#pls i need them to be old and happy (but still lowkey menaces)
stsghrs · 8 months
an old married couple satosugu fic where they visit the jujutsu high and tell everyone how their teachings are wrong, how "back in the day we were the strongest...", and are generally just annoying old grandpas, but we know everyone loves and respects them
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
When I Fly Towards You Live Blogging
Need something cute and fun and happy to wash away the DFF tragedies and decided to watch this after I saw a few Tiktoks on this last night. The Tiktoks made me want to watch + it has a really high rating on MDL. I've never watched a het CDrama before (Stay With Me was the only CDrama I've watched + 2 bromance shorts) and they tend to be really long but this one is around SWM length (24 eps w 35min runtime).
Also, I find the male lead's demeanor/way of carrying himself really attractive lol and the female lead is round-ish face girl with black hair and bangs like ah my weakness
Ep 1 (Mar 13)
Another ill-advised time to start a new show, I have so much homework etc to catch up on.
seems like they don't know each other from the beginning? but she's into him lol
her name: Zaizai
oh, her diary. found by the dude
who is this guy who got mistaken as Zhang Lurang supposed to be? are they all gonna get detention together or smth and meet again?
his name: Zhang Lurang
oh lmfaoo Lurang's friend borrowing his books
so this is a new school and they're in grade 10, so did Zaizai and jiang jia (?) transfer in? It feels like maybe high school starts in grade 10 (searched it up and yes). that's also why many people don't know each other yet ig? though there are apparently at least 9 classes per grade so makes sense to not know e/o anyway
oh, her wallet, not her diary
omg she thinks Lurang's name is Guran
I forgot the dubbing kills me
she's so cute, already daydreaming about her and Guran.
they're going to the military base... the tiktok wouldn't already happen would it? I thought it happened after they started dating already
this show is funny heh
pls okay Enough with the mismatched names cuz when other people get involved I become nervous
Cute so far and funny, I hope the name thing gets cleared up soon
Ep 2 (Mar 13)
they do keep meeting each other
pls Lurang just not correcting Zai when she calls him Guran
Zaizai is literally so bold omg volunteering to sign a song in front of everybody + dedicating it to the boy she likes (even if she doesn't know his real name lol)
pls Lurang smiling while looking at Zai wanting to sing with Guran while knowing she means him... menace but he is endeared
Guran is kinda annoying, I think Jiang deserves somebody a little less annoying
ah not him using the "Run if it's raining. Fool" like that she used on him in their 1st encounter at the beginning of ep 1
lowkey also into Jiang and Zai yuri
not into Guran and Lurang yaoi cuz Guran irritates me
Zai is so cute "You're here alone. Do you need me to protect you?" says the one who's afraid of the dark
okay I could get into Jiang and Guran enemies-to-lovers if Guran stops being annoying
Zaizai is sooo cute also hah Lurang following behind her when he'd realized that Zai was scared lol but his nonchalant act is fun
Oh, is the year already over? They're in grade 10 and 16 years old here, does it follow them for a couple years? I know they apparently get married at the end
Ep 3 (Mar 14)
nvm still grade 10
usually in a hetship i like it when the guy likes her more (and that probably is gonna end up being the case here too lol) but i love how bold and proactive Zai is here! Like following Lurang is one thing but she’s also not shy about the fact that she was trying to fit into his ideal type (ahh his smile when she’s crying into her braids) and last ep when she was saying she’ll protect him and this ep paying for Lurang with her bus card ahh it’s cute idk
and then her speaking up when the man was being creepy and when Lurang asks, her being like yeah I was scared but I knew you’d back me up! and then Lurang being the one who gets shy saying he wouldn’t back her up and her being like but you diddd hehe
Ep 4 (Mar 14)
i remember the edit where Lurang is a bit mean to Zaizai and tells her to be quiet had comments about Lurang's step(?)-mother, so yeah ig she doesn't treat him well and compares him to her younger son
ahh they're gonna tutor each other yess
her tugging on his short sleeve is crazy woah i love hetshipping <3
Okay, yknow what Enough! Stand up Zaizai, how are you down bad enough for a teenage boy that you let him finish your whole food? esp one that's meat, i'd offer the guy and be waffling down the rest. He should buy her something now
okayy she at least got him to agree to treat her to a meal later
and Zaizai got him to smile in front of her + also getting his WeChat so true
loll Lurang literally seeing in slow motion when she shows up in casual non-uniform clothes
oh Lurang calling her Su-laoshi (Teacher Su) killed me omg
I guess the Class 1 girl (Ye Zhenxin) will end up being a problem? The one who made fun of Zaizai for being from a non-key class and now also has to stay behind for basketball?
