#pinky winky and brainy wainy
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anyone remember these two characters that legit mean nothing and only showed up once and never again in the pink and the brain spin off?
I love them gfdjnkgfd I’ve unironically been doodling them interreacting normal patb or dark pinky, I’m gen debating iff I wanna digitalize some of the concepts and comics have because it gen makes me happy 
I think one of the reasons why I grew so attached is they really give me that Mlp gen 1 stank and Mlp is a big interest of mine and a big comfort, and knowing patb are a big comfort too, see what I’m saying?
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gothamsfinestdummy · 1 year
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First Kiss (?)
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THESE TWO!! GRRRRR I LOVE THEM!! I went on a whole tangent about mlp G1 and Carebares and how they’re like WEIRDLY SCARY AND HORRIFIC AND HOW I THINK THESE TWO WOULD LIVE IN A VERY SIMILAR WORLD AND GET INTO SIMILAR SITUATIONS! But I think here I do wanna actually discuss these two and THEIR world.
I think for one, they don’t live in a lab how normal PATB do, like how the little song the two ladies pitching their ‘show’, they live in a mushroom house and live in; you guessed it! Mushroom Valley! BW wants to rule the valley for unknown reasons at this time, but her and PW go through both zaney  and spooky adventures on trying to achieve this. It’s less “”science”” and more magic and trying to obtain magical artifacts. An example I gave in my twitter post is BW somehow summons a cherry monster/demon, maybe it was from a magical object and less ritually? but I think 100% to get ride of it PW and BW have to do something spooky that could be a ritual of some kind >:] who knows! 
PW has sensitivity issues (like me!) so Brainy made her special gloves that match her paws so she wouldn’t have to be questioned/judged from randos in their town. Perhaps she does have different color ones for different days, it’s all up ta’you! 
I know that’s not a lot but my brain is going numb trying to figure out what to say ghfjgfd so that’s all for now!
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we don’t talk about how dark Pinkys costume isn’t really correct it’s HARD!!! I wanna get better at him.. I’m always crazy for stories where it’s like, hard crazy person has soft spot for silly critter, but ig this time it’s THE SAME PERSON?? TECHNICALLY? Let them be sisters!! 
I’ll eventually post regular pinky and the brain but pinky winky is currently a big comfort character for me and it’s legit my own fault this happened ghjdfnkgfd I really wanna make a reff for both her and Brainy so I can tweak their designs a bit and also ramble about their world since it’s an excuse to info dump about mlp gen 1 and carebears since that’s legit what they are. 
Dialog and what’s going on
Frame 1: Pinky Winky (PW) Looking at Dark Pinky (DP/Dinky) with her hands intertwined, looking quite excited! pw: we look so much allike! Why, we must be SISTERS--  DP: yikes! Frame 2: PW hugging DP cloesly with a XD face explaining to Brainky Wainy (BW) how she found Dinky while Dinky himself is looking pretty unhappy to either being held to be seeing Brainy PW: I saw her house fall from the sky! I got curious so I investigated!! And I found my very own TWIN SISTER!!!! BW: Um 
BW and Dinky having a conversation at a mushroom table on blue seats! Dinky has his cape draped over the chair he is sitting at and has a newly fashioned bow on his tail to match PW BW: So. Dinky, was it? I'm well aware you are NOT Pw's "sister" Dinky is unimpressed and looks annoyed DP: And so what fi I'm not? Narf! BW: it matters BECAUSE you're lying to her. ACTIVLY lying. Dinky doesn't seem to like this so he grips onto the table to get closer to BW, nearly knocking his chair over in the process but seems to have hold of it with his foot. DP: Yeah, and I make her SO HAPPY. You're really okay with ripping that from her? You. Wont. Tell.
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I can’t decide if I like pinky winky and brainy wainy having the circles around the hearts on their tummys or if I like just the heart on it’s own? something about the simplicity of it makes me smile but the circle tummys def give off carebear vibes which is highkey want I wanted but gfjgknfd I think I’ll mostly be bouncing around using both since I think they’re both cute!
also brainy is taller than brain sorry I don’t make the rules. Though pretty sure P.W and Pinky are the same height
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