emmacreatures ยท 8 months
A new danger in sight
OKAY IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! A new racer story, featuring Rafael and vernon, two mayhem causing men in the racer industry. It took me a bit to think on how these two possibly meet, but now after a few days of tweaking I'm upmost excited about this!! @niku30 made me the most incredible pieces featuring these two, and I'M SO EXCITED TO BE FUELED WITH inspiration!! As some might've read; Vernon is the character that got pushed back after Cruze took his spot in the races. But the man still has his blood boiling. lets say he's the meanie of the family.. And eventually turning into a danger thanks to someone who fuels him to the max, and notices they're quite similar. FEATURING rafael, the most hottest man in the world, with his unhinged behavior, and Vernon mccoy, along his dad Carlos. I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS INTRODUCTION. I had so much fun writing this hejdbd
Carlos sighed as he was getting things ready. "Everyone please, be ontime. I dont like to make people wait." Carlos said like a true father that he was, having been invited by the nascar races to have some overal gathering. Carlos was a massive name through the days as the mccoy.. But as Cruze got through the trials and made his way into the world, every now and then, old and new racers would be invited for a party like gathering to connect everyone together. Paparazzi especially loved these gatherings. Some racers that no longer were around or had decided to stop would show up again for a small moment on that day.. Making them all hungry to ask all kinds of questions.. Knowing they'll be overwhelmed by all kinds of people, but it was part of that world. "You have everything?" Carlos asked gently Alissa, who smiled. "Rayner's ready, I might already head out there, would you mind?" Rayner's mom said as Carlos softly gave a kiss. "Of course not, we'll follow soon. You'll be bothered enough on your own I bet. We wont be far behind" Carlos said as Alissa left gently, making Carlos frown as his own son was once again not around, or doing his own thing without much consideration for everyone else. "Vernon?..." He called once in the huge mansion they lived at.. Grunting before he walked through the big hallways. "I swear, its like putting a leash on a great white. Where is that kid- Vernon?" He called again, hearing a sudden displeased voice "What?" He said as he arced an eyebrow while he held his phone in his hand, wearing his black clothing as per usual. "I'm heading out to the gathering we've been invited to. I have the feeling you dont have any plans?" "And what if I do.. I'm not going to show my support to the snake that took my spot" Vernon said as the anger was still fresh, making Carlos sigh..
"We've been asked to come as the mccoy family. If it makes you happy, cruze does not fall under it despite we're family. Do us a favor and show up for our name at least" Carlos said as he already regretted asking his own son. Vernon was a tough and difficult man to deal with. Despite being almost 30 at this rate.. It felt like Vernon was stuck in a constant puberty.. At least thats what it felt for Carlos. The constant arrogance, stubborn behavior, and sass, along a strong unresolved rage issue in combination of a spoiled brat.. Which now became a bit of a rebel.. Made Vernon a ticking time bomb at times.. But nothing fueled it to the max, yet or made it go overboard. It was still.. somehow being able to be controlled and checked by carlos to not make it go too dangerous or to the point it cant be saved anymore. "and why should I. I dont owe anyone- that aside, I feel like you're not approving of anything I've done in the past, especially these days." Vernon said as he looked pissed. "Hell.. I almost feel like you're preferring.. Cruze, over me and now.. Suddenly you want me to join your family name?" Vernon said with a slight threatening undertone, making Carlos sigh. He would almost admit he had been having a better connection with cruze, but saying that would be a wrong move.. With a deep sigh, Carlos replied. "You know what. I dont want a fight with you. I just asked you along okay? At this rate you've been giving me a headache, we've been asked to come as the mccoy family, you ARE a mccoy. You're close to getting into the real games now. Surely you might appreciate to build up some connections that could potentially help you. Might even have some sponsors among them?" Carlos said as a good mention, making Vernon snort. "I would've already been if cruze hadnt taken everything. As if he hasnt had enough-" "I know you guys are a little rough to each-" Before carlos could even finish his sentence, the anger of vernon came through. "Rough to each other- HE stole my spot. Illegally took my car and got a chance in the racing games despite not having a license. Its-" Vernon couldnt even finish his sentence as a threatening look fell upon his face.. Breathing out more strong as Carlos continued talking. "As if you never do anything wrong Vernon.. I know your preference in driving-" "as if you're so clean.. The mccoy name was meant to be a threat.. Everyone feared you. Thats our whole slogan. You used to do the best tricks that were just touching that warning line, just being able to get away with it.. until you became weak for that woman and decided it was enough-" "leave alissa out of this. Okay. Sure, you have that same determination and hunger that wont leave you.. But please, behave. just join for an hour, you can leave afterwards, we can take your car so we can go whenever you want" Carlos said as Vernon rolled his eyes.. before he'd agree.. Making Carlos sigh and go through his hair before they got into one of Vernon's cars, as Carlos drove them to it. For Vernon was just scrolling on the media, seeing who was going to attend the gathering, and sorta party for the higher end racers.. Carlos felt the need to tell the man one thing as they were getting closer.
