#perfect balance doesn't always look perfect especially in small communities and in minorities
goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
whumptober time
I’ve always been a joiner, so following in @volturialice & @flowerslut’s footsteps (and holy hell, those ladies are bringing it), I figured I’d toss my hat in the ring. Not sure if I’ll get many done, but I can only try! And what better way to try that to start with a spontaneous MCU crossover. 
Day 08: Where Did Everybody Go?
“Don’t Say Goodbye” | Abandoned | Isolation
Rating: T for swearing
Words: 2,482
Summary: Twilight X MCU crossover. The Snap doesn’t just kill humans. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Notes: Takes place a couple of weeks after the Eclipse Battle/ at the end of Infinity War. Yup, now Twilight happens in 2018. I should just call this ‘Jar of Hearts’ but that feels a big grisly. Ideally, I’ll be writing three more parts to this for Whumptober or for Jalice Week (depending on prompts). 
It was a normal night for them. There was nothing to indicate anything was wrong. The boys had gone hunting together, deep into the Olympic Ranges for predators.
If he had to remember one thing about that hunt, it was how … pleasant it was. They’d all caught what they had hoped for (with a helpful map from Alice). There were no disagreements, no mood-swings, no storming off for hours. And with brothers like his, to avoid all three of those things was a fucking miracle.
When he looks back, he tries to work out when it started. They were running back, mud-splattered and bloody; for once, they weren’t so late they couldn’t clean up before school.
It’s Edward first - just ahead of him to the left. Eddie leaps over a fallen tree and he … stumbles, only just keeping his balance.
He’s laughing at Edward’s stumble - perfect balance and all that - but Jasper isn’t. In fact, both Edward and Jasper have this look of increasing horror on their faces, and it’s only when Jasper grabs Edward  and Jasper’s hand goes through Edward’s shoulder because Edward is turning into dust and that is not fucking right.
He’s never heard Edward sound so much like the seventeen year old boy he was, and he reaches for his oldest - and his youngest - brother, but by the time his hands are grasping out for Edward’s, Edward is gone. There’s nothing left of him, no clothes or cellphone or bones or hair or anything. It’s not even proper ash, but dust that mingles with the dirt on the ground, and there’s nothing. Nothing. He might as well have never been there.
He’s not entirely sure if he’s feeling his own horror, his own terror, and grief, or if Jasper is projecting. Neither of them know what to do, to scoop what is left of Edward into their pockets, and flee home or to get help or to… what.
But then Jasper is running again, and he follows, desperation streaming off Jasper so strongly that Emmett can almost feel his own dead heart pounding.
Is it disease? Are there vampires diseases?
It can’t be age, Jasper and Carlisle are older, the Denali girls older still…
His phone trills in his pocket but he keeps running and Jasper keeps running, and they aren’t getting there fast enough.
Jasper keeps running until he crumples into dust, his golden eyes wide, and the one word on his lips lost as he disintegrates.
He backs away from Jasper’s resting place, like the dust is contagious - and maybe it is - maybe whatever happened to Edward spread to Jasper when he touched him.
Instead, he runs. He tears through the forest, a soundless rhythm in his head Rosie-Rosie-Rosie-Rosie and the kind of swirling, twisting worry like human nausea in his stomach as he bursts through trees and underbrush.
He’s ten miles out when he hears the screaming.
It doesn’t stop as he somehow moves faster, and bursts through the property line, to the backdoor of the house, which he half rips off the frame as he charges into the house.
The screaming - the wailing - is Alice, on her hands and knees in the sitting room. There’s dust on her face and hands, and she’s not all there, her eyes wide and glassy, as she rocks back and forth.
There’s a weight in his stomach, one that gets heavier every second Rosalie doesn’t appear, that Esme isn’t trying to calm Alice. Instead, he skids to a stop and drops to his knees in front of her, tugging her into his arms, pointedly ignoring the dust that sticks to his jeans, that he sends floating up into the air.
This is an Alice he doesn’t know, just like he knows a Rose that no one else does. The one that Jasper has alluded to, once or twice, in confidence. That it might have always looked like Alice was the one piecing Jasper back together, pulling him along in her grand plans, but it was never as simple or easy as that. Jasper held her together, she put him together. A balancing act.
Just the way that people assumed that he was the one that healed Rosalie of all her demons, when in truth he was just there, letting her know that whatever ‘okay’ looked like for Rosalie was for her - and only her - to decide. And that he’s always been the luckiest son of a bitch in existence to be apart of her version of ‘okay’.
