#putting this tag at the bottom for spoiler-y reasons but: i've had this idea in my drafts called 'steddie psych out' since the end of may
it’s only three days late! here’s my entry for @thefreakandthehair's summer fanworks challenge!!
pairing: steddie | word count: 3,677 | rated: M | on AO3: it's a date
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“These are the days where I miss when you worked at Scoops.” Eddie complains for the nth time that afternoon.
It’s hot, okay? Immensely so.
It’s so fuckin’ hot that it’s seeping into Family Video despite their normally pretty okay A/C.
He’s laid out across the front counter, one arm hanging loosely over it onto Steve’s side, and the other is holding his hair off his neck best it can.
Of all days to forget a hair tie.
Steve scoffs, “Yeah, you miss it, but that place was hell on my hair and therefore, on my game.”
“I still don’t understand that, who could resist Sailor Steve?” 
“Apparently every person that came in could.” Steve pauses for a moment, “Except moms and grandmas. They all loved me.” he grumbles, leaning back on the far counter along the front window, arms crossed.
Eddie opens his mouth to respond with some sort of smart-alecy quip, but is interrupted by the chime of the bell above the door.
On instinct, Eddie peels his sticky skin from the green linoleum counter and slumps off into the aisles.
The government and Hawkins Police may have completely cleared him as a suspect for the spring break murders, but his presence in town is still not exactly welcome.
So, Steve goes into full-on ‘Prince Charming’ mode when the bombshell of a blonde approaches to ask about something, and Eddie meanders over to the horror section, trying his best to ignore the soupy jealousy in his gut for the girl at the counter, getting to be the center of Steve’s attention like that.
Eventually, she leaves, and from the way Steve’s eyes track the girl out the door and the droop of his shoulders once the door closes behind her, he struck out once again.
“I can’t believe I got to see the Harrington charm in action, live and in person!” Eddie says in imitation of a showman as he approaches the register, “And it failed! Where’s Robin’s board, huh?”
Eddie hefts himself half over the counter in front of him to hang over the other side of it, searching in vain for Robin’s famed ‘You Suck / You Rule’ board.
“Ha ha ha, Munson. You’re hilarious.” Steve pushes Eddie back to the floor with a hand to the face. “And I didn’t fail.”
He shows him a slip of paper with 10 whole digits written on it in a loopy hand, then promptly crumples it tight and tosses it into the nearby trash can.
Eddie somehow manages to keep his face from grinning at the action. ‘Just because he’s tossing her number doesn’t mean you have a chance, asshole.’ his brain tells him.
He puts on a confused face instead, to which Steve shrugs and says, “Not my type.”
Eddie lets out a low whistle. “Well that just sucks for her then. Never see how great a date with the esteemed King Steve would be.” Eddie says, clapping a hand to his chest in a half-swoon, straightening up again while Steve laughs, tacking on a: “Lord knows I’d want to.” in a low mumble. A guy can dream right?
“Would you now?” Steve says, still smiling.
“‘Would I now?’ what?” Eddie manages to say before his mouth goes dry, tracking Steve’s movements as the other man steps forward to lean on his forearms next to Eddie at the counter. 
His warm, toned forearm presses along Eddie’s, and he’s only half embarrassed that he doesn’t mind the added heat.
“You want to know how a date with me goes, huh Munson?”
Eddie gulps “Oh…y–yeah, sure; lay it on me Stevie, I’d love t’know.” 
He had managed a facade of a cocky grin by the end of his response, but his throat dries right back up and clenches shut at what Steve says next.
“How about I just take you out tomorrow night and show you,”Steve says, then he’s leaning further into Eddie’s side, and whispering, “Maybe you’ll see how a date with me ends.” into Eddie’s ear.
Eddie slowly rears back to blink at the (beautiful) smiling man beside him.
He’s fucking with him.
Of course.
Eddie rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smirk. “Ha ha you’re really funny. You got all the jokes today huh?”
