#probably because I tell my mom that her animal husbandry is insufficient and protest the hateful way my sibling talk about gay people
foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
My parents decided to just roam for the month of December. Who knows why. They said they didn’t want to do holiday stuff until the new year. Found out later they’d had thanksgiving with my nana. Honestly it woulda been fine if they’d just said they didn’t want the kids over? But instead mom decided lying that they weren’t doing it at all was easier.
My transphobic sister is having a baby so they decided to drive down to her state to see her, after telling me they’d come to my choir concert. And again. That’s fine, I get that the baby is a bigger deal.
But mom asked me to look after her chickens while they’re gone. I dragged myself over aching in every bone from overexertion yesterday, including the concert. When I called concerned about one of her hens dragging a lame foot around she told me that’s just how that chickens always been and not to worry about it. Didn’t ask me how the concert had been.
When my betrothed got home I was deep in sadness pits. I told them, “I feel like that chicken. Hobbling around receiving inferior care and attention from my mom.”
They baked cookies and we cuddled about it.
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