the ministry.” He explained, lightly caressing his wife’s hair, as she  took in the information. He had to leave, for his wife, and for his daughter, it had to be done. Rosalie couldn’t find herself arguing, truly at a loss for words. Instead, she chose to go and pack him a bag without another word to him. Sirius gave a sigh, looking down at the toddler who remained innocent to the whole affair.
“Pumpkin..” He lightly called her nickname, the girl looking up at him with her full attention. Brushing the hair away that had fallen into her face, he smiled down at her. Melanie only gazed at him curiously, tilting her head slightly, making his heart clench. How was he supposed to leave her, his entire world. Would he be back? There was no way to know. He was going to miss everything, he wanted to see her, more so be with her while she grew up. But under the circumstances, protecting her was more important. 
“Daddy has to go for a while, yeah? Let’s call it a secret mission for the Marauders!” He gave her a smile, “I need you to do something for me while I'm gone, pumpkin.” He nodded, knowing she wouldn’t fully understand, but he didn’t want to upset her.
“What?” She questioned, whispering as if it was a secret, a mischievous glint in her eyes that reflected her father’s all too well.
“No matter what, I need you to listen to Mommy. You are going to do amazing things. And I want you to remember that Daddy loves you so very much. Never forget that, okay?” He rambled as if she understood, and even if she didn’t, she nodded. Sirius pulled her into a tight embrace, tears leaving his eyes as he hid his face from her view.
“I pwomise, Daddy.” Her tiny arms tightened around his neck. She didn’t understand why everyone was crying, or what was going on in the world, but she did know that she trusted the man holding her. Rosalie came out of the room, carrying a bag full of things Sirius might need on the run. She couldn’t stop the tears as she stared at her husband and child. She was so innocent and didn’t deserve any of it, but the world has a cruel way with innocence. Rosa could only hope she could keep as much of it as possible in the coming years.
“Daddy has to go now, but I love you. Here,” Looking down, he pulled off the ring on his index finger, putting it into her small hand. It wasn’t big or fancy, but there was a dog-like creature etched into it. It was his Animagus, which he had gotten with the other Marauders. They had gotten them when they were just out of Hogwarts. The ring had “Padfoot” etched on the inside, and he hoped it would give her a piece of him while he was gone. “Keep this safe for me now.” He gave the toddler one last kiss on the head before turning to his wife, who was still crying. “Love.. Please don’t cry.” He pulled her in an embrace, the bag dropping beside them. She didn’t utter a word, only pulling him into a kiss, putting as much into it as she could. In return, he kissed her as his life depended on it. Neither of them knew if they would ever see each other again. After a few short moments, they pulled apart, pressing his forehead against hers. “I love you, forever and always.” He smiled weakly, locking eyes with her.
“I will always love you, Sirius Black. Please… Come back to us safely.” She looked at him, a million unsaid words in her gaze. Sirius nodded, a promise both of them knew might be a long shot. But the hope filled him with determination. Giving her a kiss once more, he picked up the bag and backed out the door. Before he was out of sight, he threw one last glance at the doorway of their cottage, seeing Rosalie holding Melanie at the door, both of them waving as it started to drizzle. Giving a sad wave, Sirius fled to meet his fate.
And that was the last time Melanie Black had seen her father.
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Author's Note: And that's a wrap on chapter 1 my dears! Sorry it might be a little all over the place but there was a lot of little details I needed to cover! Please let me know what you think! And if you'd like to see what Melanie generally looks like, there is a link on the series page to see! Thank you for reading!
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rinalouu · 4 months
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“You are anything but ordinary, Love.”
Series Masterlist Sum: The first wizarding war has ended, giving the wizarding world a brighter future, and Melanie Black intends to be anything but ordinary. Will she accomplish this with the help of two red-headed twins? Rating: M- Mature for Strong Language, Violence, Triggering Themes, Possible NSFW Content. Updates?: Every Sunday - Please keep a look out for delays as I do have a full time job. Length?: This is a LONG fic.. starting from my OCs first year of Hogwarts to an Epilogue. Other Platforms?: AO3 - Quotev - Fanfiction.net - Wattpad (Links coming soon) Author's Note: I want to make it clear that in writing this fic, I do not support anything JKR does or says. Frankly, the whole ordeal is disgusting and I do not want anything to do with her. However, Harry Potter is a safe space for me. This fic is not meant to harm other people, and my hope is that it might bring some comfort to someone who needs it. If you have ideas or feedback, positive constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please do not Copy or Steal my work without permission, I do not own anything but my personal bits and ideas.
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rinalouu · 11 months
This is what I imagine my character from ordinary to look like-
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