Steve just chuckles at him.
“I gotta run though,” Eddie says, pushing himself off the counter and heading to the door with a wave over his shoulder “Good luck with the babes, Steve-o!”
“Sure, Eds. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six?”
He spins to face the counter again, “Oh yeah, sure you will, Big Boy. Sounds like a plan.” he agrees sarcastically, walking backwards out the front door.
Eddie goes through his normal routine the rest of that day and night; scrounge up some food, smoke a little, write out some of his campaign or song ideas, end up falling asleep around 9 am, waking up when Wayne leaves for his shift the next evening and deciding “Meh, might as well shower.’’.
So he does, and has just barely stepped out of the tub when the phone in the hall rings.
“Munson Residence, what’d’ya want?”
“Are you ready?”
“Hmm…ready for what, mysterious caller?” Eddie asks, shifting the phone to his other shoulder so he can continue scrunching the water out of his curls.
“For our date.” the caller (Steve, as he can now tell) says as if it’s obvious. “I’m about to head over so make sure you're ready.”
“Steve? Our date–wha?” he starts, but Steve’s already hung up.
“He can’t be serious..” Eddie looks at the clock. 5:30.
Oh shit.
There’s no time to panic about what to wear, Eddie just goes on instinct. He pulls on his one (1) pair of un-ripped jeans, the one (1) semi-nice button up he owns (both thankfully clean), and has only just managed to finish his eyeliner and put on his rings when he hears a knock from the living room.
Eddie scrabbles down the hall and nearly falls flat on his face when he trips on one of his discarded towels from earlier. He kicks it off his foot while trying to put his still damp hair up in a bun.
He exhales a shaky breath at the door, before finally opening it.
Steve stands there on his doorstep in plain, light wash jeans that look like they were painted on, Eddie’s (now, decidedly) favorite navy blue polo, unbuttoned all the way, and his gray Members Only jacket 
“I didn’t think you were serious.” Eddie says, breathless.
“I know.” Steve grins, passing him a bouquet of roses, “You look great, Eddie.”
Eddie balks at the roses in his hand for a smidge too long, because Steve says, “So are you good? We’ve kinda got a timeline here...”, pointing to his watch.
Eddie feels his eyes widen even more (if that’s even possible), but quickly gets the roses shoved into the tallest glass of water he can, and follows Steve to his car, locking the door behind him.
Steve asks him about his day, and there’s nothing much to tell, but they continue to chat idly as Steve drives them through town.
“I thought you said we had reservations.” Eddie jokes as main street flies by outside the window and morphs into the darkening woods outside Hawkins.
“Never said reservations. Someone just assumed.” he says, looking over at Eddie with a smirk.
“Is that not what ‘We kinda have a timeline’ means?”
“Not always.” he smirks, then immediately follows it with: “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do, Steve.”
“Good, close your eyes.”
Eddie raises a brow at the other man.
“Please?” Steve chuckles, and Eddie obliges, covering his eyes with his hand for good measure.
He feels the car pull off the smooth asphalt of the main highway, and the motions of their new winding path jostle him softly back and forth.
“And here the lovely people of Hawkins thought I was the ritualistic murdering satanist. You taking me out to the woods to sacrifice me Stevie?”
Eddie can hear Steve’s jacket shift against the leather seat when he shrugs. “We gotta make sure the upside down stays shut somehow.”
“Ah, so I’m this year’s unfortunate virgin?”
Steve’s responding snort of laughter is the best thing Eddie’s ever heard. “Yeah, I seriously doubt you’re a virgin.”
“Hmmm…I dunno Steve, you really think I have people clamoring over each other for a shot at all this?” he gestures down himself with his free hand.
“You know what? I hope not; I’ve been in enough fights already, I don’t think I can take an elbow to the face.”
Okay, of all things Eddie thought might happen tonight, Steve admitting he’d legitimately fight for a chance with him (HIm! Eddie Munson!!) wasn’t on the list.
