#quilly writing: director's cut
quillyfied · 8 months
Was talking to my sibling about the first three eps of OFMD s2, and said something to the effect of “but I’m waiting for the whole season so I can watch it as a whole and dissect it and dig into the themes and foreshadowing and symbolism” and it occurred to me that 1. That’s the most English major thing I’ve ever said, and 2. I often fall into the pit of bitterness for majoring in that bc while I have passion for it, I haven’t been able to make it a viable career for myself, and in that existential angst I’ve been languishing for something to tingle that part of my brain that adores literary/media creation and analysis (that I can also get paid for), and. I forgot. That I’m using those exact skills when I participate in fandom. Which is why I fell so hard in love with the fandom life in the first place. It’s fun for the sake of fun, analysis because stories matter and they matter to me.
Listen I’m intelligent, I’m not smart XD
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quillyfied · 1 year
No you know what I feel like I have to map this out now, because I’ve been informed that my vampire phase was Not Normal so I’m wondering if anyone else here on the Not Normal Website had something similar:
I started out utterly terrified of vampires. Series of nightmares as a young kid, watching a single scary moment of an episode of Buffy (where she wasn’t even fighting a vampire, I don’t think, just having a conversation with Willow, turned around and killed something scary, went back to her conversation), the Hey Arnold episode where they thought the hillbilly kid was a vampire and then he was bc Halloween episode scared me, it was a Thing. Idk.
Age thirteen, I pick up “In the Forest of the Night” by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. She wrote it when SHE was thirteen. I felt immediate kinship. And fell in love with the story itself. And subsequently vampires. I devoured her entire body of work at the time, and kept up with it for a while. I thought she was evocative and creative and original with her world building.
Next: Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan, which I saw another kid on the bus reading before I had the courage to approach vampire fiction but the title stuck in my mind. That was. A trip. Got especially weird at the end; saw echoes of it in the Critical Role Campaign 2 fight against the giant baby head creature that unsettled me more than the actual fight did. Overall an unusual experience that I think I want to let rest in my teenage years forever actually.
Then, Angel. Because Buffy was over, my friends were obsessed with Joss Whedon, and Angel aired right after dinner and sometimes my family watched it with me. It was entertaining. Then the stuff with Fred happened and I lost enthusiasm for it. But the stuff with Connor and Cordelia was…particularly impactful, I would say.
Twilight was a huge part of it but it was also pretty much the last piece of vampire fiction I read and retained in any way. Interview with the Vampire and Dracula were both attempted, and I liked Interview well enough, but I wasn’t quite ready for Dracula and didn’t retain it. In my adult years I’ve read a few more vampire books (Fred the Vampire Accountant, The Reformed Vampire Support Group), but. Can’t really fight the formative years, and here they are.
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quillyfied · 1 year
first sentence game
Thanks for the tag, @melibemusca!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, be bold and share anyway.
1. "They were watching Footloose on the couch one night when Stede had a thought." (first ficlet, "almost paradise", in "goldfish watercooler", which will be a ficlet compilation in my OFMD illegal fishing AU series)
2. "Ed’s curated list of ways to die, ranked from coolest to most likely to lamest, hadn’t included getting stuck in an underwater cave during high tide." ("unmoored", OFMD post-canon musing)
3. "==>Reader: Begin True Narrative" (Chapter 8 of Omenstuck, my unfinished Homestuck GOmens AU, and did the first line of the last chapter bc of how long it got dragged out tbh)
4. "Ed woke up and stretched, long and indulgent and making all sorts of old man grunts and joint-pops that once upon a time he’d be way too embarrassed to admit to." ("did i f**king say you could stop partying", part 2 of my OFMD illegal fishing au!)
5. "Stede Bonnet was seven when the idea first entered his mind." ("rock all night, fish all day", part 1 of my OFMD illegal fishing au!)
6. "A bonus to having no grown children at home for the present moment: wine picnics." ("Shake a Scale-Feather", my April Fool's Wiggleverse GOmens fic that's too niche to be read tbh)
7. "Datura was knitting. It wasn’t going well." (Chapter 7: Starshine of Third Eden, a loosely connected series of grown snabies Wiggleverse GOmens soft fics)
8. "Warlock’s parents were going away for Christmas." ("I Saw Nanny Kissing Santa Claus", GOmens Christmas fic from 2021)
9. "The year, ultimately, was unimportant." ("Angel, It's Cold Outside", GOmens Christmas fic from 2020 posted one year later)
10. "Aziraphale would deny all semblances of being spooked at the unexpected movement on his and Crowley’s duvet, but he did have some relief when he saw the slender line of black scales crowned with a white star making her meandering way up the valley between Aziraphale and Crowley’s legs." (Chapter 10: SNOGGING THE ENEMY from "Summer Blockbuster Teenage Angst Fest", the teenage and angsty snabies Wiggleverse GOmens fic compilation)
Let's see...I really dislike tagging other people in these things bc I always feel like I'm going to leave someone out who really wanted to do it, so consider this an open invitation to anyone reading to participate! Tag me, even, I'll take a look! XD
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quillyfied · 1 year
What current fic(s) are you working on?
