#ough i miss those cats so fucking much man
lichbutch · 7 months
ough i miss being in high school and unnofficially volunteering at the vet's office. nowadays theres so many requirements to be a volunteer and honestly i just want to go give cats love. nothing made me want to be a good person more than seeing how excited the strays at the vet's were when they saw me coming
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karinyosa · 1 year
tagged by @michaelmandog whose blog is insane and very much beloved and responsible for introducing me to the michael mando dog picture
1. are you named after anyone?
my tito francis. my classmate francesca. st francis of assisi. any number of filipino men. take your pick
2. when was the last time you cried?
ough like a few days ago. in hindsight it feels silly but i needed a good cry
3. do you have kids?
my cat mimolette and his uncle snugles (it was spelled with one g) (god rest his soul)
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
no! but i did when i was a kid specifically around my godfather
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
fuck man i have no idea. eyes, hair, or vibe. with men it’s the torso area bc that’s usually what’s the closest to my eye level and also i care about that area so much 😵‍💫
6. what’s your eye color?
dark brown/black. my ex said i have the eyes of a baby cow
7. scary movies or happy endings?
it depends on the movie but probably scary movies. ideally a bit of both
8. any special talents?
i used to have the entire kung fu panda and secrets of the furious five scripts memorized complete with vocal impressions. i do not have them memorized in their entirety anymore but if i hear a little snippet from either of those things i can sometimes recite the rest of the scene verbatim. i Fucking love kung fu panda and i always will
9. where were you born?
texas. it was within an asian community which was nice bc i was able to find a lot of my culture’s food at the grocery store growing up
10. what are your hobbies?
kadhlasj. writing singing playing ukulele amateurly drawing and painting embroidering and vo acting amateurly as well. i am trying to get into theatre so i can hit every hobby on the hobbies people dunk on list. also i like reading! currently in the middle of m butterfly. david henry hwang predicted wheezer
11. do you have any pets?
stinky orange cat and (formerly) grumpy and round orange cat
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
none now i am very inactive. but i did ballet from like 3-6ish(?) and i did taekwondo from like 9-13ish and jiu jitsu from like 11-13. jiu jitsu is the only one i really miss bc it fucking slapped and i was good at it. i sparred w the instructor a lot which awakened things in me. i love the idea of doing ballet but i don’t find myself missing it. i want to get into kali
13. how tall are you?
5’2 and a little bit
14. favorite subject in school?
it’s always been english or art. i had a music class in middle school that changed me irrevocably and a chorus elective that was very lovely
15. dream job?
some kind of performer or writer/director. marine biology, if i had the bravery (scared of deep water and i can't swim) and attention span
tagging 🫵 @bmoharrisbankofficial @7pmest @god-of-this-new-blog @mybeautifulboy @seventh-fantasy @sleepy-katz @stillthesunkenstars @doggirlbutler @wikipediafag and EVERY SINGLE mutual i missed. also, you 🫵 if you want to do it
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{{ Fun ask meme you made: Everything with a 4 in it! (4, 14, 24, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45.)
oh that’s a very fun way to do it! I already did 40 but I’ll give you the rest. Thank you for giving me so many!
4: if you had to loose one of your senses or physical abilities, which one and why?
im a chatter box but I’d loose the ability to speak. It’s kind of selfish but speaking is one of the only abilities that’s primarily for everyone else’s experience of the world. I mean you can’t talk and share ideas as easy and some of the puns and stuff you do get limited but you still get sunsets and art museums and books and musicals and cat purrs and all that. I still get things, I just can’t give anymore.
14: preferred form of travel i know tumblr doesn’t like them but car for SURE. Used to have ten hours in it every weekend visiting my dad and like. You can sing. You can have arguments with yourself and imagined people. Go noom. Pretty sights. And I’ve had the best conversations I’ve ever had in the car, because what else are you going to do? If there are two people in a confined space and one of them can’t look at anything you can only talk and I love that it’s a wonderful feeling. And falling asleep in the back of a car while people you care about talk in the front? Being able to leave home at any time? Getting sonic at 11pm? Ough it’s so good. I get home and spend an hour in a non moving car love being in a car I am no better than a dog.
24: what is a food or experience you miss from being a child? This does not mean things like paying bills, and is more about the time period you are from.
1 burning cds
2 a lack of cool people on tv. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Napoleon Dynamite but yeah things like that. Like there is no one cool in invader zim.
3 toxic waste (candy.) I haven’t seen one in ages
34: name a way someone has helped you before
car got stuck on this pile gravel. It had been snowing, next to a busy highway, thirty minutes by car away from any town, and it jammed up all the way up like into the entire bottom, not just the tires. Spent like an hour by hand trying to dig the stuff out with bare hands. Some guy with a truck hooked me up and pulled my car off. I’ll never forget it
41: what’s a hobby you want to get into? Disregard whatever skills money or tools you would need, listen to your heart
I want to learn how to make music and video essays. Both of those cost money and your own private area (instrument, mic, and a place you don’t disturb people with sound). Also animation I’m a very bad artist and don’t get technology so it’s a pretty hard no but I’d love to do it someday
42: what’s an experience you’ve wanted to do or have for awhile but not been able to justify to yourself?
I want to see hadestown on broadway. Or anything on broadway really but hadestown is the dream personally
43: a part of yourself you are fond of?
I like that soft spot between your lower ribs and thumb nails
44: favorite supernatural being
I’ve always been fond of ghost, because they’re the only one just about that gets to be sad or helpful instead of just scary. The idea that you felt something so strong it outlasted your body…. Yeah that’s what emotions feel like. That’s why you can be haunted by things that aren’t there, like war or an old friendship. It’s just emotions out of place that followed you.
Sad ghosts, lost ghost stuck in a loop, ghosts that save people from similar situations as their own, ghosts that come back to love their loved ones, ghosts who taunt the person who killed them and haunt them in the literal and metaphorical sense. Idk man. Just ghosts. They’re so important to me.
45: favorite fantasy being
Fae but only the fucked up kind who like find people fascinating but mostly as entertainment and make them dance till their feet fall off or see how long it takes them to loose a deal. Idk they’re just fun.
thank you so much this was mega fun to talk about
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