raurquiz · 11 months
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#Happybirthday @leearenberg #leearenberg #actor #StarTrek #gral #deepspacenine #prak #bok #thenextgeneration #pelk #voyager #enterprise #PiratesoftheCaribbean #AtWorldsEnd #OnceUponATime #Californication #CollegeFrightNight #americangods #ds930 #startrek56 @TrekCore @StarTrek
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tourdion · 8 months
its a shame that flamingo and penguin dont have such snappy contractions... i hate to let one milk get all the limelight...
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sportu · 1 year
FC Bayern draws the line: Last Nagelsmann confidant has to go
He came to Munich with ex-coach Julian Nagelsmann. Now team psychologist Maximilian Pelka has to leave Bayern. Upheaval at FC Bayern: After the expulsion of Julian Nagelsmann, Marco Neppe, Dino Toppmöller or Toni Tapalović, the next member of staff has to leave the German record champions, as the club announced on Monday. The “kicker” previously reported. Team Psychologist Dr. Maximilian Pelka…
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tanadrin · 6 months
…(ya)ltse pikala watäṃ ·e – ci(ṣṣ)e /// /// – – ·nts· p(o) ask(a)sk(au) (mā) ñ(i) (ci)sa noṣ śomo ñ(e)m(wno)lme (l)āre tāka mā ra postaṃ cisa lāre mäsketär-ñ : ciṣṣe laraumñe ciṣṣe ārtañye pelke kaltta-(r)r«†ä» śolämpa ṣṣe mā t(e) stālle śol wärñai : 2 taiysu pälskanoym sanai ṣaryompa śāyau karttse(ś) śaulu-wärñai snai tserekwa snai tā – :
yāmor-ñīkte ṣe cau ñī palskañe śarsa tusa ysaly= ersate ciṣy= araś ñi sälkāte : wāya ci lauke tsyāra ñiśwetke «k»ly«†k»autka-ñ pāke po läklenta«nt»s ciṣe tsārwo sampā(te-ñ) – – – – – – ·e śol pals(k)= araś ñī kom-kom mī-
"…a thousand years, [you will] tell [our] story. [I thus announce, [here]tofore there was no human being dearer to me than [you]; likewise hereafter there will be no one dearer to [you] than [me]. [Your] love, [your] affection, [my] jubilant song rises up! Along with life [itself], this should not come to an end for [my] whole life. I was thinking: “I will live with one love well [for the whole of my] life, without any deceit, without…” The God [of Karma] alone recognized this, my thought. Thus he provoked a quarrel; it ripped out my heart [that belonged] to [you. I]t led [you] afar, it tore me apart, it turned me into a partaker of all sorrows; he took away the consolation [I had] in thee… my life, spirit, and heart, day-by-day…"
Tocharian B fragment, ca. 600 CE (source)
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morbidology · 4 months
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On May 14, 1985, Paula Cooper, a 15-year-old, along with three friends, skipped school and planned to rob a house in their neighborhood in Gary, Indiana. They approached 78-year-old Ruth Pelke, a bible studies teacher, under the guise of seeking lessons. Once inside, one of Cooper's accomplices struck Pelke with a vase, and Cooper proceeded to stab the elderly woman 33 times with a butcher knife.
The girls searched the house, finding only $10 and some jewelry, before stealing Pelke's car. Subsequently, they were apprehended, and on July 11, 1986, Cooper, identified as the primary instigator, received a death sentence. The other girls received less severe sentences and were eventually released.
Due to Cooper's young age and a history of abuse, her sentence was later commuted to 60 years on June 17, 2013, after spending 28 years in prison, during which she underwent significant rehabilitation. Two years after her release, Paula Cooper took her own life.
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pwhlboston21 · 17 days
Awesome moves by Pelks there
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radical-zam · 1 year
If i go to yoir house broke your door , enter to your bedroom and make you drank pelk
What do you do??
It's not that im going to do it...
i would not like that very much : (
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gayteensupreme · 1 year
just drank some cock (coca-cola milk) and it was alright tbh.
full list of milk soda concoctions i intend to try:
pilk (pepsi milk)
falk (fanta milk)
dr pelk (dr pepper milk)
sprilk (sprite milk)
solk (solo milk)
moulk delk (mountain dew milk)
gilk (hard g) ((grape soda milk))
palk (pasito milk)
crilk (creaming soda milk)
roolk (root beer milk)
gilk (soft g) ((ginger beer milk)
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STOP RUGHE SUL VISO e IPNOSI? Ipnosi DCS unica al mondo
Scopri il potere dell'ipnosi vera e professionale, supportata da ricerche scientifiche, nel contrastare le rughe sul viso e mantenere una pelle luminosa e giovane! 🌀✨
L'ipnosi vera e professionale può essere un valido strumento per favorire il rilassamento e la riduzione dello stress, contribuendo al benessere della pelle.