Aha! If we ignore wips that I started foolishly posting already without them being done (weeps Frabjous Portents I’m so sorry)…and if we lay aside things that are outlined but I have nothing written for as of yet…I have a third installment of my OFMD fishing and rockstar AU rock the night (or day, depending on your availability) that I’m trying to work on, just need an inspiration boost and a series of free days. But it, like the two GOmens fics I have outlined that would be more to go romancing installations but have no motivation to get done, is a bit falling into the “but season 2 is coming soon” bucket where I know season 2 for both OFMD and GOmens will be introducing new material to play with but that will also contradict a lot of existing fanon (…my personal fanon being what I’m most worried about :P) so I’m just kinda. Hanging here in stasis. Despite knowing the second seasons won’t be releasing for months and months. Which will pass quickly. Bc that is adulthood.
But!! Third installment tidbit: it will include more fishing! Because I can’t call it a fishing AU when the actual fishing bit is negligible! Which means more research!! XD
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quillyfied · 1 year
ao3 wrapped: 3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Look, I didn’t even start this work this year, and technically I didn’t truly finish it either, but Omenstuck is still a work of mine that, despite the frankly ludicrously low engagement compared to my other fics (even the old stuff), I put maybe the most thought into and the most extra outside work, too. I’m sad I didn’t get to finish it the way I wanted to but I’m also proud of it and every person who read it and kudos’d or commented has a special sparkly place in my heart.
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quillyfied · 1 year
Hi, are you still doing the fic ask thing? I'd love to know the answers to 15 and 49 if you are. x
I am!! I just realized that to answer one of these, I'd need to be on my computer, and then work happened for two days. But!! I'mma answer!!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
Well...I am forever fascinated and in love with good AUs that other people do, but for myself I always seem to fall into the weirdest, most niche ones. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. As much as I loved the cerebral head puzzles I was playing with myself when I did my Homestuck AU for Good Omens, I think the Oops All Demons AU "Frabjous Portents" for Good Omens was more fun. Unfortunately I fell into the "worldbuilding/background info" rabbit hole and have ground to a halt on it, but conceptually I think the things I have in mind for that one, if I get to go back and work on it again, are some of my favorites.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Oh, I'm up for it! Trying to get a part 3 for my OFMD fishing AU, "rock the night (or day, depending on your availability)" done. Which is...proving difficult, bc the first two fics I wrote during the summer when I was taking a couple months off work to try and find another job (...unsuccessfully). So I had more time. My social and professional calendar has bulked out significantly since then. But I do want to get it done. Eventually. Have some lines:
“Come on, love,” Stede said gently. “Up and at ‘em.”
“Hmugh,” Ed groaned. “It’s chilly.”
“I know, love.”
“Shouldn’t get that chilly if it’s never even going to snow.”
“Yes, love.”
“Just rude. Rude outdoors.”
“Turning our bed into a sauna probably didn’t help.”
“True. All sweaty now. Gonna freeze if I leave the bed,” Ed said thoughtfully.
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quillyfied · 5 months
🌿: how does creating make you feel?
It makes me feel like I’m extending the positive experience of the source material; I like a lot of things that I don’t make stuff for, but when something hits my brain just right and tingles my creative passions? Bottomless well of happiness. I miss creating being more about passion and less about caution for me.
💝: what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Oh man. For starters, I’m still surprised whenever people find and read my stuff, simply because I’m no longer all that prolific and I’m more of a lurker than an active online participant these days. And there have been many fics that I didn’t expect to get such a large response, or fics I thought would do well but just…don’t, in terms of audience feedback volume. But I’m still so surprised that my illegal fishing au for OFMD resonated with people. Maybe also because I wasn’t expecting it to resonate so much with me, either.
