#raulmendes smut
brianc521 · 5 years
Teakwood | Raul Mendes
This is based off a story a customer told me at work today. Shitty but it’s something. Enjoy!
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It wasn’t very often that you drove Raul around. He lived on riding his bike, that or driving his new Tesla. But as luck would have it as he was in the middle of fixing his bike, his Tesla had an issue with an update so both forms of his transportation were currently unavailable. 
He thought it was sweet when you piped up and offered to be his personal UBER when he complained about the Tesla during dinner. 
“No Babygirl, I can actually UBER.” He shook his head, taking your hand in your lap, threading your fingers together.
“But I wanna drive you. I don’t want you wasting your money when I could just pick you up from work and stuff.” You pouted. 
“I don’t wanna inconvenience you.” 
“You aren’t! I’m offering.” 
He gave you a look and then looked back to Shawn and Peter who were sitting across from the both of you at the table. 
“Bro if she’s offering take it. You’ll rack up an UBER bill if you don’t.” Peter shrugged, digging into his salad.
“Are you sure Baby?” 
“Please?” You whined, giving him your puppy dog eyes that you know he can’t say no to.
“Okay, if you want. I’d love to ride with you.”
It’s how you ended up waiting in the hospital parking garage for over an hour. You were wishing you had brought a book with you, and you would have if you’d known that you’d be waiting this long. 
Just as you were about to buy one through your Kindle app your passenger door opened and a big lengthy boy slipped into the seat.
“Hi Baby.” Raul breathed out. He smelt freshly showered, and of hospital cleaner. “Sorry I’m so late, I had a patient who tried to flat line on me as I was leaving. But she’s good, she’s stable and Ramirez is with her all night.” He said closing the door and buckling up.
“Well I was gonna say something about staying late but then you went and melted my heart by telling me you saved a little girls life so like, can I buy you dinner Superhero?” 
He laughed, shaking his head as he leaned over and kissed you. “No but I can buy you dinner for waiting so long. I’m sorry Baby.”
“Stop apologizing I kept myself busy.” 
“That sounds dirty.” He grins, wiggling his eyebrows.
“And to think you were just surrounded by little kids being the coolest Doctor they’ll ever have.” You teased, pulling out of the parking garage. 
It was then that he noticed it. Your car smelt different. It smelt of man, of a mans cologne. A man’s cologne that wasn’t his. His eyes went dark, his brows furrowed and he took a deep breath to get the full smell.
He looked to you and his heart sunk a little bit. Why did your car smell of another man’s cologne?
iMessage to SPRM: Y/n’s car smells of a guy
iMessage from P: Well you’re in it so????
iMessage from S: What guy? You’re a guy
iMessage to SPRM: Not me dumbfucks! Her car smells of another guy’s cologne.
iMessage from P: did she actually start UBERing?
Raul looked up and out your window and didn’t notice the sticker. “Did you start UBERing Baby?” 
You looked over in confusion. “No? Unless you count you.” 
“Nothing, Pete said something.”
“You boys are weird.” You laugh. 
iMessage to SPRM: She’s not UBERing
iMessage from S: Maybe just fucking ask her? 
iMessage from P: lyft?
Raul rolled his eyes at his brothers responses and put his phone away. Trying to clear his mind of what was currently running through it he turned towards you.
“What’d you do today Baby?” 
“Well after I dropped you off this morning, I got myself some breakfast and then went shopping for a bit. I bought some stuff at the fragrance store we like, and then found some cute stuff at Victoria Secret.” 
His eyes flashed when you brought up Victoria Secret. “Why’d you go there?”
“I wanted some new panties and they were having a sale.” 
“Why were they having a sale? Because that’s how you bring in customers.” You laughed at yourself.
“No why did you want new ones?”
“Because it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any and a few of mine have been ripped.” 
“What?” He breathed out. 
All his worries were coursing through his brain and he couldn’t keep his thoughts straight. Which is why he wasn’t picking up on your subtle comments of when he ripped your black lace pair of panties to shreds the other night.
“Yeah.” You look over at him, winking. 
“Holy shit.” He blurts out, word vomit spewing before he could stop it. “Are you cheating on me?”