Ecco 3 testimonianze di celebrità che hanno sperimentato i benefici dell'ipnosi vera e professionale per contrastare le rughe:
1️⃣ "L'ipnosi mi ha aiutato a rilassare i muscoli del viso e a ridurre la tensione, donandomi una pelle più luminosa e distesa." - Jennifer Aniston
2️⃣ "Grazie all'ipnosi ho imparato a gestire lo stress e a mantenere un'energia positiva che si riflette sulla mia pelle, contrastando l'insorgere delle rughe." - Brad Pitt
3️⃣ "L'ipnosi è diventata parte integrante della mia routine di cura della pelle, aiutandomi a mantenere un aspetto giovane e fresco nel tempo." - Scarlett Johansson
Se desideri esplorare come l'ipnosi vera e professionale possa contribuire alla salute della tua pelle e al contrasto delle rughe, provaci subito!
Se non hai voglia di girare cappelle, farti rubare il tuo prezioso tempo, raccontare i tuoi fatti in giro, scarica ora questo audio DCS unico al mondo dal titolo:
#ipnosi #benessere #rughe #pelle#ruga #pelke #viso #bellezza #giovinezza #vecchiaia #estetica #longevita #ipnosidcs #metododcs #drclaudiosaracino
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edelsteinland · 6 months
Nationalpark, Fachwerk, Bergwerkskäse und die heilige Hildegard von Bingen - eine vielfältige Tour durchs EdelSteinLand
Nationalpark-Erlebnisbus - Winter-Tour im EdelSteinLand
Am Samstag, den 02.12.2023 war der Nationalpark-Erlebnisbus zum letzten Mal in diesem Jahr unterwegs. Die kurzweilige Exkursion führte dieses Mal durchs EdelSteinLand in die Region rund um Herrstein.
Nach dem Start am Hunsrückhaus war der Aussichtspunkt am tief verschneiten, höchsten Gipfel von Rheinland-Pfalz das erste Ziel. Hier informierte Ranger Dirk Paul über Aktuelles aus dem Nationalpark Hunsrück-Hochwald. Danach ging die Fahrt weiter nach Herrstein, wo Ortsbürgermeister Eberhard Weber ausführlich über den Abschluß der Renovierungsarbeiten im mittelalterlichen Ortskern berichtete und Stadtführer Matthias Braun uns durch die Gassen von Herrstein geleitete und so manche Anekdote erzählen konnte.
Die Mittagspause machten wir in der Zehntscheune und wärmten uns dort mit einer warmen Suppe.
Am Nachmittag stand zuerst das Historische Kupferbergwerk Fischbach auf dem Programm. Betriebsleiter Nico Bollenbacher begeisterte seine Gäste mit Geschichten über die Erzgewinnung im Mittelalter,  sowie die Herstellung von Bier und Brot. "Heute back ich, morgen brau ich" zeigt diesen engen Zusammenhang der beiden Handwerke auf. Auch bestand die Möglichkeit den "Alten Steiger" zu probieren; ein Käse, der auf dem Schwalbenhof hergestellt wir und im Kupferbergwerk reift. Zusammen mit einem Schluck Kirner Bier ein besonderer Genuss.
Vorletzter Halt war dann am Schwalbenhof in Berschweiler und Betriebsleiter Marian Dorn weihte uns in die Geheimnisse der Käseherstellung ein. Den Rohstofflieferanten der Milch für den Käse statten wir auch einen Besuch im Kuhstall ab. 
Gut gelaunt trafen die Teilnehmer danach in Niederhosenbach ein - wahrscheinlich der Geburtsort der Heiligen Hildegard von Bingen. Ortsbürgermeister Pelke präsentierte die Ausstellung im Begegnungszentrum und zum Abschluß gab es Kaffee und selbstgebackenen Kuchen, wobei reichlich zugegriffen wurde.
Um 17.00 Uhr endete der erlebnisreiche Ausflug wieder am Hunsrückhaus und alle waren sich einig, dass weitere Fahrten im neuen Jahr auf jeden Fall folgen sollten.