📡: why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
Because that’s how I contribute. I can fangirl and scream and keymash with the best of them, and that has its place, but tbh, I don’t feel like I’m in a fandom unless I’m making something for it. Sometimes it’s just a meta post. Sometimes it’s epic length fics. Sometimes it’s just a doodle. That act of creation is my echo back into the universe to prove that something touched my heart, and I want to amplify my own good feelings back out to people who will appreciate it. Also it’s a hella good source of external validation. Like walking around a con and getting compliments on your cosplay and complimenting others on theirs and passing the good vibes around. Powerful feeling.
🧿: what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn’t do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn’t going how you’d like it to?
Well. That does depend on the fic. My Good Omens Homestuck AU fic…very much underperformed, in comparison to both my Good Omens and my Homestuck fics. Not as much crossover there as I expected. But it’s a fic I’m still proud of, even if I couldn’t finish it, and there have been a lot of little stories out there that just disappeared in the crowd. I recently got a comment on one from years ago that I’ve always been a little salty about it not doing as well, and that person got it! They loved it! But before that, it was just learning to let go and realize that a lack of engagement doesn’t mean a lack of meaning. Omenstuck has some of the most thoughtful comments I’ve ever received, and the stats on it kinda don’t matter so long as I know at least one or two people really, really liked it. And it was fun to make, regardless of audience!
🤲: what do YOU get out of writing?
I get to live in the source material for a little while longer. I get to learn how to write new characters, flex my character voice skills. I get to write some of the weirdest, most unhinged plots I can conceive of, within reason. I get to contribute to that feel good fandom experience. It’s something I can control, in a life and world where I feel that so infrequently.
Thanks so much for sending the ask!!
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quillyfied · 5 months
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
The kind that exists, for the cop out answer XD but for the real answer: I adore comments that tell me how the person reading felt about what I wrote. The comments that have touched me the most were ones where people told me how much I affected them. Which blows my mind, frankly. Whaddya MEAN my writing elicited an emotional response??? Insane!! (Quoting/summarizing bits they liked is also really nice.)
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quillyfied · 7 months
Hmgh. The problem is that I have some pretty good ideas about how the s2 character lineup could fit in the illegal fishing au if I felt like expanding the scope and stakes there, too. But also I don’t want to. Don’t have the spoons or the desire to get into corporate development versus conservation efforts and possible eco terrorism, as fun as it would be if someone more qualified and dedicated wanted to take it over. But. I didn’t even want to get into how Ed’s fame would absolutely have an effect on his and Stede’s relationship (because it’s been done before and better by many excellent fics and I also wasn’t that interested in pursuing it), or the legal ramifications of what would happen if the crew seriously got caught trespassing and fishing where they aren’t supposed to (piracy lives yall).
How am I supposed to take Ned Low or Prince Ricky and put them in this world? Especially when their impact on the narrative and on Stede and Ed as characters doesn’t really apply because Stede and Ed didn’t have a breakup/relationship map that followed the arc of the show?
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quillyfied · 1 year
4 and 41 for the fic ask, please! :)
Most certainly!
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
Well, since you didn’t pick one, permit me to: in “you don’t have to answer, leave them hangin’ on the line”, I just really enjoy the fact that Crowley’s brain is blaring “Gloria” by Laura Branigan in the background, mostly bc it was doing the same thing in my own head while writing it—the instant Crowley first mentions a mental “Gloria” chorus in his head, it’s this song. I think that little undercurrent of humor helps cut the sweetness and the hurt, just a bit.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
I have been so fortunate to have read so, so many excellent fics over the years. I’ll start with a classic: More Than Human by sbj, a titan in the PowerPuff Girls fandom that is still updating and still worth every word’s weight in gold. (If the length is intimidating, sbj has posted other PPG fics on ao3 now that should offer a more bite-sized sampler of just how good her writing style is. Gosh I miss the PPG fandom on LJ circa 2011. Incredible talents all.)
(Ask me more things!)
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quillyfied · 3 years
Omenstuck Act 2 Bonus Content
Hello! Here’s just some extra bonus content from the pretty weighty upd8 I posted to my fanfic Omenstuck today (for Chapter 4: Act 2 specifically). A lot of background info went into it that I’m not going to get much occasion to use, so I’m doing what any self-respecting writer would do and dumping it here instead. Obviously has huge spoilers for Omenstuck so if you haven’t read the upd8s from today, don’t look. Hope the readmore holds on mobile, and there are some images below, too. Enjoy!
