#other half is me just complaining about teambuilding lol
nerorebooted · 1 year
hsr spoilers
i finished jarilo-iv final boss. many thoughts to be had. big spoilers below cut
i miss my bat :(
no but seriously that was SO COOL. SO COOL!!! i LOVED the decision for Bronya to lie to the rest of Belobog about Cocolia’s involvement in the whole event, such a cool subversion! i feel like the whole of Jarilo-IV and it’s issues are portrayed really well, with just the right amount of realism to make it feel like the struggles are important, but not too much to bog you down in how depressing it is. definitely leaves a lot of room for fans to explore those issues on their own!
i also feel like they do a really good job in HSR of making you, the MC, feel like...actually pretty cool. like i cannot imagine a moment at all in my playthrough of genshin where something happened and i was like, “holy shit i did that??? that was fucking SICK.” like idk the stakes just feel higher, the production feels grander. i know a lot of people are sick of hearing this game compared to genshin, but i can’t help it - as someone who was very invested (and then subsequently very frustrated) with genshin’s story, i can’t help but compare the writing. and i can safely say that HSR’s writing, worldbuilding, and story have all made VAST improvements on genshin’s style. i’ve seen it been said that this is partly due to the fact that genshin had an open-world structure, making it harder to write character-driven stories, but i think it goes beyond that. HSR has taken genshin’s ability to create lively and lived-in worlds, and connected it seamlessly with the arcs and experiences of the character’s. i always felt like every choice a character made in genshin was disconnected from the actual world surrounding them - that is far from the case in HSR.
OKAY back to the important shit - missing my bat. the lance dorky i want my bat back so baaaaad
BUT i have been waiting for the Fire Trailblazer, and they’re here and now I need a new team. my old team - Trailblazer/Sampo/March 7th/Asta - wasn’t perfect, but they worked pretty well together. now i am STRUGGLING. i’ve been looking forward to using Clara and the Fire Trailblazer for SO LONG but they KINDA SUCK ON THE SAME TEAM ASDFASFDAFS. right now i’m sporting Clara/Sampo/Trailblazer/Herta as i finish my business around Belobog, and honestly it’s not the best. i am realize pretty quickly that the fourth member needs to be some sort of support. i’ve been against using Natasha for so long, but honestly i might have to enlist her on the team - there’s no way it’s gonna hold with the Trailblazer’s shielding abilities on its own. my other option is Tingyun, who i’ve read is a really good single-ally buffer, but.... i haven’t met her in game, and i like using character i’ve met and like! i’m a sucker like that ig
i think i’ll just juggle between March, Asta, and Herta until i either pull something, meet Tingyun, OR just cave and level Natasha. if anybody bothers reading all this and has any suggestions, pls give them!!
i think, in terms of teambuilding, next on the horizon is relic grinding, which is gonna be its one fucking thing. yay.
LAST THING: once i fully finish all the main-mission stuff to do in Belobog and finish my first trailblazing mission, then i am going to start writing >:3c the poll i put up hasn’t finished, but i do plan to start with whatever that result is. super excited!! it’s been forever since i’ve written stuff, and this fandom is so new, so there’s a lot of ideas that haven’t been done yet!!
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