okay fine the boys can defend the girls from the bullies and show off by beating them in basketball
Ep 5 (Mar 14)
At least the Guran and Jiajia misunderstanding got cleared up
hehe rain and umbrella scene
umbrella scene hehe ofc
nooo is Zhenxin gonna accuse Zaizai of stealing the money? Because she saw her treating people to snacks + saw her leave Class 1?
ahh Lurang coming to her defense
plss Lurang seeing her pretend cry with her friends through the window but thinking Zaizai crying for real
glad it got finished quickly within the episode
Ep 6 (Mar 15)
aouuu Lurang waiting for her
plsss not Guran overhearing Jiang Jia telling his doctor dad about her hair loss but thinking she is deathly ill or smth and confessing every time he's wronged her T.T silly af
does Guran's doctor father kinda ship him and Jiang Jia lol
omg a roundabout way of the "MC has love interest running errands for them" trope
heh here's the scene from the edit of Zaizai getting caught by Lurang cheering for another student by calling him "handsome, jjayo!"
Ep 7 (Mar 15)
Ah, Zaizai realizing Lurang's habit of rubbing his neck when he's shy/lies heh
pls not Zaizai's homeroom teacher Mr. Lin being Lurang's uncle
I don't fully understand why Zaizai was so nervous like it's not like she's nervous about the fact that she was studying alone with a guy in his home because she was fine and eager to see Lurang's uncle. Is it because Zaizai thought that Mr. Lin wondered if the two of them were dating that one time before?
the dancing after the play, are they trying to sell me on Guran and Lurang yaoi?
Ep 8 (Mar 15)
omg poor Jiang Jia with a period stain on her skirt but at least the nice girl told her
prince Lurang... I want to be you but also you're attractive
ah Guran fr has a crush on Jiang Jia fr
and yet helping her by letting Qianyu know that she brought all that food for him ah
I'm way more into Guran and Jiang Jia now than I was in the beginning
The grandma telling Guan Fang (?) that he doesn't have to be the focus and the center to shine :(
Ep 9 (Mar 15)
ahh can Lurang or Zaizai just confess like they know they like each otherrrr just date already and I have no hopes of even getting a kiss bc the wedding kiss from the starting credits seems like an angle kiss
omg?! not Zaizai saying she saw Lurang with the kid and saw them in 10 years, that's a crazy thing to say but if you can say that, why can't you confess properly and start dating T.T
ah 2012, end of the world
alksdfj not Lurang purposely making Zaizai jealous heh
hmm okay but spending most of the time with the girl when he knows Zaizai is sad/insecure is >:(
not Lurang's brain turning off practically when in the room alone with Zaizai and leaving ASAP
glad that ended well
Ep 10 (Mar 15)
ohh Guan Fang seemingly easy-going and bullyable but not actually
pls Enough funny misunderstandings for Guran where he's accidentally seen as the hero, i'm just not somebody who can handle the joke being that somebody sees himself as better than he is
omg D: randomly a touching story amidst the jovial mood so far
Ep 11 (Mar 16)
ah, they're apart for a month for New Year's break and Lurang's going back home instead of living with his uncle
loll Zaizai's reaction to Suyang
The way every child is Zaizai's nemesis lmfao
not the gaggle of gossipping aunts and uncles
Started doing 1.25x this ep or the previous ep because 1x was taking a long time rip
Ep 12 (Mar 16)
pls i too initially thought Guran was hiding porn
Aw, ep 10 about Guan Fang and this ep about Guran feeling neglected by his doctor parents who are heroes to other patients but leave him alone.