So for starters, I’m going to post the little cheat sheet that I had on hand for remembering all the characters’ assigned blood colors, Trollian handles, god tier titles, and quadrants (both filled and experimented with):
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In order, here’s what we’ve got:
Crowley. Blood: burgundy. UN: anthomanicCaduceus. GT: Rogue of Life. Quadrants: Aziraphale (matesprit), Eric (auspistice, unwitting) and Hastur (other leaf of auspisticism quadrant, unwitting). Lusus: snake
Eric. Blood: brown. UN: coneyCloning. GT: Heir of Time. Quadrants: Auspistice to Crowley and Hastur (unwitting); Uriel (auspistice between arguing Erics, short-lived). Lusus: rabbit
Beelzebub. Blood: yellow. UN: carrionTyrant. GT: Prince of Rage. Quadrants: Dagon (moirail), Gabriel (kismesis). Lusus: giant fly
Ligur. Blood: lime/red (vacillating glitch). UN: guanineChameleon. GT: Sylph of Space. Quadrants: Hastur (moirail), Michael (kismesis). Lusus: chameleon
Hastur. Blood: olive. UN: amphibiousGrunt. GT: Knight of Breath. Quadrants: Ligur (moirail), Eric (auspistice, unwitting) and Crowley (other leaf of auspisticism quadrant, unwitting). Lusus: frog
Dagon. Blood: jade. UN: aquaticTaskmaster. GT: Witch of Mind. Quadrants: Beelzebub (moirail), Sandalphon (matesprit, short-lived), Metatron (kismesis, one-sided crush). Lusus: lungfish
Aziraphale. Blood: teal. UN: aetherialAntiquarian. GT: Thief of Doom. Quadrants: Crowley (matesprit), Michael (auspistice, coercing) and Sandalphon (other leaf of auspisticism quadrant, coercing). Lusus: ??? (dragon, owl?)
Michael. Blood: cerulean. UN: tenebrousAgent. GT: Seer of Void. Quadrants: Uriel (moirail), Aziraphale (one leaf of auspisticism quadrant, coerced) and Sandalphon (other leaf of auspisticism quadrant, co-conspirator), Ligur (kismesis). Lusus: ??? (tbh spider would still fit here)
Sandalphon. Blood: indigo. UN: toughenedCrusader. GT: Page of Blood. Quadrants: Michael (auspistice, co-conspirator) and Aziraphale (other leaf of auspisticism quadrant, coerced), Gabriel (moirail), Dagon (matesprit, short-lived). Lusus: ??? (Possibly musclebeast)
Uriel. Blood: purple. UN: celestialAureate. GT: Maid of Heart. Quadrants: Michael (moirail), Eric (mediated between two of his arguing selves, short-lived). Lusus: ??? (sea-goat still viable)
Gabriel. Blood: violet. UN: gregariousArchangel. GT: Bard of Hope. Quadrants: Sandalphon (moirail), Beelzebub (kismesis). Lusus: ??? (seahorse or shark)
Metatron. Blood: fuchsia. UN: communicantGodhead. GT: Mage of Light. Quadrants: object of one-sided pitch crush from Dagon. Lusus: Horrorterror from Beyond (Gl’bgol’yb, probably)
Here’s the shipping chart of what this madness looked like:
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Solid lines for established or longer-lasting relationships, dotted lines for either crushes or experiments that didn’t pan out. Crowley, Eric, and Hastur’s auspisticism is dotted because it’s not a consciously-thought out relationship that’s actually been defined so much as a convenient social contract that keeps Hastur from killing Crowley by distracting him with a multitude of Erics, which makes it a pretty functional auspisticism, actually.
Some notes:
- If you’re thinking that the blood colors and god tier titles don’t exactly fit, you’re right, but there’s a reason, and we’ll get to it in future chapters of Omenstuck. Maybe one day I’ll do the thing proper and give them all more accurate classpects and blood colors, but I think I did pretty well, given everything.
- This means that it was Hastur and Ligur’s jobs, as the Knight and Space players, to breed the Genesis Frog, which creates each new universe, and that tickles me to the bone.
- Ligur’s whole situation is a nod to both Good Omens and to Homestuck; for a bit I entertained making Crowley the hemo-mutant that Karkat is, but thought he fit best lower on the totem pole (on his belly he shall crawl and all that). Canonically, Karkat’s bright red human-like blood is a mutation off of an old hemospectrum caste, the limebloods, and it tickled me to think of Ligur occupying both the limebloods and the red mutation that spawned from it, as a nod to his color-changing in Good Omens and his affiliation with chameleons. Also, apparently it’s the guanine in their skin that makes chameleons change color, which is what the G in Homestuck pesterchum handles stands for (bc the chats are all supposed to represent DNA strands that make up each Genesis Frog that creates each new universe), so it came together kinda perfectly. If Ligur ever was in a pesterlog, I was going to code it so his lines would alternate colors, but it didn’t pan out that way.
