#patch is from my fav shirt that got to destroyed to wear
teddypunx · 4 months
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First patch on the new vest‼️
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obviously-john · 7 years
Pirate meta of doom
by request of @quirkygown , I have very carefully not really sorta kinda put together a fun lil’ meta about the parallels between young Victor Trevor wearing an eye patch and John Watson getting shot in the eyeball.
First, let’s say for funzies that EMP is not involved, and Sherlock was alive and awake for the bizarre duration of TLD.  I have theories about the wonky timeline in that episode, but for now we will stick to what we were given.
The opening scene in TLD is an image of a literal smoking gun.  
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Then it pans slowly down 
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I assure you, if I could do gifs, I’d be all over that, but I’m not that crafty.
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And lands on an image of John on his back with only his right eye showing.  The angle is strange and is probably done that way because, well, artistic intent. or whatever. But also as if we are experiencing this from John’s level.    The next frame is from above John:
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Again we only get a shot (haha) of John’s right eye.  He does not appear as one would after being shot with a tranquilizer gun.  He looks more like he is in shock.  Also- tranq guns don’t smoke.  that’s what the inter-webs told me.
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The scene changes to John lying in bed (not this hardwood floor) with an imaginary Mary.  The rest of the episode goes on.  This is where the Mind Bungalow theory comes in.  And the wonky timeline.  
At the end of TLD, Eurus confronts John and the big reveal is that she’s Sherlock’s sister etc. and says she wants to put a hole in his face.  
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And fires a shot. We don’t see the bullet leave the chamber, but there is a puff of smoke and we get this:
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Which is very James Bond, but also suggests blood running through John’s vision, since we are made to look at it through his eyes.  
Now I could post a bunch of links from Google to pages where people discuss getting shot in the head vs. the eye and basically it breaks down to this.  If it is a glancing blow, it can destroy the vision with bone fragments but not penetrate the brain.  Others said that you can survive without quite a bit of brain matter, but that is neither here nor there.  My best source was the director of a particular series involving zombies and a character getting shot in the eye.  Not gonna spoiler it.  
I theorize that Eurus didn’t want to kill John so much as use him as bait for Sherlock.  The “miss me” implies Moriarty after all, and she claimed that Culverton gave her the original note.  And she was surprised he missed the invisible writing and probs needed a new way to bring Sherlock to her.  But let’s not get into that.  Let’s talk about pirates instead!  
In ASiB, when Mycroft tells John about Irene and speaks of Sherlock’s heart, he mentions that Sherlock wanted to be a pirate.  This was startling news to John because he had just stated that the man didn’t feel things the way others do.  So it humanized his friend.  And of course Mycroft teases Sherlock with the pirate thing in T6T but John wasn’t there for that.  Unless...[insert other wild theories I have]
So if we follow the Mind Bungalow theory- that John has been injured and is currently hanging out in his version of a MP while in a coma- and that he is basically dreaming all of TFP, and I would link the metas on all this, but I’m tired and  bit lazy, so here’s the gist.  Every imaginable movie tropes from John’s fav genres, the little girl on the plane is a mirror for John being in a coma and doesn’t know how to land, Molly is a mirror in that she’s wearing the same sweater as when she played John in TEH and is looking sad and lonely at home and making tea and pining after Sherlock etc, and tiny baby Victor Trevor, Sherlock’s only friend, looking a lot like a little John.  Plaid shirts and such. Adorbs.  He has an eye patch over his left eye and was put in a well by Eurus.  If none of this is real, and all of it is John, he easily could have made that connection because wherever Sherlock went, John followed and if Sherlock wants to be a pirate, so will he.  Because that’s what he deduces about Sherlock’s heart.
So yeah, I guess in conclusion, I’m saying that John got shot in or around his left eyeball, and will have to wear a sexy new eye patch which Sherlock will think is awesome.  
so there it is; my slapdash eye patch theory in all its glory.  possibly with typos.  Based off of this post http://obviously-john.tumblr.com/post/156357303084/quirkygown-kimbiablue-chrysanthemumsies
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