monsterthorst · 4 years
I’m not dead, surprise!🌸
Guess who’s back from the grave? It’s a me, ya boy. Now, I want to cover a few things. One, I want to apologize for how horrendously inactive I’ve been, sheesh, it was rough. But I have an explanation. As much as I love all of the shows and mangas I was previously writing for, I’ve outgrown reading/writing fanfictions for shows I don’t watch or think about anymore. Which is why we’ll be changing things up a little bit here on this blog, which will segway into point Two! This blog, previously for anime’s and the like, will now be dedicated to entirely to, drum roll please…
Creatures and Monsters and Demons, Oh My!
Why this sudden, dramatic shift? Well, I’ve been doing some soul searching recently and I’ve found that, rather than normality, my entire being craves big, hairy, beefy, hideous monsters and creature that could actually just KILL ME if they wanted to. What can I say? The heart wants what the heart wants
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Now, with all of that said, we get to point numero tres! After a centuries wait, my ask box is now officially open once more; for requests related to CREATURES AND MONSTERS AND DEMONS(Oh My!) only! If you have a pending ask from me on my other two blogs that have yet to be answered, I want to give you my sinceriest apologies as I will NOT be completing them. I really hate to do that, truly, but I have no motivation to write for those things anymore. Please know that I would be MORE than happy to answer any other ask you may have related to this new, slightly spontaneous theme.
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Now, onto the fourth, FINAL, and probably most important point. As for my other two blogs, @bb-headcannons and @drrr-headcannons, they will soon be deleted. I don’t want to have to keep taking care of them and dealing with them when they will be completely inactive henceforth so, to make it simple, I’m going to completely just get rid of them and try to start anew. And the same goes for this blog, all of the past content I’ve written here will also soon be removed. I want to start over from square one with a completely blank slate. I’m truly sorry for this craziness and I hope you all can forgive me for throwing this on you after months of silence. I really hope all of you continue to stay with me and support me through this change. I love you all, from the bottom of my heart!!!!😭💝💞
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