- Was it overly simplistic to cast Hell as the lowbloods and Heaven as the highbloods? Yes. But there are two reasons for this, one of which I can’t say because spoilers, one of which I will freely admit, which is that I got tired and just simplified where I could because I was already putting more effort into backstory that turned out to be less relevant than I thought once I finally got the dang thing written.
- In the bowels of my Instagram there is a doodle of Gabriel with the traditional Bardic codpiece and an expression to match, but I didn’t keep it in canon. It is definitely there in spirit and more loving detail will be paid attention to it if I ever go back and do a proper Homestuck troll AU.
- There was a subplot I discarded when thinking of the quadrant entanglements that involved Dagon hooking up with both Sandalphon and Michael in a redrom way and that being one of the catalysts for the bloodbath at the end, because I adore Dagon/Michael and wanted to go there first but she was already appearing so much, and I remember reading about Dagon/Sandalphon once in a fic I wish I could remember off the top of my head and it was so bizarre I adored it. Ultimately I stuck with Dagon and Sandalphon having a redrom fling, because why not.
- Dagon was also going to have a whole Thing against Metatron that boiled down to her having vestigial seadweller traits and being jealous of an actual seadweller that didn’t do his heritage credit, but Metatron was such a non-entity that it didn’t feel relevant to bring up, with so much already getting crammed into this upd8.
- Gabriel and Eridan have some eerie synergy and that’s a hill I’ll die on.
- Uriel was supposed to have a bigger part, too, delving into how they fit into the whole purpleblood Mirthful Messiahs cult and how they use their paint to emphasize their vitiligo (inspired by their canonical pretty gold face markings), but once again...not enough room, not enough interaction with Crowley or Aziraphale. They were either going to be a huge part of it, or eschew it entirely in favor of worshipping Metatron and possibly Metatron’s eldritch lusus instead, but eh. Roads untraveled. I also didn’t doodle their facepaint while I was doing my concept sketches/brainstorming activities so I just let it be.
- The whole Michael and Sandalphon using a heavily manipulative auspisticism to blackmail and control Aziraphale was a concept I had from the beginning, but when I wrote the scene, it actually shook me up a lot; Auspisticism is one of the platonic and weirder quadrants in Homestuck, but it didn’t hit me until I had written it how that particular dynamic could be exploited and turned into something kinda borderline abusive, if not outright abusive (I’m trying to be more careful in how I apply the word so I don’t know for sure if what I wrote counts as fully abusive, or just a super bad time). To be honest, in all the Homestuck fics that ever were, I don’t think I ever read a single one that described what I did in this fic (and RAPE MENTION TW a part of me that is forever struck by my friend’s fic that described a brutal pale rape, as in forcing the usual nonsexual markers of the pale quadrant on an unwilling victim, was worried that I had written ashen rape, which was NOT where I wanted to go; after worrying about it to friends and sleeping on it, I don’t think I quite went there, but the implication that it COULD happen is going to haunt me for a while).
- I did want to get more detailed with a lot of things, like Crowley and Aziraphale’s influencing and talking with humans, and how it was affecting things like their vocabulary and how they saw the world, but it was just too much to tackle in any great detail.
- the whole thing where Crowley uses his god tier powers to steal Life energy from his fellow stranded trolls and makes plants that could potentially feed them one day? Totally unexpected. I did a LOT of refreshing myself on the classes and aspects of god tiers when I was doing the groundwork for this part of the fic, but it didn’t strike me that that was a thing Crowley could do until I was already writing it. And maybe Aziraphale should’ve been a little more horrified by it, but Crowley’s right, they ARE immortal now. Also the whole “taking Life energy and redistributing it among allies” thing probably wasn’t meant to be interpreted as “puts the other trolls in the Mood for quadrant hookups” but it was too hilarious a coincidence to ignore. Life needs things to live, as a wise internet dnd player once said, and when you’re the last of your species, you’ve gotta do what you can to propagate (even if it’s functionally impossible to restore your species, since there’s no Mother Grub to donate slurry to and no ectobiological lab to make ectobabies from. God loves a trier). Does that make all the hookups dubious consent, since weird Life magic was involved? I don’t think so, I think it just accelerated what was already present, but I’ll leave that to y’all to judge.
