#pls bake him muffins and tell him hes worthy
kazuwhora · 3 years
hello there! I've seen a few of your matchups pop up in the tags and I was wondering If I could please request one for tokyorev (romantic)?
My pronouns are she/they and I am 5'2, average weight, shoulder length brown wavy hair, blue eyes and my overall style is a shit show but I tend to wear a lot of flared jeans or cords and
I am an infp, 2w1, aries son, cap rising and Leo moon and my love language is physical touch and acts of service. I am very in tune with my emotions though I often struggle to display them outwardly so people sometimes call me a robot (also might be because I have a resting bitch face and I pretty quiet). I am introverted and pretty quiet until you know me. I am also very good at keeping my cool and not reacting to things outwardly even if it really angers me. I'm kind of the 'mum' of my friend group, and I always look out for them no matter what. For example, my friend has really bad anxiety so I used to always have to ask teachers questions for her. People often describe me as 'nice' and 'sweet' but since I grew up with an intj dad, I can be a bit manipulative sometimes without even realising. Like not in a bad way necessarily but I am very good at lying or sculpting situations to make me or my friends feel more at ease.
Some of my hobbies are arguing with people on reddit, baking muffins, studying typology, digital art, making flower posies, going to the beach at winter since it's peaceful, being outside in general and making hats.
Sorry if this is too much, but please take as much time as you need and have an amazing day/night/morning! :)
nothing is too much information! the more you provide the easier it is for me so don't you worry about it! thank you for requesting and being so patient <3 also ur reddit comment made me laugh because as an entp same
im matching you up with my sweet boy kazutora!
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god I love him so much. this is an interesting match up but im going to explain why I think this is actually a really sweet pairing so hold your horses on any objections LOL
so kazutora is an extremely emotionally vulnerable person. you two share the same mbti (infp) which essentially means your cognitive functions are all based around emotions and feeling as well as introversion. you both value similar things, but you also both experience a lot of things in life the same way. kazutora, while growing into a more developed and healthier version of his old self, is still extremely emotionally damaged and vulnerable to attacks against him. kaz needs someone who can feel emotions and process the external world the same way as his because he just needs to be understood. he needs someone who can tell him they get it, who mirrors his own emotions and validates them. he needs someone he can see himself in, a role model if you will. as an infp, you're just the one to do that.
kazutora will be the friend that might need you to step up for him and take the lead, though once he's a little more surefooted and stable, he wants nothing more than to have a balance between you as an effort to sort of repay you for any trouble he might have caused. with his emotional trauma, he resorts to feeling guilty at any sign of burden he might be to you, and will retreat as a means of protection and self preservation. in these cases, your ability to manipulate and lie is an asset because sometimes he just needs that reassurance and false sense of security to get by.
he also greatly values your introversion. as an infp and someone with emotional trauma and hurdles to jump, an extravert is fine but he truly thrives with someone that can understand his need to retreat and embrace it without hesitation. together you two find comfort in staying in and just being in each others presence. he'll like to cling to your back and bake with you, handing you ingredients as you do all the work. you'll have to bark at him to do something but he can't help that he just wants to be close to you. he really likes to press his face into the top or back of your head and smell your hair. its a self soothing behaviour that he literally thinks is the best thing in the world. he'll kiss the top of your head while you're busy baking and mixing ingredients, he'll forget what you asked him to do because he was too lost in your scent, and when you finally get frustrated with his uselessness you'll turn around and look at him with stern eyes and like a guilty puppy he'll shamefully grab all the dirty dishes and measuring cups and start washing them like you asked him 20 minutes ago. you wont be able to stay annoyed with him though because he's just so sweet?? and he never stops making it known how much he loves and appreciates you <3
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