Rose would have lost it with Alice by now. There’s no way Rosalie would have tolerated this level of noise.
Rose isn’t coming.
He holds his sister tight, and mutters reassurances in her hair. They stay like that for awhile until Alice just lets out a sob, and looks up at him, blinking slowly.
“He said he’d never leave me,” she says in a wobbly voice. “He promised me.”
“It wasn’t by choice,” Emmett rushes to tell her. “You were his last thought; he tried so hard to get home before he…”
Alice wipes her eyes, but she still doesn’t look like Alice. She looks lost and breakable, and she sits back, noticing the pile of dust they’re both sitting amongst.
“She… she was so mad,” Alice babbles suddenly, grabbing his hand. “If anyone could have stopped it, could have reversed it by… by sheer will, it was Rosalie, Em. She didn’t go alone, I had her.”
He’s sitting amongst his wife’s… ashes-dust-remains. It’s on his hands and legs and face, and he can see it clinging to Alice’s hair, and he kind of wants to match her wailing because there has never been an Emmett without a Rosalie, not in any history that counts, and without Rose, he has no plan, no direction, no purpose. The world has tilted off its axis, and he wants to go and bury his face in her clothes upstairs, clothes that smell like roses-lemons-cars until the tearing feeling in his chest just stops.
“Esme came running,” Alice continued, staring off into space. “She didn’t make it down the stairs. She didn’t even notice until she was practically gone.”
They sit in silence for a moment, or maybe longer, until the day has begun. The sky has lightened, and they are still alone in a quiet house. No radio, no conversation, no bickering, nothing.
“Did you see this?” he asks finally, and feels cruel asking.
“No.” She sniffles, and he thinks how cruel it was to take Jasper and leave Alice. “It happened so fast; I saw Edward when Rose started to…” She took a deep breath. “I felt Jasper go.” She shudders and there’s a hitch in her breath, and he really doesn’t want her to start crying again.
“We should call Carlisle,” he says, and she nods but pauses.
“Call his phone, not the hospital. No one will answer,” she whispers, but there’s a look in her eyes he doesn’t like and he doesn’t want to ask, either…
“I can’t see him answering, Em,” she whispers.
He takes a deep breath and dials the number.
It rings.
It keeps ringing.
It’s a nervous sounding woman’s voice, and for a moment, he can’t find the words.
“I don’t know whose phone this is,” the woman continues, her voice shaking.
“It’s Emmett Cullen. I need to speak to my father - Dr Carlisle Cullen,” he manages, but Alice is already shaking her head.
“Emmett, it’s Nurse Fletcher,” and he has no idea who that is, truly. “Your father… he’s gone, Emmett.” The woman sounds traumatised, and he understands. “Half the hospital just… disappeared, there was nothing anyone could have done…”
He throws his phone against the wall, and it smashes through the drywall as it shatters, and Esme’s not even here to yell at him.
Somehow, Alice gets him to his feet, and drags him into Forks. Something about people coming looking for them and they need to go to the school, where everyone who is still here is gathering. They’re both covered in the dust of their family (Edward and Rose, mostly, and he wonders if bringing Alice a handful of her husband’s remains would have been the right thing to do. They’d left Esme where she fell, a waterfall of dirt on the stairs.)
There aren’t many people at the school when they arrive, and people are staring. He gets it; Alice looks like she just crawled out of an empty grave (Rose’s; Rose sticking to her face and hair and hands and knees…) and he’s splattered with mud and probably blood that he didn’t think to clean up before they left but together they are a suitably haunted, stricken pair of siblings.
A couple of Bella’s friends are at the impromptu gathering; the Hispanic girl is clinging to a man who has to be her father, fresh tear tracks on her face. A blonde girl is sitting with a blanket around her, almost bisected perfectly down her body with the dust of someone - a classmate, a family member, a passerby. Just dozens of people standing around, confused and grieving.
But Alice stops when she sees one figure, stooped and already exhausted.
Charlie Swan catches her in a hug as she approaches him a little faster than she should, and he wants to pull her back because now parts of Rosalie are sticking to Charlie’s clothes and from the look on Charlie’s face and on Alice’s, the dust on Charlie belonged to Bella.
He wants to chuckle, at the picture of Rose’s face if she was told her ashes would be mixed up with Bella’s forever now, or at least until Charlie does some laundry.
