#qiqi is “biologically 8; chronologically 100” like the only correct part is that she looks like a baby
localplaguenurse · 5 months
I was looking up Diluc's age for fic plotting and came across an article with like the actual fucking worst info on all playable character ages, like literally half of the characters are just "young man/woman" or they're labeled as "unknown" when you can literally look up the genshin timeline and find their actual ages somewhere. Zhongli is literally the only correct age at over 6000. I am losing my mind. Kaveh is almost thirty and older than Alhaitham but he's labelled as "graduate student" but Alhaitham gets "suggested to be older than most." This is awful. I need there to be a comment section. I need to know I'm not alone. What the fuck.
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