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just grins down toward his lap, cheeks burning.
The car pulls to a stop then, and Steve says “Keep your eyes closed!” before he can even think about opening them.
Eddie’s seat sags a bit without Steve’s weight on the other end to balance him out. He hears him shuffle out and shut his door behind him, and doesn’t even get to ten whole seconds before his own door is opened.
“Give me your hands, but keep your eyes closed.” Steve says, grabbing both Eddie’s hands in his.
Steve helps him out of the car and leads them forward about 10 paces before pulling him down to sit beside him on something soft.
“Okay, you can open them.”
Eddie’s immediately blinded by the bright orange glow of the sun, just starting to set on the far side of the quarry before them.
“So no, not a restaurant...just didn’t want to miss this.” Steve says, a smile in his voice that pulls Eddie’s attention away from the blooming pinks and oranges of the sky.
Steve’s already smiling at him when he turns, then he gestures down at the blanket under them.
An honest-to-god picnic basket is set between their outstretched legs, a bottle of something leaned up against it. “So. We’ve got grapes, cheese, sandwiches, chips, pop, and even some wine.”
Holy shit. “What, no chocolate covered strawberries?”
Steve holds up a finger, flips open and digs into the bottom of the basket, retrieving a flat white box. He opens it with a “Ta da!”; a dozen chocolate covered strawberries.
“Damn Harrington, you really know how to make your dates feel special.” Eddie’s throat clenches around the words, as if he’s suddenly remembering this isn’t really for him.
“That’s the idea,” he winks
Eddie flushes red immediately, of course, stammering out a “So this is the King Steve Special, huh?”
Steve glances up at him while he unwraps some of the sandwiches. “Nope, this is the Just Steve Special.” He passes Eddie a bologna and mustard, his favorite (What the fuck??) “King Steve wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble. Would’ve just snuck in a window, made out in some random bathroom at a party.” he shrugs and picks up a ham sandwich for himself (Gross..), taking a bite. “Just Steve is trying all the things he probably should have been doing all along.”
“Well..I enjoy Just Steve’s choice of venue.”
“Even though it’s not a fancy restaurant?” There’s a glob of mayo on his lip (which Eddie thinks is‘Still gross, but also somehow super fuckin’ endearing.’)
“If you were at a fancy restaurant, you couldn’t touch the other person as easily.” Eddie proves his point by knocking a knee against the other man’s. “Also you’d have to wear stuffy fancy clothes.” Eddie shudders for emphasis.
“Says the guy who got dressed up in his nice shirt tonight.”
“Shut up… you’re not supposed to know this is my only nice shirt.”
“If that’s your only one, what are you going to wear on future dates?”
"Only need the one shirt." Eddie shrugs. “I wasn’t kidding earlier, Stevie. Breaking news! Local freak doesn’t go on dates regularly.”
“That just sucks for them then.” Steve places his hand over Eddie’s knee, “Never see how great a date with the Eddie Munson would be.”
Eddie’s face feels hot, but he can’t hold back the grin that climbs up his cheeks.
“Well then aren’t you a lucky guy then, huh Stevie?”
“Yeah Eds, I really am.” Steve is smiling back and holy shit, is he leaning closer?
‘Oh fuck, I am too…ShitShitShitHolySh–’
The klaxon alarms ringing in his head stall out immediately, when a firefly decides to light up the shrinking gap between their noses.
“Ah! Fuck!” Steve flails backwards, throwing himself away from the harmless little bug.
Eddie can’t help but laugh, “Oh come on, you can’t really be scared of a little lightning bug?” He cups his hands in front of the bug’s lazy flight path, catching it in one of his palms.
“Fireflies are weird as shit, man. And yes, I do mean even more so than the demo-whatevers.”
“C’mon Steve, just look at him!” He pushes his hand forward into Steve’s space and giggles a bit at his reaction, somehow unwilling to leave their picnic blanket, but wanting to get away from Eddie’s hand just as much has him practically laying all the way down on his back with his legs still crossed in front of him.
