#plus ibuki
detectivenyx · 2 years
any meme that involves sbubby or expanddong levels of editing >>>> literally anything on tiktok
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nozomijoestar · 1 year
Playing the SF6 beta feels like everything is happening and nothing is happening in the span of one round- I love it
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merykitten · 1 month
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Ibuki's hair are...something i don't want to deal with ever again😭 plus, in the first part i forgot Twogami but i'll add him later on i swear-
Danganronpa x FNF ‼️
Part 2: Hajime Hinata, Hiyoko Sayonji, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Souda <33
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
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someone asked for the full list
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don't question what i use tiermaker for
Tier 1: As stated in today's fact, Shizuku and Haruka can be considered the most attractive characters in the game, as multiple characters have shown attraction to them. Shizuku moreso than Haruka, but there's not too much of a difference to separate the tiers.
Tier 2: These characters have all been stated somewhere to be attractive.
Mafuyu is considered to be outstanding in all fields, including appearance. It's occassionally commented that she is quite pretty. Ichika and KAITO's first kizuna title is "Ikemen while playing", ikemen meaning handsome or cool. Ena has a Twitter account for selfies that has a reasonable following, and she often gets comments saying that she's pretty or cute. Len has a similar sort of idol aura to Haruka does, and is referred to as 'princely'.
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Tier 3: These characters are never explicitly stated in the game to be attractive, but you can work it out.
A few background characters in Petit SEKAI Episode 9 mention that Akito and Toya are hot. Given that the miniseries is non-canon and a gag show it's up for debate how true this is, although it is a believable detail, hence why they're in this tier.
As for Rui, we have to look at the Valentine's Virtual Live from 2021 (wiki screenshots below). Keep in mind here that Rui is not popular in school at all and doesn't have many friends at this point in the game. He mentions that he received a few boxes of chocolate in his shoe locker on Valentine's Day, which admittedly could be platonic. However, the fact that this continues on into a joke about Tsukasa trying to claim that he got chocolates too before revealing that he got friendzoned by multiple girls (more on that in a second), makes it seem more likely that these weren't platonic. Linking back to the fact that he's not popular and doesn't really have many friends, he's probably pretty good-looking.
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Tier 4: An being scouted as a model was an important part of the plot of Wishing For Your Happiness Upon The Blue Sky, and it's mentioned in an area conversation that Kanade has been talent scouted for modelling before.
Tier 5: Full disclosure that probably all of the MMJ VSingers are either pretty or cute, the ones mentioned here are just the ones I remember it being stated/implied. In the April Fools 2022 area conversation with the Lukas, MMJ!Luka says that WxS!Luka is very cute. N25!Luka calls her MMJ variant out for calling herself cute, and MMJ!Luka says that she herself is cute. (TL)
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Kohane is mainly referred to as cute by An, which is biased, but other characters have pointed this fact out before as well, so she qualifies for this tier.
Mizuki loves cute clothes and accessories and always tries to look cute. I believe a few other characters have called them cute, but unfortunately the only instance I can actually remember is one transphobic faceless background character saying "you can't tell and they're super cute".
Also Minori and Airi are here because they're idols and have been called cute because that's part of being an idol I suppose.
Tier 6: Yes he gets his own tier because it's funny. This guy runs on rule of funny like 50% of the time. Anyway, as mentioned earlier, in the 2021 Valentine's Virtual Live, he gets annoyed when he hears Rui talking about receiving (implied romantic) chocolate and tries to claim that he too received (implied confession) chocolate, before saying too much and revealing that he only received friend chocolates that girls gave out to all the other boys as well.
Tsukasa's actually a lot more popular than Rui and doesn't have the same "outcast" reputation, plus in his A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium card story, Ibuki (Taniyama) mentions that Tsukasa's friends from class are really popular with girls, and Rui's friends are surprised he's in that kinda crowd (not that Tsukasa quite gets it). What I'm saying is that he's in a crowd of popular guys that are good with women and he's failing in that second aspect. The reason why is never stated but considering the school's resident outcast is able to get Valentine's chocolate for probably no reason other than looks, it's safe to assume Tsukasa is maybe lacking in that field.
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I think two guys have flirted with him? One definitely has anyway. The other is more up for debate but was probably written with the intent of ship tease. Depends on how you choose to interpret it.
In other words on a scale of attractive to unattractive he's the secret 3rd option (appeals to the mlms).
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kaika7 · 5 months
You're Not Alone
Despair Disease Nagito Komaeda x Shy/Awkward and GN! Reader
Summary: You visit Nagito Komaeda when he's ill with the Despair Disease and make sure he feels loved and not alone.
Warnings: Discussions of dying (no one actually dies!)
A/N: This is my first fic, so it's likely far from ideal. I hope you still get something out of this though!
You anxiously made your way to the hospital with Hajime and Fuyuhiko. Ever since Akane, Nagito, and Ibuki fell ill with the despair disease, you all decided to split into two groups to prevent it from spreading to everyone. Originally, just Hajime, Fuyuhiko, and Mikan were going to stay at the hospital with them, but you insisted on joining their group. Everyone was a little surprised by your insistence, but they went along with it. 
In truth, you were really worried about Nagito. Sure, he was a little scary before- especially during the first class trial. But, you couldn’t help but sense there was more to him beneath the surface. 
As you had tried to talk to him, he seemed quite delighted that you wanted to spend time with him. His face would light up every time you came by.
“Wow, I can’t believe someone like you wants to talk with trash like me!” He beamed with a cheery face.
