#plus I mean seriously I justified dinosaurs being canon compliant I can justify almost anything
sniperct · 2 years
5 episodes into Rings of Power and still enjoying the hell out of myself. The first scene with the travelling song is more in spirit with Tolkien than almost anything I’ve ever seen. It’s not Tolkien if people aren’t singing okay? I wanna know who wrote those lyrics they’re amazing
Numenor remains close to perfect, I’m loving all the dwarven culture stuff (says a lot for someone who never really cared about dwarves), and the elves (except the hair) are all pretty on point. I mean Arondir apologized to a tree. That’s so elf it hurts.
people say amazon wanted their own GoT but this isn’t GoT. There’s no gratuitous violence or torture for one thing, even with the orcs who canonically do pretty terrible things to their prisoners (and I’m 100% certain they’re going with the elvish origin which has many Unfortunate Implications). They haven’t even mentioned the canonical incest (yet). Though most of that was First Age and all of it ended in tragedy.
and yes, there are politics, people scheming, dying, there’ll probably be some murders but have you read the fucking silmarillion??? This show is actually LIGHT compared to some of the stuff in the Silm (the top tags on AO3 are pretty informative actually lmao)
But the point is I don’t get GoT vibes at all. YMMV but IMO this show is much closer to the spirit of Middle-earth than people think.
If this was a fanfic I’d be hooked refreshing the page! It’s a high budget fanfic. Bougie Tolkien Junk Food.
And I’m loving it.
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