Are we gonna get smth about Jiang Jia in ep 14? And then delve more into Lurang afterwards? and possibly some Zaizai too? I wonder when the part where Lurang tells Zaizai to be quiet and then she avoids him is gonna happen
Ep 13 (Mar 16)
Guran is so obvious in his crush on Jiang Jia loll
ahh Lurang being jealous thinking it was Su Zaizai righting the love letter to someone, I love jealous Lurang
ohh the jealousy during pull-ups, this was in the edits
Guran, ow "it's not like you'll ever be [Qianyu] anyway"
Ep 14 (Mar 16)
I've really liked thus far how supportive Guran has been in Jiang Jia's crush on Qianyu, like telling her to confess and helping her and encouraging her even though he obviously doesn't want to because he likes her. He just wants her to be brave and chase what she wants. It's a very kind thing to do I guess because like I'm used to fuckass Han Seojun (True Beauty) type characters who insist their their female friend date them and not leave her alone until she does
Y'know idk why I thought it was his step-mother? Feels like I saw it in the comments of a real but I think it's his bio mother maybe since Lurang lives with her teacher brother
now Guran gonna get got by Jiang Jia apparently crying when she didn't cry
"Turns out the sun and sunflower shine for each other" is so true like the connection immediately makes me think of the sunflower facing the sun always but indeed the sun is also shining brightly for the sunflower, not a one-way relationship
Ep 15 (Mar 17)
girl why are we Singing?
ah, grade 11 begins
ouch, Guran always having to help Jiang Jia with Qianyu or the other way around
"Report to me if you notice anything" girl
bro the way we're having problems about Lurang and Zaizai dating or liking each other or spending time together or whatever at school but these fuckers aren't even properly dating yet T.T
omg D: is this gonna be the start of Lurang telling Zaizai to be quiet but she's gonna be hurt?
aww poor Zaizai who was already facing the rumour that she's some girl who's bothering key-class-Lurang and now Lurang being rude to her
Ep 16 (Mar 17)
immediately started this new ep, which doesn't happen with this show usually because the eps tend to end well but i'm too into the angst rn, I've been looking forward to it since the edits
but Lurang's not the one who told them about the transfer D: T.T
and omg Lurang's so bad at speaking too
I'll guess that this guy is her cousin or smth?
lolll not him fueling the fire talking about how he didn't tell an annoying girl in the next class about his transfer
indeed he's her cousin
ahh Zaizai getting Lurang to act cute for her
So, Lurang's brother is younger than him but is gonna be doing grade 12 test even though he's in grade 11? i'm confused girl
oh I see, he's a 10th grade age in 12th grade
aghhh like I can understand Lurang's frustration esp since he's a teenager but also Luli is also just 16 and in a new place where he only knows his brother and is also the focus of gossip even though they're praising him T.T I hope they become closer or at least more friendly :(
bruh, call Lurang to let them know that Luli's been found
Oh man, the bias and favouritism is wayyyy too much fr
I can handle this much tragic backstory for a male love interest like it's sad but not like every tragedy piled on
Ep 17 (Mar 17)
aw he's really leaving for a year :(
I really don't fully get what the status of this relationship is cuz she's saying happy 1 year anniversary lol like they both know they're lowkey in a relationship but they just... don't Talk about it I guess?
Ep 18 (Mar 17)
plss not the girl thinking Zaizai edited the pic of her and Lurang lmfaoo but at least Zaizai's happy and excited knowing he doesn't accept gifts from girls or anything
"Let's not give up on our dreams for the other" so true
I read a comment that said the grandma will be okay so that's good
Ep 19 (Mar 18)
I'll be honest, it's kinda hard for me to keep picking up this show cuz I just wanna watch a BL with dubcon/weird/uncomfortable dynamics instead.
ah, so they're talking about Confessing now like girl I wish I knew why your situationship is like this
pls not Lurang being like hmm Su zaizai, act normal *nods nods*
plsss not her signalling by saying my parents want me to get married at 30, so much get engaged by 29, should meet my partner's parents by 28 and need to have dated 10 years for that, so I need to start dating at 18
this tarot reading lmfao
bruh not the Guran and Jiang Jia
ahh confession finally and a cute one too hehe
hug !!!
oof, Guran leaving fr
Ep 20 (Mar 18)
ahh that's not even a kiss but so true i'm giggling
omgg a kiss hehehe esp bc Lurang learned copy-and-paste
Doraemon reference
Ah, she said "Rang-rang, you're the best" and it sounds like ZB1 Zhang Hao's name
ahhh no way both Lurang and the senior tried to say "here" for Su Zaizai to cover for her absence byeee
but i do like it when either of them get jealous cuz it's like cute but not Too Much lol
This ep had the military scenes from the tiktok that I'd watched. Also had the fantasy of everybody finding out that the FL is dating the cool handsome ML which is fun, we love.
