#qsmp dinner event
becauseplot · 11 months
god that event was so cool, and us philza viewers got FED. phil spending the time beforehand building his arsenal. phil staying away from the crowds and checking in with fit and etoiles throughout the dinner. immediately clocking the fact that "chayanne" and "tallulah" weren't actually his kids. phil lurking in the back of the room, watching everyone get on stage for the photo, talking to forever about how skeptical he is, and just barely seeing his "kids" go code before being knocked out by the crash.
coming back to chaos. the goddamn stream music as he went toe to toe with the imposter code monsters. chat going fucking ballistic with "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD." cellbit telling everyone else to back off so phil can one-v-one the monster impersonating his son and take revenge. forgetting all of his preparations and just going full-on, old-school pvp sweat mode while being assisted by etoiles, the only guy on the server who wants the code dead just as much as he does. getting in the final hit and getting to see Chayanne was slain by [CODE BREAKER] in chat.
the real tallulah and chayanne showing up. his kids hugging him and hugging each other and asking him if he's alright and him admitting that he's a "little shaken up" but he's just glad they're okay. taking them home, putting them into bed, and collapsing back into his chair like everything that's happened has just come rushing back, a tidal wave of exhaustion as the adrenaline crash and relief come down on him.
like. holy fuck.
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breathinginsulfur · 9 months
Hey guys i have a question:
Because i’m genuinely curious. I will admit I was hesitant when the arc was first announced- and didn’t like the sudden comparisons to d smp. but streams like The first debate and ESPECIALLY The Dinner are some of my favorite lore streams!! So overall I think I loved it. But I know adding politics to the server wasn’t a loved idea by everyone so that’s why i’m asking
If you did not like it, that’s perfectly fine, just remember to be respectful to others (this applies to those who loved it as well)
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luminouslotuses · 9 months
etoiles: “get me federation! get my ass, it’s my dream!”
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carly404error · 10 months
I love how philza is trending on tumblr bc of yesterdays event
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lunaatmidnight · 11 months
It would be funny if nothing happened at the dinner and they are all just left waiting for an attack that never came.
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zuntoshere · 10 months
I saw all the horrors at once. All of them.
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Don't know what you have been doing, but I was playing a "back stage live show" simulator, hopping between the maximum number of streams my computer could handle at once.
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themanlykittenkayden · 6 months
Oh man imagine if Wilbur shows up for Christmas or something, unannounced
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qsmpbutua · 11 months
fun fact about QSMP Bingo for the English-speaking community.
Yesterday QSMP Updates twitted "QSMP Election Dinner" Bingo AND I want to talk about this:
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Sometimes, different languages have the same idioms ("Better late than never" = "Кращ�� пізно ніж ніколи". The same words, the same meaning), but not always.
As a Ukrainian, I had no idea what "Irish goodbye" means, so I had to google it.
An Irish Goodbye is a term used to describe leaving a social event without saying goodbye to anyone.
And Ukrainian language has THE SAME IDIOM by meaning, but it sounds differently: "Піти по-англійськи" ("Go in English" or "leave as Englishman").
Philza will leave as Englishman, oh yeah. I don't even doubt that it will happen
Link to a Ukrainian source
There is a note that it is used in a negative way, but… I have heard this idiom many times and it was never used in a negative way, even in older literature.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
Is that really JuanaFlippa?
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Based on everything we know right now, the answer is "no"
What's more likely is that this is a Binary Monster pretending to be JuanaFlippa.
On a meta level, we know the admins of dead QSMP Eggs said they won't reprise their roles, but it's no fun to base lore analysis on meta alone, so here's a lore explanation for my reasoning:
First, and perhaps the most obvious explaination: JuanaFlippa never had cracks in her shell. She died long before the event where all the Eggs got kidnapped and were returned with cracked shells, yet this "JuanaFlippa" had cracks. What's interesting to note here is that during the Election Dinner when the fake Chayanne and Tallulah tried to trick Phil, he immediately pointed out that they didn't have cracks in their shell while the real Chayanne and Tallulah did. Perhaps the imposter was trying to overcompensate for their previous mistake by adding cracks to JuanaFlippa's shell not realizing that she never had them in the first place.
