#really loved bomberman land touch 2 on the ds and would be down for more of that
a9saga · 1 year
Was talking to a tutoring coworker about how I think I wanna reward myself with a switch after graduation, cause I haven't played zelda since middle school on my ds and I fuckin miss some of those Nintendo games, and he told me "I can sell you my switch" with a grin on his face, and oh boy does that sound appealing.
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amplifiedgames · 7 years
The Return of Bomberman
I’d talk about the Switch, but you’d have to live under a rock to not have heard everything by now... my favorite takeaway is the announcement of Super Bomberman R.  
This is the first major console release since Bomberman Generation & Bomberman Jetters in 2002.  There have been some DS titles (Bomberman Land / Touch), ports of older games, and many arcade / WiiWare / DSiWare games that came out that only had the multiplayer mode(s).  
I was just playing Super Bomberman 2 on the SNES today, and I realized that there have been so many Bomberman games that have had unique elements that haven’t been repeated on any games after them.  For example, SBM2 let you change the color of your Bomber... there were many MANY colors to choose from... and the bombs and their fire would have that color as well.  Most of the stages had these gimmicks... not the type that make you want to quit, but gimmicks that made for some serious strategies.  For example, you can push other players on one level, so you really need to be careful of bomb placement.  On another level you can JUMP (this is the only game that you can do that in besides the single player game Bomberman Hero), so trapping players is virtually impossible.  You need to worry more about timing.  
Bomberman 64 (and its sequel) were the only games to have 3D multiplayer gameplay.  And it also introduced (at least on Nintendo) having to hunt down custom parts to dress up your Bomber however you liked.  You could throw other players off of the levels, the ghost mechanic was interesting... I just loved it.  
Super Bomberman R has a lot to live up to, and I hope it’s a nice addition to the massive library of Bomberman games that exist.  I was surprised to see that Konami has taken over the character.  I know Hudson no longer exists, so I just assumed Bomberman was dead.  Here’s to hoping it’s epic!
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