“What the hell?” You swerve a bit, looking over at him and then making a quick turn into a McDonalds parking lot. “What the fuck Raul! Why would you ask me that?” 
“It smells like dude in here!” 
You laugh, you bust up laughing and lose it completely. “You’re such a fucking asshole.”
“Oh my god.” 
“It’s my car freshener. You literally almost made me drive off the fucking road. Fuck you!” You hit his arm playfully.
You point to the new gold vent clip that holds a Mahogany Teakwood air scent. He pulls the clip out of the vent and brings it to his nose to take a whiff. When he smells the scent he practically melts in the seat. 
“Thank fucking god.” 
“You really think I would cheat on you?”
“No!” He looks over with wide eyes. “No I don’t think that. But when I got in and it smelt like a dude, I-I I didn’t know what to think. And the boys were all like maybe she’s UBERing for real but like it scared me.” 
“That’s why you asked.” You laugh harder. “Baby you just have to ask me. Blurting ‘are you cheating on me’ wasn’t the best way to ask though.” 
“I’m sorry.” He covers his face with his hands. “It’s been such a long day and I can’t think straight.” 
“Look at me.” You giggle, pulling his chin towards you. “I love you.” You smile, planting your lips on his. Giving him a good ole fashion smooch that makes his toes curl. 
“Mm, you taste good. New chapstick?” He asks licking his lips.
“Yeah Vanilla Mint.” 
“I like it.” He nods.
“Good because it was 2 for $5 so I got you one too.” 
“Don’t need it, I got mine right here.” He grins kissing you again and pulling back to lick his lips once more.
“Let’s get food and then get you home to bed. You need to rest.” 
He nods and follows you out of the car and into the McDonald’s. Not his favorite place to go for a quick meal, but you’re already there and he’s so hungry at this point he doesn’t care.
While waiting in line he holds you from behind, kissing behind your ear. 
“I’m sorry Babygirl.” 
“For what?”
“For making you wait so long to pick me up and then for accusing you of cheating. That wasn’t okay. I’m sorry, I’ll work on not jumping to conclusions. On asking for information before blurting hurtful words.”
“I’m not hurt Raul.” You interlock your fingers with his. 
“You’re not?” 
“No, I probably would have done the same thing. It’s just our personalities getting the better of us. But I appreciate you saying you’ll work on it. And I’ll work on it too, because the lord knows I jump to conclusions all the time.” 
“So we’re okay.” 
“Yes we’re okay. If we weren’t I would have told you.” 
“Okay, I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
“And I’m getting you a McFlurry and a pie.” He nods.
“You’re the love of my life.” 
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brianc521 · 4 years
Angst where Karen and everyone doesn’t like the gf and think she’s a gold digger. But like treats her really bad secretly until one day Shawn sees it
Changed it to Raul bc I thought he’d be cuter in a protective role
Approval | Raul Mendes
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**It started off as something you could handle. Snide comments under her breath, nasty glares from across the kitchen. It bothered you of course, but Raul and Karen are so close and you didn’t want to speak up about it.
Mainly because you didn’t know how that conversation would go. Of course he’d side with his Mother, but you didn’t want to lose him in the process. 
It slowly turned into telling Raul there wasn’t enough invites to a cousins wedding, but then the day of finding out from the bride that she invited you specifically when she’d told Aunt Karen. 
From then it went to telling Raul there wasn’t enough seats at holiday meals, and the one time he said he wasn’t going because he was going to your families with you, she told him he had to be there for a big announcement. That announcement was simply that Shawn was going on a summer festival tour, that he already knew about.
This was starting to turn into something that you couldn’t take anymore. It really hurt you deep inside, and the idea of not being liked by his family totally tore you apart. 
“Come on Baby please?” He begged, tugging on your hand. “I want you there.” 
“Raul she said there wasn’t enough seats.” 
“Then sit in my lap.” He shrugs, like that was the easiest fix. 
You scoff, rolling back onto your side on his couch, looking at his phone. “Right because she’d just love that.” You muttered.
“What was that?” He asks. 