The reason why I specifically say this is a Binary Monster is because of the signs she left:
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We've already seen the Binary Monster(s) try to replicate regular non-binary writing before when Etoiles encountered the fake Dapper and fake Tallulah (the book he showed Forever pictured below):
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"My Dapper me na name" —> "My name is Dapper"
We know the Codes are constantly evolving and learning, so naturally their writing is getting better too (though we can clearly see 1s and 0s and other errors in "Flippa's" signs despite this).
But what's the Code's motivation in doing this?
In the past, we saw the Code(s) mimic Eggs because they wanted to attack and kill Presidential candidates— but that's a pretty recent development. Remember: before the elections, they were attacking the Eggs (though they also attacked Maximus and Cellbit at one point). The motivations of the Binary Monster(s) has always been unclear, and there's a lot of potential roads we could go down while theorizing, but in the interest of keeping this as relevant to the current discussion as possible, I'll focus on just one:
We have strong evidence to believe that the Binary Monster didn't want Islanders to stay on the island. It kept attacking the Eggs and leaving behind signs that said "Last Warning," strongly implying that it was trying to chase them away.
HOWEVER: shortly before the elections, QSMPGlobal tweeted an image of the Binary Monster above the Federation building.
[ Note: I thought I had this photo saved, but I didn't. I've been scrolling through their media tab for 5 minutes and Twitter crashed, so I'll have to add this photo later. It’s very late and I am so so tired. ]
This is the first time the Federation acknowledged the existence of the Binary Monster, and afterward, it said Islanders wouldn't need to worry about it attacking them. Why would the Federation suddenly acknowledge this physical embodiment of a mistake, an error, on their (supposedly) perfect Island?
The answer? The Federation took control of the Binary Monster. Why else would they suddenly deem it "not a threat"?
We could clearly see the Binary Monster deteriorating over time during the election arc. It looked shabbier and shabbier as time went on during the election arc. Something was clearly wrong with it (perhaps whatever the Federation was doing to control it hurt the Code in some way? Maybe the Federation experimented on it and made their own Binary Monsters?) But I digress-
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The next time we see the Binary Monster after the Election ends is on Tazercraft's recent stream this week. Not only does it have a new upgrade (the strange OP sword Cellbit + Etoiles saw records of), it also ignores Richarlyson and opts to take a swing at Pac and Mike instead.
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Now here's where things get really weird.
Earlier this week, we also saw the Binary Monster on Etoiles' stream. It didn't attack him, and instead leads him to a sharestone, which teleported him to a portal. He's given this image, then is kicked from the QSMP with the message: "The Nether Awaits."
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So what does this have to do with JuanaFlippa?
...Well, that's the question, isn't it?
This is where things start getting murkier. I want to draw our attention to two specific things Flippa said before she left:
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"It's not safe out there for me."
"Please keep this a secret."
The Binary Monster has already proven time and time again it's a force to be reckoned with. Why would it need to hide? Is it so that it can get closer to Charlie? (And if so, why? To mimic him? To get information?) I think a likelier answer is that the Binary Monster is trying to hide from the Federation itself.
Perhaps whatever the Federation did to shackle it— whether they experimented on it or copied it or whatever— left it damaged and weak. Or perhaps it isn't damaged at all; it just needs to lay low and needs someone else to do its dirty work for it (like sending Etoiles on a quest to find that strange shield in the Nether).
Unfortunately, a lot of this amounts to speculation because we simply don't have enough information yet. (It's also very very very late for me, so this analysis is purely driven by sleep-deprived madness and love for QSMP lore and JuanaFlippa).
Whatever's going on, we need to be very careful and think carefully about this being's motivations. Like Cellbit said: "Eyes always open."