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raurquiz · 1 month
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#otd #startrek #voyager #juggernaut #janeway #chakotay #tuvok #kim #paris #belannatorres #7of9 #emh #neelix #Fesek #Pelk #Dremk #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @TheKateMulgrew
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tourdion · 7 months
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just heard theyre opening up a new pelk cafe in town
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sportu · 1 year
FC Bayern: Last Nagelsmann confidant has to go
He came to Munich with ex-coach Julian Nagelsmann. Now team psychologist Maximilian Pelka has to leave Bayern. Upheaval at FC Bayern: After the expulsion of Julian Nagelsmann, Marco Neppe, Dino Toppmöller or Toni Tapalović, the next member of staff has to leave the German record champions, as the club announced on Monday. The “kicker” previously reported. Team Psychologist Dr. Maximilian Pelka…
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tanadrin · 27 days
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Above is my attempt at transcribing the first three lines of TH 496, that haunting fragment of Kuchean poetry. AIUI, in Tocharian B, the transcription convention uses ä for /ɨ/, ṣ for /ʃ/, ś for /ɕ/, c for /tɕ/, and ñ for /ɲ/. The ṃ is just a variant for /n/. So I think these lines would be pronounced something like:
jaltse pikala watɨn le -ɲo tɕi ɲe -- -- -- -- -- -nts po askaskau ma ɲi sa noʃ ɕomo ɲem wnolme la:re ta:ka ma: ra postan cisa la:re mɨsketɨrɲ ciʃʃe laraumɲe ciʃʃe a:rtaɲje pelke kaltta- rrɨ ɕolɨmpa ʃʃe ma: te sta:lle ɕol wɨrɲai taijsu pɨlskanojm sanai ʃarjo
Some fun cognates: śomo is cognate to Latin homo, OE guma (modern "groom," with an intrusive r due to the compound "bridegroom"); ñem is cognate to English "name;" and wnolme is cognate to Latin animus.
At least some of the consonant clusters in Tocharian B were eventually simplified in pronunciation--apparently later in the same manuscript someone has written lykautkañ for klyautkañ, "make, turn into;" the initial cluster was probably pronounced /l/, which makes this an error roughly on par with writing "nkow" instead of "know," because you know there's a k in there somewhere but it's not pronounced.
The Tocharian script is essentially a local form of the Brahmic script, and operates on the same principle: in theory, it is an abugida where each sign is a consonant with an inherent /a/ or /ə/ vowel, and diacritics mark the other vowels (as well as standalone vowels), while a virama marks final consonants with no vowel. In practice, Brahmic scripts (especially older ones) seem to be a a lot more complicated, because consonant sequences are represented by stacking signs on top of one another, and this can produce a dizzying array of fearsome ligatures. The annoying thing about Tocharian is that I actually can't find any good resources online about the writing system as it's actually used--mostly a list of the basic signs (which, as you might expect, are not in fact the majority of signs used in a text like this!), without any indication of what common variants or simplifications look like.
It helps, of course, that cheat sheets exist for this sort of thing, so you can check your work as you go. But I would definitely classify this text--or at least the hand responsible for the first two and a half lines--as "not especially clear examples of the script." I think it would also be kind of annoying to learn in that the division into signs doesn't really match up with natural syllabification at all--there's this kind of fucked up maximal onset principle thing going on where instead of writing <war nai> or <kalt tar rä> you have to write <wa rnai> and <ka ltta rra>, which seems like it would have been very annoying. Seems like it would be very easy to transition an abugida into an alphabet, too--you already have standalone signs for all the vowels!
But there's no denying that like a lot of scripts in the family, it looks great. Just A+ aesthetic, up there with Syriac and katakana.
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morbidology · 9 months
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On May 14, 1985, Paula Cooper, a 15-year-old, along with three friends, skipped school with the intent to burglarize a house in their neighborhood. Their target was the home of Ruth Pelke, a 78-year-old bible studies teacher. Pretending to seek lessons from her, they gained access to her residence.
One of Cooper's accomplices struck Ruth Pelke on the head with a vase, and Cooper proceeded to brutally stab the elderly woman 33 times using a butcher knife. After ransacking the house and finding only $10 and some jewelry, they also stole Pelke's car.
Subsequently, all the girls were apprehended, with Cooper identified as the primary instigator. On July 11, 1986, Cooper was sentenced to death. Her co-conspirators received less severe sentences and were eventually released from prison. A few years later, due to her young age and a history of abuse, Cooper's death sentence was commuted to a 60-year prison term.
On June 17, 2013, after spending 28 years behind bars, Cooper left prison as a reformed individual. On May 26, 2015, Paula Cooper took her own life.
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pwhlboston21 · 27 days
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