“She was in bed, sleeping,” Charlie says. “I thought it was a prank, at first.” His eyes are shiny and he takes a shuddering breath and looks closer at the pair of them. “Who…”
Alice seems to shrink into herself, and just shakes her head. “It’s just me and Emmett now,” she mutters. “Jasper’s gone and Rosalie’s gone, and Esme and Carlisle and Edward and now Bella.” There’s a tinge of hysteria to her words, and Emmett pulls his sister closer because he doesn’t want what’s left of Forks to watch if he has to try and calm her down from another round of hysteria.
“It’ll be okay,” he manages. “We’ll call Denali and see how Tanya’s doing. Cousins,” he offers to Charlie, who looks relieved. “We’ll check in on a few people,” he continues, hoping to distract Alice, who keeps repeating their names under her breath. “Peter and Charlotte, Maria, Garrett, Randall…”
“Good. You kids can stay with me while you track down some family if you need to,” Charlie offers but Alice manages to pull herself together.
“No, we’ll be fine,” she assures him. “Emmett’s old enough and … we’ll be fine. We just need to know what happened.”
“We don’t know much yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll call,” Charlie promises. “I’ll put your names on the … Survivors list, you two go on home and take a shower, make sure you’ve got enough food and gas in the car. And you call if you need anything.”
“Carlisle’s phone,” he says immediately. “Nurse Fletcher at the hospital has it, but we … can’t go there.”
Charlie seems to understand by totally misunderstanding why they can’t go to the hospital and promises to see what he can do.
And then there’s nothing else for them to do but go home. Go home and wash off the dust, and scoop what’s left into Esme’s vases (urns, now). Alice folds their dirty clothes and puts them in a box without a word, and he watches her collect dust from the trim on the coffee table, from the gaps between the floorboards, with a tiny paintbrush so that every grain of his beautiful wife is collected.
Then he takes her to where Jasper fell and she doesn’t say anything. There’s no way to tell what dust and dirt is Jasper and what is the forest, and there’s nothing here for her to gather in her hands and hold tight. They sit for awhile, just staring at the spot.
“If Maria survived, it’s going to be bad,” she manages as the light begins to fade. “And if the Volturi…”
They walk home at a human pace, and they both start to notice things that they missed before; the stillness of the forest, suddenly amiss half its animals. The sparseness of the trees, of the ground. As they make it home, the day sinking into night, he notices half of Esme’s gardens just gone, as if waiting for someone to plant them fresh, when they were in full bloom less than a day ago.
There’s a small figure waiting on the back porch, in dirty denim cut-offs. He looks smaller than last time they saw him, only weeks ago.
Seth Clearwater swallows hard when he sees them, and they can tell by the look on his face that whatever, whoever is left on the Res, it certainly isn’t his family and friends, and Emmett is overwhelmingly sad for the kid that had to come to his natural enemies for safe haven.
“The pack,” Seth begins. “It’s only me, and Colin, and Brady left. And at home, it’s only me.”
Alice moves too fast, and pulls him into a tight hug, and Seth hugs her back, despite the stench.
“I figured you might know something about what’s happened,” Seth continues, and he’s trying so hard not to cry, he’s giving Emmett a headache. “I left Colin and Brady back to protect the Res, and came to find help.”
He wants so badly to promise this kid it’s going to fine, that they’ll find a Tardis, a time-turner, a fucking goddess of time and rewind everything to stop this from happening but his wife is nothing but dirt, and his sister looks like a broken marionette, and there’s a wolf pup looking so desperate and hopeful that the words die on his tongue.
Alice smiles at him, kindly, for for a second she looks like herself. That lost, glassy look she’s worn all day has faded back inside her, and he hopes it stays there.
“Come in, Seth,” she says, and motions that they both follow her in through the door he broke that morning. “I think we’ve got food.”
Emmett takes off his boots before he goes inside (just like Esme always nagged for him to and he never remembered), and he wonders if the others are up there, laughing their asses off that the House of Cullen has crumbled and all that’s left is a broken psychic, an underage shapeshifter, and the guy with his wife in a jar.
He thinks it might even be funny to someone.
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solarcali · 3 years
Hi hi👋
I love reading your analysis as someone who likes astrology but doesn't super understand it haha
when your requests open back up would you do ships for me? EXO, Seventeen and WayV?
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Hi!!! 🌼🌺🌸🌻
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(I had to pick this gif 😅)
In EXO, I ship you with Suho!