Over time, he began to open up to you about his past, and you learned about his luck cycle. He had a beloved pet dog that got hit by a truck and passed away, but the dog allowed him to experience the joy of love and companionship. His parents died in a plane hijacking, but he survived, gained his independence, and a large inheritance. He was kidnapped by a serial killer and thrown in a dumpster, but he won millions of yen in a lottery ticket he found inside. He was diagnosed with stage three lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia, but he was accepted into Hope’s Peak academy. This caused Nagito to believe that if a horrific event happens, something amazing of equal magnitude will happen and vice versa. That’s where his belief in hope came from.
Despite his easygoing outward composure, you couldn’t help but sense a deep anxiety constantly brooding within him. Wherever he went with you, he would constantly be analyzing the terrain and the activities you’d be engaging in to make sure you’d be safe. He wouldn’t even go swimming with you because he casually said you could be taken away by a rip tide and stuck at the bottom of the ocean…. And then be eaten by a shark.
After learning all of this and seeing the way he treated you, you couldn’t help but sympathize with him…. and start to develop feelings for him. You were beginning to understand him more; he was not the malicious person others labeled him as. He did some questionable things for sure, but he did them with good intentions. Plus, his frontotemporal dementia was clouding his judgement, making him take things further than he normally would have. 
Yesterday, you went for a walk on the beach with him. His eyes constantly scanned the sand and occasionally darted to the water, as if he was looking for any sharp objects or crustacean that could injure you. When you sat down under the palm trees, he checked the trunk and branches to make sure it was sturdy and not going to break and fall. He also checked for any loose coconuts. Once he felt it was safe, he took a seat next to you.
“…I…” He stuttered, not looking at you. He just stared out into the ocean. “I’ve always been alone… never had anyone’s love. Not that I deserve it, but…I’m just so scared to die alone.” He stayed silent for a bit, and you were just speechless. You wanted to tell him so badly that he’ll never be alone. That you love him. You’ll stay by his side, but you just froze in the moment. The words in your mind could not make their way to your lips.
Sensing the silence, he quickly retracted his previous statement. “Ah, that was just a quote I read in a book somewhere! Speeches such as those can surely evoke sympathy in others, right?” His lips curved to form a plastic smile.
You could see right through his excuse, but before you could say anything, he apologized for “wasting your precious time” and left.
And now, you are going to visit him in the hospital with Hajime and Fuyuhiko. His lymphoma already made him so weak to begin with, but this despair disease really put his body over the edge. You really wondered if this would be the end for him.
“How’s everyone doing?” Fuyuhiko asked Mikan. 
“Akane and Ibuki are still ill, but they are stable. Nagito, on the other hand, is in quite a precarious state.” Mikan explained solemnly. “His pulse is so weak, and I’ve been tending to him nearly non-stop for the past day.”
“May we see him?” Hajime asked Mikan.
“Of course, but he’s not awake.” Mikan guided them to Nagito’s room and let them in. Nagito lay motionless in the bed in his hospital gown. His face was even paler than normal and he had a mildly pained expression on his face. Beads of sweat were formed on his forehead, and his chest rose and fell shallowly.
Your heart sank seeing him like this. Your anxieties only grew seeing just how badly he was doing. “Mikan, do you think he’ll make it through the night?” You solemnly asked.
“I-I will make sure I take care of him properly all night, so he will be okay!” Mikan squeaked out. “But…” Her voice grew more slow and serious. “It is possible that he won’t pull through, despite my best efforts. So… you may want to take a few minutes with him now.”
Fuyuhiko and Hajime stepped by Nagito’s bedside.
Fuyuhiko crossed his arms and looked down. “Goddammit, man. I know you are a pain in the ass, but we can’t have anymore people dying, ya hear me? We’re all getting off this damn island, and that includes you.” After he finished speaking, he abruptly turned around and walked out still looking down.
Hajime watched Fuyuhiko leave with a pained expression and took a deep breath before facing Nagito. “Nagito, I know things have been weird, but you gotta pull through, okay? Like Fuyuhiko said, we’re getting out of here together. And once you feel better, I-I want to try to understand you better.” Hajime let out a soft chuckle and a genuine smile. “Maybe we could even become friends.” 
Hajime started to slowly walk out, but he noticed your eyes welling with tears. “Hey… do you need a moment alone with him? I know you guys seem sorta close.”
You silently nodded your head. You definitely couldn’t talk with everyone around.
“Hey, Mikan. Do you think we can give Y/N a few minutes alone with Nagito?”
“Let me see…” Mikan quickly checks his vital signs and dabs the sweat off his forehead with a towel. “His fever is still high, and his pulse is still very low, but I suppose he doesn’t need me to tend to him for a few moments.” She looked up at you. “I can give you a few minutes, but if anything strange happens, please call me in, okay?”
You nod and Hajime and Mikan walk out of the room, closing the door behind them and leaving you alone with Nagito.
You stepped closer to his bedside and pulled over a chair so you could sit beside him. He looked worse close up. His hair even more disheveled than normal, and several strains of it stuck to the dried up sweat on his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed with discomfort, and his lips were slightly parted as small gasps of air struggled to rhythmically flow between them.
You gently held his hand and looked at his shut eyes. “Nagito… I don’t think you can really hear or understand me right now… but I want you to know that I’m here.” You pause and nervously laugh to yourself. “I’m sorry I don’t always know what to say. It’s hard for words to come out sometimes. But, I hope you can at least feel the warmth of my hand and recognize my presence.” You took a shaky breath. “Please, please know that you will never be alone. I-I really love you, Nagito.”
You gave his hand a light squeeze, and put it over your heart. “I have to leave soon. But, please know that even if I’m not physically beside you, you will always be right here with me.”