"do me one more favor.". Vernon turned his head to his dad as he looked displeased. "This is not turning into some type of baby sitting I hope. Do I have to ask approval to get a drink later? Or even better, A little note that says I'm allowed to be up late?" He said as arrogant as possible, making Carlos ignore it for a second. "Please take this from me. Do not talk nor mingle with all drivers. Some are more deranged than the other.. Some might even try to get you off the tracks mentally and even physically. its a harsh game out there with many competitors.. And I have a name that can track attention, including you. I've heard you are after.. Well.." "What?" Vernon asked immediately as he narrowed his eyes. "Things hover around.. and you are a goodlooking man, and you know that, many tell you..-" "I truly hope you're not going to say what I think you're doing" Vernon said as he rolled his eyes, glaring a bit. "Its come to my attention that you're fond of the same gender, and thats more than fine to me-" "Oh great to hear it gets approved this once-" "Leave the sass at home will you. I'm just- Spare me the details... But try to behave at this event please.." "You're assuming I'd just fuck with everyone like that... How low do you think I am." Vernon said as he shook his head.. turning back to his phone with the most displeased look on his face. "unbelievable" He whispered. "I do have taste you know.. There are only very few who get to even come near me. Let alone be worthy.-" "Language.. Vernon. My god. No, I'm not saying that.. But dont get dragged somewhere or.. Mix yourself with the wrong people by all means. There are.. Some racers that just.." a silence hit from carlos before he sighed, knowing some in particular that were.. mayhem in the wrong way to some. "Just take my word. I have no control of what you do, but please dont-" "I got the hint. So much for trusting your own son huh." Vernon said pissed, keeping his eyes to his phone, checking all racer's instagram while Carlos with slight worry looked at his son who had his focus elsewhere...
The silence in the car was harsh.. making Carlos regret the fact I decided to have that conversation. "Look.. Vernon-" "I'm not a ten year old.. Please dont refer to me that way. We're done with this conversation" He said dominant, ignoring his father.. before arriving shortly at the tracks where the gathering was held.
It didnt take long for Vernon to judge everyone around him. He ended up leaning against his own car as his dad was welcomed among everyone, having left his side quite soon. "So much for going together huh.." He said rather silent while being displeased.. Crossing his arms as he watched everyone pass. He definitely didnt do it for his dad, but being there to 'support' his own name, was fine he guessed. "Excuse me sir.. You're supposed to park your car a little far back, like the rest" one of the guys who controlled the area said so, seeming like a security dude.. making Vernon raise an eyebrow with a rather deadly look. Meanwhile as this was happening, a specific racer who was chatting with a few, noticed Vernon.. Side eyeing to see what the younger man was doing. "Do I seem like I'm here to help you fix that. We were pointed out to park our car here" "I- well.. I'm afraid thats said wrong.. sir. So if you please.. for safety reasons". The glare Vernon left to the individual made him second guess his fate.. But eventually, out of anger, Vernon was too tired to deal with this. Stepping to the man, he pushed the notebook that the security man had shown where he should park, against his chest firmly to make him step back.. Just noticing he swallowed as he quickly made his way out of there to make space for the lambo to be parked elsewhere. "I'll show them..". Vernon was already on the verge of being a menace, but being told to move was the final straw for today. Though, out of somewhat rebellious behavior, the man started his own car, but specifically made the most loudest noises to start up his engine to give people a heartattack. Making them move to where he 'apparently' needed to move the car. Many turned around to see the luxurious black lamborghini take attention, making Vernon smirk ever so slightly as he always felt king of the mountain with his own car. He adored attention.. but so far, all the attention was pulled away from him, making him quite furious about it. He deserved to be there for HIM. And his driving. Not just because his family name was known.
The racer, paying attention to the somewhat rookie he hadnt met yet.. smirked to notice that perfect way to show he wasnt agreeing to that security guy that made him move.. Making the man finish the conversation he was having, and smoothly making his way over there.
