raspberryssoulmate · 1 month
Siffrin is my comfort character sooo of course I turned them into a cat ! Might make a ref sheet maybe but I dunno, just wanted to show the silly lil guy !
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+ transparent & traditional versions listed too ! :D
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raspberryssoulmate · 1 month
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Hello !! Welcome to my get to know me! Or more commonly known as an introduction!
» Some things about me
★ I am a minor ! [ 15-16 ]
★ An artist! (if I ever do post it maybee)
★ A questioning osdd 1b system!
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>> My interests / fandom
★ I have an interest in music, art, and
★ I play ponytown !! If you want to with me, let me know !!
★ My Fandoms are...
Mcyt [ life series mainly ] / Minecraft ((heavy dl!pearl lover ! ))
Chonny jash / will wood / the crane wives
- Omori
- Undertale yellow! + Aus! (( not a big fan of the og game admittedly.. sorry! ))
- The magnus archives (it is way too long for me personally to ever listen, but I enjoy none the less)
- In stars and time!
- Rainworld!
- obligatory statement here but I do
sometimes pick things up and then loose interest out of nowhere soo yeah!
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Simply pural is Sweetberry-collective + my other socals are there so feel free to friend me !!
Other than that, hope you had fun peeking at this, if we have any common interests don't hesitate to contact me !! ( do be mindful that I don't understand tumblr easily though!)
- bye bye !!
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