Nagito remained unresponsive throughout this conversation, but fortunately his breaths remained constant. You sighed and rested his hand back along his side. Then, you began to get up. “I… I won’t say good bye tonight… You will make it through this! I’ll come visit you in the morning. I promise. I’ll see you soon…” 
You turned around and left the room, and Mikan immediately went back in to tend to Nagito. You, Hajime, and Fuyuhiko went back to your cottages with heavy hearts- hoping for the best.
You could barely sleep a wink all night, but you did manage to dose off for a little bit. You woke up to the sound of knocking on your cottage door. Groggily making your way to the door, you unlocked it and opened it a crack. Seeing it was Hajime, you opened it more and instantly woke up. With desperation in your tone, you quickly stammered, “H-Hi! Did you hear anything about Nagito?”
Hajime reassuringly smiled. “Yes, I came by to let you know Nagito’s condition has improved! Well, a little bit, anyway. He’s still not in good shape, but he can sit up in bed and talk now- though he says quite bizarre things…” He forced a chuckle and shrugged his shoulders. “You could try visiting him if you’d like, but I just saw him and he told me to hurry up and go away. He even said that he didn’t want to see my face anymore.” Hajime exasperatedly sighs.
You stood there dumbfounded for a minute, but adrenaline quickly rushed through your veins. “Hajime, you LEFT him after he said that?! I-I have to go now!!!”
You sprinted out the door, still in your pajamas, towards the hospital as Hajime turned around and watched you run with a confused look. Geez, this guy sure has a serious case of the clueless protagonist syndrome! Nagito has the liar form of the despair disease, which means he means the opposite of everything he says. The poor thing must be so scared of dying alone.
Finally making it to the hospital, you opened the door to his room with a wheeze. “N-Nagito. H-how are you? May I come in?”
Nagito did indeed look better than last night. His he was drooling a bit and still sweaty, but he was now propped up in bed with a glazed look in his eyes. He turned his head in response to your voice and said weakly, “I’m feeling quite excellent today! And I really need you to get as far away from me as possible. I want to be alone.”
You felt a pit form in your stomach. He certainly had improved, but he was not out of the woods yet. You walked closer to his bedside and looked compassionately at him. “I’m here, Nagito. I’m right here with you.” 
Upon looking at him more closely, your eyes drifted unconsciously to where his hospital gown loosely was wrapped around him, leaving his collar bones and upper chest exposed. Seeing his bare chest slowly rise and fall in synchronization with his breaths made your cheeks flush and your mind freeze. You were pretty inexperienced with love to say the least, so these feelings are hard for you to process.
Nagito began speaking again which made you snap out of your frozen state. “Y/N, I didn’t hear what you said to me yesterday. You’re a nasty person for not thinking about someone like me, Y/N.”
Holy crap, he actually HEARD YOU? He heard your love confession?! That has got to be the worst way to be confessed to. Ugh way to go, Y/N.
With a shaky voice, you began, “Oh, I- er… I’m sorry you had to hear it like that… But I really meant everything I said. I-I’ll never leave you alone, and-” You paused to take a nervous breath. “I love you…”
An ounce of focus and shock came through Nagito’s dazed eyes. “Really? I thought you were telling me the truth just to be mean to me?”
With a slightly more confident tone, you said, “No, I wasn’t just saying it to make you feel better… I really do love you. I’m so sorry about the other day. I was just so shocked, and I didn’t know what to say right away.”
Nagito sat there stunned for a moment, and his eyes slowly started to well with tears. “I-I hate you too, Y/N. You’re the most despicable and malicious person I’ve ever met. I have zero gratitude for the love you’ve shown me, and you’re so awful for letting me die alone. I truly deserve it.”
Your eyes grew wide in surprise as a gentle blush spread across your face. After a few moments, tears formed in your own eyes. You could barely believe that he reciprocated your feelings, but you pushed your own insecurities aside to focus on supporting him. “Nagito… may I hold your hand?”
He shook his head ‘No’, so you gently squeezed his hand. “You will get better. You won’t die here today. There’s always hope, remember?” You gave him a little smirk, which made a smile crack on his face. “But even if the worst does come, you won’t be alone. I’ll repeat myself a thousand times: I’ll always be with you. You’re not alone.”
At this point, the tears were already profusely streaming down Nagito’s face, so you grabbed a tissue to dab them away for him. “Y/N?”
“I know this is truly a selfless request- I’m so wonderful for even thinking to ask this- but c-could you not hold me?”
You blinked in disbelief. “You want me to cuddle you, right now?”
“No, that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do in the world. But I’m truly considerate for even asking you this. I’m so not sorry for taking advantage of you like this, I-“
Mustering up all the confidence you could, you cut Nagito off by pulling his blanket down, and then climbing into the bed with him. You laid down next to him and gestured for him to lie down. With a shocked look, he quickly complied. You gently held him close to you, letting his head rest over your heart. You stroked his soft and fluffy white hair comfortingly, hoping to ease him of any discomfort.
“Y/N…” Nagito said with a blush forming on his face. The sound of your heart beat and the warmth of your embrace was so soothing to him. He was so touched starved, he didn’t even remember the last time he was hugged. He never had experienced anything like this before.
“I’m here, and I always will be. You’re not alone, Nagito.”
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kimetsu-chan · 5 months
Disclaimer! ⚠️: this is not meant to take jabs at the ocs as some of these characters have unpleasant personalities. I chose these based on similar traits, outfits they’d look good in, and the ultimate talents. If you would like me to alter the outfit, I will. It just needs to be recognizable as the specific character’s outfit. This will take me an incredibly long time, upwards to multiple weeks. Since I am doing splash arts and one big art piece. If you are uncomfortable with the character your oc was given, please let me know and I’ll do my best to rearrange things. I will only being drawing YOUR oc in THEIR outfit and pose. I will not be mixing the characters.
this’ll be a long post so get ready
First off, this can contain spoilers for Danganronpa V2.