Ep 21 (Mar 18)
and Zaizai cleverly letting the senior know that she has a boyfriend
why is there no fucking music during their kiss scenes is it because of youtube? is there music on Viki?
Ah, there is indeed music in the Viki version, I'll just continue watching that one
hah paying rent for staying in Zaizai's heart via kisses
Okayyy now it's Lurang's turn to have somebody interested in him while perhaps Zaizai is a bit jealous hehe, though I hope this girl also ends up bowing out gracefully like Zaizai's senior and less like the catty girl from high school
smh the girls in these really are Very Meddling huh? i guess there's appeal in that too even if I'm not super into it
loll saw these moments in tiktoks too
I really like it when Lurang sometimes widens his eyes when looking at Zaizai in a teasing way
Zaizai's parents are sooo funny lol
Ep 22 (Mar 19)
"You match my bed so well" while sitting him on the bed and grabbing his face like this, oh Su Zaizai you get me
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dang, we've gotten multiple kisses and an allusion to sex and they also live together, idk why I expected it to be more chaste. Ig since they started out in high school + literally didn't start Dating until graduation, I thought it'd remain that way. obviously it's still not hot and heavy or anything and the kissing scenes are just closed lips pressed together but still
Did Lurang just notice Jiang Jia and Guran tension or did Guran tell him?
i don't remember who this Wan Nan is unfortunately lmfao I thought the senior that Jiang Jia liked was the prince charming in Cinderella play but maybe not who knows
had to pause to scream a little at the boss touching Zaizai's hand/leg >:(
Let's kill this boss wtf
Ep 23 (Mar 19)
my poor Su Zaizai, I hate this evil boss man >:(
ah Guran having to be told by somebody else that Jiang Jia likes him while Jiang Jia also never made a move despite thinking that Guran probably maybe likes her
Ep 24 (Mar 19)
last ep
man I'm gonna stop being practical or thinking because the thought of Lurang buying a house By Himself for them to live in just gave me the ick like why...?
ahhh proposal so cuteee also interesting to see a proposal that's not "Will you marry me?" "Yes" "yay she said yes!" even though the beats are the same
oh, scandelous, Lurang opened like one shirt button and slipped the sleeve off of Zaizai's shoulder lol
ahhh the wedding cuteee
Su Zaizai angry face and then biting Luran's arm heh
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oh they're having a baby
ahh, them in their school uniforms again from the last scene, sooo cute
This isn't the show's fault at all but I think I'm just in the mood for a BL, so occasionally I'll think of just pausing the show to watch a BL in the middle lol or to go watch some BL edits (esp because I'm using this fluffy cuteness to try to get over Dead Friend Forever TeeWhite tragedy). This doesn't tend to happen when I'm actually watching the show because for more of the eps, I'm watching it like :D ^.^ :) :> happy smiles and giggles, so it's not the show's fault but rather me craving some yaoi cuz it took like a week to watch this lol
This was so cute, I liked the characters and their characterizations, I liked the friend group (more than I thought I would at first bc I was annoyed by Guran in the beginning), I liked their romance. I liked how they were mutually helping each other achieve their goals and paths in life. It was just cute. They had a 1 year long-distance thing in the middle where they were obviously sad but they got through it. I like that they trusted each other and liked each other and were nice to each other. Su Zaizai and Lurang, you're so cute!
Love that so much of this was them while in a relationship! Like they were in a "kinda relationship but we don't talk about it or define" for a while there during high school but even after officially becoming a couple after graduation, there are many eps of them in uni and at jobs and such. I love an established relationship situation and this delivered (want this for my BLs so bad). They got through situations together, no unnecessary breakup or terrible miscommunication, ah just feel good and cute but entertaining without becoming a bore.
It's just good and cute and endearing. Liked it. I don't necessarily think I'll think about them a whole lot, especially because everything is wrapped up so nicely, but I think the show did a lot of things well.
Rating: 6.5/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 7 -> 6.5]
Tiktoks - Before watching:
Saw this Tiktok edit while going through an account for TeeWhite (DFF) edits and
the most popular Tiktok of this show made me wanna watch
+ this one like omg idk why I’m so excited to see him get jealous/grovel I don’t know this man
Okay wait I saw this (pretend crush) on a reel before, I didn’t know this was from the same drama, no wonder the name seemed familiar.
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