You have a Libra Sun, he has a Gemini Sun, both Libra and Gemini are air signs. So you would get along, you are both friendly, sociable and people-oriented. Your Sun is also in the 12th house so to have a contact with his Sun would "awaken" your Libra placements, and make you shine, as the Sun is your light. Because what is in the 12th house is often unseen and hidden, even for you this could be an area of confusion.
You both like to share things on a mental level with your partner. And you are both very charming people! 😊
Suho has a Taurus Ascendant which puts his Descendant/7th house in Scorpio. The 7th house points to the type of energy we need in partnership, it's an energy that we often lack but actually has been repressed in some way. So we often look for it in relationships, (although we could consciously work on this to claim that energy back, relationships are probably the best way to learn that). These are often the relationships that we learn from the most and where we feel like we complement each other well.
So you have a lot of planets in Scorpio, your Moon, Mercury and Venus. So Suho would see you as the perfect nurturer, the ideal partner on an emotional level (your Moon), a person he would love to talk to (your Mercury), which is important for a Gemini like him as Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and the perfect lover (Venus). He would be very attracted to you on all these levels. And you would feel very appreciated. In Scorpio the bond would be very tight, intense. As the earthy Taurus rising, he would be the grounded, reliable, calm presence while you would be the transformative, profound and emotional part of the equation.😊
You would also love to have all these 7th house contacts because you are a Libra Sun and Libra rules the 7th house of relationship, so you like this give and take kind of relationship.
Your Scorpio placements also match his Cancer Venus and Mars. Cancer and Scorpio are both water signs. They make both of you emotional, deep, romantic. With his Cancer Mars in harmonious aspect to your Scorpio Venus, there would be a strong physical compatibility. He would approach you with care, would be very protective, thoughtful, possibly clingy. 😅 Which your Scorpio Venus may not mind as Scorpio often like to merge with their partner. It would be a very tight, very private bond. He would be attracted to your magnetism, your beauty, your mystery, and your quiet intensity. You would find his kindness and compassion endearing.
You also have a similar idea of love, with both your Venus in water signs. He would aldo really like to talk to you and enjoy listening to you because his Venus is trining your Mercury too.
He would also see you as a guide, a person of knowledge and would consult you for advice, because your Jupiter falls in his 7th house and trines his Cancer placements too. He would strongly value your opinion.
Your Jupiter is also opposite his Taurus Mercury, so he would definitely learn a lot from you since Jupiter represents the teacher while Mercury is the student. Most likely your knowledge would come from a background or life experience that is very different from him, bringing a different perspective.
You are a Libra Ascendant so your descendant/7th house of relationships fall in the sign opposite to Libra, Aries. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which in your chart is in Leo, conjunct Suho's Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of luck, expansion and positivity. And your Leo Mars is also ruled by your Libra Sun. So this would be another contact for you that would allow you to shine and be yourself. He would encourage you to express yourself, to put yourself first too, you would feel supported. He also has his Sun in the 1st house, close to his ascendant so he has a solar presence (a charismatic leader 😊), which is something your Leo Mars would admire as Mars also shows the type of masculinity we are attracted to.
A lot of his Taurus and Gemini placements fall in your 8th house, the house associated with Scorpio, the field of intimacy and secrets...etc. With you having a Scorpio Moon and Venus, and him having his 7th house in Scorpio (with Pluto the planet of Scorpio, very close to his Descendant) of course you would both love this contact. It would make the bond even tighter, you would get to know each other's deepest and darkest secrets. 
Suho's Virgo Moon goes well with your Scorpio Moon and other Scorpio planets. Virgo is earth, Scorpio is water, water nourrishes earth while earth gives water a ground to grow things from.😊 Both Virgo and Scorpio are deep, analytical, loyal signs. He would allow himself let go of his anxiety a little bit, while you would feel reassured in his presence and feel like he'll be there for you. You would see him as a reliable person.. 
You also have your Lunar Nodes (North Node and South Node) on the Taurus/Scorpio axis, so there would be a fated feeling to this union. His Gemini Sun and Aquarius Saturn with your Libra Sun would create a grand air trine (all air signs are represented with your two charts combined), strenghtening the intellectual bond, enhancing friendship and communication.
I hesitated with Kris a lot but I think Suho complements you better. Sehun and Kai wouldn't be bad either, in a more challenging way.😊
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In Seventeen, it was hard to choose one but, I ship you with Minghao!