Anyways, feel free to share your thoughts in the tags or comments or whatever, it's always fun hearing what people think of my analysis posts. You can find other analysis posts in my QSMP Info and QSMP talk tag.
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becauseplot · 11 months
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like you guys dont understand i am so unwell look at them
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elcucurucho · 11 months
So just to recap in todays event:
maxo was teleported out of prison in order to attend the event
the federation led a pre-election dinner, complete with a new chef employee!
clip compilation of funny qsmp moments
candidate speeches, including a final gegg speech where dozens of geggs were warped into the dining room
elquackity publicly denounced the federation in his speech
a fake tallulah and chayanne showed up, without egg cracks, didn’t respond to questions, and then revealed themselves to be CODES IN DISGUISE who assassinated gegg and attempted to kill the other candidates, while taking advantage of the sweeping edge bug
code-tallulah was killed by etoiles and code-chayanne was killed by philza, who both got respectively to have a big fight and get vengeance on the codes
slimecicle finally revealed that he was gegg THE WHOLE TIME 😱 but also gegg is dead and gone forever now
elquackity attempted to make a deal with slimecicle and offered to introduce him to powerful people if he helped elquackity get elected
etoiles told slimecicle about the sweeping edge bug that contributed to the deaths of juanaflippa and tilin
elquackity and maxo had a confrontation in the desert (with cellbit and roier spying while invis) with maxo saying he knows elquackity is an imposter and working for the federation. they fought, and eventually elquackity fled
aypierre gave slimecicle a tour of his gegg factory, where he has an infinite gegg spawner set up
jaiden got a hatsune miku haircut from pac e mike :)
foolish FINALLY received a mission from the federation to arrest pac e mike because they were supposedly behind the disappearance of mr mustard, the capybara. they were arrested and ended up in prison
tazercraft stream ended on a screen with morse code that translated to “nenhuma fuga é impossível” or “no escape is impossible”, a reference to their prison break series and canon backstory fuga impossível
foolish was interrogated by cellbit and co about his role in tazercraft’s disappearance
cellbit found another book from whoever contacted him after the last debate, saying that they have a common enemy
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kadextra · 11 months
Now that things have calmed down and I’ve collected my thoughts. wow. today was so peak the election dinner event turned out amazing and it’s my top favorite lore day now
The dinner itself was really fun, how they decorated it was pretty, plus the memories and Walter Bob <3 we also got a lot of nice character moments!!
But omg the impostor chayanne and tallulah showing up to phil was incredible ough I LOVED IT SOOO MUCHHHH the whole thing was eerie and put me on edge
then the plot twist that they were code entities. the way all these hints that have been planted for weeks, why the code has been giving items representing the eggs & why was it taking photos finally paid off in such a cool way. actually the greatest ever. the dinner venue turning into a whole boss battle arena? >>>> awesome. awesome. etoiles 1v2, phil with the last hit- and the death of gegg, slime’s closure
then post-dinner with the whole max & elquackity battle, cucurucho’s weird questions to foolish yesterday making a lot more sense now by it telling foolish to arrest pac e mike who were sent to jail, then cellbit’s crazy enigma chase into sudoku and website urls??? wild stuff
there’s just so many implications for future lore thanks to today and that’s really exciting. the code is capable of much more, slime might team up with elquackity, max is in danger, cellbit is in danger, foolish is being given federation missions, tazercraft in jail arc
I will remember you qsmp day 128, for a long time
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blockgamepirate · 10 months
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"Let me take care of this, Étoiles"
Something about how Phil kept getting knocked down and taking massive hits over and over again and still getting back up and still getting back into the fight just full of determination and cold rage at the importers who dared to impersonate his kids... idk, I haven't drawn in ages and I'm very rusty but I had to get it out of my system
Anyway, please get yourself better armour, man
Digital art of Philza (vaguely "anime-style" I guess, although I think it's probably more A:tLA style idk) and the code entity at the dome of the election dinner event on QSMP.
