#people are ridiculous. if you aren't personally helping out lost kids on your own initiative and you don't know who your neighbours are
beeseverywhen · 1 year
Me to my little sister: Right now you've got a replacement phone you'll actually keep this one on you when you go out alone right?
Her: Yes!
Her: Unless i go to the shop
Me: What? That's the only place you go without an adult, why wouldn't you take it there? It's the one place you actually need it
Her: Why would i need a phone in a supermarket
Me: Why would you need a phone anywhere? To get help if you need it. Besides you aren't teleporting in to the supermarket! You have to get there first. You're taking it to the supermarket so you have it there and on the way there in case you need to call us because there are no public phones! If you go out without it, you are the only person walking about without one.
Her: OK, I'll even take it to the supermarket
#honestly these people who are all like 'kids are too dependent on phones parents shouldn't encourage it are mad#and the same ppl are weird about kids not walking places. like you get one#you can't complain about both. not when the world is now only set up for people with individual phones#yeah I'm going to send her out there alone as the only person out there without a phone and limited life experience to deal with emergency#no man. no phone boxes no police stations and have you tried to borrow a strangers phone recently? People are weird about it#high density housing with unreliable public transport and you need an app for everything#nobody can give directions any more and its not like theres anyone who'd recognise her and bring her home if she'd need it#decades of systematic dismantling of working class communuties has just left a constant cycle of new neighbours if you aren't the one movin#everything is out of town with schools in one direction and jobs in another. like hell would i leave anyone in the middle of that with no#way to contact anyone they know when they are still learning how to function on their own#people are ridiculous. if you aren't personally helping out lost kids on your own initiative and you don't know who your neighbours are#and you haven't told them where you go in the day then i don't want to hear about how the world is worse now we have phones#like create the world you want to see! if you don't like that people don't know their neighbours#get to know your neighbours. if you are mad the world is less friendly. stop voting for policies that make community impossible because#its more profitable. like god. phones aren't the problem it's our global societies obsession with money above all else#people having phones on them is not the problem. it's a solution to all the other ones we've been left with. 'young people are always on#are always on their phones and don't know how to talk to people' like wow way to show you don't talk to anyone under 40#honestly I don't know anyone younger than my parents who think it's OK to have the ringer on and be playing videos outloud and I'm not on#my phone in any situation where i wouldn't be reading a book without it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been freed up from carrying#reading material everywhere. it's not hurting anyone just being in her bag and besides who cares if it is. kids need to be prepared for#living in the world that's actually waiting for them. not some idealised image of the past.
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jaybeartodd · 7 years
Colleagues Pt. 3/17 — Jason Todd x fem. reader
Y/N is struggling with this newly found information but decides to push it aside while things are going well. And maybe this Jason character isn’t as awful as he initially seemed...
Sorry this is so long! I was planning on making this two parts but I forgot to stop typing. Whoops. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and thank you for the amazing feedback! You guys have been fantastic!
Warnings: swearing and mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1974
Tagging: @sarcasmismyfirstlove 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
It is sheer will and your hand supporting your chin that is at least keeping up the appearance of vitality as your professor lectures at the head of the classroom. After a quick digestion of the information discovered last night, you managed to hammer out a killer essay and get a whole 3 hours of sleep before having to wake up for your morning class. 
You are trying to focus on what the professor is saying by watching their mouth but all you can hear is the conversation between you and Nick.
It was after a long shift at your old job that you came home to Nick using the kitchen for actual cooking purposes. Throwing your bag down you eyed him wearily as he gave you happy smile from behind a steaming stove.
"Hey sis! I got us a real meal; steak and mashed potatoes.” 
You can't help but laugh at the absurdity of his appearance. He has his long purple hair tied up in a bun and your Batman apron tied around his body. 
“What did I tell you about buying that disgusting meat at the butcher down the road?” you ask leaning over the sizzling pan cautiously expecting the worst. 