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Kyoko Kirigiri technically shows up for the anime version on V2 but I want to include as many ppl as possible. + she’s my favorite so haha
Oc: Akari Fuyutsuki (@thewinterpillarhashira)
Talent: The Ultimate Detective
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An honorable mention since Eva thought Celestia would work better than Makoto 😋
Oc: Eva Himiko (@muitsuri)
Talent: The Ultimate Gambler—
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Byakuya Togami is the first person I thought of for this oc 😋 he and Makoto are sorta same in the sense that they appeared in the anime. Although Byakuya had an impersonator pretend to be him in the actual game
Oc: Celestine Ellis (@saffron0v0)
Talent: Ultimate Affluent Prodigy
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IF ANYONE KNOWS TERUTERU’S PERSONALITY, IM NOT TRYNA BE MEAN I PROMISE— I hate Teruteru okay 😭 I just like his accent and outfit
Oc: Kirika (I couldn’t find her last name) (@ta-ni-ya)
Talent: The Ultimate Chef
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Mahiru Koizumi so underrated omg 😭 I loovveee herrrr.
Oc: Marilyn Kaizumi (@cloudymistedskies)
Talent: The Ultimate Photographer
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Peko Pekoyama has such a fun name omg. I like saying it over and over again. Once again, and underrated character
Oc: Ilona Dulina (@tokito-dulya20)
Talent: The Ultimate Swordswoman
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I don’t really like Hiyoko either, but she’s adorable and I think her outfit would suit this oc very well
Oc: Akira Sakuranbura (@tinyperson00)
Talent: The Ultimate Traditional Dancer
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Ibuki is so chaotic and I love it. She’s so adorable. I love that she’s described to be pitch perfect and tone deaf at the same time—
Oc: Irina Gonshira (@shycroissanti)
Talent: The Ultimate Musician
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Mikan is such a shy girl. She also cries when embarrassed and stutters a lot. She’s not my favorite, but I don’t hate her. She’s really clumsy which I find relatable—
Oc: Milo Suzuki (@larz-barz)
Talent: The Ultimate Nurse
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Usami will be taking the place of Nekomaru since I don’t feel comfortable with draw Yuna in his clothes and such. Plus Usami’s the teacher and I thought it would be fitting.
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His character was a little hard to choose, but he’s actually pretty adorable. He calls everyone else “mortals” and he’s my sister’s favorite character
Oc: (I can’t remember her name 😭) (@littleolspring112)
Talent: The Ultimate Animal Caretaker
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Nagito is quite possibly the most popular character in the entire franchise. Man has simps left and right. It’s probably bc he’s a little crazy— and he has a rlly sad backstory 😭 he’s also the ✨ main antagonist ✨
Oc: Boo (idk their last name) (@boo-simplified)
Talent: The Ultimate Lucky Student
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Chiaki is the lead female character and I like her quite a lot!
Oc: Hanako Kimura (@rion-isnot-an-ai)
Talent: The Ultimate Gamer
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Hajime Hinata is the lead protagonist in this game CONGRATS TO THIS OC WHO HAS HIM
Oc: Yuki Ayaka (@sweetstarryeyedgirl)
Talent: He doesn’t have a talent though 💀
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I think you can tell by just looking at him… but he’s the mastermind. He also shares a body with Hajime 😃 (wee wo wee wo, wee wo wee wo weeeee—)
Oc: Ayuna Katsuki (@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira)
Talent: I think he’s also talentless, just really smart—
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My beautiful, stupid, girl. I love Akane. She’s really energetic and loud so she fits this oc
Oc: Asai (I can’t find her last name 😚) (@night-mince0)
Talent: The Ultimate Gymnast
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Sonia’s got two outfits, I’ll do this one though. She’s a literal sweetheart
Oc: Kiyoka Watanabe (@kiyokatokito)
Talent: The Ultimate Princess 0-o
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Kazuichi is such a goody goober. Keep your beanie on though. Please.
Oc: Amari Delarosa (@naramaiz)
Talent: The Ultimate Machanic
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Kazuichi calls him “boss man” and “baby face”. He hates it. Internally a sweetheart though
Oc: Basil (idk his last name) (@aceofstars0)
Talent: The Ultimate Yakuza— yes he’s part of the mafia. or at least his parents are
And that was the last one 😭
ima plan on doing a group pic, but I might not end up doing it— just cause it’s a lot of work 😭
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Ima replace Nekomaru with Usami/Yuna and add poses for everyone else who’s character doesnt show up (that’s not Byakuya I promis, that’s the impersonator)
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Event: Halloween Party
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"Oh! Hey, you! Just the person we wanted to see!"
You were stopped by a group of some of the heroes on the street, who quickly approached you with a stack of envelopes in their arms.
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"Hello, there. We were looking for you, to invite you to the Halloween party our institute of academic prestige of heroism is holding for this October."
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"Or, dumbed down for us normal, non-royal folk, we wanna invite you to a Halloween party at our school! Here!"
Akane hands you an envelope with the details on it.
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"P-Plus... I really could u-use an extra pair of hands, just in case s-something bad happens..."
Mikan seems to have extreme anxiety when dealing with social events and situations. Don't we all-
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"C'mon! Come to the party! It'll be totally wicked! After all, I'm handling the music!"
Yeesh, Ibuki-
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"In layman's terms, rest in peace everybody's eardrums... I'd cast a spell to protect them, but I'm out of mana..."
