soup-scope · 10 months
because i’m autistic, i hc every character i see as autistic. it’s my own personal form of therapy
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soup-scope · 1 year
tiktok users driving me insane pt.2 ig
so i’ve seen this one take that’s been clogging up my feed on tiktok lately so imma expose my thoughts about it here because i care about my safety
“erik has a problem with lazy writing because his problematic characters are still alive”
characters like alexis, kody, and quinn^^
what i think these people doing fully understand about Erik’s job, is that it’s a JOB. he has to keep this series going as long as possible or else he will not be getting *MONEY* from it. does it suck that he’s going to have to drag plotlines a bit? yes. but is it also lazy writing? no.
if he solved the quinn problem next fucking week, that could’ve been months of income lost from videos like talking about quinn or planning what to do with him in general.
there’s a reason why we haven’t gotten a wedding video from David yet. As much as Erik is a content creator and writing, he’s also a person who needs an INCOME.
and the “problematic characters” (idk why that’s in quotes the characters are horrible people lmao) that he keeps alive, are for GOOD REASON. what kind of story doesn’t have “villains”/characters with very questionable morals. do they want him to immediately kill those characters and then have no conflict for the rest of the series? i understand a good portion of the redacted fandom REALLY don’t like the audios with confrontations/angst in them, but i believe in order to keep his story engaging to others, you HAVE to have conflict of a sort, otherwise there’s only so many videos that can be made.
i understand why people are uncomfortable with the fact that *those* characters are still alive/faced not as severe consequences. and all i have to say is “be patient”. they will get what’s coming to them in due time. it sucks that we have to wait for that to happen, but erik also has like 30+ storylines going on at the same time. he will make his way to those *specific* ones when he will
i think i’m just annoyed at people who constantly expect content creators to curate to *THEIR* needs, when someone is just posting his lil stories and we get a front row seat to him posting them. he’s not making the stories *JUST* for us yall.
ok long ass rant over 👍👍 tik tok redactedverse makes me stressed 😭
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soup-scope · 10 months
if i had a dollar for every time someone made a very vague post insulting me. id have $4
like if ur gonna be a cunt on the internet the least u can do is @ me 😭😭
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soup-scope · 10 months
currently in hospital
having a time
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soup-scope · 10 months
trying to design clothes when i dress like adam sandler 99% of the time
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soup-scope · 1 year
tik tok being annoying pt.3
it feels like whenever erik releases ANY content, people on that hellsite RUSH to paint him as this horrible and lazy writer
recently saw a vid complaint about the released timeline and how erik just “gave away all the answers” as if it wasnt so heavily implied it was practically being stapled to our foreheads
with sunshine, elliot, closeknit, and everything with regulus
with a wonderful creation called critical thinking/connecting the dots while you listen to the videos, it isn’t some “big conspiracy” that needed to be solved. it was just confirmation at that point
not to mention, demonic history lore is revealed in the imperium too. like even in vegas audios we get crumbs. like. it’s literally everywhere in ANY video that has to do with demons.
this person was also like incredibly pissed that everything wasn’t released in tidbits? like? you want all this information to spam out over like 20 videos or smth? instead of it just straight up being confirmed. especially since it’s information we wouldn’t be able to learn from a listeners POV.
i honestly loved how erik revealed the tidbits with alexis and williams past. because. they’re not gonna get their own listeners. which are the only people i would imagine they’d want to share their personal history with
alexis and william wouldn’t share their pasts with lovely or darlin. and sam and vincent sure as HELL wouldn’t expose their private information like that. (that’s also implying that alexis and william have TOLD sam and vincent their personal history. vincent maybe. but i doubt he’d tell lovely without express permission 😭😭 and he’d also have no reason to 💀💀)
the timeline is a way for erik to establish CANON WORLDBUILDING that we,as fans and listeners, can look back upon for future reference. and also get solid, unedited, and unbiased information that could’ve been altered from one of the boys.
and it’s not like EVERYTHING has been added. project meridian and aviors storyline aren’t included at the moment either because the timeline is STILL BEING ADDED UPON
also the person who made the video that pissed me off, kept doing the “millennial” zoom in their ‘apology vid’ and it kept distracting me. i fr pulled my phone away from my face whenever they did that bitch ass closeup like bro pls go away and draw ur eyebrows on thanks
ok. sigh of relief. that’s off my chest.
moral of my rant. please gain critical thinking skills. and i need to get off tiktok apparently before it ages me 30 years off pure stress alone
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soup-scope · 1 year
I think I’ve been in the comfortable part of this fandom for too long to not realize I was gonna have to put “proshippers DNI” in my bio 💀💀
I thought redacted was safe man 💀💀
ranting ish below the cut if y’all don’t wanna read this lol
I was literally considered a minor like half a year ago. God it sucks that I’ve actually interacted with some of the people defending this ish
Don’t chalk this up to “anti-ship” bullshit
I hate the “pro-ship” vs. “anti-ship” like I’m just a regular fucking person 💀💀
I think it’s gross to put fictional kids in adult situations. Especially if the creator of said character said he was uncomfortable with that character being portrayed in romantic/sexual relationships. When Erik says “ship what you want” Hes referring to his legal, of age, adult, characters. Like asher and David. Milo and lasko. Gavin and Damien. Hell, even the listeners lmao.