Phil is in a crouched position, half on his knees, but getting back on his feet. His clothes are torn and he's covered in blood and he's leaning on his battle axe. He's glaring at the code entity from under his hat with his eyes full of cold rage, his eyes glowing from the shadow of the brim. His big crow wings are spread out behind him but the flight feathers are clipped. There's blood splatter on the ground where he was probably knocked down earlier. He's barefooted. Blood is flowing down his left foot, and a puddle of it is forming on the floor.
The code is facing him (away from the viewer), holding a netherite sword that's dripping with blood. Some of the code symbols above form the letters of Chayanne's name.
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daisyychainssj · 6 months
I know to some people it’s become a little bit of a joke now like “oop the French have been forgotten again nothing new” in terms of the times of events and not really caring if many or even any of the French ccs are available to be present for things but seeing that Quackity’s stream last night had subtitles for every language involved in the QSMP but French is a bit disheartening. I understand that the stream was late for Europeans and maybe he just didn’t expect many French speakers to be watching a stream that started at like 3am for them but it would’ve been nice for it to placed there just out of courtesy or for vod watchers. I know Quackity would never do something to purposefully alienate his French audience or the French part of the QSMP fandom it was probably just a genuine mistake/oversight on his part but after months of stuff like this happening it is tiring. Like there was no clips of any of the French speaking cc in the compilation they used at the election night dinner, barely any animatics of them in the first movie night, people on Twitter had to tag the QSMP accounts in art of the French and tweets they made practically begging for more art by the French community of the French speaking ccs to be added, Etoiles and Baghera both spoke about wishing there were clips of them in the election dinner compilation and movie night (about how they promise they’re funny and interesting which is sad that they even felt like they had to prove that they deserved to be included) Not to mention to countless events they either had to miss or stay up until 3am so they could be included. They all spoke about how they were genuinely upset/frustrated at missing out. That’s not even getting into the fandom issues I see all of the time such as the ccs just constantly being treated like their stories and lore is lesser and just a side story to their faves “main plot” idk it’s just disheartening I guess. I’m hoping things get better moving forward 🫶🏻
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pompadorbz · 4 months
q!phil is fascinating to me because when like. removed from the fuckin. qsmp universe itself phil is just being a goofy guy. a silly jokester. The smiling grinner knows the world's its dinner. but if you like. read everything he does as being a part of qsmp's story and universe he. suddenly and completely unintentionally becomes. me. the most autistic creature to ever live. like how do you handle a situation that is actually dead serious? how do you. tell the difference between a serious loss and a bit if death and injury typically harbors no consequence for the person you just lost? how do you comfort a person in ways that aren't just giving them stuff to keep their mind off of their troubles? what if they don't feel like talking right now? What if telling them that the problem can be fixed isn't enough? am I supposed to be the one comforting them? Idk how to do that! I wasn't given the handbook on the way in! I thought you were supposed to tell me your problems so that I can occasionally nod and say stuff like "man that sucks so bad, im sorry"! You guys can sit cramped and yell on the duck cart in the tunnel of love all you want im gonna sit on the grass instead is that cool. I'm gonna lag behind and appear late at every event because I wanna take things slowly here is that fine. And again. totally unintentional ofc so I can't get entirely mad when people make posts that are of the vain of: "Damn! Get a grip q!phil!" or whatever. Like I'm just seeing something that reminds me of. me. If other people don't see it then thats not a fault of them but like. It just kinda gut-punch kick-to-the-throat reminds me of how I've lived literally every day of my life. a bit. yknow? and idc if thats a bit of a goofy reading cuz like. its mine. also this is. my blog. heart.
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pusangkambing · 10 months
Mentally, i am still at the qsmp dinner event, watching jaiden throw a fuck ton of alcohol at richas and telling him to drink while cellbit tries to stop her, being completely drunk while denying she was drunk, trying to pronounce and say as much portuguese that cellbit taught her, saying spiderbit are so inlove that theyve synced up their pee cycles
Mentally, i am still there at the dinner, watching suntrio have fun and interacting with each other
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