- Crowley was actually supposed to be the one to die. It said so in my notes. It was a whole Thing, Crowley getting speared or shot or whatever and looking at Aziraphale like “ha I got this one better luck next time”. But then I made Aziraphale a Thief of Doom, which was originally a joke to myself about how he hoards books (Thief players are hoarders and Doom can represent rules or systems), and then he got all contemplative and hit ME back with “no, no, sister, you made me a Thief of Doom, I’m gonna steal this death meant for Crowley and keep it all to myself, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” And he was RIGHT. I can’t believe I’ve killed Aziraphale THREE TIMES now. And I completely forgot about how god tier players are also immortal from being killed unless the death is Heroic or Just until, again Aziraphale reminded me by pushing Crowley out of the way--therefore making his death to sacrifice himself for his friend and beloved Heroic. I played myself in every possible way. Checkmate, brain. (As for what that means in future chapters, stick around, it’s only gonna get weirder, but Homestucks who are puzzled at the inclusion of Dream Shards rather than Dream Bubbles are encouraged to draw some conclusions of their own.)
I think that’s all I wanted to talk about, so have a doodle of Michael with her Seer hood drawn for funsies.
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See y’all later! Feel free to send me an ask or a comment or whatever if you have any questions or just wanna talk about this madness I’m creating!
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quillyfied · 3 years
Fanfic Writer 20 Questions
tagged by @shakespearevillain! Much thanks!
My AO3, because that's the only link I have the energy to provide, folks :P
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
135, according to the internet. That seems like a lot.
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
957,125. Oh heck guys that's not too far off from a truly staggering number that I can't process XD
3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Um...thirteen, if you take out the duplicates. In order of content, it's Homestuck, Good Omens, Dice Camera Action, The Adventure Zone, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Twilight, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Powerpuff Girls, Red vs Blue, Sherlock BBC, Avengers, Pokemon Sun and Moon, and Harry Potter. Mind, this is just what's posted on AO3...though even the stuff that's not on AO3 and never will be is mostly here. I think there's some various anime fandoms that got some stuff. Maybe some Phineas and Ferb, some Kick Buttowski.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Let's see...
1. Snake Children, or Snildren, (Good Omens, Wiggleverse)
2. Snake Cottage, or Snottage, (Good Omens, Wiggleverse
3. Comfort and Joy (Good Omens, Wiggleverse collab with OlwenDylluan)
4. running into the sun (but i'm running behind) (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
5. Broken Crowns (Homestuck)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I try to! Don't always succeed or have the spoons, but especially sweet or thoughtful comments I try to give some semblance of response to. I cherish every single comment, even if I don't always respond.
6. what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ha. Um. Probably "Ashes", a Twilight fic from Marcus' point of view about losing Didyme. Entirely canon-compliant and canon-driven, which is probably why it ends so sadly. If we're talking off AO3, I'd have to go digging and I have no such time.
7. do you write crossovers?
No, not really; I've done it by very special occasional request. Of course, you have to define a crossover these days, bc to me, a crossover is shoving two fandoms in the same space and making them interact with each other, but some people tag their AU fanfics as crossovers when it's just "insert characters from fandom A into world of fandom B" and that's...not a crossover. That's an AU. Regardless: no. I don't write these.
8. have you ever received hate on a fic?
Kinda? Had one comment where someone said "i am going to kill you" and that's it so I had no context for if it was a playful jest or a statement of intent and I reacted as if it were the second XD (Also had one fic where the story didn't turn out how a reader was expecting and my collaborator and I knew from their comments that they probably weren't going to like what was coming up and they didn't, and there was some small bit of friction over it, but that wasn't really hate.)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Kinda? I had someone post a fic from forums/deviantART to FFN because I was young and thought I needed parental permission to make an FFN account (which I did not have, dad said no) and I had a reader who insisted the FFN crowd needed to read it and started posting it without my permission, but they didn't say it was mine until the author's note at the very end of the last chapter; at that point I finally had made an FFN account on my own and tried to insist the poster take it down since I was there now and could post it myself but they didn't reply. I reported it on FFN but nothing was ever done about it and the poster never replied to my messages. Far as I know it might still be there and I'm resigned to it.
11. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Would be cool, but I'm not holding my breath XD
12. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Oh yeah, all the time now!
13. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh boy. Coming from a veteran shipper, this is quite the question. Naruto/Hinata (from Naruto) and Toph/Sokka (from Avatar: The Last Airbender) were my first big OTPs and I will always love them and have a special place in my heart for them. But I don't know if I can pick a FAVORITE. All my ships are precious.