You look up at him with a wobbly lip, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Baby! What’s wrong?” He cried scooting down the couch to pull you on his lap.
“Raul, why doesn’t your mom like me?” 
“What? Of course she likes you.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to get out of his hold.
“Why do you think Mum doesn’t like you?”
“How can you not tell?” You spit out, “She tells you every week that there’s not gonna be enough seats at the table for family dinner so make sure you come alone. But every week you come home and I ask who was there and you say ‘Peter and his girlfriend, Aaliyah and her boyfriend, Shawn and Brian, and Mum and Dad’“ You mock his little accent. 
His eyes widen a little and he reaches for your hand threading your fingers together. 
“So tell me, why does all of your siblings get to take their significant others or best friends but I can’t come?” You ask, “Your Mom’s table seats 12, I would make 10.” 
Raul doesn’t know what to say, he just sits and thinks about your questions. 
“Then come tonight.” He looks at you. “Come to dinner, I’ll make a spot right next to me if she has something to say, which she won’t. Let me prove to you that she does like you.” 
That’s how you find yourself seated next to Raul at family dinner. Mid conversation with Aaliyah, catching up on her hockey game from last week. Shawn’s laughing at something with Peter. Raul’s hand sliding up and down your leg in a calming matter.
“Here Mum, I’ll help.” He jumps up, planting a sweet kiss to your head before helping grab dishes and going into the kitchen, 
“So Y/n, where have you been? We’ve missed you around here.” Peter speaks up, pulling you and Aaliyah out of your own girl world.
“Oh, um,” You look up, catching Karen’s eye as she walks back into the dining room. She shoots you a look and you quickly look down. 
Shawn catches the interaction and leans forward. “Everything okay Mum?” 
“Mhm, just trying to figure out how to do all the dishes, there was an extra guest I wasn’t expecting.” 
Shawn looks around, you being the only one who could fit as that extra guest. “Why wouldn’t you expect Y/n?” 
“Family dinners are for family.” She says, taking Manny’s plate. 
“Y/n is family.” Peter says, watching Raul tip toe to the doorway. Hiding from both you and his Mother. He’s watching you, face reading anger in the way that you’re wringing your hands together, head looking down into your lap. That’s your tell tale way of trying not to cry. 
“No, she’s not.” Karen shakes her head at her sons. 
“We bring our boyfriends or girlfriends all the time Mum?” Aaliyah speaks up now. “Heck, Brian, Matt and Ian have been to more family dinners than I have in the past two years.” 
“They’re family, they’re forever.” 
“Honey.” Manny speaks up. 
“She’s not. Raul will come to his sense soon.” Karen nods, turning around and gasping when she finds Raul staring her down. 
“Yeah I will.” He nods, inhaling deeply, nostrils flaring. 
The sound of his words hit you deep in your chest, and you can’t help the tear that drops. You knew this is what it was going to come down too. And he’d side with her. 
“Come here Baby, let’s go home. I don’t want you around this, it’s untruthful.” His jaw clenches, hand reaching out for you. 
You look up in shock, and he makes a grabby hand at you. You stumble out of your seat, walking around Karen timidly and sighing when he tugs you into his chest. 
“You’re making a mistake Raul.” Karen raises an eyebrow at him.
“No Mum, you’re making a mistake. Just because I didn’t end up with Leah like you thought I should have doesn’t mean you have to terrorize my girlfriend. Because let me make this clear for you Mum, she is forever. I promise you that. Until you can come to terms with that, and accept that she’ll be your daughter-in-law, she’ll have your grand-babies then don’t talk to me. I don’t want to speak to you or see you.” He takes one last deep breath and looks down at you. 
You look up at him and all he can see is hurt and pain in your eyes. He takes your hand, tugging you with him to the motorcycle. He hands you your helmet and offers a hand for you to hold while you swing a leg over. 
You hold him tight, tears still flowing. 
When you open your eyes again you’re sitting in a Tims drive thru. 
“I’m sorry.” He hangs his head, staring down at your hands locked on his stomach.
“It’s okay, I understand.” You hiccup.
He turns quickly, ripping his helmet off. He sets it down on the ledge behind you, reaching up and taking yours off as well. 
