#pitfalls??? and now he’s like hyper aware of his health???? god micky…….
mickgaydolenz · 1 year
“hit me with the grim discovery, i want to suffer” okay asia, if you insist. 
major tw for discussing death //
something else in that AXS interview that got brought up is Micky's health, which is another thing that's flown over my head as he's certainly been talking about it within recent years. and hey, watching your health not a bad thing at all, especially for that age! but the way he talks about it, at least to me, comes off almost a bit obsessive. that’s typical Pluto 6H behavior, a planet dealing with obsessiveness and control. it’s in opposite to our current Pluto Aquarius, which is currently transiting his 12H. nothing to sweat over, right?
except that people don’t usually live long enough to experience that kind of transit. that’s a big fucking deal and i cannot even begin to stress that enough, it’s literal cosmic magic we’re witnessing! ✨🌟💫
despite that being cool as all hell, it doesn't mean it's entirely positive. this is Pluto-on-Pluto we’re talking: double negative nancies. this is the time where everything comes full circle for a person's life; it can be extremely stressful if he’s not mentally capable of handling it, because the powerful Plutonic force is going to hit the gas by messing entirely with his psyche… which by the way his asteroid Psyche in Pisces is in his 1H, the house of the self and outward appearance. if he becomes too obsessed with trying to control his health it's only going to cause more harm than good -- definetly psychologically.
and you know what? it’s no wonder why i kept getting spiritual messages saying “watch your head” in regards to Micky, i wish i was kidding. it is Aries season after all, and Aries rules the head, so AHHH!! if anyone is willing to donate $50 to me so that i can go to the tour and spread this message to him you’d be funding my ‘mystical witch who gives riddling omens to strangers’ services. i only accept paypal.
Pluto is usually the metaphorical representation of death, so this is more of a psychological experience at best (“best” said with a frowny face). but with this current transiting Saturn, a planet that represents physical death itself, literally on his Ascendant, which we’ve also discussed that it will bring in a melancholic and cranky attitude, it all has me body and soul clenched for dear fucking life. even with those supportive placements in his chart that i've mentioned before it's going to get extremely rough for him and i'm praying that someone around him is keeping a watchful eye on his behavior. if no one will, i absolutely will.
so this all inspires me to start going back and checking the ephemeris’ once again for the three others because now i feel like i just unlocked the secrets of the universe. and here’s what i’ve uncovered:
Davy passed when Saturn was in 29° Libra, and in retrograde, transiting along his 7H in close conjunction to his Jupiter and asteroid Chiron. not only that, it also squares his Mars in 28° Cancer 5H AND his natal Saturn in 22° Cancer 4H, to which both squares his natal Jupiter. something very important to note about Jupiter is that it’s very capable of over-expanding and overdoing something if left unchecked, so it’s strange to me that when the other three talked about him during that time they all said that Davy was healthy in shape… which doesn’t add up to me. whatever he was doing, something was being overdone and his tiny chihuahua body couldn’t handle being pumped by such a big heart no more, as Cancer does rule the chest area. then again, i have to remind everyone once more that his birthtime is still up in the air and i’m just working off the one and only sus source i found. please keep that in mind!
Peter passed when both Saturn and Pluto were in Capricorn, transiting his 3H, where his asteroids Vesta, Eros, Pholus and Pallas, but Satrun was in 15° and Pluto in 22°, and both were in close conjunction to his Pholus (!!!). they also both squared his Jupiter and Lilith in Gemini 8H, but trines his 8H Uranus Taurus; Uranus, much like Pholus, deals with sudden and unexpected changes, but Uranus in particular represents release and freedom, and with it in the 8H it seems to me he finally felt free from his burdens. moreover, the transiting Pluto was in trine to his Mars, and Satrun was in trine to his natal Satrun, both in Taurus 7H. not just a literal death but a metaphysical one at that too! and of course, Taurus rules the throat. who woulda thunk.
Mike passed when Saturn was in 9° Aquarius, which had just transited into his 12H, its cusp starting at 8° Aquarius. it opposed his natal Pluto in 6° Leo 5H and squaring his asteroid Psyche in 9° Scorpio 8H. most importantly it trines his natal Saturn, and Uranus both in Gemini 3H, as well as his Moon and Neptune Libra 7H. remember when i talked about him mending things at the end of his life? yeah me too. Leo specifically rules the heart and his Chiron in 29° Leo, the healing & wounding asteroid, was in his 6H, the house of physical health. literally should’ve seen it coming but alas, i was not there in time to call it out.
it’s very easy to look back retroactively and find these things and start to panic. more often than not i find myself getting panicked over Micky and this crazy astro weather. however, what we all have to remember at the end of the day is that, no matter what tools you use, death cannot be predicted, ever -- we may see it on the horizon but we’ll never truly know when it’ll strike, and that’s how it’s intended to be in universal law. we won’t know what day and what time Micky will be gone. all i can tell you is that it’s getting to be that time and it’s time to start emotionally preparing for it.
i’m no grief counselor and in no way am i sharing these things with the purpose to make everyone scared and worried. i’m sharing this to, in a way, not only help all of us come to terms with the fact that it’s almost over, but to also really enjoy the time we have left with our favorite goober. endings have to happen in life and it would be in our best interest to at the very least be prepared for it, rather than be surprised and in shocked. 
i’m confident that’s what Micky would want from all of us anyways! he’s gonna go out of this with a bang, if anything, come hell or high water. 
ugh he wants to be like Mike so bad girl get over yourself /j /lh
hahahahahahhahaha ouch 🥲
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