"Thats yours right.. Good taste you have there.. Italian cars tend to be a very specific taste, not many know how to truly handle those if it comes to it" Rafael said as he approached the younger but taller man.. Making Vernon turn to the rather attractive, raspy voice. "I feel like we havent crossed paths yet.. have we?" The man asked as Vernon tilted his head a bit. "I dont think we have.. Do we have to?". Vernon said rather spoiled and arrogant, as rafael noticed the anger, feeling this was a deep playing issue. "We dont" Rafael said as he noticed Vernon looking behind himself due to some noise, hearing commotion from his dad and all.. "but.. not so fair huh, being used like that?" Rafael decided to dig immediately, sensing he might understand this man far too well.. "Me and your dad go way back. He seemed to be a big deal back in the day.. No offense, but.. He lost his touch, it never was so scary as most said" Rafael said as Vernon turned back to the man speaking to him.. Narrowing his eyes. "Did you now.. He didnt seem to mention you to me" Vernon said as he looked up and down at Rafael, noticing some details on his clothing that referred to a car brand.. A bright red known one. "lets say we didnt really end up on good terms, his loss. Your dad.. he seems all mean, but really he isnt. He has been a coward when it came to me" Rafael had no shame in saying what he thought, making Vernon almost enjoy the fact this man roasted his dad.. almost feeling like it was the right thing to do. The first usual response of vernon was a rather distant approach.. Where his spoiled and rather arrogant behavior would come through, but the more he seemed to talk to this driver, the more he got eager to know more. It seemed rafael knew exactly how to tackle things like this. Their energies slowly started to mix as he broke off the protective demeanor of Vernon that wasnt nessesairy this time, or at all..
Though rafael could appreciate the fact Vernon was insanely picky about who he spoke to or who approached him. That was a nice sign in his eyes. "Ferrari.. Now I remember. you're the driver who made cruze almost fall out.. That was some neat work" Suddenly vernon's interest spiked all the more, not just because of rafael's energy and even giving a compliment.. Which was a rarity. "glad to hear that got noticed.. You like seeing that new driver struggle right? I feel there's some unfinished business on that part." Rafael said as Vernon's anger was shown in his eyes.. In which rafael could sense it. "so who are you? A new mccoy? I havent seen you around yet. you seem like a man who has potential to fit on these tracks.. If not meant to be around here. so why arent you" Rafael just asked, making Vernon breathe in as he raised his head, looking around to see the other racers.. "since someone took my place.. who surprisingly is running around, and a dad.. Who, even being retired, likes to use me as their way to get home safely.." He said.. Breathing out strong. "While dissaproving of my own ways" Vernon said more silent while he got personal, as he leaned more against his own car, feeling the anger spawn. "So you are a racer.. You're no pet. So you shouldnt be handled like one. Sounds to me like you're more than eligiable for a place here." Rafael said as Carlos noticed the two talking.. Stopping his own conversation to get inbetween them the second he noticed them. It was the one thing he so hoped wouldnt happen. "rafael.. I told you to stay away from my kids and keep your distance" Suddenly, Carlos's appearance showed the way he was dissaproving of the racer vernon was speaking to. "Ah carlos.. We meet again. a small conversation doesnt hurt, nor do you have a restraining order on me now do you" Rafael said smooth, making Vernon listen closely..
"I should've known. You do realize not many speak to you for a reason" Carlos said as Rafael laughed low once. "thats called intimidation dear friend. Something you dont have. I dont bite, hard. Cant a man just ask something about another-" "No. you wont lay a hand on him." Carlos said as he touched Vernon's back, making the man immediately correct that gesture. "Dont. I told you not to touch me." Vernon said threatening, glaring at his dad which made Rafael smirk slowly, noticing how some of his words are slowly setting a statement. "Stay away from this man Vernon. put the car somewhere else, away from this man.-" "Its mine. You're not here to control me. You will not tell me what to do" Vernon said strong, glaring as Rafael decided to just go for it. "i'm sure the man has his own voice Carlos.. Babysitting a grown man is no good look. You should-" "you're 44. He's 29. Make one wrong move and-" "with the right assets it can be an excellent way to develop a racer. you brought him here for a reason. I assume you told him to speak to some right. Do some networking" "not to you." "Well thats up to him.. Isnt that right Vernon? and.. You rememberd such a detail so well about me. You've missed me I'm sure" rafael said with a smirk, before he turned to Vernon. "How about we'll move your car just like he asked, and make this man drive himself back home. You're not here to babysit" Rafael said as open as possible, making Carlos glare. "Vernon.". The name calling from Carlos was like a warning, but Vernon was already more strong in tone than he was. "you should've left me at home". Rafael smirked to see the rebellious energy spike.. feeling like this was a build up that finally came to the surface, perfectly when he was right there to witness it. With ease, Rafael opened the door as if he had always done that and got inside of vernon's car as Vernon got in.. Starting the engine loudly before driving off.. Leaving Carlos.
