#pouring one out for my fellow casual r/wby enjoyers
monarchisms · 4 months
Max's voice change is jarring with me, nothing against the new voice actor, but just because it was Michael and my brain knows it was Michael, and after watching AH every day for years I know Michael's voice as well as I know my own. I'm still going to give it a chance ofc but the way RT are, I'm not putting hopes on there being any further episodes after this
totally understandable. tbh, i got more used to the new voice after a bit. it’ll likely take an episode or two to really grow on me. and yeah, michael’s voice is just So distinct and he’s voiced the character for So long that i kinda get why some people are still so hung up over max’s voice changing at all
i’ll be pleasantly surprised if we do get anything after this season because you know how weird rt is with not explicitly stating if a show they made is or isn’t cancelled lol
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