#owlghosts talks
owlghosts9 · 3 months
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New pfp and name! I was originally randomari but now I’m owlghosts9, just to let y’all know. I rly like owls. Snowy owls, in particular. Now some fun facts about me bc I don’t rlly talk much about myself.
I’ve had a Ninjago hyperfixation since I was 9
My favorite seasons (not including Dragons Rising) are Seabound and Sons of Garmadon
My favourite character was Zane until I was about 11 and then it became Jay and then Kai and now I don’t really know
I’ve been very interested in snowy owls since I was 8
First time I read Percy Jackson I was 8, and then I tried to read the second book but I didn’t like it for some reason and at 10 I forced myself to and then I finished the series and I really liked it so it was worth it
But I didn’t know Heroes of Olympus existed so I only read that when I was 13
My favourite PJO characters include Grover, Thalia, Nico, Annabeth, and Jason
I’m a daughter of Hades
uh that’s it!!
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owlghosts9 · 3 months
I was so confused, like “I don’t remember following this person…”
Then I saw that you changed your username lol
yeah when people change their usernames I get so confused and then I check their blog and I’m like OHHHHH
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owlghosts9 · 2 months
This is crazy I’m finally getting an autism diagnosis im so happy
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