14. whats a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wish I could have finished Broken Crowns and its prequel (and maybe the possible sequel I was toying with). That was a fun experiment in flying by the seat of my pants, and the first thing I've ever written that was so big it broke Spellcheck, but ultimately falling out of the Homestuck fandom and losing interest in the project were the death of it. I'm glad I was able to provide a "here's where this was going" chapter, at least, so many fics that fall by the wayside don't get that and it's such a great thing to do for readers.
15. what are your writing strengths?
I think I'm best at character voices and dialogue, and maybe the occasional witty turn of phrase. Also technical polish; sure, my plots are contrived and the characterization might be dodgy but by gum at least my commas are mostly in the right spots and everything is spelled correctly XD (Given that as a reader grammatical errors are what throw me off and distract and irritate me most, I think my own writing evolved to not distract myself with that, at least.)
16. what are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, boy. Settings, I think. Describing settings. And finishing long-form work that's in any way original. Long fic based off another story/movie/whatever? Easy peasy, got an outline all ready to go and tailor-made. Long fic based off my own random ideas? Um...help??
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Since I only know one of them, I am scared stiff to try it XD Google translate can only take you so far.
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Very, very first? Probably either Disney or Luigi's Mansion. Published on the internet? Harry Potter.
19. what’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh, gosh. I have such love in my heart for many of my own works, which is pleasant and comforting and a nice change from visceral self-loathing, but if I had to pick a few (because heck no I can't just pick one)...the Sherlockbound series I wrote for Homestuck, "i have loved the stars too fondly" for The Adventure Zone: Balance, Suboptimal Omens for DCA, and probably a million oneshots along the way that have helped me work things out and figure myself out as an artist and as a person.
20. who do you tag?
I tag anyone who's looking at this and thinking "gosh, that would be fun." You can even tag me in the post. Blanket permission. Do it!
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quillyfied · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @shakespearevillain!
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
(I have cheated and used two lines bc it's important to me personally to not separate these sentences)
It had been a while since Crowley had walked into a door frame. Aziraphale’s smile lasted the rest of the afternoon.
I'm not tagging that many people, this is blanket permission for anyone working on a WIP to participate! Feel free to tag me, even :P
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quillyfied · 3 years
20, 31, 39 for the game? 💜
20. What’s your favorite part about the fic writing process?
The validation :P Other than that, the flow of creative juices is addictive as all hell and fleeting as all hell thanks to my hangups about my original writing, but I can milk it for all it’s worth in the fanfic sphere. Just need to figure out how to unblock myself in the original fiction sphere and it’ll be all over for you nerds.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? 
My favorite types of characters to write for are either the adorable ray of sunshine hiding a low self-esteem by aggressively caring about others, or the fourth-wall-breaking quippy sarcasm machine that may or may not be grumpy and may or may not be deeply into the ray of sunshine character. They seem to be the ones that resonate most with the readership, anyway, because I have a lot of fun writing them, but I do like a challenge now and then and stepping outside of these comfortable character tropes is a good way to flex them writing muscles.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? 
My character voices. Maybe my plots are contrived, maybe I can’t do action or description or scene-setting, but by George I know that I can do accurate character voice mimicry whether or not the words being said are actually in-character or not. That’s been the most consistent comment I’ve gotten across my nearly sixteen years of writing fanfic (over twenty, if you count my pre-internet days).
(Maybe it’s as a little voice in my head says and I’m not actually all that good at it because I write for a certain demographic and then put my art in a place that’s almost guaranteed to generate positive feedback with very little negative or challenging commentary to balance it out and thus I’m not actually progressing as a writer or a person, but let’s just kick that voice back deep into my subconscious and forget about it immediately)
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quillyfied · 3 years
First Lines Meme
Tagged by @cheeriosandwine
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Oh, goodie, this should be fun XD Taken from the last 20 stories off my AO3 as of 4/2/21, I’m not gonna post links bc that’s exhausting but here’s my AO3 account, have fun.