The tension in the car was strong.. Due to vernon's immense anger towards his dad, but Rafael knew exactly how to tackle that.. He sensed Vernon wasnt minding the fact.. A racer like rafael just got into his car, so he felt like pushing to see how far he could go.. "While we're at it.. 'Moving' this car, would you mind.." Rafael said as he just made himself quite comfortable next to Vernon.. "I was aiming to leave soon to a rather bigger event than this, which is far more fun than this.. Dissapointing gathering, aside from meeting some new faces." Rafael hinted that he was pleased to meet vernon. "Its about a few miles from here. Surely a man like you can miss a few minutes?" Rafael said as vernon looked at him only with his eyes with a stern expression, before actually turning towards the highway without question, with a few turns remaining. "Surprising you trust a man you've just met to drive you somewhere" "I just have a feeling. And I cant help but wanting to see how you drive" Rafael said as he smirked once more, noticing the tension of the anger being there, but being controlled and put somewhere for a greater good. Vernon felt appreciated by a stranger.. As the energy was almost addictive to sense, unlike anything he had ever sensed.
Slowly coming to a few red lights.. Vernon's impatience was growing, ticking his hands with one ring onto his steering wheel as normally his own dad would tell him to follow the rules constantly.. But rafael, oh he knew. "you drive these regularly right.. I can see that, but it almost doesnt seem like you use the full potential?" he said as he noticed the car was put in the normal modus.. but just like Rafael knew his own ferrari had special settings.. Those lambo's did too. "Almost a waste dont you think, these cars are meant to be used" Rafael said as he noticed Vernon having a silent moment to himself before his eyes lingered down to the side of the car where all the buttons were located.. While he'd sometimes look up to see the red light still ongoing right before the road towards the highway. Rafael could feel the man contemplating. The true nature was fairly close to his own. Which made the well known and experienced driver poke the bear. Wanting to keep on seeing how far he could take this man out of his resistant setup that was controlled by family. "Since when would a red light stop you.." Rafael just smoothly said, making Vernon look down to the side, not looking at rafael directly but in his direction.. "I'm not your dad. He's not here, nor should he decide whats 'best' for you.. Do what you'd actually want to do. What are you waiting for" Rafael went for it... Seeing a sudden breakage into the man's mind. Vernon pushed the sports mode button in his car before pushing firmly on the gas. Going through the red light and with a good amount of speed ending up on the highway, passing everyone with ease. He drove fast, secure.. way more powerful than he'd normally do.. For rafael watched the man's precision.. Just knowing this could be huge. 'I knew it..' He thought, smirking as he wanted to make sure Vernon would no longer be restricted..
This was getting far too interesting for him to let go off.. In fact, rafael wanted to invest into this now.. Not only to totally make his previous enemy go crazy.. But he felt like he connected to vernon in a special way.. Seeing what this man liked and what not..
'You've been held back far too long.. Its time to make that worse' Rafael thought as he watched Vernon just drive without a single error, knowing exactly how to control his own car, the power a lamborghini has.. The noise was soothing to the both of them. "You did that well.. standing up.." "Thats what he deserved". Vernon was now speaking back to Rafael without any questions.. Matching with someone like that was an one in a million for the younger man. As Rafael told Vernon where to drive, they ended up at a higher placed penthouse up at a mountain, where a party was ongoing. Driving towards the entrance, Vernon perfectly parked while letting the engine run.. "I was wondering when my mutual would arrive in this matter." "What matter.." "Lambo and ferrari's look great together, especially if that individual might not be too much of an enemy of mine. No one dares to drive with the power of a car like this, except for very few" Rafael said as Vernon sat a little more wide in his own seat, snorting. "that just a bad excuse, a weakness." He said, as Rafael laughed low. "thats what i've been saying.. But it might as well mean the right one is the only one able to tackle that in this sport" He said rather forward, making Vernon turn to the man slowly with his head. "You're having a lot of words about something or someone you've just met a few minutes ago." "i've met thousands of people.. I can see who are meant to be on those tracks." Rafael said as he leaned a little closer on his side. "It would be nice to have you on board, see how far you can go.. So very few people have good taste here.. Its almost been working on my nerves". Vernon raised an eyebrow as he listened closely, not looking disgusted when Rafael made himself completely comfortable in the car. "I normally dont really do this, but I like to make this exception." he suddenly said out of context, making Vernon frown.