“I’m serious Ed, get that thing away from me!”
There's a hint of a laugh in his voice, so Eddie continues his teasing, sitting up on his knees to get closer. “OOOH what if I put it in your haiiirr..”
Steve’s laugh sounds hysterical, “No! Don’t you fuckin’ dare! Asshole!” he yells, batting at Eddie’s hand.
“Awe come on Stevie! What if he loves yo–and he’s gone.” the little guy flying away when Steve’s hand pulls at Eddie’s extended arm.
Eddie flops forwards onto Steve’s stomach with an “oof!” watching the little thing blink away from them.
“Oh thank god.”
He looks down and holy shit.
Steve’s smiling softly up at him, his hair all mussed from Eddie trying to grab at it and Steve keeping Eddie from grabbing it, but goddamn is he still beautiful.
Also: ‘Holy shit I’m laying right on top of him shitshitshitshit..’
Before he can do something stupid, like lean down and kiss the fuck out of Steve’s beautiful face, Eddie rolls onto his back and looks up at the sky instead, head pillowed on Steve’s arm.
They talk for hours like that. Lain out under the darkening sky. It’s the longest date Eddie’s ever been on.
By the time Steve says “I should probably get you home,” the other fireflies that had danced around them as the sun set have disappeared, the previously clear sky is rolling over with thin clouds, blocking the stars.
The strawberries are gone, the cheese is gone, half the sandwiches, and most of the pop. They hadn’t touched the wine.
Eddie sighs in disappointment. “Yeah, probably.”
They pack up the basket, tossing it and the blanket (wrapped around the unopened bottle of wine) into Steve’s trunk and head back to the trailer.
The ride back is a comfortable quiet.
Windows down to the cooling late summer air, Eddie’s hand dipping and diving on the air currents that fly by, radio playing whatever station Robin had left it on last time plays at a low volume..
Too soon, the wheels of Steve’s trusty beemer crunch over the gravel pad that is Eddie’s driveway.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you to the door.” Steve smiles, slipping out the driver side with a hand clasped on the roof.
Just to be a little shit, Eddie doesn’t move. Letting Steve get all the way around the hood of his car before realizing he’s still sitting there.
He stares at him in confusion, so Eddie clarifies. “Oh, I have to get the door myself this time?” he questions, opening the door to another loud laugh from Steve, “You might wanna remember to get the door for your next date, Stevie.”
“Sure Eds, I’ll remember.”
Eddie nods, walking past him and up the steps to the front door with Steve on his heels.
“So? What did you think? How was it?”
Eddie looks up to the ceiling of the porch while he pretends to think about it. “Hmmm…I’m kinda disappointed, actually.” he looks back at his friend, who’s already sporting a kicked-puppy look. “I thought you said I was going to find out how a date with you would end.”
Steve chuckles as Eddie heaves an over-exaggerated, put-upon sigh.
“I said you might, doofus.”
Eddie sighs again, “I didn’t even get a goodnight kiss..” and turns his back to Steve, pulling his keys out of his pocket..
He’s stopped from doing so, however, as Steve hooks a hand above his elbow and pulls Eddie back to him.
His other hand comes up to Eddie’s cheek and Steve leans forward, planting a soft kiss to Eddie’s lips.
Eddie blinks owlishly at him, sputtering as Steve pulls back, eyes blown wide.
So of course this is when he decides to panic. To run.
“So..” Eddie carefully pulls himself free of Streve’s grasp. “Thanks for taking me out tonight.” he manages to say, focusing on keeping his voice even while he turns away to unlock the door.
“Any girl would be lucky to go on a date with you.” Damn doorknob always gets jammed.
“And I would know! I was just on that date, it was great!” Ugh, finally! The knob unlocks with a thick clunk. 
“I don’t want anyone else!”
Everything around them freezes.
Eddie turns slowly to face Steve again. “...What?”
