#persnaps later i will look thru these more intently and pull out patterns. i feel like there probably is one somewhere
sighonaraa · 3 months
tagged by the gorgeously brilliant @jamietarttsnorthernattitude to post the first lines of 10 fics!
and do not recognize us as we pass: Jamie has this dream, sometimes. It starts, and he can’t breathe, and he can’t wake up.
hey, I'll be goin' today (but I'll be back home around the way): In the words of the ever-contemporary Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.
hear you calling from some lost and distant shore: Loki turned up on Thor’s doorstep exactly four months after the end of the end of the world.
find a new place to be from: On the drive back from school one Friday afternoon, Phoebe asked her Uncle Roy, “D’you think my dad’s still out there somewhere?”
the ending where you finally find your way home: Jamie was supposed to be on the phone with his da.
the sun is only a God if you learn to starve: The thing is this: Jamie doesn’t realize what’s wrong until he gets a chance to realize what feels right.
from right here, the view goes on forever: It happens like this: The pain erupts along every synapse, like each nerve has been lit on fire and set to burn, and Matt crumples in on himself.
all the world is quiet, except the mourning dove: When Dani was six years old, his mother banned him from animal shelters from now until the end of time.
untitled aro matt fic: It comes to Matt while he’s getting stitches for the fourth time that month, in a bright crimson flare of pain and sudden understanding.
untitled GLAMPING! fic: Roy takes Jamie home. Later, Jamie won’t remember how this happened; won’t remember leaving the locker room, or changing out of his kit, or buckling the seatbelt, or the drive to Roy’s gaff.
tagging @altschmerzes @jamiesfootball and @thirteenemeraldcats, plus anybody else who would like to participate and hasn't been tagged yet!! absolutely no pressure at all :-)
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