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"Well, that's rather unkind of you to say, Himiko."
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"W-We hope to see you! It'd be a lot better, and the more the merrier with you there!"
Is this the process that's been ensuing with everyone they've been inviting-?
A few days later, October 31st had arrived and you were stood in front of U.A. high school. There's a few pro heroes standing at the front entrance welcoming everyone. Do you go inside and socialize with the heroes-in-training?
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Mods that play Kotoko or Kokichi in any capacity, DNI! ))
@human-monokuma @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer and anyone else, these are just the main two interactions I remember-
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chiaki-zine · 10 months
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The ChiakiZine's sticker gacha has grown exponentially! With 54 total stickers spanning across the three main Danganronpa games, plus some extras, there's quite the cast to pick from!
Preorders for the ChiakiZine end on August 12th
💖Credits under the cut
SinKdraws - Palutena!Chisa, Formatting ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @sinkdraws
Sarah - Mario!Chiaki, Isabelle!Kaede ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @axolotllotl
Blue - Pit!Hajime, DarkPit!Izuru, MinMin!Komaru ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram
Yagito - Sephiroth!Nagito, Kirby!Teruteru, PiranhaPlant!Hifumi, Ness!Makoto, Luigi!Yuta ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @go-hop-to-it
Calitchee - Zelda!Sonia, Cloud!Leon, KingDedede!Angie ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram
Fala - Ganondorf!Gundham, Wolf!Mukuro, MegaMan!Kiibo, Villager!Himiko ✧ Instagram ✧ @fala-alfredo-pasta
SoldierEl - DrMario!Mikan, Joker!Kokichi, PokémonTrainer!Gonta, Mr.GameAndWatch!Tsumugi ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram
Mae - Sonic!Ibuki, Kazuya!Nekomaru, Greninja!Maki, Terry!Kaito ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @vhsghostricks
Amber Sweets - MiiFighter!Imposter, Lucina!Kyoko, Simon!Taka ✧ Instagram ✧ @octos-art-blog
TwinkleLitchii - Pikachu!Mahiru, Bayonetta!Celeste, Rosalina!Chihiro, FemRobin!Toko, FemCorrin!Syo, Shiek!Kirumi, Lucario!Tenko ✧ Twitter
Ollie Lumby - Pichu!Hiyoko, Jigglypuff!Sayaka ✧ Twitter ✧ @ooliebot
Chloe - Inkling!Kazuichi, Steve!Byakuya, Pacman!Ryoma ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram
MidnighT. is DED - Snake!Fuyuhiko, Bowser!Junko ✧ Twitter
Wintermelynn - Byleth!Peko, ZeroSuitSamus!Miu, DiddyKong!Shuichi ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @shadowmatcha
May - Ken!Akane, Daisy!Aoi, Peach!Sakura, Wario!Mondo, Shulk!Yasuhiro, Banjo&Kazooie!Monomi&Monokuma ✧ Twitter ✧ @somnimagus
Dreamaruu - WiiFitTrainer!Korekiyo ✧ Twitter ✧ Instagram ✧ @dreamaruu
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drawbauchery · 10 months
Are Ibuki and Imposter friends in the game or just in your AU? Cuz they’re adorable.
>w< they didn't really interact in the game but i'm pretty sure she had a crush on him. plus they're kinda prominent in a fic i'm reading and well. you know how that goes;;;;
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chubby-kiyo · 6 months
Okay. Time to do Goodbye Despair edition of appearance headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura - (He/Him Hyper pan sexual) I don’t actually hate his design, he looks like the plump chef decorations everyone had in their kitchen in the 90s. He has thick hair and uses a ridiculous amount of pomade and hairspray to style it. (How he doesn’t catch on fire doing flambé is beyond me)
Ultimate Imposter - (They/Them intersex pansexual) They have to hide all of their natural features as part of their talent, but I feel like they probably have a somewhat feminine build. Due to their weight, they can pass more easily as any gender without being questioned (and maybe with some shape wear to help seal the deal) and this is pretty gender affirming for them.
Mahiru Koizumi - (She/They, Lesbian) She is midsized with a small tummy pooch and kind of pear shaped. Her freckles extend to her shoulders and back, and she has somewhat crooked teeth, but in kind of an endearing way. Has a small nose ring.
Peko Pekoyama - (She/Her, grey asexual) Slim and muscular with very little curvature, not that she needs a big pair of jugs to slow her down. She has really long thin fingers, and 9 times out of ten they are ice cold. She also has several scars from weapons training.
Ibuki Mioda - (They/She, pansexual) Built like a board. Just no hips or chest to spare, but they prefer a more androgynous style anyway, as is popular in the scene. Always has raccoon eyes, and will rub or picked at her face, smearing them in the process. Septum and tongue piercings and stretched lobes. Also has light acne scars.
Hiyoko Saonji - (She/Her, Lesbian) Looks like she’s 12. Her hair is very reactive to humidity and she is prone to turning into a poodle if it gets wet. Has a sizable front tooth gap, which only serves to make her look more childish.
Mikan Tsumiki - (She/Her, bisexual-female pref) She is plus sized and has wider hips, which she bumps into stuff with all the time. She has a round face and a button nose, which are always rosy pink, because of how often she is crying. Just chronically puffy eyes.
Gundam Tanaka - (They/Them, pansexual) They are kind of average/slim and don’t have much in the way of muscle. There’s just not as much under those robes as you might expect. Wears corpse paint and other trad goth makeup often but hates going out without at least using a light/white foundation. Black lipstick is a must for special occasions, and they always carry at least one lint roller to maintain their perfect black clothes with the hammies. Has a septum piercing and stretched lobes.