1. It wasn’t often that Aziraphale got the urgent and sudden sense of being needed, not these days. (Summer Blockbuster Teenage Angst Fest, Chapter Nine: HOLY WATER)
2. Once upon a time, there lived a king named Shadwell, who did alright for himself as far as kingdoms went, but he had no heir to inherit his throne. (far longer than forever (you’re my best friend) )
3. Warlock Dowling walked his three special invitations to the mainland mailbox in the dead of night, six months before the posted date of the event.  (dancing queen (guaranteed to blow your mind) )
4. Crowley’s slumber was interrupted by a very insistent poke to his face. (Pen to Paper)
5. It is quiet and still, in the After. (repose)
6. How it happened wasn’t entirely clear. (Peace and Goodwill, although to be fair this was a collaborative work and I’m pretty sure this line in particular was olwendylluan’s; I thiiiink, if memory serves, my actual first written line was either “As a group, they followed Junior into the greenhouse, Angelica carrying her plate of food, Datura with half a danish still hanging out of their mouth.” or ““Where did you even find pipe cleaners?” Clem asked, looking up from his bow-making station at Angelica, sitting across the table from him and weaving together black and red pipe cleaners.“, it’s not entirely clear)
7. Marley was dead, though this has very little bearing whatsoever on the story about to unfold. (Bless Us, One and All, though props to Mr. Dickens for the yoinking that took place)
8. “Angel!” Crowley called as he stepped into the bookshop, one fine autumn afternoon well after Armageddon’t. (you don’t have to answer, leave them hangin’ on the line)
9. “Crowley. Crowley, look.” (Thirteenth Night, Chapter Two: Bones; it’s a compilation work of both standalone art and writing, I just took where one of the writing bits began)
10. Some days Junior couldn’t get out of bed. (Third Eden, Chapter Five: Step by Step; a collab, but this latest update was one of mine so here we are)
11. “Father?” (Snake Cottage, or Snottage, , Chapter Eleven: An Awkward Question)
12. The morning was cold and grey. (The Whole Truth)
13. Angelica, being a master of the art, knew when she was getting the cold shoulder. (The New Arrangement, Chapter 18: WAR AND PEACE; another collab, but this particular chapter, the latest update, was my own, so first lines from there it is)
14. It was a quiet afternoon in the bookshop, which didn’t happen often these days. (Snake Parents, or Snarents,)
15. It occurred to Aziraphale that he hadn’t heard the hissing of tiny tongues in quite a while. (A Very Wiggleverse Snektember, Chapter One: Sunbathing; another collaborative work but one that’s complete so I just took my first line in it)
16. In the end, Michael did not stay with Adam and Eve and their brood the entire time, though when she first left the little humans latched onto her hands and wailed. (Frabjous Portents, Chapter 4, which I am going to get back to I swear, I have an outline and everything XD)
17. Crowley was not in bed when Aziraphale woke up. (The Empty Nest)
18. Aziraphale drew his hand through the water of the bath he’d drawn for his beloved, stirring in the scented oils, testing the scalding temperatures. (living waters)
19. It started with an overheard conversation at school. (To Have and to Hold, Chapter One; another collab, but the first chapter was mine, so here we go!)
20. You have all, perhaps, heard the tale of the little cinder girl, yes? Good. (find me (somebody to love) )
I feel like I tend to start on one isolated kind of scene-setting or dynamic, dramatic sentence, but there were quite a few that had whole paragraphs to start, which surprised me, so I suppose I’m very pleased about it XD My favorite of the bunch is probably the opening of “living waters” but “Snake Parents, or Snarents,” has some very satisfying transitions, which isn’t opening lines but if you think about it, it kind of is, just for entire scenes.
Oh, tagging people...um...tell you what, if this sounds like fun to you, this is my explicit given permission, and you can even fib and say I tagged you, if you’d like XD
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quillyfied · 3 years
It’s been fun being part of a zine for the first time (a fan zine and one that I’m not the editor of anyway), bc it kinda made me realize that most of the fanfic that I post is kinda raw, unfiltered first draft stuff. I do a once-over and a twice-over and sometimes for longer stuff a many-times-over (especially when someone in the comments points out a continuity error or something like it, whoops), but I don’t use beta readers and I don’t really do intensive edits of anything that I post. But for a zine, there are limitations to meet, and there’s actually staff available to look over your stuff and point things out that you missed or should reconsider. When my piece for the zine comes out, it’s gonna be the most polished thing I’ve let the public see, like...ever.
This is kinda tying back in with my own internal dialogue about grad school and my portfolio but to bring it to a more accessible place, people tend to react positively to my relatively unfinished lumps of clay that I post as fic. And if that’s the case...how would the reaction be, once I start writing and posting more finished, polished pieces in my professional life? Obviously there’s some misfires bc fanfic has an inherent audience and original writing has to find its place, but it does give me hope that maybe I do actually know what I’m doing after all.
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