“What do you understand exactly?” He asks.
“Why you’re breaking up with me.”
“What in the fuck gave you the idea that I was breaking up with you?” 
“I mean, she’s your Mom Raul. She doesn’t like me, for some reason.”
“Okay and?” He tilts his head to the side.
“She’s your Mom?”
“Yeah she is, but that doesn’t mean I have to listen to everything she thinks is right for me. It’s my life, I have to live it. I’m in love with you, and I want to live my life with you. I wasn’t lying back there. I meant it when I said you’re forever. She will be your mother-in-law one day. You will have her grand-babies. I’m not breaking up with you Baby. If anything I’m taking our relationship to the next step because I’m promising our future.” 
“Yeah Baby. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you told me before we left. You’re everything to me, I don’t care who thinks we shouldn’t be together. They aren’t us. They don’t know us, they don’t know our relationship. I’ve never been this happy in my life. You make me happy.” 
“You make me happy too.” You smile. 
“Please stop crying.” He whines, wiping your cheeks again. “She’s not worth your tears Baby.” 
You both look up when a car pulls up next to you. Shawn, Peter and Aaliyah come tumbling out walking up to you guys. 
“What?” You look at them.
“We don’t know why she’s being that way, but Y/n we love you. You’re all we could ever ask for Raul. Know you have us if you need anything.” Shawn smiles, nudging Raul’s shoulder.
“No come on, we didn’t have dessert, and we didn’t finish our conversation.” Aaliyah points at you. 
“See Beautiful.” Raul smiles, looking back at you. “They see what I see. That’s all that matters.” 
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brianc521 · 4 years
Telling My Best Friend I Love Them | Raul Mendes
Romanced By Tik Tok
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You were freaking out. This wasn’t really how you ever pictured this going down, you really didn’t ever plan on telling him. It’s just a silly crush, or at least that’s what your Mom said when you were a kid. 
Your family moved in next door to the Mendes family when you were 7. It was day two of moving in that you met the boys. Shawn, Peter, and Raul were the same age as you, and the first triplets you’d ever met. Shawn was outgoing, very loud and always wanting to play house with you insisting on you being the wife and he being the husband. 
Peter was quiet, he liked to play with your hair and help you set up new arrangements in your barbie houses. 
Raul was mean, he never spoke to you and when he did it was to tell you how dumb your dolls were or how he didn’t like your shirt that day. You never spoke much, mainly because he made you cry more than he ever made you laugh. At least that was until 7th grade.
One day you came home and went out to your treehouse after school and found Raul sitting in the corner with his gameboy. He told you all about how Shawn has a girlfriend, and how he and Peter were fighting. He felt alone, and quite honestly so did you. Shawn was dating your best friend and Peter no longer really hung out with you. So you both did what any other 13 year olds did, you hung out together. 
That’s where it really all started, from then on no one could separate the two of you. Raul was your boy, and you were his girl. It’s just the way things were. 
He was more your boy than you lead on though. You had the biggest crush on him. He kept his hair long on top, short on the sides, he always had a new scar from his latest adventure that was always a mystery to you. He cared, showed you his soft side. 
He had started dating once you hit 15 and high school opened up his world to what life could be. You lost him for a moment there when the girls had his attention. Suddenly he stopped sitting with you at lunch and walking with you to each class. It was like you were no longer important to him. 
That was until Brian started showing some interest. You started sitting next to Brian in class, and sharing your jello cups with him. One day he had his arm around you, and the next he was kissing your cheek. Raul was jealous, you were his girl. 
He apologized, begged for your forgiveness, and since then has never made you feel anything less than his most important person. 
You’re freaking out that today would change that. You’re not sure if he feels the same, but you’re sure you’re in love with him. Have been since you were 13 and you found him in your treehouse. 
Why are you freaking out? Well you’ve decided to tell him today. In the most dumb way possible, but it’s the only thing you can think of. Tik Tok.
“Y/N! I’m here!” Raul yelled, closing the door to your apartment. “I brought food!”