“No sis. This is real steak from a real store,” his dimples flash seemingly innocent and the steak does look halfway decent. If you even liked steak.
“Nick,” you sigh grabbing at a headache forming from the thought of him getting into your cash again.  
“No, Y/N, look I swear it was all my own money. I didn't take a cent from your jar in the dresser. Cross my heart,” he gestures to his heart. Mental note; move jar. 
You let out a breath and look into his brown eyes full of pride. You see the little brother who would do this silly promise ritual years ago when hiding in your self-made fortresses. Before he lost his way. 
Finally giving in, you cross your heart in sync with him and he laughs kissing you on the cheek. After finishing up the cooking, you manage to have a decent dinner with him even if you push around the steak so he won't notice you not eating it. 
It is one of the best moments you have had with Nick since you had to move in with him after several of his stints in jail. But you can't help the question burning in the back of your head. 
“Where'd you get the money, Nickie?” you ask somberly. Instead of the guilt you are expecting you see his face beam.
“I got a job,” your eyes widen at this. The boy who hasn't held a job in years can suddenly afford steak with work he has never even mentioned applying for. 
“No really! I got a delivery job! It is with a Mr. Sionis and it makes enough money that you can stop worrying about me and start focusing on paying your school and I can finally start supporting Trey.”
You can't help but absorb the pure joy emanating from him. You hug him and enjoy the moment even though you know he could make all the money in the world but the mother of his child would never let him have anymore than the every other weekends he is getting. Not that you can blame her. She has a big house, nice husband and great career. Trey is a cute kid and deserves the best life possible, Even though you miss him dearly and you know it crushes Nick. 
This memory still rings fresh in your head as one of the better ones even though Nick went straight back to his binging within one week of work leaving you to pick up the essentials. At least he has somehow held the job and pays for his own alcohol now. You aren't blind to the effect the job has had on your brother and now your curiosity grows knowing who his boss is and even more now that Mr. Wayne seems interested in the guy despite him supposedly being in Arkham. 
You show up to your desk that night to find an invitation laying on it. Looking around you don't see anything out of the ordinary. Although, did you expect to see someone gazing above their respective cubicle laughing at a rather lame prank?
The Wayne logo is painted across the front of it and you open it to see an elegant flourish of details of a ball. It seems you are cordially invited to the annual Wayne Enterprise Ball. You can't help but feel a grin spread across your face. How very posh. You chuckle to yourself but you know you are excited at the chance of attending the most prized Gotham event.
You probably will not be the most lavish of the attendees considering your limited store options that pair nicely with your limited cash flow but hell you will feel damn beautiful. You clutch the invitation close to you before putting it into your bag unaware of the amused pair of eyes watching your reaction. 
“Jason, your attention would be appreciated.”
Jason sighs and pushes himself off the window he was observing you from. 
“Yeah yeah Bruce. You've got the fullest of my attention.”
The next two weeks go by fairly quickly, You managed to make it to break from school with only a couple of sleepless nights preparing for midterms. Nick hasn't had another binge since the night you found out the interesting tidbit about his new job. Troy had a great visit where we attempted to bake ending in a floury mess. All of this, plus your growing excitement for the ball tonight, has caused you to push the Sionis incident from your head for now. You really didn’t want to rock the boat while it was wading steadily for once.
Your rose red dress from a nearby thrift store illuminates your carefully illustrated makeup and your y/h/c piled on top of your head once you are ready to head to the ball. You lock the door behind you and can’t help but feel giddy.
Not only are you being handed the perfect opportunity to make fun of ridiculous people in one setting but you are being handed the perfect opportunity of meeting local newspaper hotshots who could be your road into journalism. 
Your heels from a lifetime ago that you dug from deep depths of your closet may look great but are not the ideal footwear for a hike to Wayne Manor so you made sure to save up for a taxi. Not your atypical classy but better than appearing with bloody feet and being mugged 67 times on the way there. 
