#pour one out for my roommate he has to listen to my unhinged moffat rants in person
third-doctor · 16 days
I am GOING INSANE what the FUCK is going on I hate Moffat so much it's unreal. He's so much worse than every comic book writer I've ever had a grudge against and I am a DC comics fan. The thing that makes it so much worse is that it's so fucking good. His writing can be fantastic! Some of the best writing we've ever seen on this show! Empty Child/Doctor Dances and Blink are both masterpieces. So much of Twelve's run is incredible. But then you get the heavy handed metaphors and writing and trying so hard to be smart and just being ostentatious and stupid. And then you get the way he writes women and puts stupid romances everywhere. And then somewhere in between is the stupid stuff that's genuinely just fun. The result is you're bouncing between genuinely cool concepts, writing that is making you fucking sob, objectively stupid shit, and That Sure Was Moffat! You go from emotional scenes with Amy to the Doctor reading a horrible sexualized noir detective passage clearly describing River and going yowza. And he knows the source material! I know he knows the source material! He references things you would not know without the source material! AND THEN HE COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORES THE SOURCE MATERIAL.
it's fucking INFURIATING I hate this man I never want to read his writing again I will eagerly await whichever new episode he does I will cry tears of sadness and rage. Like now. This was the best episode of the season so far. I'm losing my mind over it. But in between all the good stuff we had bits of just Moffat and I'm losing my gddamn mind. We did not need overly emotional speech from a child about how her mother was "gathered" into heaven to be with the angels because god loved her so much and whatever was going on with the stupid romance plot but then we had THE DOCTOR FUCKING SINGING THE SKYE BOAT SONG TO STAY CALM AND TALKING ABOUT HOW IT'S A SAD SONG ABOUT SOLDIERS GOING OFF TO WAR AND SONGS ABOUT THAT SHOULD BE SAD. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHY MY HEARTS WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. DID YOU FUCKING BINGE THE ENTIRETY OF TWO AND JAMIE'S RUN AND THEIR EU. TO BORROW MY ROOMMATE'S PHRASE I AM GNAWING MY FUCKING ARM OFF.
what is WRONG with this man why is his writing so good and so terrible steven moffat I am coming for your fucking bones I will replace them with exact replicas of your bones that are just a little bit off so you always have the sensation that your skeleton is just slightly odd and to the left of where it used to be. FUCK
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