"you want to make yourself sound special..?". A silent laughter left the more experienced driver.. Noticing Vernon really has that brat like behavior but stayed monotone on some moments.. "Admit it.. you feel good right.. thats the feel you're supposed to feel. Driving over these roads like you're the king, or prince, whatever it is that you prefer.." Rafael said as Vernon just watched the man.. "We should do this more often. Why dont we keep in contact, without daddy dearest interupting..." Rafael said as he smirked, taking his phone as he reached out for vernon's, exchanging their phone numbers. "After all.. I owe you one, for bringing me here, how else would I be able to reach you" Rafael said as he noticed Vernon taking the man's phone and putting his number in.. Having a feeling he was picky about it, but so was himself. "I dont mind sharing info either.. So feel free to text whenever you feel like. For all kinds of purposes. I have nothing to hide" the older man said as Vernon looked at the man's chest and up at his face. "I can see that" Vernon said bluntly as his stern face kept being on there.. Making rafael surely more and more interested. "and not many take it, even if i'm honest.. But I have a feeling you might like to." "what makes you say that.." Vernon asked as Rafael took his phone back, seeing the name in there.. Handing vernon's phone into his hand. "i feel like the younger groups are making it challenging for us again, which can be seen as good.. or bad, depends on how you handle it. I dare everyone to try and challenge me. I know you have it in you.. daddy dearest just, did the exact opposite of what he should do." Rafael said as Vernon listened, raising his head a bit.. While he'd look rafael in the eyes now. "you have a power. I've felt it. control that anger rightfully so.. and put it in one focus.. It might be controlled mayhem.. but it'll make you so much stronger, without loosing your own.. Special touch, that i'd like to see" "Almost sounds like you're giving me advice.. why would you help me, if that means sooner or later you might have a new racer to deal with" Vernon said rather forward, feeling his ego was filled now.. "I like your thinking. Alot.. It reminds me when I was just starting.. but most importantly." Rafael said as he leaned closely, making his words more impactful than anything.
"I like to see.. if the son of the mccoy has its own fuel, His own legacy.. His own style, because I like to believe he does.. far more stronger than what your daddy ever did. Make him seem like a joke compared to you. You need your own voice, you got plenty of it, I can tell.. But you'll have to use it. There are trials ongoing for the next couple of days. You should consider" "If you hadnt paid attention yet. I've tried for a while.. But some snake took my spot" Vernon said as Rafael just leaned more close, pressing one finger on the part between them in the car. "Then make the snake bite himself.. Step on it. By all means, make it regret he did that, since he'll have to deal with a menace soon. Unlike him, you'll have actual support. true support, from the inside out.. and it'll bite him in the ass." Rafael said as vernon looked at the man's hand, before back up to him. "not many seem to like you.. I remember now." "thats because they know it can get dangerous, nothing frightens me.. But I might not be alone on that regard". Rafael was giving the exact right words to the younger man.. making him hungry for so much more. "I'll come and watch, if you get that far.." Rafael said as he smirked before getting out of Vernon's car.. making the man process so much in so few time.. Ending up stepping out as well.. "Answer me this.. Why would you give me advice at all. I asked before. But why. Truly." Vernon said with narrowed eyes as his voice had lowered. as Rafael looked up at the slightly taller man.. Watching his apparance. "Maybe that way i'll finally have a worthy opponent.. making my job a whole lot more fun." he said as Vernon watched the man with a slightly tilted head.. He could see it.. He just broke a chain that couldnt be undone, but it was time it did. "like said, its difficult to find someone.. that knows what good taste is.." Rafael said as he looked up and down at the man, nodding at him once as a thank you before he slowly left inside, making Vernon watch him for a while before he got back into his car.. Feeling his blood boil in some way, in the right way... Being more focused than ever on making it out of those trials.. Into that real game. the man made vernon's mind just switch, the final push it needed to be serious.. that could not be undone.
Rafael watched the lamborghini start loud and drive off with greater speed than ever before.. "I guess you're good for one thing Carlos." He said, smirking filthy..
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