He has a Scorpio Sun and Mercury, you have a Scorpio Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Ascendant and North Node (that's a lot of Scorpio!). The Sun-Moon conjunction alone is very powerful. There would be a recognition between you two. As the Moon person, the way you feel internally matches what he expresses externally (his Sun). Communication would be excellent because your Mercuries are conjunct as well. Your Venus in Scorpio with his Sun makes you two enjoy each other's company. And in Scorpio it creates a very magnetic, strong bond. You would be a bit possessive over one another and this would be an intense, transformative, unforgettable type of love, with a lot of joy too because your Jupiter is there too.
His Capricorn Venus squares your Libra Sun, creating a minor tension. At times you would feel like he’s a bit too serious. But it matches well with your Scorpio placements. Like you he is cautious in love, he is a bit less intense, a bit more realistic and grounded, but once he opens up it's hard for him to let go. He would be loyal and responsible.
His Capricorn Venus also matches your 10th house Mars, as the 10th house (the field of career, your image, reputation, what you put into the world)is ruled by Capricorn. So he would admire the ambitious side of you and be supportive in your goals and career.
His Sagittarius Mars matches your Leo Mars, both Sagittarius and Leo are fire signs. It makes you two brave, passionnate. You are a bit more stable and determined, he is a bit more adventurous and wild. You would likely enjoy physical activities together. You are both proud and would respect each other a lot. It would add a fun and spontaneous quality to the relationship.
His Aquarius Moon is squaring your Scorpio placement which brings some challenge. He can at times be detached. It is a part of himself that can be a bit hard for him to understand as the Moon is the unconscious part of the psyche, and here it's in a conflicting aspect to his Scorpio Sun, his conscious part. Fortunately, his Moon trines your Libra Sun, both Libra and Aquarius are Air sign. So he would feel comfortable and understood in your presence. He would cherish the friendly, sociable, diplomatic side of you, you would allow yourself to express that more light-hearted part of you which like we said is in your 12th house so may be hard to reach for you.
His Aquarius Jupiter also trines your Sun so he would really encourage you to express yourself. You would admire the unconventional, open-minded and unique side of him, you would be inspired by his knowledge and admire his intelligence.
Overall this would be a very balanced relationship. There would be both the depth and intensity your Scorpio placements are looking for, but both of you have enough air and fire to keep things fun, mentally stimulating and friendly. 😊 Vernon would be pretty good too.
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In WayV, I ship you with Xiaojun! 
His Leo Sun is conjunct your Leo Mars, and like we saw before, that Leo Mars rules your 7th house of relationship in Aries. So it is a big indicator of the partner you are looking for. You would admire his strenght, his courage, his generosity and warmth. It seems that you are looking for someone who has a certain spontaneity, who is not afraid to be themselves. A Leo Sun like him would possess these qualities. You would feel energised by him, and he would encourage you and inspire you to pursue your goals. 
At the same times, Xiaojun also has that depth and sensitivity, that more private side that you are looking for. His Cancer Moon and Mercury trine your Scorpio placements, so you would understand each other easily, without much words actually😊. Like with Suho, he would express his affection in a very nurturing, kind, caring way. He would love to stay at home with you, to cuddle. Cancer and Scorpio, as water signs, value the emotional bond more than anything. 
His Venus is in Virgo, also fitting your Scorpio placements. In love he is not as intense as your Scorpio Venus, but he would be devoted and someone who you can always ask for help. He would show his affection with small acts of service, especially with his Cancer placements, I imagine he'd be the type to cook for you or take care of you with small attentions that mean a lot. 
His Mars is in Scorpio though, so that's where his passion would come out!😊 He would feel very physically attracted to you. Mars is a physical, impulsive planet and it shows the way we take action, how we go after the things we want. Because it falls either in your 1st of 2nd house and is conjunct your Moon and Venus, it shows that he would be attracted to your style, your appearance (your Venus + the 1st and 2nd house), but also on an emotional level (your Moon). So it would be quite intense especially in Scorpio. You would notice his masculinity and he would make a strong impression on you. (Also am I wrong to think that your Scorpio Venus would be attracted to those gorgeous magnetic eyes? 😅)  
Your Saturn in Pisces trines his Cancer planets and your Scorpio planets, thus creating a grand water trine, making all 3 water signs in the zodiac represented. So it would tighten the bond even more, create a very strong emotional connection (same with Suho by the way since he also has Cancer planets). 
His Taurus Jupiter and Saturn fall in your 8th house, making this relationship a transformative journey, fitting your Scorpio energy. 
I think Ten is also pretty good. So that's it I hope you like it!
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