“I don’t want to take anyone else on any more dates! I don’t want the same awkward first date questions, I don’t want the kiss goodnight and that be it, I want something real with someone who knows me. 
“I want you, Eddie.”
Warmth blooms in Eddie’s chest. Hope and affection that’s so damn close to that scary four-letter word already…he pulls Steve in for another kiss without even thinking about it.
Steve kisses him back, soft and slow, before Eddie pulls back enough to whisper “Would you care to see how a date with me usually ends, Stevie?”
Steve doesn’t need to know he’s talking straight outta his ass; Eddie hasn’t had a date that ended at his doorstep like this. No dates at all, in fact, but when Steve gives him a wide-eyed nod, he hauls him inside and down the hall.
Eddie all but throws Steve into his bedroom, slamming the door behind them.
He sidles forward to the perfect being in front of him and places both hands on his shoulders, spinning them both and pushing Steve backwards onto his bed.
“You wanna know what I’d want someone who took me out for a picnic at sunset to do to me?” he asks, already climbing into Steve’s lap.
“Yeah…yeah,” Steve’s voice is all breath, his hands coming up to rest under the hem of his shirt. “Tell me what you want.”
He leans in close to Steve’s ear, his heart clenching when Steve automatically wraps his arms tighter around him, “I want you to fuck me.”
Sex with Steeeeeve Harrington is something Eddie won’t soon forget.
The feeling of Steve’s hands on him, first his waist, his back, his chest…softly caressing his jaw. The feeling of Steve’s lips on his skin, his length sliding against his own, the feeling of fullness from Steve’s fingers, his cock.
The pace he took, one of a lover and not of just another hook-up. Listening to him, checking in with him.
Eddie silently hoped to whatever being out there that this wasn’t going to be something he’d have to subsist on by memory alone. That this was something he could have for a while to come.
Speaking of…
“Ah! Aw fuck—Steve, please..faster…”
“Fuck—yeah? You want it faster, baby?” 
“Yes! Yes, just like that—oohhh fuck me.”
“You got it darling.” Eddie can hear the smirk in Steve’s voice even though he can’t see it; his head thrown back on his own pillow in pleasure. He can feel the muscles in Steve’s thighs move faster, harder, beneath his.
“I’m cu—oh fuck…Steve, I’m—”
“Yeah, yes, fuuuck me too, Eddie—shit—Eddie, Ed——
…die! Eddie!!”
Eddie blinks. 
They’re back at Family Video.
They’re back at Family fucking Video.
“You okay man? You were zoned out for a second.”
“Y-yeah,” Eddie clears his throat of the weird mix of sadness, arousal, anger, and embarrassment in his voice, “I’m good.”
“You sure? I showed you that girl’s number and you like, completely zoned out.” Steve waves the very much not crumbled and tossed little slip of paper around in his hand while he talks.
“Yeah, I’m good. She just looked familiar somehow, I couldn’t figure it out though.” Eddie lies.
He can’t quite make himself look his friend in the eye, so he only sees Steve’s shoulders sag slightly in relief out of the corner of his vision while he picks at a hangnail. 
“I thought you got Vecna’d, dude. Was about to call a code red over the walkie.”
“Nah, I’m all good Stevie, promise. So where are you gonna take her? Maybe a picnic down at the quarry? Could be cool at sunset..”
“Dude, that's a great idea!” Eddie can hear the excited smile in Steve’s voice.
He risks a glance to the other man’s face and feels his insides screw up in shame. The heat that shoots through him at the sight of those kind eyes he just recently saw hovering over his own is too much to handle. Time to make excuses.
Glancing away immediately, he says “You’re welcome man, have fun.” before pushing himself off the counter and, in the strangest case of deja vu ever, heads to the door while waving over his shoulder. “I gotta run though, good luck with the babes, Steve-o!” he calls, cheerily as he can, not able to look back at the man that will never be his.
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i hope you enjoyed lex!!! all i have to say is 😈
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