You met him in the kitchen, glancing back at your phone you had set up on the counter behind the fruit basket. He looked over at you over his shoulder, smiling at the sight of you in his sweatshirt. 
“Nice sweatshirt, where’d you get it?” He teased. 
“This guy I know.” You shrugged, looking at your feet. 
Raul studied you for a moment, watching as you kept your gaze on the floor, hands wringing. He set the plates he was pulling out of the cabinet on the counter turning to face you. 
“Hey,” He whispered, using his pointer finger and thumb to pull your chin up. “What’s up Beautiful?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. 
You gave him a sad smile, it was moments like this that you were for sure he had feelings too. Til he turned around talking about a new girl he met at the bar. 
“I need to tell you something.” You whispered.
“What is it?”
“I’m scared.” You whine, reaching forward and clutching his shirt in your hands. He falls into your tug easily, stepping closer. 
“You’re scared of me? Did I do something?” He asks softly, eyes flashing with hurt. 
“No I’m not scared of you, I’m scared of how you’ll react.” 
He steps back, confusion all over his face. “You’re scared of me?” His ghostly voice asks. 
It’s true, he’s a full blown bad boy now. He’s got tattoos, a lip piercing, a motorcycle and ripped t-shirts. He gets into a lot of bar fights, resulting in you cleaning his face more nights than not, but he’s never been aggressive towards you. 
“No, Raul that’s not what I mean.” 
“Then what do you mean?” He asks, shaking his head. 
“I mean I’m in love with you.” You blurt. 
Your eyes go wide as his body freezes. You hold your breath, hoping to god that you didn’t actually just blurt that out. 
Before you know it his hands are cupping your cheeks and he’s kissing you deeply. You squeak when your back hits the edge of the counter. He squats down enough to hoist you up onto the counter. Your legs wrap around his waist, ankles crossing and resting on his back. 
“You mean it?” He asks breathlessly, pulling back just enough to where your foreheads rest together. 
“Yeah, Raul I’ve been in love with you since I found you in my treehouse asking to be my friend.” You admit, nudging your nose with his. 
He smiles, and it’s a big one. One of your favorite smiles of his, the one’s only you get to see. It breaks out across his whole face. His eyes get squinty, his cheeks go red, his nose scrunches a little. 
“I think I’ve been in love with you since Shawn made me play house and let me be the husband so he could be the rockstar and you kissed me when you left for work and drove off in your Barbie jeep.” He grins, recalling a memory from when you were 8. 
He leans back in, capturing your lips in the most steamy kiss you think you’ve ever had. You gasp when he squeezes your thigh in his rough hand, and he takes that has an advantage to slip his tongue into your mouth, tasting you. 
“You taste good.” He mutters, pulling you closer so you’re flush up against his body. “Explain why you were scared to tell me.” He mumbles, kissing a line down from your jaw to your neck.
“I was scared of what this would do to our friendship. I didn’t know if you felt the same way and if you didn’t how you would then react.” 
“How could you not know?”
“Well there’s always some girl from the bar you’re talking about, and-”
“When we go to the bar, who am I always with?” 
“Exactly, so what other girl from the bar could there be?” He leans back, hands braced on either side of your legs.
“I don’t know if you go to the bar without me or not.” You point out, crossing your arms. 
“We talk, what? Every minute of the day? Who else could there be?” He gives you a smug smile.
“I just, I didn’t think you’d like me back.” You shrug, looking down and playing with the hem of his shirt. 
“Guess what.” He whispers, kissing your nose. “I love you back.” He smiles, planting kisses all over your face. 
“Stop, Raul, stop.” You giggle, pushing him away. 
“Okay let's eat.” He says turning back to the food. 
You jump down and rush for your phone, smiling at the whole recording. 
“What’s that?” He looks over at your phone, watching the screen where he’s kissing you.
“I Tik Tok’d it.” 
“You what?” He asks. “What’s Tik Tok?”
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brianc521 · 4 years
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Summary: You all loved watching Shawn’s tour pranks. Now watch Raul and the Tik Tok’s his girlfriend makes! 
Telling My Best friend I Love Them 
Holding Her Hand
Look At My...
Bro ~ Welcome to Youtube! ~ 
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