Nekomaru Nidai-(He/Him, Bisexual, female pref) Obviously built like a Greek god. Is very particular about his manscaping, and you bet your ass his fades are always on point. His hands are so fucking huge and blocky that it’s almost comical to see him holding someone else’s hand. His chest is hairy, and he has eyebrow and nipple piercings.
Nagito Komaeda - (He/They, gay) The man is dying of cancer. He is deathly pale and skinny. If he wasn’t a wacko, any sane person would be concerned for him. His hair is dry and coarse, in an over processed bleach kind of way. Has dark circles and yellowing teeth. Somehow though, he still manages to have a smooth, soft baby face and unnaturally clear skin. Is lacking in the eyebrow department, but has white double lashes on Satoru Gojo’s level.
Chiaki Nanami - (She/Her, pan) She is chubby. Like not just on the cusp of plus size, but a few sizes deep. Has stretch marks on her hips, chest, and stomach. Pale skin and puffy eyes from poor sleeping habits. American girl doll teeth and frizzy hair from falling asleep on random surfaces.
Kazuichi Souda (He/They, bisexual female pref) Has a bit of pudge from eating processed junk all the time, but doesn’t seem to mind. He had braces as a kid, so his teeth are perfectly straight and really the only tight laced thing about the guy. Has shaved sides and hates washing his hair, so he uses the beanie to cover up the greasy bits and his little black roots when they grow out. Breaks out easily, and has some acne scars. Pierced nostrils, tongue, and stretched ears.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu - (He/Him FtM, ace spec?) Kind of scrawny and will just never be tall. Freckles on his shoulders and back. Has a tiny amount of peach fuzz over his top lip and is really hoping it will start to fill in. Blonde eyebrows that are barely visible to begin with, that he still insists on shaving slits into. Pierced ears.
Sonia Nevermind - (She/Her, pansexual) Petite all around. Dainty little hands and the softest skin. Very fine hair, and like Fuyuhiko, she is a bit lacking in eyebrow definition, but she has to fill them in. Has a small upturned nose and definitely does the princess peach lip thing.
Akane Owari - (She/Her, pansexual) Muscular and thick all over. As much as she definitely has abs, having them visibly defined is generally speaking, not healthy for most women, so they’re under a smooth soft tummy. She has a wider button nose and full lips that she would love to put gloss on if it didn’t interfere with her snacking. Has somewhat crooked teeth and her hair is consistently tangled.
Hajime Hinata - (He/Him, pansexual) Buff arms. All around pretty stocky but not fat. Stubby thick hands. Tans easily and has the worst farmers’ tan from his stupid polo shirt. Gets freckles across his nose when he’s in the sun a lot. He has bushy eyebrows that could use some attention and thick lips.
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Gender identity: agender
Why would transition save them?: "Basically, Ibuki's narrative is about feeling like you're something you're not and wanting to free yourself from your burdens and become who you are. For context, Ibuki is a ninja raised in the Glade of Ninjas, and is implied to have been an orphan; this means that likely, the Glade of Ninjas raised her, likely with the belief that she must be a ninja and only a ninja. A lot of the parts of Street Fighter only reinforce this; despite Ibuki wanting to escape that life and become normal, she keeps being pulled back into the realm of ninjas without her wanting to. Similarly, Ibuki seems to be pulled towards the compulsive need to gender herself as a girl and as a cishet girl at that, even though she probably would rather not have an internal gender identity at all and just exist as Ibuki, a news reporter living in an apartment somewhere in Japan. This compulsive need to fit cishet feminine norms vs. the wanting to just be is a common agender narrative for agender people assigned female at birth, and I personally believe she would just feel better without a gender to care about. Why agender, specifically? Well...I saw an icon edit of Ibuki as agender even though it was intended to (likely) be the Danganronpa character Ibuki Mioda, and even though I know realistically the headcanon was about Ibuki Mioda, the idea of Ibuki from Street Fighter's narrative as an agender narrative stuck with me. So yeah. Agender Ibuki." --mod @sunkern-plus
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the--artist · 3 months
Patterns in Leg Expression over the Danganronpa Trilogy
Wait, I know this is a weird title, but please bear with me for some time. **Spoilers for sprites AND death order for all three games
I'm going to be defining "leg expression" as different leg movements in sprites. Dr1, has by far, the highest amount of different leg movements, while V3 has the least amount of various leg movements. Dr2 is in the middle, with certain characters.
Danganronpa 1: Trigger Happy Havoc:
Example: The Gothic Princess
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I chose Celeste because of her expressive head sprites (plus being my favorite DR character...shhhh). Overall, Celeste has three varied leg sprites. The bottom two mainly show up during her trial and during her breakdown, so it makes sense to see these different leg movements. On the other hand, calmer characters like Chihiro don't have any "new" leg sprites besides their standard. However, the general trend of characters in DR1 tends to be multiple leg expressions for each character. It's still a common occurrence - especially if they tend to show a wide range of emotions. In general, in DR1, there were more 3/4 body sprites where that turn their back on you (Sakura, Kyoko, I'm looking at you)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Example: The Glorious Bastard of Danganronpa
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Nagito is one of the most expressive characters in DR2, but most of his sprites involve only small positional changes with his legs. Even characters such as Ibuki and Gudhum tend to have 1 or no different leg expressions. After going through the DR2 cast's legs (what a weird sentence to say..), a common occurrence was in mirroring the legs. However, compared to Dr1, the leg variation has slightly gone down. Of note, Kazuichi has some good variation, while Mikan has two versions of her leg that are distinctly different! Sonia also surprisingly has some really good leg variation!