The Wayne Manor is hard to miss even as you are a mile away. You find yourself dazzled by the vastness only seen previously by you on TV. Your taxi driver drops you off at an appropriate amount of distance so that you can walk.
You pass what you assume to be millions of dollars of jewelry and satins as you make your way towards the mansion. An older gentleman with a gentle face is checking invitations at the door. 
You hand him yours hoping not to seem too eager. He gives you a warm smile as you thank him. 
“Have a fantastic night Ms. Y/L/N.” his accented voice reads your name off the invitation. 
The inside continues to astonish you as you take in the riches you thought only existed in movies. You can't help but gawk at the amount of stairs. Why do rich people need so many stairs?
After grabbing a drink, you go in search of familiar faces. You greet a few of your coworkers but then your eye catches an editor for a major newspaper in Gotham. You wander over to the assorted foods and pretend to be interested in them when in actuality you are plotting the best way to introduce yourself. 
“You're staring,” a voice makes you jump and drop your plate you had began filling up.
Oh there's only one person that could be.
You turn around to find a smirking Jason Todd. He cleans up nice, you mentally note. He has a crisp, obviously expensive black suit on and his hair is semi tamed back with some gel. 
“Is this some weird hobby you have? Scaring the crap out of people so that they drop absolutely everything in their hands,” you bend down to grab the food but he holds out a hand and swiftly crouches and sweeps the crackers back onto the plate. He grins and offers the plate back but your only answer in return is a look of annoyance.
He shrugs and puts the plate back on the table. 
“So why are you staring at Mr. Prie?” he asks and you cross your arms.
“I'm not.” he hitches an eyebrow at this obvious lie,
“Yeah ok well since you aren't you probably don't want me to introduce you to him,” he challenges you with an amused look and his hands casually shoved into his pockets,
You contemplate your options. Ignoring Jason and hopefully keeping the clumsy at a normal rate. Or meeting the man that could possibly give you the job of your dreams.
“Fine, yes I would love to meet him. Could you please introduce me?” you grumble and this seems to feed the smirk.
“On one condition,” he says. 
“Listen pal I am not being blackmailed into a date-” 
“One dance. That's all I ask. One dance,”
You stare at him calculatingly.
“Is this how you usually get girls?”
“I usually don't work so hard,” you blush at this which amuses him.
“Fine, you weirdo. I will dance with you but first introduce me,” you give in.
He offers his arm with a boyish grin. You roll your eyes and stroll past him towards Mr. Prie. 
Jason does an impressive job of introducing you as a highly-valued employee and even compliments your character. Damn, this man can charm the pants off of anyone. Mr. Prie ends up offering you a personal tour of the paper, making you even more successful than you thought you'd be.
You manage to keep your calm professional look as you shake his hand but when you are out of earshot you punch Jason in the arm in excitement.
“A personal tour!” you rub your hand after punching a surprisingly thick mass of muscle.
Jason’s grin matches yours as you look up at him absolutely beaming.
“Thank you so much for your help,” you say genuinely. 
“Hey don't use your words to thank me,” you look at him questioningly as he does an obnoxious spin and offers his hand out to you, “Use dance.”
You chuckle at his dramatic voice.
“Yeah about that, I can't dance,” all of a sudden you are pulled into the dancefloor and you collide into Jason's firm chest.
“Nonsense,” he says and you shake your head.
He looks at you sympathetically, “Here just follow my lead.” His hand wraps around your waist drawing the breath from you while his other hand clasps yours. 
Placing your free hand on his shoulder, your feet follow his and after a few toe-steppings, you find yourselves falling into a natural movement. 
“I am really sorry I was so rude to you the first time we met. I'm not usually like that I promise,” you say breaking the silence.
His eyes twinkle bemused. 
“I think I am the one who should be apologizing. I was being a jackals.” he admits.
You nod your head. “Yeah, you're right. Forget what I said.”
He laughs a hearty sound and you can't help but enjoy the vibrations it sends through his chest. 
The night is turning out way better than you expected. But it can only last but so long.
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