If y’all wanna sexuality an empathy demon so bad do it to regulus 😭🤞 he’s an actual grown man y’all
I just feel all nasty inside having to see that people I’ve positively interacted with think this is ok.
However, if you’re openly supporting this, you can’t be fucking shocked that people have a problem with this. Just close you’re fucking inbox and stop complaining about being “bullied.” There’s always a risk of backlash when you share your opinions on the internet and doubly so if your opinion has to deal with sexualizing minors. Fictional or not.
If you genuinely believe it’s ok to do this ish, pls unfollow/block me. I’m much better off not dealing with that gross ish.
This is the last time I’m going to talk about this on this blog. Moral of the story. Don’t be gross. That’s nasty. And grow thicker skin while ur at it. Ok rant over 👍👍
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soup-scope · 10 months
yeah i’m all good 👍👍
they think it was a stomach virus or smth
i was super dehydrated so it was fuckin with my kidneys but after some iv fluid i feel more like a person lmao. i’m staying overnight but i should be good to go home at 8am tomorrow or so 👍👍
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soup-scope · 9 months
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soup-scope · 10 months
hey if y’all weren’t aware, i’m currently a sophomore at art school. and my first week of school just finished up. so i’m gonna talk about it
a read more so y’all can ignore this if y’all want
so i’m a painting major and i’m gonna be taking a shit load of elective classes in illustration just so i can get an idea of how the industry is, understand what clients look for, all while getting a formal education in painting/painting techniques and that industry as well
so we have a set requirement of classes for a painting major to take, so i have to take an intro to painting course, an image and form class, and some liberal arts and i have a spare space for an elective class if i feel like it
so for my school started wednesday and that’s when my image and form class is. and i got SO NERVOUS i showed up 30 minutes early in a dark ass classroom 😭😭 it did go well tho we got our first assignment (it’s split into parts and i’ll go into detail about those later)
so first half of class was just going over the syllabus and expectations for the course. and then we did our first reading assignment. we talked about it as a class and then had a 20 minute break. i raided the schools snack store with a buddy of mine.
so. if y’all weren’t aware. the weather were i live is HORRIBLE rn. my hometown is currently 60% out of power rn. so. it was ROUGH wednesday as well. and my teacher wanted us to go on a lil field trip. so there was a little group that she was leading to walk to a nearby museum. that my buddy and i missed because we were too busy eating. so we busted ass in the pouring rain for 10 minutes to get to this museum and we made it.
so basically, our assignment in my image and form class is to try and create an exact replica of a modern or contemporary piece of art that was in that museum. this is the piece that i chose to replicate
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it’s oil paint (which i’ve never used before) so wish me luck yall. we have three weeks to do the assignment. our time in class is just gonna be working on this (i have 5 hour classes so i’ll have plenty of time) but our assignment for this week is just to write a two page description of the piece that we chose and do a lil reading assignment
so thursdays (and tuesday’s) are my liberal arts days. so i have an early morning class in themed and movements in art history and then i have a biological anthropology class in the late afternoon. i have like 7 hours between my classes which is VERY NICE cause i can use it for homework (or naps).
and today i had my fundamentals of illustration class where we basically went over the syllabus, did some introductions, and got assigned our first assignment!! it’s not gonna be SUPER rough. but i won’t be able to start it until monday/tuesday cause i’m sick rn💔💔
my monday class is my intro to painting class (which i haven’t yet taken) so i’m mega excited to get my own little studio space, get my own little place to decorate and work. the downside is that i’m gonna have to spend so much money on paint/oil paint 💀💀💀 (hence me getting a second job during the week 🫡🫡)
anyways. wish me luck yall. i’ll still try to doodle and participate in the fandom but rn i might be a lil ghosty until a three day weekend hits or smth 😭😭
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soup-scope · 10 months
tummy still hurt
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soup-scope · 1 year
oh my god did i start the trend of people talking about annoying tik tok people on here 😭😭🙏 IM SORRY YALL I WAS JUST TIRED OF ERIK SLANDER 😭🙏🙏🙏
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soup-scope · 1 year
i don’t wanna clog up the fandom tag with complaining about said fandom so imma just use like a #rant tag on all my rants now!!
im pretty sure you’re able to block tags on certain creators blogs?? (<<doesn’t know how tumblr works only the bare minimum to exist on this hellscape) so if you don’t wanna see any of that pls block the tag itself!!!
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soup-scope · 3 months
i just have to get through finals and then i’m all yours yall
i gotta go to a fundraiser tomorrow i’m going to die
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