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Example: The Junko Kinnie
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Danganronpa V3 has the least amount of leg movement by far. Very vivid characters who tend to be very expressive (Kokichi, Angie, Tenko, Miu, Korekiyo, Maki, Kaito) don't get ANY new leg movements. Tsumugi has the most by far with three distinct leg movements while another character might maybe have a second version. Compared to Dr2, a lot more mirroring of the legs happens in V3 - and definitely compared to Dr1. For V3 in particular, so many of the characters are so much more vivid and eccentric that maybe more of the budget could have been spent on their top halves - this would lead the legs to not be changed as frequently between sprites.
This isn't a perfect analysis with perfect statistical analysis! But it was so much fun to go through the sprites of such a huge cast.
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Twilight Syndrome Murder Case - Girl D
[Part 1]
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Date: July 8th, 2011
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... *Mahiru had found out her former bully was dead in the music room, she couldn't believe this happen but it did, she had no idea what to do and thus was stuck...*
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I-Isn't…it bad if we stay here much longer?
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I mean, I don't want to get involved in something like this… And the killer might still be around, too…
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That's bad! Uber bad! We better hurry up and run! *Ibuki rush out of the room*
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B-But…Don't we have to report this to the police?
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Don't you know what happens…when you report this kind of stuff to the police?
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You become the prime suspect just because you found the body first. I definitely don't want that! *Hatomi walks out of the room as well*
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Yeah…it'd be best if we left this room how we found it…just lock the door, leave everything how it was… *Hiyoko left the room as well leaving only Mahiru and Mikan*
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Ah, hey! Please wait…don't leave me!!! *Mikan follows after them, scared to be left alone, leaving only just Mahiru*
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... (Natsumi, seems she's dead...I never expected her to die like she did, I wonder what happen... who kill her? Maybe it was that pervert but that wouldn't happen; Natsumi usually has her knife...)
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Ma-Mahiru? Are... Are you coming? You are aware that the police could come here, right...?
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O-Oh uh don't worry, just go on ahead; I just need to check something; I'll be sure to lock up...
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Okay... don't take too long... *Mikan walk away as Mahiru was left alone*
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...Good, now to find out what exactly happen, I should check the body myself and see what else I can find; just like mom...
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*kneels down and starts looking over Natsumi's body* Hmm, there looks to be some marks on the neck and looking at her legs, no signs of bruising or any bodily fluids around there besides her one injury and her own blood; plus the clothes are torn and her underwear isn't remove... she likely isn't rape...
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Wait... where is her knife? Doesn't she usually have it on her? I wonder what happen...
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Maybe that pervert took it? Hm, looks like there isn't much I can find.. I better take a picture just in case.
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*Gets up as she snaps a photo of Natsumi's body* Alright, time to close up and return the key back where it belongs. I should get back home quickly before I get spotted.
*Mahiru left the music room as she lock it when she went to return the keys*
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Okay now to get home... *As Mahiru was heading out of the staff room, she was heading downstairs but then notice something...*
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Huh? Wait 4-A looks to be open, I guess someone must forgot to lock the room...
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...I better see what happen there. *Mahiru went in and found what look to be a broken vase*
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Wh-Whoa, what happen here - did the pervert break this?
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Doesn't look like the windows are open... maybe I should take a photo just in case the police ask questions?
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*takes out the camera and takes a photo* There, I should check this over...
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Huh? Oh... it's dad, wonder what he wants?
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*answer the phone* Yes dad? Yeah I'm coming home pretty soon...
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Oh mom is coming home too? Okay thanks, I'll be home right away. (I better get going, I don't want to get in trouble...)
*Mahiru walk out and headed downstairs as she was going to return home.*
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair Masterlist
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Hajime Hinata
dating hajime hinata - headcanons
fake dating hajime hinata - headcanons
hajime with an affectionate s/o - headcanons
being in a love triangle with hajime and nagito - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with hajime and kazuichi - headcanons
Nagito Komaeda
clinging onto bad luck - oneshot
yandere nagito komaeda - headcanons
nagito dating a member of the future foundation - headcanons
nagito with a plus sized s/o - headcanons
nagito's s/o being killed - headcanons
nagito dating the ultimate empath - headcanons
being in a love triangle with hajime and nagito - headcanons
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
dating fuyuhiko kuzuryu - headcanons
fuyuhiko falling for the rival gang leader's daughter - headcanons
fuyuhiko dating a reader with insomnia - headcanons
fuyuhiko breaking up with his s/o - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with peko and fuyuhiko - headcanons
Kazuichi Soda
dating kazuichi soda - headcanons
kazuichi breaking up with you - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with hajime and kazuichi - headcanons
Gundham Tanaka
under your spell - oneshot
dating gundham tanaka - headcanons
Nekomaru Nidai
dating nekomaru nidai - headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura
better than to be alone - drabble
cooking with teruteru hanamura - headcanons
Ultimate Imposter
imposter comforting you after your pet passed away - headcanons
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Chiaki Nanami
things you weren't meant to hear - oneshot
chiaki announcing your relationship on a gaming stream - headcanons
chiaki with a s/o who always takes care of her - headcanons
Sonia Nevermind
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead) - oneshot
dating sonia nevermind - headcanons
Akane Owari
akane owari with a shy s/o - headcanons
dating akane owari - headcanons
akane dating a reserve course student - headcanons
Mikan Tsumiki
dating mikan tsumiki - headcanons
bullying yandere mikan - headcanons
Peko Pekoyama
birthday presents from peko - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with peko and fuyuhiko - headcanons
Ibuki Mioda
ibuki mioda cheering you up - headcanons
sayaka, ibuki and kaede performing together for you - drabble
Mahiru Koizumi
us is all we'll ever need - oneshot
you're the one that i want - oneshot
mahiru dating the ultimate occultist - headcanons
mahiru with a s/o who loves when she gets stern - headcanons
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httpskarmaco-main · 2 months
CW/TW: Mentions of murder, incest, abuse, assault (physically and sexually) and stalking.
I genuinely hate how badly the DR fandom normalizes obviously toxic/harmful ships. "Oh stop trying to make a ship war-" It's not a ship war. You guys are out here literally shipping family members together and see no problem with it? Kanon and Kuwata, really? Korekiyo and his obviously abusive sister? I've seen some of y'all ship fucking Makoto and Komaru and post it like nothing is wrong with what you just created - it is so mind numbing how stupid some of you DR fans are.
Not to mention Murder x Victim. It's so stupid how much Ibuki/Mikan, Leon/Sayaka, are shipped or Chihiro/Mondo are. "Oh but my ship is in a non-despair setting-" I literally do no care. Your AU isn't canon, none of your guys AU's are - but you know what is canon? The actual universe where that person did kill the other. You AU's don't change anything about what's canon. I will say, with some ships like Nagito/Chiaki and Kaede/Rantaro are acceptable - 1, Chiaki didn't even know what she did kill Nagito and had no intent to ever kill Nagito and same with Kaede; she didn't even kill Rantaro, she was framed.
An honorable mention for this part is Ishimaru/Celestia. Holy fuck that ship pisses me off so much. Celestia didn't kill Ishimaru, I'll give you that, but that's the only good thing - she still planned out how to kill him but just got Hifumi to do so but you wanna know how she got Hifumi on board to do so? Lying about Ishimaru blackmailing her and assaulting her both physically and sexually. Not even that, she basically framed Ishimaru too for stealing Alter Ego.
You can see any of these Murder x Victim as close friends but for the love of god, do not ship them - it's toxic.
Lastly, a toxic ship that pisses me off so much; Toko/Byakuya. How the hell is this ship so popular and normalized? It's not only Stalker x Stalked but also Abuser x Abused. Byakuya literally gets physically sick from Toko just fantasizing about him and he can be miles away. Plus not to mention all the comments she makes about Byakuya to his face which he has shown great discomfort in and has told her to stop multiple times, but does she? No. "Oh but Toko has a mental disorder-" boo fucking hoo. You can't use a mental disorder as an excuse epically since it's literally only Toko doing this - Syo just wants to kill Byakuya and Syo doesn't make comments towards Byakuya like Toko does. And Toko has been told multiple times by Byakuya that he doesn't like it. Also may be wonder "oh, how is it Abuser x Abused? Toko doesn't hurt Togami physically." Yeah, PHYSICALLY. But she does abuse him emotionally - Byakuya would literally lock himself in a bathroom just to get away from her.
I'm just glad that I don't see Junko or Tsumugi ships normalized. They both literally made games to have people kill each other and Junko literally took over the fucking world.
Sorry, I just needed to rant because I've been seeing too many fanarts of toxic ships and it's pissing me off. Also hate me for this, I really don't care - it's the truth.
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Two Blank Faces: Part 1
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Ok! That should be the last of them!
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Alright! Are you guys ready!
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Charges planted!
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Ok, back up! NOW!
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GAAGGH! AAGḀ̸̀́A̵̳̥̅͋À̵̢̼Ȕ̵̞Ù̸͈̔G̵̻̜͑͘g̵̓͜g̷̮̙̚ġ̵̰g̴̣̯͐g̵̢̺̊h̷̞̑h̷̼̉̚h̶̫̉.̵̡̒.̷̩́̽
*At Mahiru's command, Ibuki flips the switch, and the planted charges detonate, destroying the key functions of the Monokuma production line machine.
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...Did...Did we get it? Is it finally over?
*Kazuichi does a quick inspection.
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Yep. Down and out.
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Unfortunately, I was kinda hoping that it'd shut down the already active Monokuma's too, but I guess the network is somewhere else.
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Still, consider this machine trashed!
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*Hiyoko clutches her head and falls to the floor, relieved. She isn't the only one.
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Thank god that's finally over...
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That was way more trouble than it should have been...But we did it!
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Yeah, that was rough though...I can only imagine how you two are feeling...Getting brought back to life and immediately being subjugated like that...I'm sure it's not what you were expecting.
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Heh...Funny...It's EXACTLY what I was expecting...
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I don't mean to burst the bubble of relief, but we shouldn't celebrate just yet. Knowing Zetsubou, there are probably more than one of those machines dotted around the factory.
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As Kazuichi said, shutting this one down didn't deactivate the network. Finding and deactivating that may be the key to stopping these cretins.
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But for now, we should consider this a big victory.
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Yeah...plus, it won't be too hard to take care of the rest of the Monokuma's and soldiers now that one of Zetsubou's heavy hitters is off our backs.
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If you will permit me to state something contentious, we would never have been able to triumph in this battle had Nagito not lent us his aid when he did.
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Hate to admit it, but he's right. He...saved us back there.
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So what, we owe him a favor now?
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We owe him THANKS...if nothing else.
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...Fine...I guess I am pretty grateful...That doesn't mean I forgive him entirely yet.
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That's fine. I know I don't. That said, I hope he's ok. He's kind of our only hope at holding them back.
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Yeah...especially since Izuru is god knows where.
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Yeah, where the hell did Izuru go!? We wouldn't've needed Nagito's help if he had stuck around!
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He also took Chiaki with him, so we're lacking in a GPS that can help us track down any other machines of note.
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